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Chapter 255 Jinbei's Conspiracy Interview and Submission

Chapter 255 Jinbei’s Conspiracy·Interviews and Submissions

Not long after the sailors went in to report, a group of sailors hurried over under the leadership of a colonel.

The colonel was wearing a hooded jumpsuit, had a sharp mouth, monkey cheeks and triangular eyes, and even three beards on his cheeks. At first glance, he thought he was the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

It was none other than Captain Mouse of the 16th Naval Branch.

"Reporter, where is the reporter?" Mouse hurried over and saw Ning Yuan next to Ah Jianjian at a glance.

The main thing is that the white suit Ning Yuan wears is spotless. Judging from the material of the clothes and the person's temperament, you can tell that he cannot be a local, especially a colonel like Mouse, who is best at observing words and expressions.

"Hello!" Ning Yuan stretched out his hand and handed over a small square notebook: "Ning Yuan, a reporter from the World Economic News, heard that there was a navy here that foiled the Shichibukai's conspiracy, so I came here specifically to interview him. You must be the protagonist who foiled the Shichibukai conspiracy, I don’t know what to call you?”

Mouse first took the certificate and looked at it. The cover of the book said Ningguo News Journalist Card.

When I opened the certificate, it showed the ID number, the reporter's name, the date of issuance, and a photo of the reporter himself.

Under the photo, there is also the issuing authority of the certificate: Ningguo News Consulting Department.

"What a formal ID!" It's not like Colonel Mouse has never seen reporters before, but the reporters he met were all small reporters from the East China Sea. These reporters had no such thing as ID, so they came directly to interview with pens and paper in their hands.

But Ning Yuan actually took out such a thing, which immediately frightened the mouse.

As a major global newspaper, World Economic News should have such a high-end certificate, but it actually feels more advanced than my own colonel certificate.

"Hello, reporter Ning!" Mouse hurriedly returned the press card to Ning Yuan, with a smile on his stiff face: "My name is Mouse, and I am the colonel of the 16th branch of the Navy. I am indeed the leader of the Dragon Pirates. What’s destroyed is that I don’t know what the Shichibukai is!”

"Nonsense!" Before he could finish his words, Jian beside him suddenly became unhappy: "You led the troops to destroy the Dragon Pirates, but it was clearly the Straw Hat Pirates who destroyed them!"

"Well, Jian, I haven't settled the accounts with you yet for your villagers' collusion with the pirates!" Colonel Mouse suddenly became unhappy. How could you speak like this in front of reporters?

After scolding Ajian, he quickly looked at Ning Yuan: "Reporter Ning, I want to explain to you that there is a girl named Nami in this village. She first joined the Dragon Pirates and later betrayed the Dragon Pirates. The pirates joined the Straw Hat Pirates. It was because of Nami that the two pirate groups had a dispute. But in the end, we were the ones who destroyed the Dragon Pirates, and we also drove away the Straw Hat Pirates. Let’s go!”

"Otherwise, look at the nice village next to you. If we hadn't driven away the pirates, would this village be so peaceful?"

As he spoke, Colonel Mouse felt aggrieved: "Reporter Ning, you must report it truthfully. Why is it so difficult for our navy to destroy a pirate? It's because these civilians and pirates collude with each other and are complicit. Think about it. , our navy has just set off, and the villagers over there are greeting the pirates, so how can we catch the pirates? "

Ajian was dumbfounded. Good guy, you are talking nonsense in front of me, right?

Just as he was about to say something, Colonel Laoshu turned his head sharply: "What, do you want me to investigate the fact that someone in your village is a pirate?"

Ken was silent for a moment. Although he felt that the Straw Hat Pirates were good pirates, good pirates were also pirates. The fact that Nami joined the pirates was an indisputable fact!

Ajian could only look at Ning Yuan sincerely. This reporter Ning would not believe the colonel's words!

If only Reporter Ning had come two days earlier, then they could see with their own eyes what the Straw Hat Pirates look like.

But Ning Yuan nodded following the mouse's words: "I often see villagers collaborating with thieves. However, the navy also needs to carefully screen this situation. Is he forced to do so, or does he have interests with pirates? Don’t jump to conclusions without investigation and hurt innocent people!”

The mouse nodded repeatedly after hearing this: "Yes, yes, you are worthy of being a reporter. Even if you can talk, our navy has always done this. You see, although this Nami has joined the pirates, she is obviously that kind of person." A person who is determined to be a thief steals the villagers' property before leaving, which is obviously a bad habit, but we did not pursue the people in the same village as Nami. Then again, a simple village like Cocosia has raised a lot of people. I am deeply saddened by the appearance of such a pirate!"

Ning Yuan: Haha, the reason for not pursuing Nami's fellow villagers is probably not because of your generosity, but because you are afraid that Luffy and his gang will come back for revenge.

"Let's go in and talk!" The mouse said, then looked at Ajian: "As for you, just go on patrol, we don't need you here!"

"Uh!" Ajian looked at Ning Yuan with a pleading look. Now that I'm gone, won't I just let you talk nonsense?

But he had no ability to resist the rats.

But when Ning Yuan spoke, Ning Yuan didn't even look at him and just followed the mouse!

"Tsk, it's a shame that I still thought about marrying Nokigao to you. I and Colonel Mouse are the same bad guys!" Ajian spat on the ground, then turned around and left.

He had to tell Nokigo that this reporter was not a good person and he must not be trusted.

"This is the former headquarters of the Dragon Pirates, but it has been destroyed!" Colonel Mouse pointed to a ruin and said, "By the way, I see you don't have a camera with you, don't you need to take a picture or something?"

"No, I can draw!" Ning Yuan said, "I'll draw whatever scene you need later!"

"Is that so?" Mouse didn't understand what it was like to be a reporter from a big newspaper, but drawing scenes by himself sounded like a very powerful operation.

The two came to a pavilion built by the navy. Mouse was not someone who could stand the wind and sun, so he built this pavilion for himself so that he could sit here and watch the marines work.

Now it's just right to conduct an interview here.

Mouse served Ning Yuan a cup of tea, and then asked, "Reporter Ning, what exactly are the Seven Warlords of the Sea you just mentioned?"

He was a timid person and didn't want to have anything to do with the Seven Warlords of the Sea at all.

"Dragon is a subordinate of Jinbei among the Seven Warlords of the Sea, don't you know?" Ning Yuan asked.

"Ah?" Mouse was stunned: "Is Arlong Jinbei's subordinate?"

"Of course!" Ning Yuan nodded: "You know Fisher Tiger, they are both Fisher Tiger's subordinates, but later Fisher Tiger died, and Jinbei became the boss of their group!"

The mouse opened his mouth wide, he really didn't know this!

"At first, this evil dragon was captured and pushed into the city. Later, when Jinbei became one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, he was released and disappeared. I was traveling in the East China Sea recently. I heard the news that the evil dragon pirates were executed. I found out that they ran here!" Ning Yuan said with admiration: "The subordinates of the Seven Warlords of the Sea actually lurked in the East China Sea quietly, and they have been lurking for almost ten years. During these ten years, they have been accumulating wealth. What do you think they want to do?"

"Ah this..." Mouse blinked: "I heard that they want to build a fishman kingdom!"

"Do you believe this?" Ning Yuan asked back: "Building a fishman kingdom does require money, but it requires more land and people. If I were an evil dragon, the best way to build a kingdom would be to kill all the people here first, and then move the fishmen from Fishman Island here, instead of collecting taxes here!"

"Hiss!" Mouse was stunned when he heard it. Is this a reporter or a killer? I thought I was perverted enough, but I didn't expect this reporter to kill everyone here!

However, this made Mouse more convinced of Ning Yuan's identity, because this was obviously the mentality that only comes from seeing too many massacres.

He must have seen too many examples of massacres of cities and countries, so he could say such cruel words in such a calm tone.

I didn't expect that it was not only the pirates who were so powerful in the Grand Line, but even a reporter was so fierce!

"So, what do you mean?" Unconsciously, Mouse actually used honorifics!

"I have learned about the style of the Dragon Pirates in the town before. In addition to killing some people and destroying a naval force in the early days, they were extremely low-key in the later period. In addition to collecting money everywhere, they did not do anything else!"

"And they obviously like money, but they can restrain themselves and never collect more every month!!"

"Can you imagine this? You know, I have never seen a country in this sea that has not increased taxes for ten years!"

Mouse opened his mouth: "That's because they claim to be noble fishmen and don't want their blood to be polluted by humans!"

"Aren't the Celestial Dragons more noble? Why do they have children with ordinary people?" Ning Yuan said indifferently.

"Hiss!" Mouse took a breath of cold air. His first reaction was, this reporter had actually seen the Celestial Dragons?

Seeing his disdainful look, maybe he had even interviewed them!

I didn't even know this kind of big reporter before!

The second reaction was, can I say this? Can I listen to this?

The third reaction was, the Celestial Dragons actually did this, so exciting?

He looked around first and found that the marines were far away, so he was relieved, and then whispered: "This reporter, let's not talk about the Celestial Dragons, let's continue talking about the Seven Warlords!"

"What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of CP0 in this wilderness!" Ning Yuan said angrily.

Mouse was speechless. You even knew about the CP organization.

You are my big brother!

"Forget it, if you don't want to hear it, I won't say it!" Ning Yuan shook his head and continued: "Let's talk about the Dragon Pirates. A pirate group has such willpower, is not greedy for money, and is not lustful. What do they want to do?"

The mouse has completely brought Ning Yuan's thoughts: "What do they want to do?"

"It's very simple!" Ning Yuan said firmly: "If a person is not greedy for money and is not lustful, then he must have a bigger plan!"

The mouse was stunned when he heard it, and then thought about it carefully, and felt that this sentence seemed to make sense.

For example, I am very greedy for money, and I am a person without ambition.

For example, the colonel in the neighboring Rogue Town, I heard that he is not greedy for money and not lustful, and his ideal is to eliminate pirates all over the world.

It seems that people who are not greedy for money and not lustful generally have great ideals.

"What are their ideals?" The mouse asked hurriedly.

Ning Yuan shook his head: "I don't know!"

"How can you not know, your knowledge is so broad!" The mouse said hurriedly.

"After all, that is a plan that the Shichibukai has been lurking for decades. Who knows what they are planning!" Ning Yuan said: "But if you think about it carefully, it is not difficult to guess that something worthy of the Shichibukai's decades of planning is originally not much!"

"You mean?" Mouse's eyes lit up.

"A hundred years of blank history, the whereabouts of the three lost weapons, considering that the evil dragon is a murloc, and the ideal of the entire murloc tribe to live on the ground!"

The mouse was stunned for a while, and he felt that what he heard in this moment was more exciting than in the past few decades.

"What kind is he?" asked the mouse.

"What do the murlocs want from history? They don't get recognition from humans!" Ning Yuan said: "As for ancient weapons, there are only so many murlocs. Even if they get ancient weapons, they can't rule the world!"

"So the fishmen seem to have many dreams, but in fact there is only the third option: living on the ground!"

"So?" Mouse blinked, vaguely feeling that he was about to touch the truth.

But with his meager IQ, he really couldn't figure it out.

"Yes, he wants to steal a country!" Ning Yuan said lightly.

"Stealing the country?" Mouse exclaimed: "How is this possible?"

"Nothing is impossible!" Ning Yuan said calmly: "Although the land is huge now, there is no longer an inch of land for the fish people to live. If the fish people want to live on the surface, they must occupy an already existing country and directly occupy this country. If all the people are killed, it will probably arouse the entire human society's opposition, so the fish people are trying another method, which is to stand on top of humans, rule and collect taxes!"

"The Dragon Pirates' rule over a dozen surrounding towns is a prophecy of this model!"

The mouse's eyes widened and his mouth was dumbfounded. Okay, what a powerful deduction!

And, totally logical!

"If this is the case, then it can be explained why the Dragon Pirates collect money but don't use it themselves!" Ning Yuan continued: "What are they collecting the money for?"

The mouse blinked, and then his mind lit up: "Heavenly gold!"

Ning Yuan gave a thumbs up: "That's right, just pay the heavenly gold!"

"It is not difficult to steal a country, but what is difficult is how to occupy it for a long time and how to get the recognition of the world government!" Ning Yuan said: "Jinbei sent the evil dragon to an unnoticed corner of the East China Sea to preview the future model! "

"By ruling the villages and amassing wealth, they are accumulating experience for ruling humans in the future!"

"As long as it can be successful here, the future fish-man kingdom can also be successful!"

The mouse finally realized: "So that's it! As expected of the Shichibukai, this plan is really deep, and no one can see it, until you cracked it today!"

"No, no, no!" Ning Yuan shook his head: "I am not the one who cracked the Qiwuhai conspiracy!"

"Aren't these all deduced by you?" The mouse was at a loss: "Who are you if it's not you?"

"It's you!!" Ning Yuan said calmly: "It was you who destroyed Kai Xia Jinbei's conspiracy, and it was you who discovered the truth about the Dragon Pirates that had been lurking in the East China Sea for ten years!!"

"Huh? Me?" The mouse was stunned, as if he had thought of something.

"That's right!" Ning Yuan said calmly: "A deduction is just a deduction after all. If you write roughly, maybe, maybe, in the report, it will all be discovered by a reporter! How can the higher-ups determine your credit?"

"So this matter must be the evidence you collected yourself, the conspiracy you discovered yourself!"

"What about you?" Mouse has completely understood what Ning Yuan means. He wants to give me this great achievement!

But what would Ning Yuan gain by doing this?

"I'm a reporter. I don't need this kind of credit. In other words, reporting a breaking news is my biggest credit!" Ning Yuan said: "And if everything is my deduction, this kind of thing won't make the news. , but if a colonel comes forward to testify, then this matter will become a solid case! "

“Not only does it make the newspapers, it even makes the headlines!”

Although rats are greedy, they are not stupid. Besides, Ning Yuan has already made it so clear. If he doesn't understand, he will be hopelessly stupid.

In short, even if Jinbei didn't have a conspiracy, he would still have to complete the conspiracy. Afterwards, Ning Yuan got the news and he got political achievements. Wouldn't everyone be happy!

Moreover, who says Jinbe doesn’t have a conspiracy.

Did the dragon rule the village for more than ten years? Did he keep a detailed file of all the money he received? Did he save all his money and not spend it too much?

And most importantly, the dragon is dead!

Of course, he wasn't killed by Luffy, but by a rat.

If he were alive, he might expose the fact that the mouse was colluding with him, so after Luffy left, the mouse made a last-ditch attack on the evil dragon.

It was stated that he died from his injuries.

Once a person dies, it is death without evidence!

No matter how you write the dragon's testimony, it's all up to the mouse himself!

"But if we do this, will we offend Jinbei?" The mouse couldn't hold back anymore in the face of a wave of great power.

But if you think about it carefully, if you do this, you will offend a Shichibukai!

"Do you think Jinbei can continue to be a Shichibukai after something like this happened?" Ning Yuan asked, "He should deal with the arrest of the navy first!"


"You don't have to be afraid!" Ning Yuan said: "You have made such a great contribution, you will definitely become the focus of the navy's training. Everyone will be watching you. If you are retaliated by pirates, especially by Jinbei, the navy will lose face!"

"That's right!" Mouse nodded, and then said excitedly: "Reporter Ning, I know what to do!"

Ning Yuan nodded with satisfaction: "The boy is teachable! Then shall we start the formal interview?"


After confirming the conspiracy of the Dragon Pirates, Mouse didn't need to fight for the credit of the Straw Hat Pirates, because it was not worth mentioning at all.

The key point is what was found in the Dragon Park.

For example, a large number of burned sea charts, it is obvious that these sea charts are all places that the Dragon Pirates have set their sights on. Seeing that their affairs were exposed and wanted to destroy the evidence, fortunately, the marines were not afraid of death and rescued some fragments in the sea of ​​fire.

For example, the account book of the Dragon Pirates' collection of head money in the past ten years.

For example, the Dragon once planned a luxurious palace, and the blueprints were made.

Obviously, this is the palace of the future dragon kingdom.

Forge another interrogation record and put the dragon's fingerprint on it.

In one afternoon, Mouse's report and Ning Yuan's press release were ready.

"Congratulations on your promotion, Colonel!" Before leaving, Ning Yuan patted Mouse on the shoulder: "Next time we meet, you should be a major general!"

"Hey, brigadier general, brigadier general!" Mouse hurriedly said modestly: "We can't skip grades here, I guess I have to stay at brigadier general for a year or two! But I also want to congratulate reporter Ning, there is hope for the headlines!"

"Hey, congratulations!" Ning Yuan smiled and said: "Let's have a chance to cooperate again in the future!"

"Okay, okay!" Mouse smiled, but soon he looked regretful: "But it's still a pity, you have such talent, it's unfair to be a reporter, if you are willing to be my adviser, I think you can become a major general in less than ten years!"

"Sorry, my biggest ideal in life is to record news and publish news!" Ning Yuan bowed.

"That's good. If there's any news in the future, I'll be the first to find you. By the way, do you have a Den Den Mushi?"

"No!" Ning Yuan shook his head: "I came to the East China Sea and lost my Den Den Mushi when I crossed the Upside Down Mountain!"

"Alas, Upside Down Mountain is indeed difficult to cross, but our navy's Den Den Mushi are also limited. I can't give it to you. You can write down my number first. In addition, I will write you a note to prove that you are a friendly person of our navy. In the future, when you go in and out of the East China Sea and the Great Route, you can take our navy's official ships, which will be much safer!"

"Thank you so much, Colonel Mouse!"

"You're welcome, you're welcome, we are all brothers!"


"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I ate an orange from a fellow villager when I came here, and now I have some acid reflux!"

"Alas, how can I eat oranges in the countryside? It's getting dark, why don't you stay and have a meal?"

"No, no, I'll go see a doctor first!"

"Okay, by the way, when will the report be published?"

"It should be published tomorrow!"

"Okay, okay, then do you want me to send two soldiers to take you there?"

"No, no, you're so busy here, and now the evil dragons are gone, it's safe on this road!"

"Okay, then take care, brother!"

"Ugh, bye!"

. . . . . .

"Huh!" He leaned against the tree to relieve his stomach. In fact, he was fine physically, but he couldn't accept it emotionally.

"Bad guy!" A crisp voice sounded in his ears.

"What bad guy?" Ning Yuan didn't even turn his head. He knew it was Noqi Gao by the sound of his voice.

"You are a bad guy!" Nuoqi Gao came out from behind the tree with an angry face, holding a stick in his hand.

Why do you use a stick?

"How am I a bad guy?" Ning Yuan asked back.

"The mouse colonel is a bad guy. You came out with him arm in arm, how can you not be a bad guy?" Nuoqi Gao raised the stick unhappily: "I thought you were a good person, and I treated you well, hum!"

As he said that, the stick chopped down directly on his head.

Ning Yuan had no choice but to grab the stick. Fortunately, this was Nuoqi Gao, just an ordinary girl.

If this was Hancock, I would have been killed.

"Although I am arm in arm with the mouse, I am really not a bad guy!" Ning Yuan explained: "How about you listen to my explanation?"

"Okay, go ahead!" Nuoqi Gao pulled the stick twice but it didn't move, and he became even angrier.

But when he saw Ning Yuan's handsome face, his anger disappeared for no reason.

Maybe, he really had some difficulties?

After all, wasn't Nami like this back then? Although she was a thief, she was actually doing it for everyone in the village!

"That's not right!" Ning Yuan scratched his head: "After I said you want me to explain this sentence, shouldn't you say: I don't want to listen, I don't want to listen?"

"How can there be such a person!" Nokigo was speechless: "Where did you read the romance novels? You actually believe in this kind of plot. Also, explain it to me quickly!"

"Hmm" Ning Yuan touched his chin, thinking about how to explain to Nokigo.

After thinking about it, Ning Yuan said: "This matter involves a lot, are you sure you want to listen?"

"Yes!" Nokigo nodded seriously.

"If you listen, you must become my man, otherwise I will be afraid that you will reveal my secrets, and then I will have to kill you!" Ning Yuan said again: "So, are you sure you still want to listen?"

"This..." Nokigao's face froze: "Is it so serious?"

"More serious than your sister being a pirate!" Ning Yuan said seriously.

Nokigao was shocked, but after thinking about it, he nodded heavily: "I want to listen!"

Her character dares to love and hate, and she is not a person who drags her feet. Since she saw Ning Yuan for the first time, she has liked this person!

So at this moment, proving that Ning Yuan is a good person is more important than her own freedom and life!

I must prove that I didn't make a mistake!

"Okay!" Ning Yuan sighed, first made sure that there was no one around, and then said: "I am against the World Government and the Navy!"

"Are you a pirate?" Nokigao was stunned, but his expression was relieved.

I thought it was something else, isn't my sister one too!

What's the big deal.

Obviously, she has never heard of the Revolutionary Army.

"Yeah, almost!" Ning Yuan is going to do something similar to Dorag, but they are not from the same family, so Ning Yuan definitely cannot use the name of the Revolutionary Army.

"What does this have to do with you and that rat being so close?" Noqigao asked again.

"If you have a grudge against the Navy, do you hope that all the high-ranking officers in the Navy are smart, wise and capable people, or do you hope that rats are greedy, lustful, timid and afraid of things?"

Noqigao was stunned and finally understood what Ning Yuan meant.

"But." Although he could understand it rationally, it was difficult for Noqigao to accept it emotionally: "Is there no other way? Do you have to cooperate with such a person?"

"This is not called cooperation, this is called exploitation!" Ning Yuan laughed and said: "Moreover, if one's virtue is not in line with the position, there will be disasters. It is difficult for Rat to be a colonel with his ability. If he is promoted, something will happen sooner or later. Even if he doesn't get into trouble, as long as he is alive and in a high position, it will be a blow to people with justice in their hearts!"

"Such a person is more useful alive than dead!"

Ning Yuan patted Noqigao's shoulder: "Let's go!"

"Where to?" Noqigao was at a loss.

"Go to your house?" Ning Yuan said as a matter of course: "Don't forget what you just promised. After listening to my secret, you are mine!"

"Huh?" Noqi Gao looked confused.

"That newspaper bird?" Ning Yuan suddenly raised his head and waved to a newspaper bird in the sky.

There has been no big news recently, so newspapers are not selling fast. Ning Yuan originally thought of finding another newspaper bird to submit tomorrow, but he didn't expect that there would still be newspaper birds hovering in the sky at night without selling all the newspapers.

When the newspaper bird heard someone calling him, it immediately landed excitedly, then took out a newspaper and threw it to Ning Yuan, and at the same time raised its wings and gestured five feathers to indicate 50 Baileys.

"I don't have money!" Ning Yuan said.

The newspaper bird suddenly widened its eyes.

"But I have a manuscript here, and I need you to give it to your boss!" Ning Yuan took out the interview manuscript, handed it to the newspaper bird, and continued: "Also, tell your boss that I want to cooperate with him for a long time. If he agrees, you will be our liaison, and you won't have to work hard to deliver newspapers every day in the future."

That's right, Ning Yuan is not a reporter for the World Economic News at all.

He just arrived in this world this morning!

But after confirming the golden finger sent to him by Mother Earth, he directly chose reporter as his early employment direction.

It may also be a long-term career direction.

As for how to be a reporter for the World Economic News, Ning Yuan feels that it is not that difficult. I can just submit the manuscript directly. With my writing style, coupled with this explosive content, Morgans would not refuse such an excellent freelance writer if he had a little vision!

Listening to Ning Yuan's pie, the newspaper bird was skeptical. But it was robbed many times in normal times, so it was just robbed again this time.

And looking at this thick interview manuscript, what if, I mean what if, what he said can really come true!

As a newspaper bird, how can I not envy those big brothers who don't have to go to work every day and have one-on-one contact with the writers!


Grabbing the manuscript and stuffing it into the backpack, the newspaper bird nodded at Ning Yuan, and then flew into the sky.

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