People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 199: The last stand at the end of the road

Chapter 199 The end of the road·The last fight


"Who, who is talking!" Uchiha Qidou was startled.

He is now using a kaleidoscope, and his spirit, perception, hearing, and vision have all been elevated to an unprecedented level.

Even now he feels like he is invincible!

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After all, didn't the ancestor Madara only have this strength back then? Moreover, the ancestor had a rival, the First Hokage, but he doesn't have one now!

So, my feeling is true, I am invincible!

However, before this voice appeared, he didn't feel anyone else's breath!

The next second, a blond fairy wearing a green Hanfu dress and a jade hairpin, with curvaceous curves like a jade rabbit in the moon, appeared on the roof opposite the Hokage Tower.

Uchiha Qidou looked up, recognized it for a long time, and finally asked uncertainly: "Are you Tsunade?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately became more energetic. His voice was a little shaken and filled with emotion: "Tsunade, I didn't expect that it would be you who came to save me in this situation!"

"Save you? Stop joking!" Tsunade shook her head contemptuously: "I'm very busy every day, so I don't have time to save you. I just heard that you committed a crime, so I came to submit some evidence!"

"Submit evidence?" Sarutobi Hiruzen was stunned, and Uchiha Nanto next to him asked: "What evidence do you want to submit?"

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, in order to keep his position as Hokage, he first united with Danzo to kill my brother Naoki, and then killed my lover Kato Dan!"

"Nonsense!" Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately stood up: "Tsunade, the deaths of Dan and Nezuki are indeed touching, but how many times have I said that their deaths have nothing to do with the village!"

Uchiha Nanto felt that he heard a big melon, but now that their security bureau has been restructured, evidence is needed to handle cases!

The main reason is that it feels so good to force Hiruzen Sarutobi to death with his righteousness. No wonder Hiruzen Sarutobi said that I am the Hokage!

"You said Hiruzen Sarutobi killed your brother and lover, is there any evidence?" Uchiha Nanto asked.

"Of course!" Tsunade threw down a piece of paper and said, "This is Danzo's confession!"

"Oh, Danzo's confession, huh?" Uchiha Nanto suddenly felt something was wrong, and Sarutobi Hiruzen also raised his head: "Danzo, confession? Did Danzo die at your hands?"

Having accomplished something important that she always cared about, Tsunade felt relaxed.

"Broken, Rope Tree, I have already avenged you!"

From now on, I will start a new life of my own!

Inexplicably, her brown eyes fell on Ning Yuan.

The child who was not as tall as my thigh back then is now only a head lower than me!

Hearing the third generation's question, Tsunade shook her head and showed a cheerful smile as if she was a child: "Of course I didn't kill him. I was afraid of dirtying my hands if I killed him!"

"Who did that?" Hiruzen Sarutobi asked anxiously.

This question is important because Danzo was working with Sarutobi Shinnosuke at the time!

It was precisely because of this event that the Sarutobi clan lost 80 jounin, and they were unable to recover and lost the power to suppress the ninja clan.

If these eighty jonin were still there, why could Uchiha arrest everyone in the Sarutobi clan?

"It's me!" Another clear voice sounded from another house.

"Why is there another one that I can't sense?" Uchiha Nanto was startled again, looked up, and then said in shock: "Mu, Mu, Konoha White Fang?"

Hatake Sakumo nodded gently: "It's me!"

"Aren't you dead?" Uchiha Nanto asked in horror.

"It's just fake death!" Hatake Sakumo smiled and looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen: "For the sake of being the Hokage, you first killed Naoki, then Kato Dan, refrigerated Orochimaru, and used a trick to destroy my Konoha White Fang. Such a reputation is simply unforgivable and cannot be tolerated by heaven!”


Before Sarutobi Hiruzen could quibble, Hatake Sakumo had already shown the paper: "I also have Danzo's confession here!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was immediately speechless.

"Danzo was killed by me. As for Sarutobi Shinnosuke, although he was not evil, he received a lot of kindness from you, so he naturally accepted it on your behalf!"

Finally receiving the news of his son's death, Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart, which had been hanging for two years, finally settled.

He sighed, and then looked at Tsunade: "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it. I originally thought Orochimaru was the smartest one among the three of you. I didn't expect that you, who is so careless, also have a smart heart!"

"You hid it so deeply, with Danzo standing in front of you, and you still found me?"

He has realized that today is already a certain death situation for him.

At this point, there is no use in making excuses. It is better to show some mercy and give the Sarutobi clan a way to survive.

After all, he has more than one son.

Unexpectedly, Tsunade shook her head slightly: "There is someone else who saw through you!"

"Could it be?" Sarutobi Hiruzen raised his head and looked at Orochimaru.

When Orochimaru shook his head, Ning Yuan raised his hand.

"Ning Yuan, now is not the time for joking!" Sarutobi Hiruzen said seriously.

Ning Yuan shook his head: "I'm not joking, the person who sees through you is me!"

"What?" Sarutobi Hiruzen was stunned, looking at Orochimaru first, then Tsunade, and Hatake Sakumo.

The three of them nodded in unison.

Ning Yuan stood up gracefully and stood on the railing.

There is no way, the railing is too high, if you don't stand up, you can only show your head.

"Four years ago, Yuhi Kurenai and I fell in love, and then I got approval from Yuhi Hiroyuki-senpai. Because of my casual words about wanting to learn medical ninjutsu, senior recommended me to you, and then I became a disciple of Sarutobi Biwako-sensei. , start learning medical ninjutsu!”

"Isn't this great?" Sarutobi Hiruzen was at a loss. There is no problem up to this point!

"It's indeed good, but it only lasted for two days. When I was exposed to the Chou Senjutsu, I noticed that the look in your eyes and Lake Biwa's attitude towards me suddenly changed!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face froze, he had almost forgotten this matter, but this child actually still remembers it?

"You may not know that my Byakugan is innately divine and can be opened without exposing the blood vessels!" Ning Yuan pointed to his own eyes: "So, the worry, jealousy, and hatred that you think are hiding in the corner , Even the murderous intention is well hidden, but in fact it is all seen by me! "

"You actually have such a white eye?" The Uchiha below looked at each other, and the several pairs of white eyes on the roof were also surprised.

That's right, many people know what's going on here. Uchiha can drive away the civilians, but he can't drive away the ninjas.

Moreover, there is no need to drive away the ninja clan. Such a beautiful scene should be seen by everyone.

It's just that Uchiha Nanto didn't expect that he was not the one who was the most popular. The Mangekyou Sharingan was not as beautiful as a white-eyed boy?

However, he really didn't have any objections, because he was really curious about how a five-year-old child discovered the true face of Sarutobi Hiruzen four years ago!

"I'm curious. When you meet a super genius, shouldn't you be surprised and excited? Why does he show murderous intent to me?" Ning Yuan said.

Combined with the deaths of Kato Dan and Naoki, many people have already guessed that the position of Hokage will be taken.

But now no one cares about the result, only the process of this child's calculation of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"So I temporarily hid my talent, pretending to be a child who is only talented in chakra and ninjutsu, but actually doesn't like learning!" Ning Yuan said: "I often sleep with books in my arms, making you think that I don't I love learning. In fact, I have a very good memory and have already memorized the entire book! ”

Many people took a breath, photographic memory? It’s a bit exaggerated!

On the other hand, Uchiha and Nara felt better, they could barely do it.

"Then, I started to study the reason why you showed murderous intent towards me!" Ning Yuan said: "The way to study this is very simple. Just find out how many geniuses there were in Konoha before and where they went!"

"Fortunately, the files of the Hyuga clan are quite complete. I was able to check a lot of information and found some examples!" Ning Yuan looked at Uchiha first: "Uchiha Mirror, a genius ninja of the Uchiha clan and a disciple of the Second-generation Hokage. , died at the age of only 25, in the peacetime between World War I and World War II! "

"Hyuuga Shinshu, a genius ninja of the Hyuga clan. What's even more rare is that he is a clan member, but he supports the Hokage very much. Not only does he go to the battlefield personally, but he also rushes to the front all year round and has made countless achievements! During World War II, he was in charge of the frontline hospital. He was attacked by a Kumogakure team. What was shocking was that by coincidence, all the surrounding teams were on missions at a distance and could not support him. In the end, Hinata Shinshu fought with the enemy for four hours and was finally defeated. Die by destroying your eyes!"

"After World War II, geniuses still appeared frequently in the major ninja clans, but now the war is over, and it is not convenient to send them to death by secret means. So what should we do?" Ning Yuan looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen: "At this time , a root dedicated to gathering genius was born!”

"You think it was a coincidence that when the war was over and the village was no longer lacking in force and intelligence, an intelligence agency was born. What did you do during the war?"

Ning Yuan didn't know if he didn't say it. When he said this, the faces of many ninja clan leaders suddenly darkened.

There are talents in their clan who have been recruited away by the roots!

It would be fine if it was really to contribute to the construction of Konoha, but now it seems that it is obviously not the case!

"Everyone knows that at that time, Tsunade-sama was still in Konoha Hospital, so I approached Tsunade in the name of learning medical skills, and then expressed my thoughts!" Ning Yuan said lightly: "I don't know that the whole of Konoha has How many people are there from Hokage, but I know that even though Tsunade is a disciple of Hiruzen Sarutobi, she is the granddaughter of the first and second generation Hokage, and her love for the village definitely surpasses anyone else!"

Everyone nodded, this was not fake.

In the same way, one ninja was passed down to three generations, and no one had any objection when it was passed on to the Senju clan, because firstly, they were capable, and secondly, they had contributed to the village!

You, Sarutobi, also want to endure it for three generations, are you worthy?

"Through my communication with Tsunade-sama, I learned that when Kato Dan and Naoki-senpai died, I also had a conjecture that Sarutobi Hiruzen was constantly suppressing and murdering geniuses in order to consolidate his position as Hokage!"

The sound of "hissing" came and went.

Now everyone knows the purpose of Sarutobi Hiruzen, but someone directly exposed it, and Sarutobi Hiruzen's character collapsed!

And Ning Yuan discovered this four years ago!

At that time, Hiruzen Sarutobi was still a great doctor of ninjutsu and the good Hokage of Konoha!

In that kind of environment, who would dare to make such a bold guess?

"A conjecture is just a conjecture after all. If it cannot be verified, it will be a false accusation against the Hokage!" Ning Yuan continued.

Someone has already raised his eyebrows. Does this kind of thing still need to be verified? If you have any suspicion, kill him directly!

Some people also think that Ning Yuan is very principled in his work and seems to be in the same vein as the current Konoha Village and the Konoha Guard.

The reform of the Konoha Police Force was carried out by Ning Yuan. Could it be that the same is true of Konoha Village?

"At that time, I happened to know two geniuses, one was named Namikaze Minato and the other was named Hatake Sakumo!" Ning Yuan said: "I used them to verify this conjecture. Hatake Sakumo has a good reputation and is famous enough to be the Hokage. There is no doubt that Sarutobi Hiruzen meets the conditions for murder, so he will definitely die, it’s just a matter of sooner or later!”

"Although Namikaze Minato has talent, he hasn't shown it yet, so I asked him to hide his talent and not expose it!"

"The first person to be verified was Namikaze Minato. He obviously hadn't shown any special talent, but he was just stronger in physical skills and faster in reaction speed, so he was given a copy of "Flying Thunder God Jutsu" by Hiruzen Sarutobi!"

"But isn't this technique the S-level forbidden technique of Konoha Village? Minato is also very powerful at using it!" someone asked.

"That's because Minato has mastered it!" Ning Yuan said: "That's why it seems that Sarutobi Hiruzen cherishes talents in his operations, but under normal circumstances, no one can master this forbidden technique!"

"It seems like that!" The person who asked the question nodded immediately.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen deliberately gave Namikaze Minato a roll of untrained ninjutsu just to waste his time and waste his talent!" Ning Yuan said loudly: "And he also used such an operation. For me, a Hinata who uses fists, I was gifted a scroll of swordsmanship and a sword!”

Many people turned to look at Hinata, and some even said directly: "Hyuuga, can you, the Hyuga clan, use a sword?"

"Of course not!" Rizu shook his head: "We have soft fists for close combat and empty palms for long range. The sword is completely useless to us. Even if this sword can conduct chakra, it is useless!"

Everyone looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with even more contempt after receiving the Hyuga clan leader Ishizui.

Kill those who can be killed, and let them focus on science if they can't, which is a waste of genius' time. If you can't kill those who can't kill, just close the root and plant the seal of tongue bane!

Even if you have achieved success and fame, there is still a trick that the whole village is waiting for!

The person who did such a thing is actually our Hokage of Konoha?

At this moment, many people were actually rejoicing. Fortunately, I am not a genius, otherwise I would be murdered!

Being a genius in Konoha is really dangerous!

More knowledgeable people looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen as if they were looking at a dead man!

Young people are the future of a village, and geniuses are the backbone of a village!

Sarutobi Hiruzen's behavior is tantamount to demolishing the load-bearing walls of this house!

This is murdering everyone!

"As for the way to deal with Hatake Sakumo, everyone must have seen it before!" Ning Yuan spread his hands: "In addition, he has many tricks, such as asking Minato to become an apprentice to Jiraiya, so that Jiraiya will be praised for recommending his apprentice. And if you give up being Hokage, you can support it for a few more years!"

"Recently, he made another cool move and arranged for his son to be Kakashi's disciple. The reason is the same. Kakashi is a genius and may compete for the position of Hokage, but if his disciple wants to be Hokage, Kakashi Xi will turn to support his disciples."

"If nothing unexpected happens, for example, if there is no case of this mission, then he will serve as Hokage for a few more years, and then push Minato to come to power. In another year or two, he will find a way to make Minato step down or simply kill Minato. I will continue to be the leader for a few more years on the grounds that there is no suitable candidate in Konoha Village."

"When will my second son grow up and make meritorious deeds? It just so happens that he has killed almost all the geniuses in Konoha Village. There are no competitors. The only genius is still the teacher of his disciple. At this time, Sarutobi Asuma comes to power. , it’s a matter of course!”

"Hiss!" People gasped one after another. This future is too scary!

However, the possibility is extremely high!

"Sarutobi Hiruzen!" Countless black, white, brown, and scarlet eyes looked at the figure in front of the Hokage Building.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked confused and trembling: "How is it possible? How can there be such a person in this world?"

"Why not!" Ning Yuan said with a smile: "Not to mention that I am a genius, people will use their brains to research ways to survive in the face of death crisis."

"You are going to kill me, of course I will do everything possible to survive!"


He breathed a long sigh of relief and felt the admiration, awe, shock, and envy projected from all directions. Ning Yuan's spirit, will, and even body felt an unprecedented joy!

I have been preparing for it for four years and have been waiting for this moment!

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, you have committed a heinous crime, so let's just let it go!" Ning Yuan said loudly.

He didn't think that Sarutobi Hiruzen had any chance to make a comeback, nor did he think that Sarutobi Hiruzen would take action.

Because it makes no sense.

If he kills a few people now, it will only make his reputation worse, and he might even bring trouble to his Sarutobi clan later on.

It would be good for himself and the Sarutobi clan to surrender now and wait for death.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked around him.

On the left are Uchiha Sanei and Uchiha Mikoto, two elite jounin.

On the right are Uchiha Nanto, Uchiha Fugaku, a Kage, and a Jonin.

In the front is Orochimaru, in the back are Tsunade and Hatake Sakumo.

There are also a group of ninja clan heads surrounding them, whose eyes seem to be burning like fire!

A comeback?

Impossible, the opponent has logic and evidence, and the witnesses are Orochimaru, Tsunade, Hatake Sakumo, Namikaze Minato.

Fight out?

Impossible, the formation surrounding him now, even if Uchiha Madara comes, he may not be able to defeat him.


This may be his only way!

But it is definitely not the best way.

If he really surrenders, his reputation will be ruined overnight!

Others will say that this Sarutobi Hiruzen is not a complete villain!

It is better to die in a blatant way, at least it can be recorded in history books!

"Surrender? How is it possible!" Sarutobi Hiruzen blatantly tore off his coat, revealing the inner armor he was wearing.

Many people's faces changed slightly. Did he know that there would be a fight today?

Only Ning Yuan understood that this man had done too many bad things, and no one believed it.

He didn't wear the inner armor today, but every day!

In fact, in the battle of ninjas, this inner armor is not useless at all, but just a decoration, and at best it only serves as a psychological comfort.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's actions are still continuing.

He raised his hand to make a seal, and a giant ape appeared beside him.

Four words suddenly appeared in Ning Yuan's mind.

By the way, I wonder if there is a chance to travel to that world, there are so many beautiful girls there

On the street, Sarutobi Hiruzen's actions are still continuing, and he also copied a line from "Honghuang".

"The Hokage has his own way of dying, how can he kneel down and beg for mercy?"

"Is the opponent this time Uchiha? Or..." Sarutobi looked around, why does he feel that there are enemies everywhere!

"Don't talk nonsense, only death!" Sarutobi Hiruzen said sternly.

Sarutobi was speechless, go and die, I'm just a summoned beast who makes a living, don't take me with you!

Uchiha Shichito also felt a little speechless: "You talk too much nonsense. You are pretending to be righteous even when you are about to die. You are a criminal, Sarutobi Hiruzen!"

"No!" Sarutobi Hiruzen held the golden hoop and pointed at Uchiha Shichito: "I am the Hokage!"

"I have heard that the Uchiha clan has a ninjutsu called Susanoo, which is invincible. Since you have awakened the Mangekyō, you must know this technique! Do you dare to let me see it?"

He is still calculating!

If I die, the Uchiha clan will not have an easy life!

After seeing the power of Susanoo, I don't believe that Orochimaru and Ning Yuan will not be afraid of Uchiha!

With Ning Yuan's wisdom, wouldn't it be easy to calculate Uchiha?

For some reason, Sarutobi Hiruzen is still looking forward to it!

It's a pity that I can't see it!

I don't know if there is a chance to be resurrected by the Impure World Reincarnation.

"Why not let you see it!" When the Mangekyō is just awakened, it is usually impossible to open Susanoo, but it may be that the Sharingan opened in great joy is different from the one opened in great sorrow. Anyway, Uchiha Qidou feels that he can open it.

Moreover, it is just right for the other ninjas of Konoha to see how powerful our Uchiha clan is!

Hereby declare who is Konoha!

No, who is the first family in the ninja world!

Put your hands together, and the hexagram in your eyes will rotate rapidly: "Susanoo!"

"Boom!" First the arms, ribs, thighs, and then the layers of chakra wrapped around it!

But in an instant, a light blue chakra giant has risen from the ground, and the huge body against the wide streets seems to be narrow.

The giant holds a long spear in one hand and a short gun in the other, and his eyes are still surrounded by dark blue flames.

Like the Lord of Demons from the sky, he is really the Tai Sui God on earth!

No wonder Hashirama is known as the God of the Ninja World. If he can suppress this thing with one hand, what else can he be but a God?

At this moment, countless people gasped, even Orochimaru opened his eyes wide, his eyes were burning: "Roar, Susanoo, it's actually such a technique?"

"That's it!" Ning Yuan narrowed his eyes, and had already seen through the secret of Chakra's materialization.

He has gone too far in the field of Chakra, so that learning any ninjutsu seems to be a dimensionality reduction attack.

Including Susanoo.

Of course, the Mangekyo pupil technique is an exception. This thing is a bit like a magical power and cannot be learned.

Accompanied by the sound of the golden hoop swinging and the sound of the Susanoo spear breaking the wind, this battle representing the current top level of the ninja world officially started!

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