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Chapter 271: Profits tempt people to harbor pirates?

Chapter 271 Interests move people's hearts·Harboring pirates?

"Is the public security in Rogue Town so good?" Walking on the wide street, Ning Yuan was a little surprised when he saw the people of Rogue Town walking leisurely on both sides.

He thought Rogue Town was similar to the United States, with gunfights every day.

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"It wasn't like this before, it got better after Colonel Smoker came in the past two years!" Dashiqi walked beside Ning Yuan, her pretty face slightly red.

She was still thinking in her heart, what is the situation between the two people now, getting on the ship first and then falling in love?

"Well, I want to tell you that I am not a casual person. I don't know what happened today." Dashiqi recalled the situation at that time. I seem to be swept up by that atmosphere?

Of course, it was also because of Ning Yuan's appearance and temperament that she didn't reject it.

"Love comes from nowhere, but it grows deeper and deeper!" Ning Yuan smiled and said, "I understand this feeling!"

"Yeah!" Dashiqi nodded and blushed again: "Then what kind of relationship should we have now?"

Lovers? He didn't even propose!

It's even less of a husband and wife.

"We are lovers!" Ning Yuan said simply: "Of course, the attitude of this matter is up to you, what do you think?"

Dashiqi thought about it and asked: "What about Nojigo?"

"Same as you!"

Dashiqi was unhappy again.

As a young girl, how could she not imagine a perfect love.

How could she share the first encounter with others?

Ning Yuan didn't know what to say. Although the next door master was also opening a harem, to be honest, it was decades of getting along and the progress was slowly increasing.

On the point of the Sea King, Ning Yuan's experience was really not rich.

So after thinking about it, Ning Yuan chose to remain silent and give the choice to Dashiqi.

Or, be more domineering and directly announce that you are my woman?

But he has never been a domineering person, and he can't act that kind of temperament.

"This is the gym where I learn swordsmanship!" Dashiqi suddenly stopped in front of a building.

Ning Yuan looked up and saw that it was a store that was no different from other buildings. There was a qualification certificate written on the store: "Xinliu Gym!"

"Xinliu!" Ning Yuan tasted the word and it seemed very powerful.

"Big sister?" A gym disciple came out with a basin of water. The water was full of deep red and exuded a fishy smell.

Blood water!

"What are you doing?" Dashiqi didn't think too much. The gym was full of swordsmen, which consumed a lot of physical strength. They often killed fish and pigs, so it was normal to have blood.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she spoke, the disciple became visibly nervous!

"Uh, the teacher just killed a big fish and is about to make a meal for everyone!" The disciple said hurriedly.

Dashiqi was absent-minded and didn't notice this. Instead, she said happily: "It seems that I came at the right time. I can even eat fish meat!"

"Uh, haha!" The disciple smiled awkwardly: "Well, I'll go and report it!"

After that, he poured the blood into the sewage channel at the door and turned around to call for help.

But Dashiqi grew up here since childhood and didn't consider herself an outsider at all. She directly pulled Ning Yuan in.

"I joined the gym when I was four years old and studied here for twelve years. My relationship with my teacher may be closer than my parents!" Dashiqi introduced.

So bringing Ning Yuan here is really like meeting the parents.

Although she was very unhappy, the relationship had already happened, and she would choose to accept it.

The style of One Piece is to say what one says, and it is still a bit conservative. Women like aunts are a minority after all.

Ningyuan nodded and scanned the internal structure of the gym.

Ningyuan is not unfamiliar with places like gyms. There are many such places in the Iron Kingdom, but it may be because it is located in Rogue Town, the house price is high, and the area inside this gym is very small.

In addition, two stairs were built on both sides of the central training ground leading to the back, which made the training ground look even smaller.

It was just a little bigger than the boxing ring.

There were two people wearing training clothes competing on the ring. One of them was holding a wooden long sword, while the other was holding three swords.

But two of them were held in his hands, and one was tucked under his arm.

"Jin Yi, why did you hold three swords?" Dashiqi saw this scene after coming in, and immediately asked curiously.

"Oh, I saw a swordsman on the street today, holding three swords in his hand!" The man named Jin Yi saw Dashiqi and did not say hello. I think he was very familiar with him: "I am very curious about how these three swords are used!"

"That man is Zoro of the Three Swords Style, and his third sword is bitten on his mouth!" Ning Yuan reminded.

"It's on the mouth?" Jin Yi was stunned and quickly changed the position of the third sword.

From the armpit to the mouth, this operation made Ning Yuan stunned. It would be better if this person didn't have body odor or something, otherwise this smell...

"Like this?" Jin Yi tried to shake his head, then put down the knife again: "There is no way to exert force at all!"

"People have different physiques. Some people can use their mouths to exert as much force as their arms!" Ning Yuan laughed.

"Is that so!" Jin Yi nodded: "But no matter what, it's still a bit strange. Wait, who are you? Dashiqi, did you bring him here to become your apprentice?"

"Ah, no, no!" Dashiqi blushed, shook her head quickly, and then said firmly: "This, this is my lover, his name is Ning Yuan!"

"Lover?" Jin Yi was stunned, and then the two long swords in his hands fell to the ground with a bang: "Wait, how could it be! Didn't we just meet four days ago? You were still single at that time!"

"This, love comes from nowhere, and it's deep and lasting!" Dashiqi didn't know how to explain it. She went to bed with someone on the first day of knowing each other?

She could only copy Ning Yuan's words and treat it as love at first sight.

"And write poems!" Jin Yi felt even more uncomfortable.

The man opposite him also threw away the sword in his hand, and then trotted down the ring to the backyard, shouting as he ran: "Something bad is going to happen, the senior sister has a boyfriend!"

"Uh!" Dashiqi smiled awkwardly: "I didn't know they would be like this!"

"You seem to have a high prestige in this gym!" Ning Yuan exclaimed.








"Well, he has never had a good brain." Dashiki quickly turned around to explain: "I'm not such a violent person!"

"I can understand!" Ning Yuan nodded, and was quite emotional.

Before, Dashiki said that she was the best disciple in the gym, and Ning Yuan thought she was just a little bit stronger than others.

Unexpectedly, she could beat her teacher.

It can be seen that she is not just a little bit stronger, but a lot stronger! Or in other words, she is no longer a person of the same level as the others in this gym.

But even such a strong Dashiki has no power to resist Zoro.

It feels like some geniuses in the lower world have worked hard for half their lives to ascend to the upper world, and finally became one of the 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals who surrounded and beat Sun Wukong.

Now Dashiki has not met Zoro, so she still has self-confidence, but because she has not encountered setbacks, I don't know if her ambition is as strong as the original one.

It should be. Luffy wants to become the Pirate King, and Zoro wants to become the world's number one swordsman. Is Dashiki's dream small?

"Dashiki has a boyfriend?" While thinking, the backyard of the gym was bustling with seven or eight people.

The leader was wearing a white uniform, wooden clogs, and a sturdy figure. He looked to be in his fifties or sixties.

Is this the teacher of the gym?

He looks very ordinary, and he doesn't have the aura of a crouching tiger, hidden dragon. He should be an outstanding representative among the vast mortals in the world of One Piece, and the best of ordinary people in high school.

The old man's hands were full of blood, and he was holding a sharp knife. Seeing Dashiki's eyes cast over, he quickly put the knife behind his back, and then smiled: "Dashiki is back, is this your boyfriend? Introduce him to everyone!"

"Teacher, do you have a patient?" Dashiki saw the knife in the old man's hand and asked subconsciously.

"Ah, yes!" The old man could only nod his head when he saw that he couldn't hide it: "You know, many pirates came to Rogue Town today, and many townspeople were injured. I will help to deal with it now!"

"Teacher is also a doctor?" Ning Yuan asked.

"I just know a little bit!" The old man said, "When practicing swords, it is inevitable that there will be bumps and bruises. After being hurt a lot, I have the ability to treat wounds, but it is limited to treating wounds. I can't treat diseases and save people!"

"Very good!" Ning Yuan praised, and then introduced himself: "My name is Ning Yuan, I am Dashiqi's boyfriend!"

"Hello boyfriend!" The old man said with a smile: "Dashiqi has a hot temper and strong strength. He always looks down on everyone. I have always been worried that he can't get married!"

"Teacher!" Dashiqi stamped her feet: "You are talking nonsense again!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The old man nodded: "I am the teacher here, Wu Tai. Although I am Dashiqi's teacher, I have watched Dashiqi grow up since I was a child. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is her father. Since she has chosen you, I can't say anything. I just hope that you will treat Dashiqi well in the future, and don't let her down!"

"I won't!" Ning Yuan nodded and asked again: "Teacher, do you have an urgent matter here?"

Because the old man spoke too fast and omitted a lot of things.

For example, as a father, shouldn't you ask where this boyfriend is from, what job he does, how much he earns, and whether he has a motorhome?

Or, you can test his martial arts or something.

Why didn't you ask a word and just approved it directly?

"Uh, the injury problem here is a bit serious, I still have to deal with it!" The old man said hurriedly: "Well, Dashiqi, this place is just like your home, you can entertain your boyfriend yourself."

"Okay, teacher, go about your business!" Dasqi nodded quickly.

"Yeah!" The old man responded and left in a hurry.

"My teacher is like this. Although his tone is very cold, he is actually an enthusiastic person!" Dasqi said with a smile.

Ning Yuan nodded, took Dasqi to sit down on the chair next to him, and then asked: "By the way, didn't Smog and his people look for Bucky in Rogge Town this afternoon? Did he find him?"

"No!" Dasqi blushed. What was she doing when Smoker was busy looking for Bucky?

"Then Bucky has the help of Bartolomeo, who is very familiar with the geography of Rogge Town. Even if we conduct a thorough investigation, we still haven't found anyone!" Dasqi said, feeling a little resentful: "Obviously everyone I asked them one by one, but they didn’t know where they were hiding!”

"Baki seems to have been stabbed with a stick by Ten Hands!" Ning Yuan said, "He must be seriously injured now!"

"That's for sure!" Dasqi nodded: "There are sea tower stones on the ten hands. Even if he is a devil fruit user, he will inevitably be injured!"

"After suffering such a serious injury and being carried away by Bartolomeo for such a long time, without treatment, I'm afraid he will die from excessive blood loss!" Ning Yuan said again: "You said, there are people in this Rogge Town Where can I treat my injuries without fear of being investigated by the navy? "

"How can there be such a place? We all know the doctors in Rogge Town and we in the navy know each other. No one dares to lie in front of Colonel Smoker, eh?" Dasqi said, her tone suddenly became serious, and her face changed. It gradually became dark.

Those who can treat injuries are not necessarily doctors!

Her teacher Wu Tai is also very good at it!

Moreover, all the navy in Rogge Town knew that Dasqi was born in this gym, so if the investigation came here, would they seriously go in and search?

If you don’t search, just ask!

"You mean?" Daschi thought about it, then stood up suddenly, and then rushed to the backyard of the gym.

"Senior sister!" Jin Yi next to him hurriedly stopped Dasqi: "The treatment is still going on in the backyard. The teacher said that outsiders must not be disturbed!"

"Am I an outsider too?" Dasqi pushed Jin Yi away angrily, then stomped up the stairs.

Jin Yi sighed, then glared at Ning Yuan: "You've done something bad!"

"What bad thing have I done?" Ning Yuan was stunned: "If you harbor pirates, that would be called a bad thing, and it would not only be bad for the gym, but also for Dasqi's future!"

"What does her future have to do with us?!" Jin Yi's face was fine at first, but when he heard Ning Yuan talk about his future, his face darkened immediately: "She is a corporal of the Navy, and she is followed by Captain Smoker of the Navy Headquarters. Seeing The future is bright, maybe she will become the colonel’s wife in a few years, how will she remember our fallen classmates?”

Ning Yuan's eyes froze.

"And you!" Jin Yi looked at Ning Yuan with a sneer on his face: "I don't know how you became her lover. I advise you to break up with her as soon as possible. She is a ruthless and unjust person. She will abandon her for the sake of her future. Sooner or later we will abandon you for the sake of our future!"

"Abandon you?" Ning Yuan was stunned: "How do you say that?"

"Humph, as a disciple of the Taoist gym, she grew up here. It has been twelve years. The grace of education and the grace of upbringing are not enough!" Jin Yi said with resentment on his face: "And we senior brothers, He treats her as a biological sister!"

"As it turns out, she became a naval officer and was still a close associate of Colonel Smoker. As a result, she couldn't give us any convenience at all!"

"What convenience do you want?" Ning Yuan asked curiously: "If you join the army, it shouldn't be difficult!"

After all, they are all experienced, have basic knowledge, and are locals, so the Navy will not refuse to accept them.

"Who wants to be one of those stinky sailors!" Jin Yi said angrily: "I'm talking about money! There are so many people in the navy who need training! Can't you hire us as instructors? There are so many people in the navy who need to eat, and it's up to us Can’t you come to supply? We can also make navy clothes and equipment!”

Ning Yuan was speechless, "You want to make money from the navy's logistics!"

"Dasiqi is just a corporal, how can she take care of this?" Ning Yuan said.

"But she is not an ordinary corporal!" Jin Dao said: "She is a corporal who follows Colonel Smoger. These things are not just a matter of her words?"

What he said made sense. The corporal Dasqi was indeed trusted by Smoker. If he spoke, the Naval Logistics Department would probably give him some face.

"But your strength is not as good as Dasqi, how did you become an instructor?" Ning Yuan asked: "As for food and clothing, is there anyone in your family who is a chef? Or do you have a textile factory? Are the quality and safety guaranteed? ? If you are doing this professionally, you can go directly to Smoker, he is a just person and will not deny you a chance!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Jin Yi looked at Ning Yuan disdainfully: "As long as I get the qualification, don't I have as much as I want?"

"Oh, so you don't actually have anything, so you're just counting on Dasqi's side to get involved, and then you're in vain?" Ning Yuan was stunned.

"Don't say it so harshly, it's not like we won't give her profits!" Jin Yi said.

"How much?"

"One percent!"

"10%?" Ning Yuan was stunned: "You are sending beggars away!"

"Don't forget, she has been in our gym for twelve years. With our relationship, we don't even have to give her any profit!" Jin Yi said unhappily, "And she has a bright future, why should we share the money!"

Ning Yuan was happy: "Does she have no parents? Or didn't she pay the tuition?"

Jin Yi was stunned.

"She is just studying here, how come you say she is a beggar?"

Jin Yi's face darkened: "I thought you, as a boyfriend, would be more sensible, but I didn't expect you to be as naive as him?"

"It's not us who are naive, it's you who are naive!" Ning Yuan shook his head, then patted Jin Yi on the shoulder: "Young man, you should find a class later, this evil path is not suitable for you!"

After that, Ning Yuan continued: "I won't tell Dashiqi what you said, but don't think about Dashiqi returning to the gym in the future!"

Even if Ning Yuan didn't blow pillow talk, Smoker would take Dashiqi out to sea.

"Haha, you want to break off relations with the gym?" Jin Yi sneered, "You wish!"

"What do you want to do?" Ning Yuan asked happily, "You are not going to frame us!"

"Yes, I am framing you!" Jin Yi said openly, "Why can't Colonel Smoker find Buggy the Clown? It's because Tashigi and your boyfriend are harboring pirates!"

Ning Yuan sighed, it's true, money can move people's hearts!

Twelve years of friendship, in the face of interests, it seems so fragile.

Even the trick of framing is used!

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