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Chapter 205 The fundamental problem of Sand Village

"My name is Baizhi. My father, Haiwan, is a Chunin. My father told me that as long as I make great contributions on the battlefield, I can be promoted to Jonin, and then the monthly subsidy will be more."

"So the fundamental reason is promotion and to make more money?" Ning Yuan asked.


"Uh" the little girl scratched her head: "It seems so"

Ning Yuan wrote the second reason on the blackboard: promotion!


As more and more people came on stage, the whole process became somewhat orderly.

The hatred in the eyes of the villagers of Sand Village gradually turned into excitement and curiosity.

The reason is that Sand Village, and even the entire ninja world, has never had such an opportunity for ordinary people to express their ideas.

And it is difficult for ordinary people to understand the various games of the top leaders of the ninja village, so they really don't know how the war started, and through this one-on-one inquiry, it is really possible to find this reason.

Of course, not everyone supports the war.

"I don't support war at all, and my father doesn't support war either, but our words don't count." The person who came on stage this time was a little fat man wearing a beautiful jacket, jeans and sneakers. One look at his clothes and you can tell that his family is not ordinary.

"Oh, you don't support war!" Ning Yuan asked, "Why don't you support war?"

"Because war will kill people!" The little fat man said as a matter of course, "We live well, what if we die on the battlefield?"

"Well, can I ask what your family does?" Ning Yuan asked.

"We run a transport team!" The little fat man thought for a while and said, "The food and vegetables of Sand Village are all transported to the village by our family!"

"Oh, that is to say, your family is very rich, so your father doesn't think highly of the little money earned by being a ninja?" Ning Yuan asked.

"This" the little fat man hesitated.

After thinking for a while, he nodded: "It seems to be true. He asked for leave a few days ago and came back once, saying that he was almost killed by someone called Guang."

"Golden flash?" Ning Yuan asked.

"Ah, right, right!" The little fat man nodded: "My father said that with so little money every month, he almost sold his life. He also said that he would stand at the back in the future war. He must really look down on the money earned from the war!"

Ning Yuan nodded, and then opened another column next to the blackboard, with the title: Reasons for opposing the war.

1: Fear of death

2: Rich, not worth risking for that little mission money


More and more people came up, and it stands to reason that the reasons for supporting and opposing the war should also increase.

But in fact, there are indeed many reasons added in the front, but after five or six, it can't go up.

On the contrary, more and more people have the same reason.

The villagers looked at it and found something wrong, and even summarized the pattern.

Those with poor families are likely to support the war.

Genin and Chunin are likely to support the war.

Family with money is likely to oppose the war.

Family with money and still support the war is likely to sell war materials, and a small probability is Genin and Chunin, wanting to fight for a chance.

The inquiry lasted from noon to afternoon and then to night.

Torches were lit near the high platform, and Ning Yuan asked the Konoha ninjas who could cook to cook for 20,000 people so that the villagers would not starve.

The villagers were quite happy to eat because the food was pulled out from the warehouse of Sand Village.

As long as they didn't eat their own food, they were happy.

After the meal, some children couldn't stand it anymore, but the adults were more excited because it was gradually coming to an end.

Those who came up in front could still say a few words, but those who came up later didn't say much, because the conditions listed above were almost the same, and it was difficult for the latecomers to find any new reasons to support the war. They just needed to choose one of them.

Even if this person wanted to lie, it was useless. Everyone was from the same village, and everyone knew what conditions your family had.

He didn't even have to choose by himself, and the villagers who were familiar with him helped him choose.

At 9:30 in the evening, Ning Yuan subconsciously called the next one, and then found that no one came up!

"It's over?" Ning Yuan turned his head and asked.

"It seems, yes!" Keer replied.

Ning Yuan nodded, then looked at the wall.

Reasons for supporting the war:

1: The family is poor, fighting can earn extra income 3246

2: Fighting can get you promoted faster 1148

3: The village has too little water quota for the family, one person goes out to fight, and the family has enough to drink 64

4: He is a relative and disciple of the village's high-level officials, so he has to go 16

5: He has a grudge against the Konoha ninja 124

6: He has developed a new puppet/ninjutsu/poison and wants to find an opponent to try it out 48

7: He does war-related business and can make a fortune in war 7

Reasons for opposing the war:

1: Fear of death

2: The family is rich, it is not worth fighting on the battlefield

3: There is business dealings with the country of Kawano, and the war interrupted the trade route

4: A close relative died in the war, and no one else is expected to die

Torches were burning with a crackling sound, and some old people and children had been arranged to sleep in nearby houses.

This process should have been the time when the Konoha ninjas were the most relaxed and most suitable for launching a riot.

But not only did the villagers of Sand Village not move, even the acupuncture qi had dissipated, leaving only the Sand Village ninja tied with ropes.

After all, this unprecedented meeting has lasted for a whole day, and everyone should see a result!

What is the root cause of the war, and is there a solution?

"Now, the families of the Sand Village ninjas who participated in the war have basically come up!" Looking at the expectant and trusting eyes of the crowd, Ning Yuan curved his mouth and pointed to the wall behind him: "The results are all here, everyone can see it, I didn't force, torture, or use illusions throughout the whole process, all the content is what you said yourself!"

"Yeah!" Many people nodded subconsciously, completely forgetting that Ning Yuan was their enemy.

"Since these reasons come from your mouth, I believe you can accept the results summarized from these reasons!" Ning Yuan said again.

"As long as you don't deliberately distort and slander, we can accept it!" Kerr said.

Now that the elders in the village are not here, Kerr's words can indeed represent the majority of public opinion.

Ning Yuan nodded: "Then let's start to summarize one by one. First of all, this family is poor, and fighting can earn extra income. We can summarize it as an economic problem!"

"What is economy?" Kerr asked.

"Economy means money!" Ning Yuan said.

"That's the economic problem!" Kerr nodded.

"Fighting can get you promoted faster, which can be summarized as the pursuit of power and economic problems!"

Kerr continued to nod.

"Having a grudge against the Konoha ninja can be summarized as: a historical problem!"

"What is a historical problem?" Kerr asked again.

"It's the problem that our fathers and grandfathers couldn't solve, and it's left to this day!"

Kerr nodded and understood.

She was also born in a wealthy family. After marrying the third generation Kazekage, although she was limited by her talent and not strong, she read a lot of books.

Why do I feel like an illiterate now!

"I developed a new puppet/ninjutsu/poison and want to find an opponent to try it out." Ning Yuan hesitated for a while and said: "This can be summarized as a technology craze!"

Kerr didn't need to ask this time, she understood.

"Look at this again. You can make money by doing war-related business." Ning Yuan said, "This is also an economic issue!"

"So in summary, there are four major reasons for supporting war: economy, power, historical legacy, and technology fanaticism."

These four words are displayed, and the word economy is particularly highlighted: "Among these four major issues, the pursuit of power, historical legacy, and technology fanaticism account for less than 20% in total, while economic issues account for 80%!"

Looking at the Sand Village villagers who were listening carefully, Ning Yuan said loudly, "So what does this show?"

Someone raised his hand: "It shows that the reason for the war is because of our poverty?"

"There are reasons in this regard, but they are not the root cause!" Ning Yuan pointed to these four words and said, "The poor population occupies the vast majority, but the poor have no right to speak. The right to speak is power. Who holds it?"

Keer was startled and was about to speak to stop it, but suddenly found that he could not move!

A surge of power bound her from all directions. Not only could she not move, but she even had difficulty opening her mouth!

At this moment, only the eyes can move!

And Ning Yuan's words finally came to the end: "Power is in the hands of the Wind Shadow and the elite jonin of Sand Village, and they belong to the 20% of people!"

"So, the root cause of this war is very obvious. It is this small number of people who pursue power who control the majority of poor people and start this war!"

"Targeting individuals is the elders of your village and the elite jonin. They drew a big pie for the poor ninjas in Sand Village to make a fortune, and then dragged them to the battlefield!"

"Boom!" As soon as these words came out, the entire Sand Village exploded and boiled.

"How, how is it possible?"

"Is it the elders' problem?"

"Is it Lord Luosha?"

"You are talking nonsense!" Kerr finally found that he could move, and immediately stood up: "The elders are not what you said, they started the war to solve the problems of the village!"

"How did they solve the problem?" Ning Yuan asked loudly: "Because your family is poor, you go to rob others?"

Kerr was silent directly.

"Let's assume that this method is really feasible, then did you succeed?" Ning Yuan asked again: "Did you rob anything?"

Ke Er continued to remain silent.

"The fact is that you didn't rob anything, the poverty of Sand Village is still continuing, and your economic problems are still continuing!"

"But." Ke Er said loudly: "The last war"

"Do you want to say that the Second Shinobi World War solved the problem?" Ning Yuan asked again.

"Ah, yes, yes!" Ke Er said timidly.

No wonder she stood up to refute, her husband is the third generation, isn't Ning Yuan's words denying the achievements of the third generation?

"Let me tell you how World War II solved the economic problems of your village!" Ning Yuan said sternly: "You robbed money and supplies from the Rain Country, which increased the economy of your village. You also lost a lot of people on the battlefield, which reduced the number of people that Sand Village needs to feed!"

"With more money and fewer people, the problems of Sand Village will naturally no longer exist!"

"But is this a solution to the problem? What if I can't grab something next time? Will I have to kill my own people?"

Kerr was silent.

"There are seven to eight thousand ninjas in Sand Hidden Village. As long as three or four thousand die, the problem will be solved. Isn't that right!" Ning Yuan continued to ask.

"Don't ask, don't ask." Kerr waved his hand quickly.

"This is the posture of Mrs. Third Wind Shadow. Do you see it clearly now?" Ning Yuan pointed at Kerr: "Have you seen this war clearly?"

The audience was quiet and silent.

The truth is so simple and so chilling.

These words don't matter to those wealthy families, since they are not the ones who died anyway.

But 99% of the people in the audience are from ordinary families!

If some people in Sand Hidden Village need to sacrifice, they will be their fathers, husbands, and sons!

"You all know the strength of Sunagakure Village. No village can defeat it!" Ning Yuan continued: "But Sunagakure Village still has to fight, and Sunagakure's senior officials still have to fight. Why is this?"

"They know very well that the purpose of Sunagakure Village is not to win, but to die. As long as a few thousand people die, Sunagakure Village's dilemma will be solved!"

"After the war, ninjas who have performed meritorious service on the battlefield will be promoted. Rasa or Hayakura can serve as the Fourth Kazekage, and Chiyo and Ebizou can also be their elders!"

"Everyone is happy!"

"Then, what should we do with the dead?" one person asked.

Ning Yuan remembered her. Her father died in the Second Ninja War. Now in this war, her brother went to the battlefield again.

"What can we do?" Ning Yuan spread his hands: "There are no ninjas in your family anymore, who will speak for you? No one will remember you, and no one will care about you. The high food prices in Sand Hidden Village will naturally disappear. Make it impossible for you to live."

"When you die, a new family will naturally live in your house, and their children will go to ninja school, become ninjas, and then continue on the path you have walked!"

"This is the truth about Sunagakure Village"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Someone started to cry.

Moreover, when one person cries, the people next to him start to cry too, and soon it becomes a large group.

Even though I didn't cry, I still felt sad.

Ning Yuan's words were not nonsense, they were information he extracted from the speeches given by thousands of families.

It is also true that many people moved in after World War II. They never cared who lived in the house they lived in before and where they went.

Now they know.

"You are a devil!" Kerr looked at Ning Yuan as if she were looking at some evil spirit crawling out of hell. At this moment, she no longer dared to look down on this child.

In just one day, he was able to divide the entire Sunagakure Village and even bring thousands of families close to him.

I'm afraid that now he can get the support of tens of thousands of villagers just by saying that he wants to be a Kazekage!

This person is simply too terrifying!

"What kind of devil am I? I just told them the truth about life!" Ning Yuan said with a smile.

"However, the economic problems of Sunagakure Village cannot be changed. What can you do if you tell them? It will only make them more desperate!" Kerr said sharply: "The Kazekage of the past is right, and my husband is also right. , Elder Qianyo and Ebizo are right, this is the situation in our Sand Hidden Village, what can we do?"

"If you go out to rob or fight, it will only mean that thousands of people will die. But if you don't go out to fight and stay in the village, tens of thousands of people will die!"

Seeing another quarrel on the stage, many people stopped crying and looked over again.

Upon hearing it again, what Kerr said seems to make sense.

Sand Hidden Village has neither water nor land, what can be done?

"I admit all the problems you mentioned!" Ning Yuan nodded: "I won't say nonsense like you should starve to death and shouldn't go out to rob!"

"So you admit that it was just for us to start the war?" Kerr asked with a grin.

"No!" Ning Yuan shook his head.

"Then what do you mean?" Kerr was at a loss: "If you admit our problems but don't let us start a war, does that mean we're going to die?"

"So I said, I'm here to solve the problem!" Ning Yuan said, then looked at the villagers in the audience: "How about everyone listen to my solution first before crying?"

The crying gradually stopped. As Kerr thought, Ning Yuan's prestige in the Sand Hidden Village is really no lower than that of the previous Feng Ying.

Everyone worships Feng Ying and the elders just because they are Feng Ying and elders.

But their feelings for Ning Yuan were admiration and love more than worship.

Because Ning Yuan was the first person to try to get close to them, understand them, and solve their problems.

Even if this person is from Konoha, so what!

Senju Hashirama is also from Konoha. Does it hinder everyone from worshiping him?

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