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Chapter 252 The Almighty God Tai Heng Scripture

Chapter 252 The Almighty God·Tai Heng Zhen Jing

The skill information on the skill fusion interface has always been brief, and the specific effect of the skills can only be known after practicing.

Because the original "Phoenix Heavenly Art" and "Golden Light Divine Mantra" are not low in level, this new skill, although it has just been born, has a level of LV4.

Ning Yuan got familiar with the skills a little bit, and in a short time, he had condensed a group of brand new energy.

In the "Phoenix Genealogy Chart" period, Ning Yuan's chakra was colorless and transparent. After evolving to "Phoenix Heavenly Art", because of the fusion of fairy arts, there was more light blue in the energy.

Later, he integrated the fairy arts of Longdi Cave and Miaobo Mountain. Although the level of the skills did not increase, the color changed slightly.

From light blue to milky white!

And now, gold has been integrated into the skills.

In theory, white + gold should still be gold, but in fact, the color of this new energy is black.

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But it is not the kind of gloomy black, but a kind of silent, dark, mysterious and elegant black.

What does this black look like?

Black hole!

Yes, his energy has the characteristics of absorbing light energy like a black hole, and all light cannot escape from his energy.

Without the emission of light, the energy will naturally become black.

However, his principle is still different from that of a black hole. The black hole uses its own strong gravity to pull photons in, and therefore a large number of photons will gather at a distance from the black hole, forming a magnificent accretion disk.

And Ning Yuan's energy is more like letting photons flow into the sea like water.

So although the energy in Ning Yuan's hand is black, it does not produce an accretion disk.

In addition to the change in color, Ning Yuan also felt that his mana growth rate was getting faster!

It seems to be 3~4 times faster than before!

With an additional energy source, it is natural that the mana growth rate will be faster, and this new energy will absorb even the sun's energy, so it almost no longer emits energy.

It is natural that the source increases, the consumption decreases, and the mana accumulation speed is accelerated.

So, what is the nature of my new mana?

Ning Yuan first tried the ones he knew before, Yin Yang Five Elements, Light Escape, Dust Escape, Shock Escape, Ice Escape, Paper Escape, Ink Escape, Melting Escape, Boiling Escape, Storm Escape.

Not only was it completely unaffected, but the amount of chakra output per unit time was larger, and it was easier to control.

It felt like I had seen a bigger world and came back to kill.

Ning Yuan just tried it a little, and then changed to others.

The reason why he wanted to synthesize a higher-level technique was for that origin chakra!

The origin chakra has time and space attributes, does my energy have it?

Ning Yuan tried the Flying Thunder God Technique, and in just a thought, he had appeared on a barren mountain.

"The mana consumed is almost nothing, and the seal is not condensed at all. It's as if I just hooked my hand over there and the whole person passed by!" Ning Yuan was thoughtful. Now he has a terrifying affinity for space!

"Then there is gravity!" Gravity is also controlled by the origin chakra, but it is not listed as a separate attribute. This may be one of the most basic abilities of chakra.

Even the most ordinary ninja, his chakra can generate attraction to grab himself on the tree.

It's just that higher-level chakra can do more things.

Ning Yuan didn't know how to operate it at first, but just thought about making chakra produce repulsion, and then he found that he was slowly floating up!

"So this is how Kaguya flies in the sky, it's really very cool!" Ning Yuan felt his own mana and found that he could hardly feel the slightest power consumption in making himself fly.

It seems that controlling gravity is the instinct of this new energy.

Since it is instinct, the consumption is naturally less.

"If flying is possible, what about hiding underground?"

Ning Yuan filled his whole body with new energy, then landed lightly on the ground, and then easily hid in the soil like a fish entering water.

This feeling is very strange, the soil is like a part of his body, allowing him to pass through it, but it can't hinder him at all.

Remember, it is to pass through, not to push the soil to open up a path.

When Ning Yuan hid underground, the soil was still there.

This feeling is very strange, as if a space was superimposed.

"Enter the water?"

Ning Yuan got into the water, and the feeling in the water was no different from being in the soil, so that after Ning Yuan restrained his breath, he could even see fish passing through his body.

"Transformation between virtual and real, energy body?" Ning Yuan was a little surprised, but after a little perception, he understood the reason.

The human body seems to be composed of molecules and atoms, but atoms are divided into quarks, and quarks are divided into energy.

In the eyes of extremely high-level civilizations, or immortal civilizations, matter and energy are originally one.

Technological civilization can create things in the void with just sunlight, and immortal cultivators can also transform themselves into rainbow light and escape thousands of miles away.

Obviously, the energy level of his latest synthesis is extremely high, and it has also reached this level.

Continue research.

"Control water!" Ning Yuan thought casually, and a lake of water appeared in his palm.


The lake water turned into the shape of a puppy, and more than just the shape, blood vessels, bones, meridians, and even internal organs began to appear in its body.

But in the blink of an eye, a ball of water turned into a puppy!

It's just that although the puppy has a body, it has no soul.

But that's not the problem.

Ning Yuan exhaled a breath of yin and yang escape, and the puppy suddenly turned over in his palm and opened its eyes!

Puppy, alive!

"Creation!" Ning Yuan was horrified. Although he had heard that Yin Yang Dun had the ability to create things, Ning Yuan had never seen anyone created by Yin Yang Dun except Hei Jue.

And now, right in front of him, under his own control, a puppy was created!

"Can it only be a dog?" As Ning Yuan thought, a ball of water turned into the shape of a baby in his hand.

In the eyes of human beings, they are the leader of all living things and the sect of all spirits, but in the eyes of the Otsutsuki clan, they are just ordinary indigenous people on a living planet.

From the perspective of body structure, there is no difference between humans and animals.

As a medical ninja, Ning Yuan is naturally very familiar with the structure of the human body, so in just a few seconds, a baby has already taken shape in his hands!

"Wow wow wow..." The baby opened his eyes in confusion, and when the cold wind blew, he immediately cried out because of the cold!

Ning Yuan was silent for a moment, and then used the Flying Thunder God technique to place the baby at the door of a nearby orphanage.

With Guining's policy, this child will grow up peacefully in an orphanage, and then go to elementary school, junior high school, high school, and college.

With the genetic configuration that Ning Yuan arranged for this body, he might even become a leader in Guining's scientific community.

Everyone will find out about his past as an orphan, but no one will ever know that this baby was actually created by Ning Yuan.

In a sense, Ning Yuan is his father.



As soon as I pointed out the wheat seedlings, the wheat seedlings that had just popped up spanned three or four months, and in the blink of an eye, the branches were covered with wheat ears.

"Call the wind!"

"Call the rain!"

Just a little bit of energy, combined with his own thoughts, caused a gust of wind and a shower of rain.


A Jian-20 fighter jet suddenly appeared in front of him out of nothingness.



The residents at the foot of the mountain looked up blankly. Spring hasn't come yet, so why are there spring thunders?

Ning Yuan began to understand why the Otsutsuki clan no longer had the concept of martial arts.

Because as long as he thought about it and used a little bit of energy, the technique was already formed.

What kind of magic is this!

If this could be considered a technique, then a person would have hundreds of thoughts in one second, and Ning Yuan could create hundreds of ninjutsu in one second!

Ning Yuan also began to understand why Black Zetsu called Otsutsuki Kaguya the Almighty God!

Because judging from his current experiments, it seems that he has a little more than what ordinary people think a god should have, and even exceeds it.

He can fly to the sky and escape from the earth, move mountains and fill the sea, call the wind and rain, control thunder, and even create life.

Ning Yuan also began to understand why Yin Yang Dun was called the art of creation and destruction.

This is not an exaggeration at all?

"Isn't this level of energy a bit supermodel? Shouldn't this energy appear in some world of immortality, or even the prehistoric world? How come a two-dimensional world has appeared!" Ning Yuan was a little confused.

After all, in the prehistoric literature, the creation of human beings was exclusive to the Empress Nuwa, and she had to cooperate with the Great Way of Creation, the Nine Heavens Breathing Earth, the Three Lights Divine Water and so on.

So who am I now, on the same level as Empress Nuwa?

"No, no!" Ning Yuan shook his head quickly. Although they all created humans, they are still different from each other.

For example, what Nuwa created was the innate human race, but what he created was the acquired human race.

Pressing his somewhat floating heart down to the ground, Ning Yuan began to think divergently again, studying himself, no, the limits of this new energy's capabilities.

The first is the elements, not to mention metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, yin and yang. Ning Yuan can synthesize them one by one according to the periodic table of elements.

In addition, he also synthesized many compounds that he knew, and even synthesized many compounds that he did not know during the experiment.

As long as he knows the blueprints, structure, and materials, he can build airplanes, rockets, and even water droplets!

It just has an empty shape. Ning Yuan doesn't know what the structure is inside and what the engine is, so he can't build it.

He also thought about creating a sophon, but maybe because the rules of the world were different, he couldn't create one.

However, he has made it clear that in the material world, this energy has indeed reached its extreme.

In the realm of souls, this energy can see souls, view, read, and modify soul memories, create souls, and even tailor a body for a soul after seeing it to resurrect the dead!

Maybe this is the principle behind the heretical art of reincarnation.

In the soul realm, this kind of energy can be said to have reached its extreme. Anyway, Ning Yuan feels no worse than the aunt next door.

As for the space field, Ning Yuan initially tried Flying Thunder God. Now that he was familiar with the use of this energy, he tried to create a space door leading to other places, and it was also successful.

"This is Hirazaka? I haven't learned it yet, I can do it myself!"

Ning Yuan was a little surprised and was trying the next thing, opening up a space!

"It can actually succeed?" Looking at the space in his palm that seems to be only the size of a fist, but in fact the internal space is as big as two rooms, Ning Yuan inexplicably thought of something.


That's right, his space is 80% or even 100% similar to Kamui!

"Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi!"

"Kotoamatsukami, Kamui!"


"Shinra Tensei, Tensei Tensei, Chibaku Tensei!"

"Samsara: Side Grave!"

Ning Yuan was inspired by Kamui, and then tried to use other Mangekyō Sharingan techniques one by one, and then extended them to Samsara Eye.

All of them can be released successfully!

Obviously, it is not this energy that is copying Sharingan, but the principle of Sharingan is to extract a trivial ability from this energy to awaken.

Because this energy is too omnipotent, it seems that Mangekyō Sharingan can awaken any ability.

In fact, the ability awakened by Mangekyō is far less than one ten-thousandth of the actual performance of this energy!

For example, when Tu Ge awakened the Divine Power, his ideal was to create a world with Lin, but when he awakened the Divine Power, there was only a world without Lin, which was caused by the insufficient power of the Mangekyō Sharingan.

If he could reach Ning Yuan's level and awaken the Mangekyō, then Nohara Lin might have been resurrected instantly when he awakened the Mangekyō!

"The God of Matter, the God of Soul, and the ability to control gravitational repulsion!" Ning Yuan skipped the Red Eyes Clan, and he had found the source of this energy.

Stars, life planets!

That's right, this energy is so omnipotent, and even has the ability to control time and space, which is actually inseparable from the source of this energy.

This energy originates from the sun and life planets, and naturally carries the various characteristics of the three elements of the sun, life, and planets.

The sun and planets represent gravitational repulsion, and the stars themselves can distort time and space. In addition, the planets themselves have all kinds of elements, which represents the material side of energy.

And life represents the soul side of energy.

This energy is called the Origin Chakra by the Otsutsuki Clan, but in Ning Yuan's opinion, this name is actually not accurate.

This thing is not the origin, nor is it chakra.

It should be called the power of stars and life.

Coincidentally, in the myth of Ning Yuan's previous life, there is a creature that is both life and lives in the stars.

So-called: Three-legged Golden Crow!

So this energy can also be named with a more fairy-like name, such as: Golden Crow Divine Power!

Or Golden Crow Mana!

Looking at the big "Unnamed" prompt on the skill, Ning Yuan immediately added a name to this pink skill.

"Golden Crow Immortal Scripture"!

First of all, it should be pointed out that although Ning Yuan's previous skill was called "Phoenix Heavenly Skill", it actually has nothing to do with the phoenix. It's just because the original dance was called "Phoenix Dance Nine Days", so the name of the phoenix was continued.

Now that he found that his practice element is closer to the stars, Ning Yuan must change his name immediately.

In addition, this Golden Crow is not the Golden Crow Emperor in the prehistoric world, but the Golden Crow under the scientific worldview.

This Golden Crow controls gravitational repulsion, elements, souls, and life, and even the Lord of Matter and the Lord of Soul.

"No, why do I have to add the name of a fairy beast to the technique?" Ning Yuan suddenly felt something was wrong. He seemed to be restricted by his own inertia of thinking. Because the previous technique had a fairy beast name, the next one must also have one.

In fact, this is not a hard requirement.

And now you call it "Golden Crow Immortal Scripture". If you really go to a world with a golden crow, won't there be a conflict due to luck?

"Since the technique is related to stars, just call it "Tai Heng Zhen Jing"!"

Ning Yuan looked at the name he finally decided on and nodded with satisfaction.

Heng means stars, and also represents his desire to pursue eternity.

And Tai Heng has a feeling of a great sect, and it is very high-end.

After deciding on the name, Ning Yuan began to think about another question.

How to go to other worlds?

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