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Chapter 284: Rain Banquet Finally Meets Nico Robin

Chapter 284 Rainy Banquet: Finally Meeting Nico Robin

Above the vast blue sea and blue sky, a man was carrying a girl, flying lightly.

The sun shone on them, like a golden veil, gently fluttering in the wind.

The man had broad shoulders and a straight waist. His figure rose and fell with the waves, sometimes close to the sea surface, and sometimes directly into the sea of ​​clouds.

The woman lay on the man's back. She untied the rubber band that bound her ponytail, and her long blue hair suddenly opened up, flowing in the air like a waterfall.

Her eyes looked at the scenery of the sky and the sea curiously, and from time to time she closed her eyes tightly, her face filled with peace and happiness.

The girl's hands were tightly around the man's neck, as if she wanted to completely integrate herself into his arms.

The surrounding sea water was deep blue, sparkling, and countless small fish jumped and played in it. The sky was a clear blue, with a few white clouds floating leisurely.

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During the flight, they seemed to be integrated with the world and became part of this beautiful scenery. The man's breathing was intertwined with the sea breeze, and the woman's heartbeat echoed with the rhythm of the waves. At this moment, they seemed to have forgotten the turmoil and noise of the world, and only wanted to fly forever above this blue sea and blue sky.

"After your hair fell down, you suddenly looked more like a princess!" Ning Yuan suddenly spoke, breaking the silence of the sky.

"Didn't I look like a princess before?" Weiwei asked curiously.

"I used to look like a bad girl, a spirited girl!" Ning Yuan answered truthfully.

"What!" Although she didn't know what a spirited girl was, she still understood the word bad.

Lightly hammered Ning Yuan's shoulder: "You can't say that to me again!"

"Okay, okay, I won't say it then!" Ning Yuan smiled and asked again: "By the way, do you know the direction?"

"Huh?" Wei Wei was stunned: "Don't you know?"

"This is One Piece, how can I know the way!" Ning Yuan was speechless: "You need to record the pointer!"

"Oh oh!" Wei Wei nodded, it was indeed like that.

"Let me see!" Wei Wei let go of her hand, then moved the backpack in front of her and opened it.

In fact, it was okay for her to not hold Ning Yuan in her hand, because Ning Yuan held him very tightly.

"This, the record pointer to Alabasta!" Wei Wei put a record pointer in front of Ning Yuan.

"Fortunately, the direction is correct!" Ning Yuan nodded and whispered: "Get ready, I'm going to speed up!"

"Okay!" Wei Wei immediately hugged Ning Yuan's neck again.


After a heavy muffled sound, Wei Wei suddenly found that the whole world was quiet!

"What is this?" Weiwei was shocked and asked hurriedly, "Am I deaf!?"

"You are not deaf, we are supersonic!" Ning Yuan said lightly.

"Huh?" Weiwei's eyes widened. The technological level of the One Piece world is not low. Weiwei knows what the speed of sound is.

So, can a person's flying speed exceed the speed of sound?

It is naturally not possible to rely solely on Armament Haki, but Ning Yuan is not only Armament Haki. He is also a scientist, an aerodynamic expert, and a ninjutsu master who has studied wind escape very deeply.

As the flight continued, he slowly found a way to construct a streamlined Armament Haki shield to remove air resistance and speed up.

From Gemini Cape to Alabasta, you need to pass Whiskey Peak, Little Garden, and Walz Country. It only takes three to five days to sail this distance by boat, not to mention flying.

In less than half an hour, Ning Yuan could already see a super large island stretching in front of him.

The island where Alabasta is located, Santin Island.

It is called an island, but it is actually a super land with an area of ​​more than 5 million square kilometers.

"We're here!" Seeing her hometown, Vivi was overjoyed: "Alabasta is in front!"

"It's a big area!" Ning Yuan asked.

"It's really big, but most of the area on Saint Ding Island is desert, and only a small part of the area has water sources, so the population of Alabasta is not large!" Vivi explained: "The total population of Alabasta now should be around 50 million!"

"50 million!" Ning Yuan nodded. The Kingdom of Alabasta has a standing army of 600,000, so a total population of 50 million is more reasonable.

This can be referred to the Great Cold Netherland next door. The population of the Cold Netherland is also 50 million, and the number of standing troops is 720,000.

"Are there many big countries like Alabasta in this world?" Ning Yuan asked.

"It shouldn't be many!" Vivi thought for a while and said: "Some big islands may have more population than Alabasta, but they are divided into many countries. There should be only one country like Alabasta with a large population and a large area!"

Ning Yuan nodded. Just like he thought, Alabasta has the potential to become a big country.

"But I'm not good at geography. If you want to know more details, you have to ask my father or the Minister of Foreign Affairs!" Weiwei continued.

Ning Yuan nodded, then slowly lowered his altitude: "Since we have arrived at Alabasta, then next, which city is Crocodile in?"

"Rainland, he is in the rainland, in that direction!" Weiwei quickly pointed and asked carefully: "But, do we really have to go find him? He is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!"

Although Ning Yuan was very excited at the beginning, as if he could kill Crocodile as soon as he arrived in the rainland, he was still nervous when he was on the road.

Ning Yuan patted Weiwei's long legs: "Don't worry, leave it to me!"

Ten minutes later, Ning Yuan had arrived outside the rainland.

Not wanting to expose the fact that he could fly, Ning Yuan chose to land outside the rainland and then walk into the rainland.

"What should we do?" Weiwei looked at the streets on both sides carefully: "This is his base camp, and we will be exposed if we are not careful! So what should we do, go find him directly?"

"Where is he?" Ning Yuan asked.

"Uh, I don't know about this!" Weiwei blushed: "No one knows his location, even if he is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!"

Ning Yuan shook his head, this intelligence work was too poor.

As long as a person is alive, he will leave traces. Ordinary people will be used for eating, drinking, defecating, and building basements.

If there are professional intelligence personnel, they will know after investigation.

But of course, this cannot be blamed on Weiwei. Weiwei is so young!

This is obviously the fault of Cobra or the kings of all generations.

These nobles live too comfortably, so they have basically lost their vigilance against danger.

But it’s good that Weiwei doesn’t know the location of Crocodile.

His observation Haki has found Crocodile, but his target is not only Crocodile, but also Nico Robin who will run away when he sees that the situation is not good!

In order to prevent Nico Robin from running away directly when he beats Crocodile, it is appropriate to move slower.

"Since you don’t know where he is, let me arrange the next trip!" Ning Yuan said with a smile.

Weiwei nodded immediately: "I was going to listen to your arrangements. I will do whatever you want me to do!"

"Really!" Ning Yuan asked with a smile: "What if I ask you to get a room in the hotel and we stay there tonight?"

Weiwei blushed and immediately lowered her head.

He muttered, "If, if it helps your action, I'll go and open it right away!"

Ning Yuan was speechless.

To be honest, being handsome is not all good.

At least chasing girls doesn't require any skills, it's all love at first sight.

Luffy also saves people and princesses everywhere, but these princesses are generally only friends and brothers with him, and only Hancock cries and shouts to be his wife.

As for why, Luffy is not handsome.

If you are saved by an ugly person, you will definitely repay him in the next life.

If you are handsome, you will naturally pledge your love to him, which is Ning Yuan.

Patting Weiwei's shoulder, Ning Yuan smiled and said, "Let's find a clothing store first and match a couple's outfit!"

After a long time, Weiwei, wearing a white long skirt and a hairstyle similar to Audrey Hepburn, appeared at the door of Yuyan with Ning Yuan, who was wearing a white suit.

Yuyan is the largest and most luxurious gambling house in Yudi and even in Alabasta.

It's obvious that this gambling house must be opened by Crocodile.

"Welcome, gentlemen and ladies!" The receptionist at the entrance of the Rain Feast saw the two people and his eyes lit up immediately.

The two men were handsome, the woman was also very charming, and both of them had a kind of luxurious and graceful temperament.

He could be a receptionist here, so his eyes must be good. He judged in an instant that these two people must be of noble origin, with excellent etiquette and wealth.

What kind of guests are these?

Big customers!

"Is this your first time to our Rain Feast? Let me introduce you to you!"

"Get lost!"

"Okay!" The receptionist's smile did not diminish, and he quietly disappeared in front of the two people.

Ning Yuan nodded. He was here to make trouble, so of course he couldn't have someone chattering around him.

"Come, exchange some chips!" Ning Yuan came to the position of exchanging chips at the door and took out a coin and handed it over.

"Eh?" The waiter saw two people with luxurious clothes and good temperament coming over, and thought that it was a big customer. After taking the Bailey, he found that there were only 10 Baileys?

"Guest? This one!" He pointed at the Bailey in his hand.

"Why, don't you have 10 Bailey chips?" Ning Yuan asked.

"Yes, yes, yes!" The waiter hurriedly handed over a chip.

It is impossible to look down on it. Many people just exchanged a little bit of chips when they first came, but they will get addicted after trying it, and then invest more and more.

Now they only exchanged 10 chips, how do you know that they will not exchange 1 million, 10 million, or even 100 million in the future?

"Do you know how to gamble?" Weiwei grabbed Ning Yuan's arm tightly, a little nervous.

"A little!" Ning Yuan smiled.

He has never opened a casino or participated in gambling, but he has closed down countless casinos and is proficient in various modern and ancient gambling routines and tricks.

It can be said that no one in this world knows gambling better than him.

Not to mention that he also knows armed color domineering and knowledge color domineering.

This kind of thing is simply a dimensionality reduction attack when used in gambling.

He looked around casually and then chose a gambling table.

This gaming table is a roulette project. There is a circular roulette wheel with 36 numbers written around it. The banker is responsible for playing beads on the side of the rotating roulette wheel, and then the number that the bead falls on the square is the result. Prize number.

What gamblers have to do is bet on these numbers. If the bet is correct, they will make a lot of money. If the bet is not correct, they will lose money.

The betting methods include single, double, red, black, big, small, early, middle, late, first line, second line, third line, three sides, four sides, five sides, etc. The odds of each bet are different.

The reason why Ning Yuan chose this place is because the roulette project involves gamblers and the banker. If someone keeps winning, then the loser must be the banker.

In addition, the odds of a single press on the roulette wheel are extremely high, 1:20, and if you press a specific number, the odds can soar to 1:36!

Ning Yuan put all the 10 Baileys in his hand on the number 24.

The odds of this number are 1:36!

He only pressed 10 Baileys, which was totally inconspicuous among many gamblers.

As for him bringing a beautiful girl?

There are no girls in the eyes of gamblers, not to mention that there are many beautiful waiters walking back and forth in this casino. These girls are coolly dressed and have coquettish expressions. As long as they give money, they can have sex for a while.

Here, beautiful women are not a rare resource at all.

It’s not like there aren’t people more beautiful than Weiwei inside.

Of course, no matter how beautiful these girls are, they are still vulgar to Ning Yuan.

Even if you are a big star in this world and recognized as the third most beautiful woman, as long as you are not in the plot, Ning Yuan will be indifferent.

That's what a time traveler is.

"If you buy it, you will leave your hand, if you buy it, you will leave your hand!" The banker held a metal stick in his hand and knocked open the gamblers who still put their hands on the table one by one, and then popped out the beads.

I saw the bead spinning around in the roulette wheel, spinning around.

Finally, it stopped at a location!

"twenty four!"

"Oh!" A group of people cheered immediately. This was an even number or a third number.

It's just that they didn't win much, only 1:5 at most.

The banker skillfully distributes the chips to the gamblers, and then keeps some for himself. Although there is a possibility of the banker losing money in this project, this probability is extremely small. Most of the time, the banker wins!

"Eh?" The banker was surprised to find that someone had single-handedly pressed 24 points?

He looked up and saw a young man in a white suit with clear eyes.

"Is this your first time here?" Zhuang He could tell if he was a regular customer at a glance, and then he felt relieved.

It may be that the blind cat has encountered a dead mouse, or it may be the novice's protection period.

Many newcomers are like this. They have incredible luck when they first come here and can win all the time.

But as long as you are addicted to gambling, it is useless no matter how much you win, you will eventually lose it.

"Yours, 360 Baileys!" The banker gave the chips to Ning Yuan, and then shouted: "Come on, come on, let's make a bet, buy it and leave it, buy it and leave it!"

Ning Yuan stacked his chips together and continued to press on 24 points!

"Are we still pressing 24?" Weiwei looked a little surprised: "It can't be 24 this time! I know that their casino has a mechanism, and they have a way to prevent the ball from landing at 24!"

Ning Yuan smiled and said, "Just watch!"

Weiwei was a little nervous, but it was okay. After all, even if she lost, it was only 360 Baileys.

The banker glanced at Ning Yuan and also noticed the chips in front of Ning Yuan.

"How about continuing to vote for 24 points?" He saw that Ning Yuan was well-dressed, had an extraordinary temperament, and had a good appearance.

This is not like a child that an average family can raise.

Of course for this kind of gambler, you have to feed him a few wins first to make him addicted, and then start killing.

Moreover, if he keeps giving 24 points, other gamblers will follow suit. After three or four times, he will suddenly change. By then, not only will this young man be addicted, but he will also be able to make a lot of money!

"Ding!" The metal ball was ejected.

All the gamblers are eyeing this ball, and some people even have their eyes popping out, wishing they could grow on this bead.

Soon, the metal beads stopped.

"24 o'clock!"

"Wow, we won again!" Weiwei screamed, then hugged Ning Yuan: "Quickly calculate how much this is? 36 times 360!"

"12960!" The banker turned over the chips: "Young man is very lucky!"

Ning Yuan smiled shyly and lined up the chips in a row from big to small. Before the dealer called to place a bet, he was already betting on 24 points!

"Brother, you can't be so aggressive!" The gambler next to Ning Yuan noticed this scene and reminded: "This is roulette! 24 points is the most difficult to come out. It's weird to come out twice in a row today. How is it possible? The third time!”

The banker above also wants to curse, how can you bet like this? I did 24 points three times in a row, anyone with a discerning eye will see that something is wrong, okay?

But after much thought, he still wanted to do it again!

After all, the gamblers at this table have already squeezed out most of the money. There is a new fat sheep, and he doesn't want to miss it!

"Place your bet, buy it and leave!"

Everyone was sure that it would not be 24 o'clock this time, so no one followed Ning Yuan to buy this time.

But, after a moment!

"24 o'clock!" The banker shouted: "It seems that today, the casino met the God of Gamblers!"

"12960*36=466, 560!"

It started with one Beli, but within ten minutes, it had already turned into 460,000 Beli!

"You are very lucky today, I think we can press on with the victory!!" The dealer handed the chips to Ning Yuan, and a gambler next to Ning Yuan immediately began to encourage him.

Ning Yuan ignored him, but piled up the chips worth 466,560 Baileys and continued to bet on 24!

"Brother!" The gambler on Ning Yuan's left looked distressed: "No one bets like you, it's a miracle to get 24 points three times in a row, it's impossible to get it again!"

Ning Yuan smiled and ignored him, but looked at the dealer, signaling to start the next round quickly.

"Do you want to follow a wave!" A gambler thought.

This young man has won three rounds, he has something!

Some people disagreed: "If he bet on any random number, it would be okay to try his luck. But he still bet on 24 points. Can a turntable produce 24 points four times in a row? I have never seen this situation in my life!"

The dealer next to him was also persuading: "Little brother, you may not understand it because it is your first time here. It is impossible for the turntable bead to appear in the same grid every time. It was a miracle that it produced 24 points three times in a row before!"

He has already planned not to produce 24 points next time.

Trust in good luck, so let's stop here!

Ning Yuan just smiled, and then signaled to the dealer, no one has bet, why not start the ball?

"Alas!" The dealer sighed. This time, the mechanism was not turned on, but the interference mechanism was not turned on. Where the ball would fall was really completely random!

But the metal ball swayed and swayed, and finally stopped in a number area.


Cold sweat broke out on the body of the dealer.

Wait, wait, how is this possible?

He subconsciously touched the mechanism under the chair with his right hand, but it was not turned on.

Why is it still 24 points?

The gamblers were also shocked: "How is it possible, four consecutive 24?"

There were also loud voices that had already started shouting: "Come and see, a miracle has occurred in the turntable area, four consecutive 24 points!"

There were also good people who had already started to help the dealer calculate how many chips to give this wave.


Close to 17 million Baileys!

It took less than half an hour to win from 10 Baileys to 17 million Baileys!

If Ning Yuan really left with these 17 million Baileys, the dealer would probably be sunk to the sea tomorrow!

"You can't, eh?" The dealer was about to persuade Ning Yuan to continue betting and leave the 17 million, but he saw that Ning Yuan's hands had already moved.

17 million chips is already a large pile.

Fortunately, the chips have different denominations. If it was still 10 Baileys, it would definitely not fit now.

But after seeing where Ning Yuan bet, Zhuang He became even more panicked.

Because he still bet on 24 points!

What if he wins again?

16,796,160*36=604,661,760, he will have to pay him 600 million Baileys!

The chips on this table are not enough to compensate him, and the casino's own profits must be used!

However, Zhuang He was still in a relaxed mood, because he knew that these four consecutive 24 points were very watered down.

Only the first and fourth times were real luck, and the second and third times were all controlled by himself.

"I have to say that this newcomer's luck is really good, but your luck ends here!" Zhuang He opened the mechanism while shouting loudly to place bets.

The metal balls they dropped were not actually pure metal, but magnetic.

By manipulating the mechanism, different magnetic poles can be generated under the table, which will eventually affect the landing point of the metal ball.

As long as the stimulation point is set next to 24 points, or even opposite, then this metal ball will never fall on 24 points in this life!

"The newcomer protection period is over. Give me back all the money you earned!" Zhuang He laughed grimly and ejected the metal ball!

Five seconds, ten seconds!

The speed of the metal ball gradually slowed down, but the sweat on Zhuang He's forehead became heavier.

Because the metal ball did not stop at all when passing the magnetic pole, but began to slow down in front of 24 o'clock!

Until finally, it stopped at 24 o'clock!

The number of chips in Ning Yuan's hand increased from 17 million to 600 million!

"Oh!" The whole table, and even the entire casino, began to notice the young man in the white suit.

24 points once is luck, 24 points twice is smoke from the ancestral grave, 24 points three times may be a trick, and 24 points four times is a miracle!

But now, this is the fifth time!

What is the concept of five consecutive 24 points?

God descended?

Or, the arrival of the celestial dragon?

"Isn't he just randomly placing bets?"

"Is it possible that he is actually a prince or nobleman, and the casino is using this method to give him money?"

"How about we follow his lead and place bets?"

"Aren't you afraid that he is a shill?"

"Then buy 100 Baileys and try it out!"

Looking at the eager gamblers, the dealer quickly called the waiter and gave him a few instructions.

He was the one controlling the marbles, how could he not know if there was something fishy going on?

This guy is not a prince or nobleman at all!

And our casino has a huge backstage, which nobleman needs us to give him bribes like this?

The most important thing is, I clearly activated the mechanism to interfere with the ball's landing point, so how could he still land at 24 o'clock?

Looking at Ning Yuan, who looked calm and not excited about the 600 million Baileys, Zhuang He finally understood.

This person is not a gambler at all!

A real gambler, who wins from 10 Baileys to 600 million Baileys, cannot help but be excited!

This person is looking for trouble!

In this case, you have no need to be polite.

"Do you still want to continue to bet on 24 points?" Zhuang He asked coldly.

"Yes!" Ning Yuan was not in a hurry to push, because the money on the whole table was not enough for 600 million, and he had to move it here from other places.

While waiting for the chips to be delivered, Zhuang He said coldly: "Young man, don't you know the principle of quitting when you are ahead? Be careful that you may make money but not spend it!"

"You casino owners are afraid that customers will win money?" Ning Yuan laughed: "Everyone has heard it. Don't win money in Yuyan in the future, otherwise he will make you die!"

Zhuang He's face turned pale: "That's not what I meant. I mean that the security in Yuyan is not very good. If you leave with too much money, you may be robbed!"

"You don't need to worry about it!" Ning Yuan smiled: "At most, I will take this money to light a cigarette at the door. Anyway, it's my money, I can spend it however I want!"

"You!" Zhuang He's face turned black, and he was about to continue to curse, when a gentle female voice suddenly sounded from the second floor.

"Gu Wei, stop talking!"

The gamblers heard the voice and began to exclaim: "It's that one!"

"Black Beauty!"

"Miss·All Sunday!"

Ning Yuan also looked in the direction of the voice, and then was stunned.

This person is naturally a woman, but she is wearing a white floral cheongsam!

There are cheongsams in the world of One Piece, which is really eye-opening!

As we all know, cheongsams are very flattering, and this cheongsam also perfectly sets off the exquisite curves of women, and the slender long legs under the cheongsam, and the mysterious area that is so looming, give people a feeling of forbearance and fantasy.

I am not afraid of girls wearing JK, but I am afraid of mature women wearing cheongsams.

Nicole Robin is not an ordinary mature woman. She is a historian who received a doctorate at the age of 7. She is an intellectual mature woman.

Intellectual charm is directly full!

In addition to her good figure, Robin also looks very beautiful, with regular features, deep eyes, and a sense of broken depression.

To Ning Yuan, she actually looks a bit like Nie Xiaoqian in A Chinese Ghost Story.

Of course, it is the Plus version of the figure.

Joey Wong is beautiful, but her figure is really not comparable to the women in the world of One Piece.

"Hiss!" Ning Yuan suddenly felt a pain in his waist, and then he heard Wei Wei's voice with some resentment: "Is she so beautiful?"

Ning Yuan was speechless.

Sister, we are saving the country now, don't be jealous at this time!

But to be honest, the two should be equally good-looking.

But in terms of temperament, Robin really beats Wei Wei.

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