People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 280 Thoughts on pursuing Nami

Ning Yuan leaned against the wall of the captain's cabin outside. No matter how the wind and rain blew or the ship shook, he did not move.

The corner of his eyes fell on Nami.

Nami's appearance is needless to say. She is the best in the world of One Piece.

Because she has been with readers since childhood, she is more emotionally superior to Hancock and Shirahoshi who appeared later.

Moreover, Nami has an independent and strong personality. Although she is weak, she never loses heart in the face of strong enemies. She cares for her companions and often takes the initiative to lend a helping hand to strangers in difficulties because of her own experience.

This book was first published on 𝟼𝟿书吧→𝟼𝟿sʜᴜx.ɴᴇᴛ, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

This kind of personality is much better than the love-brained Hancock and the cowardly Shirahoshi.

Of course, Ning Yuan is not a pure love party. He will definitely not do such a stupid thing as choosing one among the three. He will definitely take all of them.

Can you only look at the sea after coming to One Piece? Wouldn't it be a waste of time?

However, how to pursue Nami is a problem.

If you come two days earlier, this is not a problem. As long as the person who kills the dragon is changed from Luffy to Ning Yuan, everything will go smoothly.

It's a pity that you come two days late.

However, coming late also has its advantages. Although the success rate will be higher if you pursue Nami by relying on the dragon to drive away, there will always be a feeling of repaying a favor.

It's better to pursue after the fact, which will appear more respectful.

So the question is, how to pursue?

In the entire One Piece comics, Nami doesn't seem to show any special preference for any man, and there is no reference at all.

The effect of relying on face is not very good. Nami didn't show much emotional fluctuations after seeing Ning Yuan just now.

Maybe it's because she likes money more?

Then use money to impress her?

The possibility of success should be very high, but if you really use money to get Nami's love, it will feel weird.

"She wants to draw a sea chart, so why not give her a surveying drone?!" Purely technological creations can be used in the One Piece world.

But the problem is that Ning Yuan doesn't have this thing.

When he traveled through time, the Naruto world hadn't made this thing yet.

It's difficult!

Looking at Nami, who was controlling the steering wheel in the captain's room next to him, wearing a blue and white striped T-shirt and an orange short skirt, revealing her straight and healthy long legs, Ning Yuan sighed and turned on the system.

"Let's see what the Golden Lion gave!"

What if a surveying drone is opened? Although he also knew that it was unlikely, no matter how high the technological content of a surveying drone is, it can't reach the diamond level.

Diamond treasure chest, open!


A gorgeous light suddenly appeared, and it was about to fill the entire ship. Ning Yuan hurriedly wrapped it with the origin space.

This is the Upside-Down Mountain. If your eyes are a little blurry, you might drive the ship crooked. When you hit the land, you will be dead.

Don't dare to let the light shine out.

After a long time, the light dissipated.

Ning Yuan saw a crystal clear blue-white bead, lying quietly in the system space.

"What is this?" Ning Yuan clicked to view the information.

"Telekinesis: Eat it to get diamond-level telekinesis superpowers!"

"Oh, not bad!" Ning Yuan raised his eyebrows.

He knows how useful telekinesis is, as he knows telekinesis himself.

This is a superpower that can be called omnipotent, it can attack and defend, can control elements, can be macroscopic and around, and can also imitate gravitational repulsion.

To be honest, it is quite reasonable to open the telekinesis essence from the treasure chest of the Golden Lion. The ability of the Floating Fruit is indeed very similar to telekinesis.

"This ability can be given to Nami!"

Ning Yuan himself has this ability, but it is not synchronized because the faith channel is too narrow. But after Dragon leads people to do business in the East China Sea, his faith channel will naturally expand slowly, and the ability will slowly recover.

So it is a complete waste to use this thing for yourself.

Dashigi has her own swordsmanship, and Nojigo has the inheritance of Ashe and the power of the Floating Fruit. Only Nami can't do anything with swordsmanship or physical skills. She only has a weather stick, which is useless in the later stage.

Telekinesis is simple to operate and has comprehensive abilities, which is just right for Nami.

The premise is to catch up with Nami first.

"Boom!" A wave hit, and Nami, who tied herself to the steering wheel to control the direction, staggered and was about to fall to the ground.

Originally, no one helped her because others were also tossing and turning.

But now, Ning Yuan is on this ship!

Taking a step forward, Ning Yuan directly opened the door and entered the captain's room. While holding Nami's waist and helping her up, his other hand cut the rope that tied Nami.

"Ah!" Nami screamed and suddenly found something wrong.

Didn't I fall down? Why am I flying in the air?


Seeing Ning Yuan beside her, Nami suddenly blushed and tried to push Ning Yuan away, but she used other excuses: "Thank you, but I still have to control the rudder!"

Ning Yuan moved Nami behind him and held the steering wheel with his other hand.

This thing is called a steering wheel, anyway, it has the same function.

"Hold me tight, and then you will command me!" Ning Yuan said.

"Ah?" Nami jumped, and her face was so hot that it was unbearable even though there was steam around her.

No, why was she carried on his back? This is not good!

She had never met Ning Yuan before, and this was the first time they met, and they didn't even introduce themselves.

However, the situation was urgent, and Nami soon had no time to think about these things: "Turn left, 30°, that's one grid, eh?"

She found that Ning Yuan actually understood the command?

As expected of a reporter, he is well-educated, unlike the other people on the boat, none of whom know how to operate the boat.

Nami began to admire Ning Yuan.

"Turn right, 75°!"

"Turn left, 35°!"

"Turn left, 55°!"

In order to make the command more clearly transmitted, Nami simply lay on Ning Yuan, hugged Ning Yuan tightly, and tried her best to press her lips against Ning Yuan, making sure that her voice was accurately received by Ning Yuan.

At first, she didn't know if this would work, but when she really cooperated, she found that, hey, it really worked!

After all, she was a girl with limited strength, so it was inevitable that the boat would tilt and she couldn't pull the steering wheel. At this time, she had to rely on superb navigation skills to make fine adjustments.

And now they were climbing the upside-down mountain, the boat was upside down, she couldn't even stand steadily, and had to tie herself to the steering wheel.

The advantage of doing this is that she can always touch the steering wheel.

But there is also a disadvantage. Once the waves are too big and she falls, the rope is likely to strangle her body.

At the least, it will leave a few scars, and at the worst, it will directly break her ribs.

And now?

Ning Yuan can fly, and he is not affected by the shaking of the ship at all. He can stand steadily in front of the steering wheel.

He is very strong, so there will be no problem of misalignment. He can adjust it to any desired amount.

And Nami found that Ning Yuan's digital sensitivity is also very high.

For example, the number 35° is not marked on the dashboard, and can only be estimated based on personal experience.

Nami is naturally sensitive to numbers and pictures, which is part of her talent as a navigator.

Unexpectedly, Ning Yuan can also accurately set the degree to the scale she needs!

The numbers she reported at the beginning were still redundant, but later she simply said what she should have, which was completely accurate.

But Ning Yuan can still do the job!

Nami's navigation skills, combined with Ning Yuan's strength and precise control, the Golden Beauty stopped swaying left and right, and its route miraculously became a straight line!

Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp naturally felt this change quickly after the ship stabilized.

"Nami, so amazing!" Sanji waited for the ship to stabilize, then simply untied the ropes on his body, and then trotted all the way to the captain's room to show his courtesy to Nami.

Then, he was stunned outside the door.

He saw Nami leaning on the reporter's back intimately, her face flushed, but she was reluctant to leave, instead she kept sticking to the reporter and whispering something in his ear.

The reporter held Nami with one hand and controlled the direction of the ship with the other hand.

These two people are so close, so...

"Ah!" Sanji suddenly grasped his heart: "How could it be, how could it be possible, my first love, just started, is it going to end?"

He stepped back a few steps dejectedly, walked around the side of the captain's room, and after making sure that Nami couldn't see him from this position, Sanji finally cried out: "Why, Nami-chan, when did you have a lover, I didn't even know!"

They are so close, what else could they be but lovers?

But why didn't this lover show up when they were fighting the Dragon Pirates?

"Sanji, why are you squatting here!" Luffy and Zoro also rushed over.

"What are you doing here?" Sanji raised his head blankly.

"Go find Nami and see if there is anything I can help with!" Luffy said as a matter of course.

They were previously controlling the sails on the deck, but later found that the ship was riding the rising current and didn't need the sails at all.

Originally, they couldn't move because the ship was shaking, but now the ship started to move in a straight line, and they could move freely!

Of course, you have to hold on to something while walking, but even so, this is a miracle that is unique in the history of navigation.

"Let's not go in!" Sanji shook his head: "I don't think Nami wants us to disturb them!"

"Who are they?" Luffy asked in confusion.

"That reporter!" Sanji answered as a matter of course: "Isn't he Nami's lover?"

Although Sanji is lustful, he is still a gentleman. After knowing that Nami has a lover, he immediately changed his words and stopped calling Nami-chan.

"Ah, are they lovers?" Luffy was confused.

"Don't you know?" Zoro next to him looked curious.

"I don't know!" Luffy shook his head: "But what is a lover?"

Everyone was stunned!

"Boom!" The ship finally rushed to the top of the Upside-Down Mountain.

There is a relatively large angle here. Ningyuan is crazy about discounting the turntable. The Golden Merry finally experienced another big bump.

This bump directly shocked them and they dared not talk nonsense, and they quickly hugged the things around them.

The way down the mountain is more difficult than going up the mountain, because the speed of going downstream is much faster than that of going upstream.

When going up the mountain, even if you drive at the wrong angle and hit the mountain, it will not cause much damage because of the speed of the boat.

But when going down the mountain, if you dare to deviate a little bit, the boat will hit the mountain directly without hesitation, and it is guaranteed to be smashed to pieces!

Fortunately, Nami is the same as always, eh?

Nami found that Ning Yuan didn't seem to need her anymore.

Often before she opened her mouth, Ning Yuan had already adjusted the direction!

And the adjustment was very appropriate and accurate!

"Do you know how to sail?" Nami finally couldn't help but asked.

Anyway, now Ning Yuan doesn't need her to report the angle, so there's no harm in chatting.

"No!" Ning Yuan responded casually.

"But what's going on now?" Nami asked, "You can control this direction better than me!"

"Is this considered navigation?" Ning Yuan asked: "I feel like it's just like playing a game. As long as you are familiar with the feel, the rest will be easy!"

"Playing games?" Nami was immediately unconvinced: "Navigation is not that simple!"

"Look at what you said, as if the game is very simple!" Ning Yuan defended: "I didn't get platinum until my death, okay?".

There were a lot of games that he failed to clear in his previous life, and some of them were so difficult that he had to live or die.

Not to mention competitive games, he has always been better than others.

"Platinum?" Nami's eyes lit up, and her dispute over navigation skills was put aside for a moment: "What kind of gold is platinum? I've only heard of gold!"

"Uh!" Ning Yuan was speechless.

"Platinum is platinum, a kind of precious metal! In terms of value, platinum is still inferior to gold! The price of gold of the same weight is three times that of platinum of the same weight!"

"I've never heard of this kind of metal!" Nami's face twisted.

She used to steal at sea, either only stealing gold jewelry, or only stealing cash, without even looking at other metals.

Now I suddenly heard that there is a precious metal called platinum, and I remembered the metals I had left behind.

Is platinum among these metals?

If I didn't get it, wouldn't it mean that I missed out on a lot of money!

"Ah!" Ning Yuan suddenly felt pain in his shoulder: "Why are you biting me?"

"Me?" Nami was also confused. Yes, he is not a crew member of our pirate group, he is just here to take a ride!

Obviously everyone is unfamiliar with it, how could I make such an action?

But the cooperation was so tacit just now, and suddenly I knew that I had missed a lot of money, and I was so excited that I really couldn't hold it back.

Moreover, in fact, familiarity and unfamiliarity are also relative concepts.

Some people have lived in the same house for several years and are still unfamiliar with each other.

There are also people who can become close friends after just meeting and chatting for a few words.

The feelings between people have always been wonderful.

For example, the moment Nami bit it, she subconsciously did not regard Ning Yuan as an outsider.

This must be more than just Ning Yuan's handsome appearance.

Another reason is that although Ning Yuan can fly, his eyes and expressions are not fierce, he has no weapons on his body, his body is not too tall, he has no muscles in his arms, and his speech is very calm.

With such a person, you can tell after just a few words that he is not aggressive.

As long as a person is not aggressive, his affinity will naturally increase. Normal people are willing to play with such people, especially people like Nami who are used to being bullied by evil dragons. They will also prefer someone with a temperament that is completely opposite to that of the evil dragon. people.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Nami didn't know what was going on and apologized quickly.

"It's okay, it's okay. I have thick skin. It won't matter if I bite you a few times!" Ning Yuan said quickly: "Was that bite enough? If not, you can bite it a few more times. I just took a shower and clothes before going out. They are very clean!"

"Who wants to bite you!" Nami patted Ning Yuan's shoulder lightly, and when she was about to say something, her face suddenly changed: "What's that in front of you? Why is there a mountain at the end of the river?"

Ning Yuan looked up, and sure enough, at the end of the hazy river, there was an oval-shaped black shadow standing tall!

"It's so big!" Ning Yuan exclaimed. He knew that this was Rabu the whale, and he also knew that Rabu was very big, but after all, it was an image in the anime, and the size was somewhat inaccurate.

It wasn't until he saw it with his own eyes that he couldn't help but admire it.

This thing is really big!

It is indeed an island whale, it really looks like an island!

"Do you know this mountain?" Nami heard the relaxation in Ning Yuan's tone, and remembered that Ning Yuan seemed to be a reporter.

Yes, reporters are well-informed and should know this thing!

"This is not a mountain, this is a whale called Labu!" Ning Yuan introduced: "Fifty years ago, Labu went to sea with the Lombard Pirates, but the journey after the Great Route was too dangerous, so the Lombard Pirates The group left Labu here and agreed to come back to pick up Labu when the Lombard Pirates completed their circumnavigation! "

"Fifty years ago?" Nami was surprised: "But Rab is still here. Doesn't this mean that the Lumba Pirates are gone?"

"That's right, it has been destroyed!" Ning Yuan sighed: "Lord Grim, lying drunk on the battlefield, how many people have fought in ancient times? The Lombard Pirates have been destroyed, but Rabu doesn't know it. He can only do this day after day. Waiting here!”

As the ship approached, the sight of Rabu became clearer and clearer, so clear that the two of them could already see the criss-crossing scars on Rabu's head.

"Missing is a disease that cannot be cured for a long time! In order to relieve its longing, it bangs its head against the red earth continent, day after day, day after day, and finally it looks like this!"

Nami stopped biting Ning Yuan's shoulder, but Ning Yuan felt that his clothes began to become wet.

Looking back, Nami on her shoulder had already burst into tears.

"Alas!" Ning Yuan was speechless.

When Ning Yuan read Rabu's chapter, he felt it was very touching, but he didn't even cry.

The main reason is that he has watched Hachiko, a Dog of the Loyal Dog, and has already cried over there.

The stories of Laboo and Hachiko are quite similar.

And Nami obviously has not watched Hachiko, a Dog of the Loyal Dog, nor has she watched movies like Life is Beautiful, Warm Spring, The Pursuit of Happyness, and Dear. The story of Laboo has a authentic impact on her.

Putting down the hand that was dragging Nami and letting Nami stand beside him, Ning Yuan took out a pack of paper from his pocket, opened it, and handed it over.

"Is there any way to help it?" Nami asked while wiping her tears.

"Yes, there is!" Ning Yuan controlled the rudder and let the Golden Merry pass by Laboo: "But I guess your captain will not sit idly by and watch this kind of thing!"

"You can't let him do it!" Nami said quickly: "If he does, Laboo will definitely be hurt!"

It seems that although they have not been together for a long time, Nami already knows Luffy's ability to cause trouble.

But why do I have to do it?

Ning Yuan thought for a while, and then found his competitive advantage.


That's right, although the Straw Hat Pirates are united and friendly, they also have a biggest shortcoming, which is unreliability!

Luffy is a fool and a reckless man.

Zoro is a sword maniac and a road maniac.

Sanji is a pervert.

Usopp is a coward and likes to lie.

Before Robin got on board, there was not a single reliable person on the ship, so Nami was angry all day long.

In such an environment, it was considered that Nami was mentally tough not to be depressed by anger, and still fall in love?

What a fart love!

Compared with the people on this ship, Ning Yuan is simply a clear stream!

Although he is also lustful, he disguises himself well!

He is the kind of lustful person who wants to get up with you, and Sanji is the kind of lustful person who wants to sleep with you.

Which one is more annoying is self-evident.

"Okay, since you don't want Luffy to do it, leave it to me!" Ning Yuan knew the idea of ​​pursuing Nami.

Just be a normal person on this ship.

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