People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 258: Nobles are worse than pirates

It was twelve o'clock at noon.

Noki Gao stretched out her arms, but caught nothing.

She suddenly opened her eyes and saw only an empty bed.

"Gone!" Noki Gao was stunned for a while, then sighed again. She was angry, but not much.

There are so many people in this world who abandon their wives and children to go to sea to become pirates that they don't know whether this behavior affects the culture or the culture of this world causes this behavior.

Although he is a reporter, not a pirate, they are both professions that require going to sea, so there is no difference.

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Noki Gao only hopes that this night of getting along can make her pregnant with a child or something, so that she can have a thought for her future life.

But wait... . . . .

Why is it so cool in this room? Isn't it summer now?

Noki Gao suddenly got up and found that his body seemed to have no discomfort. He felt some pain in his lower body last night, but now he can't feel it at all.

Then there were ice cubes everywhere around the room!

"Where did the ice cubes come from!" Nokigo bent down with a confused look on her face and grabbed it. It was icy cold.

It was really ice cubes!

She put on jeans and a tank top, eh?

Looking at her smooth arms, Nokigo was confused again.

Wait, I have a tattoo!

Because Nami disliked her tattoos, Nokigo also tattooed her arms.

Not only did she tattoo both arms, but she also tattooed her collarbone.

But now, not only the tattoos on her arms are gone, but also the one on her collarbone!

"Aha!" Nokigo almost laughed out loud. Which girl doesn't love beauty? And this world is not the kind of world where tattoos are popular. Even for pirates, except for the logo of a pirate group, there are no tattoos anywhere else.

Now that she finds that her tattoos are gone, of course she will be happy!

She walked out of the bedroom and saw that there were ice cubes everywhere not only in the bedroom, but also in the living room.

In the middle of the living room, the table that was originally used to place sundries was cleared out. There were two chairs on both sides of the table. Ning Yuan sat on one of them. On the other side sat a creature that looked like a bird but had a human face.

"Who is this?" The creature looked up blankly.

"Noqi Gao, my girlfriend!" Ning Yuan introduced.

"Oh, hello!" The creature stretched out its wings: "I am Morgans, the editor-in-chief of the World Economic News!"

"Ah, hello!" As a country girl, the mayor is already a great man to her. The editor-in-chief of the World Economic News? That's even a big man among big men!

I didn't expect such a big man to appear in my home?

So, if he is a big man, what about Ning Yuan?

"Yesterday he said he was not a reporter and it was his first time to submit an article. The next day, the editor-in-chief came to his house. How could this happen!" Noqi Gao felt that he was deceived by Ning Yuan again. He was clearly a big reporter, and the kind of big reporter that the editor-in-chief would personally come to ask for manuscripts!

While mumbling in his heart, Noqigao said, "I'll serve you a cup of tea!"

After that, he went into the kitchen. After serving the tea, he simply left the room and left the living room for the two to talk.

In the living room, Morgans sipped his tea: "So Mr. Ning, what identity do you want to use to cooperate with us?"

Morgans looked at the three contracts in front of him.

The first one is a contracted reporter of the World Economic News. This type of reporter has a guaranteed salary, but it is not much. The main income comes from the huge commissions obtained after the news is published in the newspaper.

Because of the guaranteed salary, the news interviewed by the contracted reporter can only be submitted to the World Economic News.

If a reporter can often encounter major events and make the headlines every day, the income will definitely not be low.

But this is not realistic at all.

The World Economic News has a large number of contracted reporters distributed all over the world, and the news recorded by these reporters every day is simply massive.

But the space of the World Economic News is limited. Only 1‰ of these news reports can be published in the newspaper, and among these 1‰ reports, there is a 1/200 chance of making the headlines.

In other words, only one person among 200,000 reporters can make the headlines.

How low is this probability?

Therefore, most of the contracted reporters live on a guaranteed salary. It is no different from dreaming to make a lot of money from this.

Even if Ning Yuan knows the plot and knows that he can get big news by following Luffy, Luffy's frequency of making trouble is not high. Among them, the only thing that can make the headlines is the Judicial Island.

The second is the cooperative reporter.

The cooperative reporter is a freelance reporter. In addition to handing over the news they interviewed to the World Economic News, they can also hand it over to other newspapers.

The third is the columnist.

In the early years, the World Economic News was an economic newspaper, so it opened a column to evaluate the economy. Although the newspaper later changed its direction under the leadership of Morgans, the column was still retained, but this column was no longer used only to evaluate the economy, but to evaluate everything.

For example, people have commented on countries, princesses of kingdoms, pirates, and even the navy.

Previously, a columnist wrote an article evaluating the world's beauties, and ranked the Empress Boa Hancock first. Hancock's title of the world's most beautiful woman was born.

Column writers have extremely high fees and great influence, but the corresponding requirements for writers are also very high. At least you must have something to say and not talk nonsense.

It was obvious to Morgans that Ning Yuan had clear logic, excellent writing skills, and quite independent thinking, making him very suitable to be a columnist.

The previous interview seemed like a question-and-answer session, but in fact the mouse was completely led by Ning Yuan.

This kind of thing may not seem obvious to outsiders, but Morgans, as a journalist, knows it all too well.

"Column writers need to contribute at least once a week." Ning Yuan looked at the requirements in the contract: "You want to evaluate the more controversial content of the week and select the best?"

Morgans nodded: "How about it? Although your manuscript may not be published, at least the probability of being published is much easier than making the headlines. And with your ability, I don't think this is a problem for you!"

The newspaper bird next to Morgans nodded wildly, indicating that yes, yes, sign this!

If Ning Yuan becomes a contracted reporter, as a liaison bird, he will still have to fly back and forth every day.

But if Ning Yuan becomes a columnist, he only needs to fly back and forth once a week.

"This is really not a problem for me, but what if I write a lot of articles?" Ning Yuan asked.

"One article a day?" Morgans said generously: "Don't worry, as long as the quality is up to standard, we will post it every day!"

"What about ten articles a day?" Ning Yuan asked again.

"Ah!" Morgans was speechless: "This is a bit too much. The number of columns in newspapers is limited. Even if you write some, we don't have room to publish them! But you can rest assured that if the quality of your writing is indeed If it’s good, I can make room for you in other columns!”

Ning Yuan nodded and said that Morgans's reputation as the King of News was not in vain.

At least he didn't expect that in order to sign a reporter, Morgans would actually come to the door in person.

It stands to reason that you are the only newspaper bird in the world, and you are engaged in a monopoly business. You can have a higher profile, but Morgans can be a courteous corporal.

Such a birdman, if he doesn't succeed, who will succeed?

"Then sign this!" Ning Yuan took the columnist's contract and wrote down his name and pen name, eh?

"Do you still use the name Zhiyuan?" Morgans said: "I suggest you make some distinction between your pen name and your real name, otherwise it will be easy for people to associate it with the same person. Sometimes this columnist is still very offended. Damn it, I had an author who criticized the World Government in a column before, because his pen name was similar to his real name, so he was found by the World Government!”

"Then what?" Ning Yuan asked.

"He has been out of contact for more than two years!" Morgans spread his hands: "I will never expose the true information of the contracted author, but I can't stand the fact that there are many spies in the World Government, and those authors have no strength, and they like to drink. Yes, reveal your identity.”

"I advise you, if it is not necessary, it is best not to reveal your identity in a crowded place such as a tavern. You have no idea which one of them will betray you!"

"I understand!" Ning Yuan nodded: "Thank you editor-in-chief for reminding me!"

"Oh, you're welcome, we are mutually beneficial!" Morgans smiled, then put away the contract: "If there is nothing else, I will leave first!"

"No rush!" Ning Yuan took out a manuscript and handed it to Morgans: "Let's take a look at this by the way!"

"Any more news?" Morgans frowned: "I can tell you, no matter how big something happens in this remote country, it will not be published in the World Economic News, unless there is some follow-up to the evil dragon case. Eh?"

He was shocked to find that this manuscript was not news, but a discussion.

This is an article that just fits the identity of the columnist.

"How did you know that I would give you this kind of contract as a columnist?" Morgans asked in surprise: "Can you guess this?"

Ning Yuan shook his head: "How could I have guessed this, but I just believe that if you have the strength to travel all over the world, as long as I write well, you will publish my article even if I am a beggar, let alone a reporter. !”

"You are wrong!" Morgans shook his head: "There are many capable people, but there are very few who take the lead. This is because there is a lack of bosses like me who can employ people and dare to employ people!"

"If you submit your article to Donghai Daily or World Government Newspaper, do you think they will report it?"

Ning Yuan nodded: "Yes, yes, boss Morgans is the best. How about I write another article to praise you?"

"Hehehe..." Morgans smiled shyly: "There are so many words. I just want to read your manuscript. Can you write it before I finish reading it?"

"Of course!" Ning Yuan nodded.

"Okay, let me read, you write!" Morgans spread out the manuscript and read the title first: "Thinking about the tax issues of the major kingdoms from the protection fee policy implemented by the evil dragon!"

"Huh?" Morgans became interested and continued reading.

Then the first sentence of the article gave Morgans a big one.

Perhaps no one would have thought that the villagers under the rule of the evil dragon were much happier than the villagers under the rule of the nobles!

"Huh?" Everyone in Morgans was dumbfounded. No, this is true. Brother, are you talking nonsense?

Look further down.

After the evil dragon occupied Cocosia and surrounding villages and towns, it formulated a charging plan called protection fee, which is actually money to buy life. The fee amount is 100,000 beli per year for adults and 50,000 beri per year for children!

Looking at this alone, the Dragon Pirates can be said to be extremely evil.

But except for the life money, the Dragon Pirates have no requirements for major villages and towns. Firstly, they do not collect commercial tax, secondly, they do not collect agricultural tax, thirdly, they do not collect poll tax, and fourthly, they do not collect heavenly gold. There is no loss in tax revenue. Without layers of exploitation, villagers no longer need to bribe officials, and navy soldiers and local police officers can no longer take advantage of villagers.

Before the evil dragon came, the local villagers had been cultivating oranges for five or six years, but they could not even afford the 100,000 beli to buy their lives. However, after the evil dragon left, every family in the village had enough money, and everyone could afford to buy it. Everyone has money in their wallets, and the delicacies used to entertain the Straw Hat Pirates are laid out from the beginning of the village to the end of the village!

"Huh?" Morgans' eyes widened and he was a little confused.

He is the editor-in-chief of "World Economic News". Even though the newspaper has transformed, he still understands economic issues.

It is not difficult to see from this article that in the ten years since the evil dragon ruled Cocosia, the economy of Cocosia Village has not only not deteriorated, but has actually improved?

real or fake?

Morgans scratched his head and suddenly saw Nochigao who was watering the orange tree outside.

He simply got up and came to the window and asked, "This, uh!"


"Oh, Nokigao!" Morgans asked: "I heard that the evil dragon collects protection fees here, one hundred thousand beli for adults and fifty thousand for children. Is it true?"

"Yes!" As soon as he mentioned the evil dragon, Nuo Qigao's face immediately darkened: "My mother was killed by the evil dragon because she couldn't pay the money. Why, do you think Mr. Ning Yuan is lying? ?”

She thought Ning Yuan told Morgans what happened here and Morgans didn't believe it.

"No, no!" Morgans shook his head and asked: "Then is the money collected once a month or once a year?"

"Of course it's a year, how could it be a month!" Noqigao rolled his eyes: "If it's a month, no one can afford it!"

In fact, if you calculate this matter, you will know that Nami used 100 million to buy life-saving money for the whole village.

If the life-saving money is collected once a month, then 1,000 villagers will receive 100 million a month. How is it possible that 100 million can buy life-saving money for the whole village.

Moreover, a newspaper only costs 50 beli. If newspapers are used as the equivalent, 100,000 beli can only buy 2,000 newspapers.

Guining's newspaper costs 2 yuan a copy, which means 100,000 beli = 4,000 yuan Ning coins!

What is the concept of paying 4,000 yuan a month to buy a life? Let alone Guining, the citizens of the developed countries next door cannot afford this money, let alone pay it for ten years!

"Are there any other places in your village that require payment?" Morgans asked again.

"No more!" Noqigao said: "There were tax collectors in the town who came to collect money before, but they were all beaten to death by the evil dragons!"

At this point, Noqigao became even more angry: "They not only killed the tax official, but also massacred the entire town next door!"

Morgans didn't care about this kind of thing. As the editor-in-chief of the World Economic News, he heard countless news about pirates massacring towns every day. This kind of thing did not cause any fluctuation in his expression.

He was even more curious: "In your opinion, in the ten years since the evil dragon ruled the village, has your life gotten better or worse?"

"Of course it's gone bad, eh?" Nokigao blinked, a little confused.

Subjectively, of course she believed that the evil dragon was a bad guy. After the bad guy arrived, her life must have changed for the worse!

But if compared with before.

Nokigao was at a loss.

Because her life is actually much better than before!

Bellemere worked so hard in the past, but could not afford to raise his two daughters. He could not even buy new clothes. Nami often had to wear high-heeled shoes.

But after the arrival of the evil dragon, it was still the same orange grove, with a little girl named Nokigao supporting the family alone, and life got better.

Is it because there are two less people in the family and the expenses are reduced?

With my current financial resources, I can afford to raise two more daughters!

Does that mean I'm stronger than Bellemere?

How is this possible? I don’t understand anything. Bellemere was in the navy after all!

After thinking about it, Nuo Qigao suddenly thought of a terrifying possibility. It seemed that her good life now was really brought about by an evil dragon?

"No, it's impossible, how is this possible!" Noqigao immediately shook his head: "It must be because of other difficulties. Yes, it must be that Nami and I were still young at that time and were not sensible at all, which caused a lot of trouble to the family. Big trouble!"

Even if I haven't caused trouble, Nami must have caused it. For example, Nami can steal things. Maybe the family's money has been compensated by Bellemere to others?

It must be so, that’s right!

She forgot that Bellemere had been in the navy, not to mention the face she had to give to the villagers. Bellemere had a navy at the beginning, and should have savings after retiring, but in the period of the evil dragon, the family was still too poor to pay for life. .

A warm hand suddenly pulled Nokigao into his arms.

Nuo Qigao looked up in surprise and realized it was Ning Yuan.

"Woo!" Noqigao threw himself directly into Ning Yuan's arms, and then cried: "Have we always misunderstood the evil dragon? But he clearly killed Bellemere!"

"There is no misunderstanding!" Ning Yuan said calmly: "The evil dragon deserves to die!"

"But he has obviously made our lives better!" Nuo Qigao whispered.

"Your life should be like this!" Ning Yuan said softly: "It's not the evil dragon that makes your life better, but the taxes and officials in the town that made your life worse!"

Patting Noqi Gao's shoulder, Ning Yuan comforted him: "So don't worry about hating the dragon. A bad guy can't be whitewashed by another worse person."


"What?" Ning Yuan asked.

"I don't quite understand!" Noqi Gao muttered softly.

"Then I'll tell you slowly later!" Ning Yuan smiled.

"Okay!" Noqi Gao nodded heavily, and then hugged Ning Yuan heavily.

At this moment, she realized as never before that she really had a good vision.

The person I found seems to be much better than yours, sister!

Morgans next to him curled his lips and sprinkled dog food in front of me, tsk tsk!

I'm actually a little envious!

However, how come this kid's thoughts are so similar to those people!

It even seems to be more powerful than them, because the Revolutionary Army clamors to overthrow the World Government all day long, but it doesn't get to the point.

And Ning Yuan, as soon as he made a move, was a king bomb: your nobles' rule is not as good as pirates.

Could he really be a member of the Revolutionary Army, lurking in my World Economic News?

However. .

Morgans picked up the second manuscript that Ning Yuan had just written, and the ink was not yet dry, and then sighed.

This writing is too good, and this flattery makes me feel itchy.

Forget it, never mind, what revolutionary army? I don’t understand!

And having a member of the Revolutionary Army in the newspaper may not be a bad thing.

If they make trouble over there, I can still get the first-hand information here!

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