People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 2 Prepare to lie down

Hinata Mihui's emotional changes certainly can't be hidden from Hinata Ningyuan, after all, he has good eyesight now.

Moreover, the era he lives in is an era of information explosion, and people teach all kinds of information on the Internet, so Hinata Ningyuan can also understand the reason for Hinata Mihui's emotional changes.

It's nothing more than a loving mother's heart encountering a rebellious son.

๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—๐ฌ๐ก๐ฎ๐ฑ.๐ง๐ž๐ญ

The deeper reason behind it is a cultural issue. For example, once a woman in the ninja village gets married, she must give up her job and career and serve the family wholeheartedly.

His father is not at home, so isn't he focusing all his attention on Ningyuan?

Once Ningyuan has the intention of being self-reliant, she will feel a sense of lack of value.

In fact, it's just that she is too idle, so she always has wild thoughts and thinks that she can just find a job.

"I couldn't think of so many things in such a short time before. My brain in this life seems to be better than that in my previous life. If I had this brain in my previous life, I would have been able to choose between Tsinghua University and Peking University. The life of the protagonist in those academic novels is my autobiography!"

Hinata Ningyuan thought again that both Hinata and Neji had very good brains.

Ningji was the first in age, a super genius, and could deduce and complete Baguazhang by himself. Hinata was the only academic master among the twelve little strong men besides Sakura who independently solved nine out-of-scope questions in the Chunin exam.

This is obviously the blood advantage of the Hyuga family.

"Strong eyesight, strong physical skills, and good brains, worthy of the bloodline shippuden. So many advantages are concentrated in one clan. How can ordinary people live?"

And such a powerful clan is not the protagonist. In various wars, they all played as auxiliary.

Then the question is, why?

How can this clan, determine the body thinking, the system question.

Hinata Ningyuan spent a breakfast to think about it. The main reason why the Hyuga clan can only play auxiliary with huge advantages is really the system problem.

The bird in a cage system makes a large number of branch families crawl under the command of the main family. No matter how great the merits of the children of the branch families are, no matter how talented they are, no matter how capable they are, they are just dogs that can be crushed to death by the main family's thoughts.

It's not just about merits. Even if you do business, scientific research, or medical treatment, your achievements, contributions, and works are not up to you.

As long as the grandson of the main family says: Grandpa, I want.

Tell me, in this case, where is the motivation for progress, innovation, and strong motivation for the Hyuga branch family?

Since struggle is useless, you can only lie down.

The Hyuga main family has a very small population and is passed down from one line to another. How many geniuses can this inheritance method produce?

Not to mention that geniuses are destined, almost 99% of them will be born in branch families.

But if the geniuses of the branch families lie down, then there will be no progress for the Hyuga family!

So other people's moves have evolved from Rasengan to Six Paths Rasengan, and the version has been updated N times, while the Hyuga family is still using the Eight Diagrams Palm invented by their ancestors during the Warring States Period to turn the sky around.

But you can't say that there is a problem with this system, because the caged bird does protect the eyes of the branch family and does preserve the Hyuga clan.

The Uchiha clan, which has produced many geniuses and has been updating its version, was banned because it was too supermodel!

So, the caged bird is innocent, and the main family did nothing wrong?

That is of course nonsense.

It is not known whether the caged bird is innocent, but the main family is definitely wrong. The mistake is that the main family does not beat the caged bird.

Only the branch family beats it, and they don't beat it themselves. This is called strict discipline and lenient treatment of oneself.

Turning the seal that protects the family into a seal that enslaves the branch family is a mean act and a reversal of right and wrong!

"So, I have to lie down too!"

After thinking about it carefully, at least before solving the caged bird, he really has to lie down, not only to prevent the main family from being afraid, but also to guard against Danzo, the old shady guy.

After all, this is Konoha, and there is no benefit in sticking out too much.

And he may have died of overwork in his previous life, so he must learn a lesson in this life!

By the way, is there a Danzo now?

Hyuga Ningyuan recalled the street scene he saw when he went out. It seemed that the avatar of the third generation was already on the Hokage Rock.

That's fine, the pot shadow is already online.

"Today is the first day of your school. You must get along well with your classmates when you get to school." Hyuga Meihui said while serving Hyuga Ningyuan a lunch box.

Hyuga Ningyuan nodded and looked at the lunch box in Hyuga Meihui's hand. By the way, the lunch box made in the morning was eaten at noon, and it was all cold.

Eating this thing all year round is not good for the stomach!

He was absent again.

It seems that I have seen a Douyin video before, saying that the incidence of stomach disease in Xiaori is 80%, ranking among the highest in the world.

Maybe it has something to do with this eating habit.

It should be very interesting to open a fast food restaurant next to the ninja school.

By the way, I took a bite of tempura. This thing is actually fried egg flour, similar to fried dough sticks, and sometimes some meat or shrimp is put in it. However, there is no meat or shrimp in the tempura fried by Hinata Meihui, only carrot cubes.

Is the family very poor?

Hinata Ningyuan turned over the memory of his previous life again. It is true that meat is rarely seen in the three meals a day, and new clothes are not often bought. The training suit he is wearing now is the one changed from the neighbor next door.

If he just wears old clothes, it may be thrifty.

But if the child can't even eat meat, then it can only be that the family is really poor.

"The father of this body is a Chunin. Chunins can take B, C, and D-level missions. The maximum bonus for a D-level mission is 10,000, and 5,000 can be divided. The maximum bonus for a C-level mission is 50,000, and 25,000 can be divided. The maximum bonus for a B-level mission is 150,000, and 75,000 can be divided. Even if we calculate it based on the highest level"

His father, Hyuga Yuangui's team is a Chunin team, and there is no Jonin to share the money. Because Hyuga Yuangui's surname is Hyuga, he can get the biggest share. After deducting the village's commission, he can get almost half of the total bounty.

One D-level mission every day, 5,000 a day, 150,000 taels a month.

One C-level mission every week, 25,000 a week, 100,000 a month.

One B-level mission every week, 75,000 a week, 300,000 a month.

300,000 taels, how much?

A bowl of ramen costs 60 taels, which is about RMB 12, that is, 1 yuan = 5 taels.

300,000 taels, that is, 60,000 yuan, which means that Hyuga Ningyuan's father's monthly income is 60,000 yuan.

This is definitely a high-income class.

But the problem is that this is the income under ideal conditions.

In fact, B-level tasks generally do not have a bonus of 150,000 taels, and it is impossible to complete one in a week.

You should know that the completion time of this C-level task in the Kingdom of Waves is calculated on a monthly basis.

For a B-level task, being a caravan guard, it takes about half a month to run back and forth, but the bonus is only 100,000 taels. Do it twice a month, 200,000 taels, and share it with teammates, and you get 100,000 taels.

100,000, divided by five, is 20,000 yuan.

This is the income that Hyuga Yuangui should have.

Even 20,000 yuan is not low, and it has surpassed 99% of the people in China.

Then the question is, with such a high income, why is the family still so poor?

"The Hyuga branch family will not have to hand over the gold from heaven to the main family!" Hyuga Ningyuan thought about it, he really didn't know this, firstly, he was just a child and no one told him, and secondly, Kishimoto didn't draw it.

However, the main Hyuga family doesn't go out to do missions, so where does the money for food, drink, and defecation come from? They must be supported by the branch family.

How is this ratio determined? 50-50? 40-60? Or 70-30?

It can't be 80-20, right?

Although Hinata didn't show that she was very rich and didn't seem to be full every day, it's normal for the Hyuga family to be rich but not show off.

"It's a pity that I traveled through time too early, and Hinata hasn't been born yet!" Hyuga Ningyuan thought about it. Now the two brothers, Hyuga and Hiashi, are young people and haven't married yet.

By the way, what sounded in my ears when I just woke up?

Putting down the bowl and chopsticks, Hyuga Ningyuan's ears rang again with a crisp reminder.

[Ding, you have completed a diet activity, diet experience +1, general experience +1, current level LV1 (1/100)]

Ningyuan's eyes suddenly brightened: "System?"

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