Hinata Ningyuan never expected that he would get a green skill after almost completely merging the skill bar.

As a result, he added a math skill and it was upgraded to blue!

And this is not an isolated case!

This book was first published on 69 Book Bar → 69𝒔𝒉𝒖𝒙.𝒏𝒆𝒕, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

Green + math = blue.

Yellow + math is also equal to blue!

This is a bit outrageous.

What does this mean?

It means that the skill of math seems ordinary, but it is actually the super-powerful additive, similar to vibranium, any skill can be super-upgraded with it!

"Mathematics is so powerful?" Hinata Ningyuan was shocked, but it seemed natural.

Mathematics is not called the mother of all sciences for nothing. It doesn't make sense that it would be useless if it was replaced with supernatural power math.

With the blessing of mathematics, any skill should theoretically have an effect of improved efficiency, reduced power consumption, and increased output.

Because mathematics can optimize the process, and algorithms can increase efficiency.

But the problem is that there is only one math skill, but there are three skills that need to be integrated!

Not enough!

"Can I brush out a few more math skills?" Hyuga Ningyuan asked.

The system didn't answer, it seems that I have to try it myself.

Hyuga Ningyuan thought about it, mathematics is indeed useful for the practice, but mathematics is not the most suitable for these practices in theory.

Mathematics and [Arcane Painting Gallery] should have the highest compatibility, because the record of knowledge must be accurate and efficient.

Moreover, [Arcane Painting Gallery] is equivalent to the human brain. The brain does not need mathematics, what does it need.

The most suitable for "Phoenix Nirvana Sutra" should be physics and biology, because this practice involves a lot of movement and body content.

The most suitable for the glass robe should be structural mechanics, fluid mechanics, and energy mechanics, because the glass robe is a kind of energy flow.

Mathematics can upgrade these skills, so science with higher adaptability should be even better!

"Let's not merge it yet. It's enough for now. Besides, my math level is too low. I'll try to upgrade it to see if it will have a stronger effect!"

Maybe the full-level math can upgrade a skill to purple!

He glanced at the panel. His math level was LV1 (2/10) and he still had 444 general experience.

Feeling the effect of math, he naturally had to upgrade it to see the effect!

"Add some points!"

8 points invested, LV2 (0/100).

Hinata Ningyuan only felt his mind clear, as if he had become more transparent.

Moreover, a lot of math knowledge began to emerge from his mind, as if something he had forgotten had now reappeared.

Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions, area formula, volume formula, Pythagorean theorem.

Well, it's almost the sixth grade of elementary school!

Continue to add some points.

100 points down, LV3 (0/500).

Another sense of clarity, followed by more math knowledge.

Linear equations with two variables, squares, cubes, trigonometric functions.

This is the transition from elementary school to junior high school!

"It seems that my perception of the world has become much more accurate!" People who know mathematics and those who don't know mathematics have different ways of understanding the world.

That is, the so-called mathematical thinking.

For example, there are many people in China who know mathematics. When they talk about people in the ninja world, they like to use numbers to describe whether someone is strong or not, such as Kakashi's chakra is one card, Naruto's chakra is one hundred cards, and so on.

If a person who knows mathematics rates ninjas, it is absolutely impossible to have only three levels of upper, middle and lower. At least one hundred levels should be scored from 1 to 100, and then the individual's chakra strength should be matched.

But people in the ninja world don't have this habit, at least not before. When these ninja school students who study mathematics grow up and start to govern, the ninja rating may change.

The premise is that Naruto, who is not good at mathematics, doesn't take office.

"The rhythm of breathing has also stabilized a lot!" His Phoenix Nirvana can only pass LV2, and the breathing rhythm still follows a physical instinct, but after the mathematics level is improved, Hinata Ningyuan unconsciously began to notice the problem of breathing rhythm, and then took the initiative to adjust it in a more regular direction.


"Even if there is no fusion, just raising the level of mathematics will be of great use to my practice!" Hyuga Ningyuan sighed.

At this time, he discovered that unrated skills are not necessarily weak, and green and yellow skills are not necessarily strong.

Color only represents the starting point, but the effect of raising the level of low-level skills may not be worse than low-level skills with color.

"Try the Phoenix Nirvana Sutra!" Hyuga Ningyuan got up and went to the bathroom, walking back and forth in front of the mirror twice.

"There is indeed a change, and it is very obvious!"

The previous Hyuga Ningyuan was no different from other Hyuga branches, hunched over with a gloomy expression and deep hatred.

But now, his steps are brisk and his body is straight. When he walks, his shoulders jump up and down, giving him a sense of jumping.

Even if a piece of music is played next to him at this time, he can still match the tune of the music!

His eyes are also different from before. Although they are pure white eyes, you can see some agility from them.

Bright eyes and white teeth, shining like stars, looking around and shining.

Posture refers to one's appearance and demeanor, which is also part of charm.

Some stars are beautiful, but they walk with their bodies hunched over, their hair hanging wildly, and they look like maids when they play princesses.

Some stars are not good-looking, and they are fat, but they are elegant and noble, so their three-point looks can be enhanced to seven points in this manner, and the whole person is full of charm.

Hinata Ningyuan's appearance is definitely not bad, with an eight-point level, but his original gloomy expression is a minus point, but now he is not only not gloomy, but his eyebrows and eyes are like jade, vivid, plus his upright and lively manner, his eight-point appearance has been raised to nine points!

In addition, the [Glass Robe] makes his body dust-free, and his skin is crystal clear like an immortal boy, adding another 0.5 on the basis of the 9 points!

The half point is still missing because the level of "Phoenix Nirvana Sutra" is still low, and some room for growth must be left.

"This cloth is a bit of a hindrance!" Hyuga Ningyuan looked at the white cloth wrapped around his forehead. This thing is used to cover the mark of the bird in the cage, but the white cloth is too ugly.

It's okay to change it to red. There are also forehead decorations. If it doesn't work, just make one yourself!

Being strong or not is only temporary, but being handsome or not is a lifelong thing!

"Forget it, just wear it first. I can't make any special arrangements for the time being!" Hyuga Ningyuan looked at the time. It was already late.

He lay back on the bed and closed his eyes.

This was the first day of his time travel. In just one day, he created three skills with great potential, awakened three talents, and held the little hand of Xi Ri Hong.

This day's life felt more interesting than his 28 years in his previous life!

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