People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 250: Kaguya's Path to Godhood

Chapter 250 Kaguya returns to peace·The road to becoming a god

Chakra is an energy that can create and destroy the world, control souls, and transform elements.

This kind of energy is no weaker in nature than the immortal power in those novels about cultivating immortals.

Such powerful energy is far more important than the technology of making nuclear bombs or making chips.

Look at how nervous the American emperor is about rabbits mastering various technologies. The Otsutsuki clan is only more nervous about chakra than the American emperor.

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Therefore, facing this world that once possessed chakra, it is not an exaggeration to say that the Otsutsuki clan would do anything.

It is true that Ning Yuan actually thought about the Otsutsuki clan with the worst plan, but weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, arrogance is.

Ning Yuan would never do such a thing as receiving a drop of water as a gift, and he would never think that the next Otsutsuki who came to this planet would be as silly and sweet as Kaguya.

Moreover, from Kaguya's own experience, we can actually see what the Otsutsuki clan's attitude is towards human beings.

Kaguya Otsutsuki came two thousand years ago, and it was only a thousand years ago that he took action to unify the ninja world and bring peace to the world.

This also means that it took Kaguya Otsutsuki a full thousand years to recognize human beings.

Although this takes a long time, as long as you step into Kaguya's shoes, you will know that this is actually not easy.

Who is Kaguya, a sage, a god!

Being placed on this planet is equivalent to being a superman, a citizen of the motherland!

She is able to restrain her own strength and truly integrate into the human community. This is such a big heart.

Patting Kaguya's shoulder, Ning Yuan whispered: "Stop crying, okay?"

"I don't have time!" Although there were two lines of tears hanging from his eyes, Kaguya still raised his head stubbornly: "Do you know what you did?"

"I know, you don't need to repeat it again and again!" Ning Yuan said earnestly: "But, again, I suggest you trust the wisdom of others, such as me!"

"You?" Kaguya looked up at Ning Yuan hesitantly, and then shook his head: "I admit that you are indeed very strong, but you are too far behind to fight against them!"

"You have no idea what kind of existence you are facing!"

"I don't know, then just tell me!" Ning Yuan said with a smile: "Even if we are really defeated, I can use my smart brain to think of another way out for life on this planet, instead of following your The idea is to place all your hopes in the hands of others!”

Kaguya was silent for a while, and finally said: "There is no divine power, they are the Otsutsuki clan!"

Now that Ning Yuan has told the truth and his plans are completely shattered, maybe he really should trust his wisdom?

At least in Kaguya's opinion, Ning Yuan's wisdom is beyond that of his two stupid sons. In the situation where he is helpless, maybe he really has a solution!

"Otsutsuki clan, keep talking!"

"The Otsutsuki clan is a clan that stands at the top of the starry sky!" Kaguya wiped away her tears and introduced in detail: "I don't know how many people there are in this clan. As far as I know, there are hundreds of them!"

"Every one of them is no less powerful than me!"

Ning Yuan asked: "Is it you now or you after eating the chakra fruit?"

"Of course it's me now!" Kaguya rolled her eyes: "Chakra fruit is not a divine item. After eating it, your strength will be greatly improved. This is a divine item that can only be enjoyed by a master!"


"The Otsutsuki clan has a clear hierarchy, and everyone's position is also very clear. The lowest people are planters, guardians, and inspectors. Planters and guardians work in pairs and go to various parts of the universe to find living planets to plant gods. Tree! The hauler is responsible for transporting the ripe fruit!”

"And you are?"

"I am a guardian, responsible for guarding the planted sacred tree!" Kaguya said lightly: "My partner is Otsutsuki Ishiki. The planter and the guardian work in pairs, cooperating with each other and supervising each other. I can The reason why I ate the fruit was because I had to make a sneak attack first!"

Ning Yuan nodded and asked: "By the way, why did you dare to sneak attack him? Aren't you afraid of the investigators?"

"I'm afraid, but this planet is quite special!" Kaguya said: "The energy of this planet is so abundant that the sacred tree that originally took two to three thousand years to mature matured in just one thousand years. So in the surveyor Over there, he would think that this fruit still has a thousand years to mature!”

"In other words, you still have a thousand years?" Ning Yuan was stunned: "So when you try to recover chakra, you still have two thousand years to spare. Why are you so anxious?"

"That's because after I ate the Chakra Fruit, as the fruit was digested, I learned a secret related to the Chakra Fruit!" Kaguya explained: "Every seed of the sacred tree is preserved by the Otsutsuki clan. There is a special record, and if I eat the chakra fruit, the person in charge of the records of the Otsutsuki clan will find out. As soon as he finds a problem, the people who come to investigate will set off immediately! "

"But they haven't arrived for a thousand years!" Ning Yuan said.

"Because the universe is vast, it took us thousands of years to reach this planet!" Kaguya explained: "Although they know there is a problem with a fruit, they don't know where the fruit is planted, so they need to search slowly. It will take some time to find it!”

Ning Yuan nodded, understanding.

"Guardians, planters, haulers, investigators, people who keep records of the seeds of the guardian tree, what else?"

"Guardians, planters, and patrollers are the lowest-level members. Above them are investigators, guardians and other higher-level members, and above that is the Master!" Kaguya's eyes unconsciously brought out the meaning. There was a hint of fear: "The so-called master is the god of the origin of the messenger!"

"God?" Ning Yuan was stunned and asked seriously: "Aren't you also the goddess of Mao? What is the difference between your god and their god? And what is the root of this?"

Why do you feel like you have gone to the Xingyue worldview?

"The root is the principle behind the operation of everything in this world. It is also called Tao! And those who control Tao can be called gods!" Kaguya said: "Tao is the root of nature and the way of belief in living beings. Gods can be divided into the gods of nature and the gods of living beings’ faith!”

"The Master is the God of Nature, and the Goddess of Mao is the God of Faith for all living beings!"

"As long as the universe exists, the God of nature will not perish. But if faith disappears, gods like me will disappear from this world!"

Ning Yuan was stunned and immediately asked: "Who was the one that Black Jue put into the sacred tree when he resurrected you at the beginning?"

"The Divine Will of the Goddess of Mao!" Kaguya said with some ridicule: "I passed on all the techniques I know to my two sons, except for this one method of conferring gods. Then Hamura He established the Ninja Sect and Buddhism, and he called himself the Sage of Six Paths. He tried all kinds of methods, but in the end he still couldn't escape death!"

Ning Yuan finally understood that Kaguya's ability to survive for a thousand years did not rely on the will of an immortal or a ten-tailed beast at all.

It turned out to be the belief in the Goddess of Uma that has lasted for thousands of years in the ninja world!

Therefore, Kaguya is not incapable of being killed. He only needs to seal her and Black Zetsu first, and then destroy the belief in the Goddess of Udo worldwide. If this happens for a hundred years, without the supply of belief, Kaguya will naturally die.

Being able to tell Ning Yuan such life-and-death secrets means that Kaguya has completely trusted Ning Yuan.

It could also be a broken jar, but it’s hopeless anyway, so let’s just leak out more secrets.

As for this natural way and the way of faith, Ning Yuan is no stranger to it.

Isn't the former the kind of elemental god such as the god of wind and thunder?

The latter is a god of war, a god of wealth, and other gods that rely more on human faith?

The former would be called innate sacredness in prehistoric literature, while the latter is a god on the list of gods.

If the exaggeration is further exaggerated, those who completely control a law are generally called Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and their status is at the same level as a saint.

But if the gods of the Otsutsuki clan were really that awesome, there would be no need to send people to track down Kaguya's affairs. Daluo Jinxian would have noticed it as early as the moment Kaguya committed the crime.

Therefore, the master of the Otsutsuki clan cannot be a Daluo Jinxian, or even a Celestial being.

Immortals can scan the entire world with just one thought.

Therefore, these Masters are probably little Mao Gods who have embarked on a certain path and achieved a little success.

"How many masters are there in the Otsutsuki clan?" Ning Yuan asked.

"There are no less than ten of them that I know of!" Kaguya just recalled the appearance of those big guys in her mind, and her face turned pale involuntarily.

Ning Yuan is still asking: "What kind of gods are they and what do they control?"

"I only know the name of one: Otsutsuki Qianxiao, in charge of death!" Kaguya saw Ning Yuan's puzzled expression and said quickly: "We are of low status and really have no right to know the names of other masters. We only know one." Because I am Lord Qianxiao’s subordinate!”

"What about the Master?" Ning Yuan asked again.

"I don't know about that!" Kaguya shook her head: "However, I heard that there is a God of Otsutsuki above the Master. He is the origin of the Otsutsuki clan and the ancestor of the gods. We plant sacred trees and harvest them. Chakra fruit is also to support that ancestor!"

"Support?" Ning Yuan nodded, understanding this kind of operation very well. Isn't it just to gather the strength of the whole clan to collect cultivation resources for himself?

"So our short-term opponent is an investigator and an investigator. If we kill them, we may still encounter the Master and even the ultimate God of Otsutsuki!" Ning Yuan asked.

"Uh..." Kaguya blinked: "Although that's the case!"

But, what's going on with your understatement? That's the Master, a powerful person at the level of a god!

But she didn't know that Ning Yuan was a troubled man.

He was never afraid of strong enemies, only that there was no way ahead.

Now that you've told me how to go next, what should I be afraid of?

"So how do you learn to control nature?" Ning Yuan asked.

"I don't know that!" Kaguya shook his head: "I'm just a guardian, but I do have a way to control the way of faith. If you want to learn it, I can teach you!"

"Isn't faith poisonous?" Ning Yuan asked: "Or the gods were kidnapped by their own believers or something."

"I don't understand what you call poison. After practicing, faith will be transformed into pure divine power. However, being kidnapped by believers is indeed the case for those low-end faiths!" Kaguya said: "But our Otsutsuki This clan has been studying the roots for tens of thousands of years, but they have also found some beliefs that are not too dependent on humans!"

"You don't rely much on humans, but you still have faith?" Ning Yuan was confused: "Isn't this statement contradictory?"

"It's not contradictory!" Kaguya Otsutsuki explained: "Take Maoyue as an example. Humans worship the moon, so Maoyue has the meaning of faith, but Maoyue does not exist because of humans. So as long as Maoyue's divine will is formed, whether people believe it or not, as long as Maoyue is still there, faith will continue to be generated!"

Ning Yuan understood.

Some beliefs are heavily dependent on life, such as the God of Examination.

As a concept exclusive to humans, if there are no humans, there is no concept of examination at all, so if someone really uses examination as a belief to become a god, he must promote examinations everywhere, for fear that the good habit of examinations will decline in any civilization.

This is a low-end belief that will be kidnapped by believers.

But for example, the God of Wealth, wealth is also more dependent on humans, but not completely dependent on humans, because many small animals, birds, and even fish will also pursue the storage of materials.

This kind of belief is higher than the God of Examination.

Going up, the Sun God.

Humans worship the sun, so there is the Sun God, but once the Sun God is formed, it can rely on the sun to exist, not on human beliefs.

This is a relatively high-end belief.

"Why are you called the Goddess of the Rabbit instead of the Goddess of the Sun?" After thinking for a while, Ning Yuan simply asked: "There will be more people who believe in the sun!"

"Maybe I personally prefer the moon?" Kaguya advised: "If you want to become a god, it is better to choose some beliefs that you like more. Otherwise, if you don't like your own priesthood, how can you grow?"

Ning Yuan understood.

If you want to go the route of deification, it is best to choose a belief that requires human achievement but does not rely on humans.

And you have to like this belief yourself, otherwise it is easy to give up and not work.

Seeing Ning Yuan lost in thought, Kaguya couldn't help but persuade him: "In fact, no matter which belief you choose, it is meaningless. Your belief has been established from the time when the Otsutsuki clan came, it is no more than a thousand years, and the lord of the Otsutsuki clan has been a god for ten thousand years, even a hundred thousand or a million years?"

"How can your efforts of only a thousand years compete with their hundred thousand years of foundation?"

"What's more, compared with the way of nature, the way of faith is ultimately inferior!"

The level of the skill is backward and the time of practice is short. Kaguya has no idea how Ning Yuan should win.

Ning Yuan doesn't think so.

Is the way of faith really weaker than the way of nature?

Nonsense, who dares to say that the Jade Emperor is weaker than the Thunder God?

Isn't the Jade Emperor a god of faith?

In the prehistoric world view, how many people are stronger than the Jade Emperor?

Even if we don't talk about the Jade Emperor, gods of the level of Yang Jian and Sun Wukong are also first-class strong!

Moreover, in some worlds, the Way of Faith is still the true Way of the Lord God, such as "After Ascension".

The Way of Faith did start off a little poorly, but as long as the population of believers is large enough and the world covered is large enough, the potential is still not small.

And don't forget. .

"If a thousand years of hard work can't beat ten thousand years of accumulation, then what's the point of you, who has practiced for a thousand years, lying in my arms, who has practiced for only ten years?" Ning Yuan said lightly: "Some geniuses are destined to break the rules!"

Kaguya was stunned, and her face inexplicably blushed.

It's not because she's shy, but because she's more than a thousand years old!

Her years of practice started with five thousand years.

But this kind of thing must not be told to Ning Yuan. It's shameful that practicing for a thousand years can't beat practicing for ten years. How can you continue to extend your practice time?

"If you want to learn, then I'll teach you!!" Kaguya sighed. Anyway, this world is hopeless. If he wants to try, let him try.

Extending her slender jade fingers, Kaguya whispered, "Don't resist!"

Ning Yuan responded, and looked at Kaguya's hand, which was somewhat similar to humans, but whiter and more slender, like the hand of an elf, and touched his forehead.

The next second, a complicated and complex practice method appeared in his mind.

The practice method has no name, but its content is how to determine the gods, how to spread faith, how to collect the power of faith, and how to achieve the will of God.

The will of God is the soul of God. After cultivating the will of God, as long as the faith is not extinguished, the god will be immortal.

It can only be sealed, not killed.

There is only one way to destroy the gods, to exterminate his faith.

But this is only effective for low-end faith. For Kaguya, who uses Maoyue as the name of God, you must not only exterminate her faith, but also blow up the moon, so that she will completely perish.

In addition, after becoming a god, you can also obtain a kind of energy called divine power.

This energy can be added to any energy, just like natural chakra, to enhance the original attributes and power.

The more divine power is used, the stronger the amplification will be.

As long as you are willing to invest, it is not impossible to split the planet in one breath.

The same move is stronger than others when Kaguya uses it, that's the reason.

In addition, divine power will also show special power according to the priesthood.

For example, Kaguya is the goddess of the moon, so her divine power has some characteristics of the moon.

For example, controlling gravity and emitting fluorescence,


You said the moon itself does not emit light?

Don't forget that beliefs are determined by people. People think that the moon can emit light, so the moon god can emit light.

"How about it, have you thought about which belief you want to choose?" Kaguya asked: "Maybe I can also give you a few references!"

"Can a belief be chosen by multiple people?" Ning Yuan asked.

"Yes!" Kaguya nodded: "But only one can go to the end!"

In other words, those who choose the same path may fight to the death in the future.

"Can a person choose many paths?" Ning Yuan asked again.

"Yes!" Kaguya nodded: "But even if you are a god, your energy is limited. If you can't take care of too many beliefs, the beliefs will die, and if the beliefs are too scattered, the growth rate will also be affected!"

"But as long as the will of God is formed, don't you need faith?" Ning Yuan asked.

"That being said, if you take the initiative to manage it, won't the growth rate be faster?"

Ning Yuan understood.

So although the formed gods no longer rely on humans, it is better not to leave them alone.

So, what should you choose as your priesthood?

The first thing Ning Yuan thought of was war and peace.

War and peace are the main themes of the human world. As long as there is a human world, these two elements are destined to exist.

Once the will of God is formed, he can gain divine power regardless of whether the world is in a state of war or peace.

Secondly, it is the way of reproduction.

In the Internet age, there is a sect of immortals that is not liked by all netizens, but at least 80% of them like it.

That sect is called the Hehuan Sect.

As the saying goes, when you are well fed and warm, you will think about sex. As long as a country is peaceful and stable for a long time, LSPs will emerge in batches.

Choosing this path is actually very promising.

The key is that whether it is war or peace, or reproduction, it does not rely on people's beliefs. After all, whether there are gods or not, wars must be fought, and pornography will also be done.

Third, it is the way of games.

The concept of games is very broad. Archery and hunting are games, fishing is a game, pornography is a game, and even war is, in a sense, a game for strategists and ambitious people.

In short, as long as humans can eat enough, the rest of their life activities can basically be regarded as games.

As for the games between animals, there are even more.

Fourth, it is the way of science.

Science is a science that studies natural phenomena, and it is actually very broad.

Thunder and rain are science, farming and harvesting are science, and even chakra and cultivation are science.

As long as someone studies the truth behind it, the scientific path is there, and this path is also promising.

In addition to the above, there are also business paths, education paths, progress paths, and legal paths. . .

After thinking about it, it seems that there are many options!

So, which one should I choose?

If I have to choose, I must choose the strong one with great development potential.

But which one has greater development potential...

Can science and breeding be distinguished?

Which one has greater potential, games or war?

Looking at the dozens, successes and failures, or even thousands of choices that popped up in his mind, Ning Yuan thought again and again, and suddenly found a common point.

Not to mention 100%, but 99% of the paths he chose require a peaceful environment to develop and grow.

After all, in a world where wars are frequent, who would do scientific research!

Rockets are rumbling outside, who has the mind to play LOL?

Even if you are doing HS, it must be a peaceful era.

In wartime, both men and women have to go to the battlefield!

There are many paths to choose from, but there is a word that connects all these beliefs!


Everything above must be realized under the big framework of order.

If it is a disordered society, it will certainly bring some other powerful terms, such as killing and destruction, but killing and destruction are ultimately a behavior of exhausting the pond to catch fish, which cannot last or grow. As long as there is wisdom and intelligence, they will not choose this path.

Moreover, Ning Yuan came from an orderly country in his previous life and was accustomed to the existence of order. The various terms that he subconsciously thought of can only be realized in an orderly environment.

Even if the world after crossing is disordered, it was forcibly transformed into order by Ning Yuan because it delayed his cultivation.

This means that Ning Yuan's own thoughts are also inclined to order.

Even if he arrives in a disordered environment, he can rely on his own experience to transform it into order.

The road is powerful, he likes it, has great potential, and is a little challenging!


Ning Yuan suddenly clenched his fist, and then looked at Kaguya in his arms.

By the way, why is she still in his arms? How long have they been holding her?

However, Ning Yuan had no intention of letting go. Although Kaguya Otsutsuki was the ancestor of the Hyuga clan, she was the ancestor of Ning Yuan in the ninja world. What does it have to do with Ning Yuan on Earth?

Besides, the ninja clan has a tradition of internal marriage, so this is not a problem at all.

"I have chosen the path I want to take!"

"What path?"


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