【Lapis Lazuli Robe】was born, but this is still an extremely primitive version.

Hyuga Ningyuan's goal is to really use chakra to construct a set of clothes, just like the Nine-Tailed Robe and the Six-Path Robe.

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Although the distance is still far, I, Hyuga Ningyuan, rely on my own efforts all my life.

System, add points!

After running the rough 【Lapis Lazuli Robe】, the system's voice came as promised.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for creating a fusion skill and opening a new talent: skill fusion! ]

"Huh?" Hyuga Ningyuan was stunned: "What is skill fusion?"

"【Lapis Lazuli Robe】can exercise the two skills of 【Chakra Control Power】 and 【Telekinesis】 at the same time, so it belongs to skill fusion!"

Hyuga Ningyuan's eyebrows jumped, it turns out that the system will also respond!

Although it uses text like Chatgpt.

He understood what the system meant. This 【Lapis Lazuli Robe】 skill is equivalent to the previous two skills, so it belongs to skill fusion.

Just like a thunder breathing, it can train breathing and swordsmanship at the same time, which should also be a fusion skill.

"If the glass robe is a skill fusion, then dance should be counted as well!" Hyuga Ningyuan asked: "Dancing can also train physical skills, body flexibility, reaction speed, and finger strength, which is more than [glass robe]!"

[Basic attributes are not skills, but are included in the system category! ] The system replied.

"Uh" Hyuga Ningyuan was stunned and understood.

In other words, physical strength, strength, speed, agility, and reaction speed are all basic attributes. Although [Phoenix Dance in the Nine Heavens], which can improve these at the same time, is very powerful, [Phoenix Dance in the Nine Heavens] is still a basic skill.

"Isn't chakra control considered a basic attribute?" Hyuga Ningyuan asked.

The system did not answer.

Hyuga Ningyuan thought about it, maybe because chakra is an external object, the proficiency of controlling external objects is of course a skill.

Just like riding a bicycle, this is of course a skill.

"Will there be no more special upgrades after the fusion?" Hyuga Ningyuan asked, "Or do you want to have both?"

Don't lose my telekinesis for a robe. Although the robe is cool, telekinesis is cooler!

[Both!] The system said.

"That's good!" Hyuga Ningyuan nodded, "Then merge!"

[Ding, skills have been merged, skill telekinesis upgraded to Liuli robe, current level LV2 (0/500)]

Hyuga Ningyuan watched the telekinesis line in the system gradually fade away, and then replaced by a new line of fonts.

Other skills are in black fonts, but this Liuli robe is yellow!

"Is this a golden skill?" Hyuga Ningyuan was a little surprised. I admit that Liuli robe is powerful, but the technical content of this technique is not high!

At least not now!

"The skill levels are black, yellow, green, blue, red, pink, and purple!"

Oh, yellow, that's fine.

I said, this color doesn't have the noble feeling of gold.

By the way, this system is not produced by NetEase, with yellow at the bottom and purple at the top?

"Try the talent!" Hyuga Ningyuan asked: "Will this talent ruin the skill fusion?"

"No!" The system replied: "Skill fusion is not a forced fusion improvement, but a fusion within the theoretical framework!"

"What happens if it fails?"

"Only logical incompatibility can lead to fusion failure, not fusion failure!" said the system.

In other words, there is no loss even if it fails!

Then try to fuse one!

Hyuga Ningyuan opened the new talent. The talent interface is also very simple, a bit like the enchantment in MC, which is □+□=.

Highlighting a great ingenuity.

Drag two skills into the box, and you can see the fused skills.

"Can only two be fused?" Hyuga Ningyuan asked.

No one paid attention to him.

"Well, I don't know how the talent is upgraded!" Hyuga Ningyuan first looked at the skills he already had.

Sleep LV1 (8/100)

Eat LV1 (6/100)

Move LV1 (2/100)

Chakra Extraction LV1 (1/100)

Inner Force Extraction LV1 (7/100)

Magic Meditation LV1 (1/100)

Qi Cultivation LV1 (1/100)

Drainage LV1 (1/100)

Study LV1 (5/100)

Dance LV2 (360/500)

Painting LV1 (1/10)

Mathematics LV1 (2/10)

Breathing LV4 (2001000)

Glass Vestment LV2 (0/500) (Gold)

Put Chakra Extraction and Breathing together, and you will see a new icon behind =.

[Swallowing Technique]

Swallowing Technique: No need for mind control, chakra can be extracted in one breath, and the breath can strengthen the internal organs and increase physical fitness.

"Good stuff!" Hyuga Ningyuan's eyes lit up. This technique is not very useful for ninjas, because ninjas don't want a long-term flow of chakra, but to extract a large amount of chakra in an instant for fighting.

But it is very useful for Hyuga Ningyuan, a practitioner. He no longer needs to spend time to extract chakra for Qi practice, but can do it automatically with one breath.

Just like Guo Jing who practiced the Quanzhen Dao Ge, walking, standing, sitting and lying are all practice!

And Hyuga Ningyuan seemed to understand what this theoretical framework fusion meant.

Theoretically, it is feasible to extract chakra while breathing. Even without this skill fusion, Hyuga Ningyuan can develop it himself.

It's just that this new talent directly omits the time for this development.

"Extraction!" Between the thoughts, the two skills of chakra extraction and breathing disappeared, replaced by a row of yellow skills.

Swallowing Technique LV3 (300/500)

"Level 4 breathing technique, level 1 chakra extraction, fused into level 3 swallowing technique, it feels good!" Hyuga Ningyuan nodded, and then pulled the swallowing technique closer to the skill fusion bar, and pulled in the other side, marching.

The marching skill is very useful. If it is upgraded to a high level, it can run very fast, but he doesn't have much time to run, so it's better to merge it.

It's said that walking, standing, sitting and lying are all cultivation, so of course it should be added.

And walking and breathing also have a fusion basis. Don't you need to pay attention to the breathing rhythm when running and walking!

Walking + Swallowing Technique = Lingbo Breathing Technique!

"Lingbo Breathing?" Hyuga Ningyuan looked at the skill description.

Not only can you increase chakra while breathing, but if you run or walk according to a specific step and breathing rhythm, you can also increase chakra.

Makes sense!


The name Lingbo doesn't come from Lingbo Microstep! The same set of steps can increase internal strength!

"This skill is a bit magical!" Hyuga Ningyuan couldn't help but think that he could practice with the enemy in the future.

Others' long-distance running consumes chakra and physical strength, while my long-distance running increases chakra and physical strength. With this increase and decrease, will the opponent be unable to beat me?

Of course, with his growth rate, he can still beat the opponent without doing this, but this is not a way to hide.

Taking out the Lingbo Breathing, Hyuga Ningyuan found that although this is a magical skill, it is still yellow in the system's rating!

"Continue to merge!"

The goal of this fusion is to practice true qi!

If you only extract chakra without practicing, it will be a waste of extraction!

It's nothing more than merging the extracted chakra into the dantian. It's just a matter of adding a step, and there is also a basis for fusion.

Lingbo Breathing Method + Qi Training = Buyun Sutra!

"Jian?" Hyuga Ningyuan's eyes lit up, and he hurried to read the description of this new skill.

"Walking, running, and breathing can extract chakra and merge it into the dantian."

"Uh" Well, in fact, there is an extra step to merge the extracted chakra into the dantian, but it's good this way, everything is fully automatic, it really saves time.

"Continue to merge!"

Hyuga Ningyuan feels that this is not the limit. Okay, breathing is solved, there are movements, how about dancing?

Dance + Buyun Sutra =?

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