People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 192: Entering the Research Institute

"Be careful, follow me closely!" Uchiha Mikoto carefully led the way in front, and asked: "Ningyuan, did you find anything?"

"No!" Ningyuan shook his head, but based on this route and the content of the mission, he had confirmed the goal of this mission.

Orochimaru's research base!

"Are we going to abandon Orochimaru?" Ningyuan frowned: "Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that his position as Hokage was threatened, so he came to eliminate competitors in advance?"

❻❾Book Bar

It's not that Ningyuan can read minds, but that Sarutobi Hiruzen in the original work did this.

After Minato Namikaze died, Orochimaru became the most suitable candidate for the fifth generation Hokage.

So Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't come early or late, and broke into Orochimaru's research base at this time, and brought a group of ninjas to see the miserable situation of the research base.

Orochimaru defected, Jiraiya and Tsunade were not at home, and Sarutobi Hiruzen returned to the position, which was natural.

Ningyuan thought of the mission gold case that shocked Konoha Village a few days ago.

Ning Yuan actually knew about this case all along, but he didn't take it seriously.

After all, who doesn't know about the corruption between Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo!

And Ning Yuan knew that Sarutobi Hiruzen stepped down because of his poor command during the Third World War, so he formed a thinking inertia.

That is: corruption will not affect Sarutobi Hiruzen's status, and Sarutobi Hiruzen will not step down before the end of the Third World War.

This thinking inertia is so terrible that Ning Yuan's IQ has been rising again and again, but he has never thought of changing it, and he is still thinking about confronting Sarutobi Hiruzen after the Third World War!

Even though he has killed Danzo, he still hasn't changed this plan.

This may be the so-called: A wise man will make mistakes even if he makes a thousand plans.

Ning Yuan has always known about the problem of thinking inertia, and the reason why he wants to popularize education and develop science is also because of the problem of thinking inertia.

No matter how smart a person is, as long as he is not omniscient and omnipotent, there will always be unexpected places, so he needs to rely on the wisdom of the group.

"It's okay for Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo to embezzle. The main reason is that no one is investigating. But now I have promoted the internal reform of the Uchiha clan and set up a new economic investigation department. For their share, they must keep an eye on the Hokage Office Building to investigate?"

This is not that the Uchiha clan is targeting Sarutobi Hiruzen. The main reason is that there is only one Hokage Office Building in the entire Konoha that is an official department. You can't just go to the commercial street to catch embezzlers.

Now the five people arrested are all surnamed Sarutobi. According to Sarutobi Hiruzen's character, he will definitely make a timely cut.

But even if he cuts off, will the relationship really be broken?

In any case, he can't escape the charge of not being strict with his subordinates and failing to discipline them.

In addition, the whereabouts of a large amount of funds are unknown. As long as the major ninja clans work together, Sarutobi Hiruzen's position as Hokage may really be unstable!

So, what should I do?

Although this disrupted Ning Yuan's plan, Ning Yuan has never been a rigid and dogmatic person. If the plan changes, he will adapt to the situation.

It is impossible to protect Sarutobi Hiruzen, but we can take the opportunity to push Orochimaru to the top.

If the original plan is followed, Sarutobi Hiruzen will have to lead Konoha to fight three wars.

This war caused Konoha's strength to be greatly damaged because of Sarutobi Hiruzen's blind command, and the key is that they did not get any benefits even if they won.

Sarutobi Hiruzen has problems, but the majority of Konoha ninjas are innocent!

If a Hokage is replaced and he commands this war, this war will definitely end earlier than in the original work, with less casualties and greater results.

It is not impossible to destroy the other four ninja villages in one battle!

Moreover, Sarutobi Hiruzen's resignation will not affect Ning Yuan's revenge. On the contrary, because there is no eye staring at him, Ning Yuan can show his strength openly.

Well, although there may be spies of the Otsutsuki clan on the earth, it is better to expose 1% of them.

I also want to replicate Madara's one-on-five!

"Let's do it!" Ning Yuan first connected with Yuhi Kurenai and told her his plan, then used paper escape to contact Orochimaru, Tsunade Hatake Sakumo, and led the elite to return to Konoha Village, and at the same time informed Minato to stabilize the situation on the front line to prevent the Sand Village from rioting during the Konoha internal turmoil.

For this purpose, some strength can be appropriately exposed.

Ten minutes later, Ning Yuan's eyes condensed: "Teacher, I found it!"

"What does it look like?" Mikoto was shocked and asked.

"2.4 kilometers ahead, there is a cave hidden deep underground. The landmark is a hollowed-out tree, which is very hidden!"

"Is there anyone in the cave?" Mikoto asked.

"Yes, four chakra auras, one of which is very large!"

"Very large?" Mikoto frowned: "How large is very large?"

"Bigger than you!"

"Hiss!" Mikoto took a breath of cold air, she is an elite jonin!

And the Uchiha clan has more chakra than ordinary people!

More chakra than hers, what does this mean?

Guaranteed to be an elite jonin!

"That should be it!" Mikoto immediately raised her hands and formed a seal, summoning a cat.

"Armed Ninja Police, call two squadrons over! Also notify the Hokage, we may have caught a big fish!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was afraid that the Uchiha clan and Orochimaru would collude, and Mikoto was also afraid that this was a trap for the Uchiha clan!

After the cat turned into a cloud of smoke and left, Mikoto looked at the curious Might Guy and explained: "This is the Ninja Cat Clan who has signed a contract with the Uchiha clan for generations. It can be used to pass messages. Do you want it?"

"Yes!" Might Guy nodded heavily.

"Sorry, even if you want it, I can't make the decision!" Mikoto smiled and shrugged.

"Poor Might Guy, she played him like a fool." Ning Yuan shook his head.

"So you two don't want it?" Mikoto asked again.

Why haven't I seen these two people show any shocked or surprised expressions!

Aren't cats cute?

Or do you have other summoning beasts?

But I haven't heard of any famous summoning beasts in the Hyuga clan!

"No need, we have one!" said Yuhi Kurenai.

"Oh?" Mikoto's eyes lit up: "Call it out and try?"

"This kind of place is not suitable!" said Yuhi Kurenai.

"That's true." Mikoto nodded and looked at Ning Yuan again: "Keep your eyes on that cave, and tell me if anyone comes out!"

"Okay!" Ning Yuan opened his Byakugan and locked onto the cave.

Not long after, he felt more than eighty chakras rushing over quickly.

Forty belonged to Uchiha, and forty belonged to Anbu.

There were others, including the Hokage, Hyuga Hiashi, Uchiha Fugaku, the chiefs of the three tribes of Ino-Shika-Chou, Kurama, Uzuki, Gekkou, and even Hatake Kakashi.

Soon, these nearly 100 people came near the four-man group.

Obviously, Sarutobi Hiruzen also changed his mind.

He felt that it was not convincing enough for only Mikoto and the other four to witness, so it would be better to call all the chiefs directly and nail Orochimaru to death on the spot!

The struggle for power has always been like this, either you die or I die!

"Is it the spy trace you found?" Sarutobi Hiruzen was wearing armor from the Warring States period, and he seemed to be ready for battle.

"Yes!" Mikoto nodded: "It's just ahead, but why are there so many people?"

"Konoha has been peaceful for too long, so long that there are spies so close to the village, but no one has noticed!" Sarutobi Hiruzen said righteously: "So I want all the clan leaders to witness this incident together, so that everyone knows that we are still in crisis. This world has never been peaceful!"

Mikoto nodded, she reluctantly believed it.

But Might Guy looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with admiration. As a civilian, he had few opportunities to see the Hokage. He had seen him twice in his life. The first time was at the opening ceremony, and the second time was when his father took him to ask the Hokage to let him graduate.

Now it's the third time.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't look at him, but looked at Ning Yuan, who had a pair of white eyes and wore a pair of glasses.

"Ning Yuan, your eyes..."

"I read too many books, a little nearsighted!" Ning Yuan adjusted his glasses and said lightly.

"Nonsense, how can the Byakugan be nearsighted!" Hyuga Hiashi behind him couldn't sit still. Do you know how much harm this sentence will bring to the Byakugan? As a family of pupil techniques, how can they be nearsighted?

"Maybe the clan leader hasn't read enough books, so he doesn't have such a feeling!" Ning Yuan laughed.

"Huh?" Hyuga Hiashi was stunned. What do you mean? You said I didn't read enough?

Feeling the mocking eyes coming from all around, Hyuga Hiashi raised his hand to teach this rebellious branch family child a lesson, or Sarutobi Hiruzen coughed: "Now, catching spies is important!"

"Yes!" Hyuga Hiashi nodded, but was thinking about how to educate this little brat when he returned.

Killing is definitely not allowed, so stimulate the bird in the cage and let him feel the pain!

Hyuga Ningyuan's father is not Hyuga Hiashi's brother, and Hyuga Hiashi has no feelings for Hyuga Ningyuan!

"Hiashi, take a look at the situation in the front base!"

"Yes!" Hiashi nodded, opened his Byakugan and scanned over, then said: "There are a total of four ninjas in the base, one of whom has extremely large chakra and is a bit cold, eh?"

His face changed.

"What's wrong?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked: "Did he find anything else?"

"This may be a misunderstanding." Hyuga Hiashi thought for a while and said: "The person with huge chakra is Orochimaru!"

Of course he knew Orochimaru's chakra, but compared to the previous coldness, there was a hint of warmth in Orochimaru's chakra now.

"Orochimaru?" Many clan leaders suddenly felt that they had made a wasted trip.

On the contrary, Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned even more tightly: "I don't remember Orochimaru ever reporting that there is a base in such a place!"

Ning Yuan was speechless. He didn't report it, so why was your task list written so clearly?

"Since we are here, let's go and take a look together!" Sarutobi Hiruzen said.

Others didn't have any opinions, anyway, they were free.

Hundreds of ninjas, either special jonin, jonin, or clan leaders.

This lineup is enough to fight Uchiha Madara. Facing a big Orochimaru, Sarutobi Hiruzen is naturally very calm.

First, he asked people to surround the base, and then Sarutobi Hiruzen raised his hands to form a seal, and a wind escape directly cut off the big tree that marked the cave, revealing the passage leading to the underground.

He looked at Hiashi again.

"The four are still in the base and haven't moved!"

"Why don't they move with such a big noise?" Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned. Could it be that the sound insulation and shockproof effect of the research institute is too good?

"Go in!" At this point, there is no more time to think.

He could only jump down first.

You don't know until you jump down. After jumping down, he found that this cave is not a simple cave.

Not only is the underground very flat, but there is also a road paved with railroad tracks, one end leads to the research institute, and the other end seems to lead to Konoha Village.

There are wires connected to both sides of the road, and lights are hung at intervals.

These lights emit bright white light, illuminating the entire underground passage as if it were daylight.

Such a scene made many clan leaders and ninjas relax involuntarily. In such a bright environment, it is indeed difficult for people to think of any evil research.

Everyone moved forward along the railroad tracks and soon came to a gate.

There was a ninja standing at the door. He didn't panic when he saw so many people coming. Instead, he shouted in surprise: "Hokage-sama?"

"You know me?" Sarutobi Hiruzen was stunned, and then looked carefully at the ninja guarding the door.

He is not very old, only about ten years old. He has a delicate appearance and bright eyes.

There is a crow standing on the shoulder!

"You are Yamashiro Aoba!" Sarutobi Hiruzen finally recognized it.

These are this year’s graduates!

"Why are you here?" As soon as Sarutobi Hiruzen asked, he realized that he had asked the wrong question.

Yamashiro Aoba is a disciple of Orochimaru, where would he be if he weren't here?

"I'm helping the teacher guard the gate. Although the walls here are sealed very tightly, there are always mice running out!" Yamashiro Aoba said naturally, and then asked: "By the way, Hokage-sama, what are you doing?"

"I passed by here by chance, so I wanted to see what Orochimaru is up to every day!"

Many clan leaders nodded, and they were indeed curious as to why Orochimaru disappeared after World War II!

"Oh!" Yamashiro Aoye nodded: "Then I'll go in and report!"

"Just open the door!" Hiruzen Sarutobi looked at Yamashiro Aoba's calm look and already felt something was wrong.

Although this kid is apprenticed to Orochimaru, he still attends ninja school most of the time!

If Orochimaru was doing human research, how could he be so calm?

Or maybe he has seen it too much and is used to it?

But the matter has come to this point, there is no way out, we can only bite the bullet.

"Or is there some dirty secret in it?"

"That's not true!" Yamashiro Aoye scratched his head: "Then I'll open it for you!"

As he spoke, he came to the side and pressed a button.

The huge door slowly opened.

Everyone was staring at the door, some of them were curious, others were expecting.

Especially Hiruzen Sarutobi.

I want to see blood flowing like a river!

However, without opening the door completely, just opening it a crack, Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that his expectations had been disappointed.

Because there is no red behind the door, only green!

However, he hasn't given up yet.

Maybe Orochimaru is just hiding deep!

After all, Orochimaru has to leave so many people and children every year. It’s not fake. He has files here and Danzo’s!

However, taking out these materials would mean they would perish together, and he did not want to use them unless necessary.

He entered the research institute with a gloomy face, and behind him, various sounds of shock and admiration began to be heard!

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