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Chapter 287: The world government will surely fail

Chapter 287 Situation Deduction·The World Government Will Defeat

After the hug, Ning Yuan and Wei Wei joined hands and walked along the long street to the Rain Banquet.

Behind them were the citizens who were showing off by carrying Crocodile's body.

Walking on the street, Ning Yuan could already see that some shops had begun to prepare food, and some people were already standing on the street singing and dancing!

"What are they doing?" Ning Yuan looked at it incredulously.

"Banquet!" Wei Wei smiled and said, "You are so happy today, you must hold a banquet to celebrate!"

Ning Yuan nodded. It is indeed normal to hold a banquet, but it is difficult to evaluate.

After all, Crocodile has really been a hero for nearly ten years. Even if some of the pirates were arranged by Baroque Works, there are more real pirates!

In other words, Crocodile really helped the citizens here to drive out the pirates for ten years!


Are they so happy that the hero has ended?

Although Vivi had distributed leaflets in advance to expose Crocodile's evidence, she said you just believe it!

Is this naive or brainless?

Ning Yuan thought about it and it should be both.

The political ecology of Alabasta is not simple, but it can be called naive!

For example, 600,000 rebels were stopped by a speech by the princess!

For example, how did Alabasta deal with the rebels afterwards?

It seems that they were sent back to their place of origin and did what they should do. There was no treatment at all?

Is this reasonable? Isn't this encouraging rebellion? Anyway, rebellion has no cost and no deaths. Are you kidding?

This kind of political means of power is extremely naive, so that Ning Yuan has to doubt whether this is really a country that has been passed down for nearly 5,000 years? (In the timeline of One Piece, Alabasta was founded as early as the ancient times)

However, he did not express his opinion. It is good to be simple. At least no one jumped out to question the rationality of his being a son-in-law.

If you want to be an emperor by marrying a princess in the political ecology of China, are you dreaming?

After the two arrived at the Rain Banquet, Weiwei gave a speech and then persuaded the people who followed behind to leave.

Now that the Rain Banquet has become their temporary residence, the gambling business will naturally be suspended.

As for when it will be suspended, who knows.

In the Rain Banquet Hall, all kinds of gambling facilities have been moved away, and the scene has become a wide venue.

In the center of the venue, Crocodile's body was lying here.

There was no trace of fighting on his body, only a mouth between his eyebrows proved the cause of his death.

Robin carefully examined Crocodile's body, and his expression was blank: "Did he really die from a gunshot wound?"

"I said it long ago, people like him rely too much on natural devil fruits, and have lost their vigilance against ordinary people and guns!" Ning Yuan laughed.

Of course, even if Crocodile did not lose his vigilance and dodged this bullet, the next one would be a sure hit.

Ning Yuan would definitely let Crocodile die from a gunshot, and he would also confirm the cause of Crocodile's death in the newspaper!

As for why?

In order to play the pig and eat the tiger, hide his own strength.

If a person fights Crocodile for 800 rounds and finally kills Crocodile, then this person will definitely become famous in one battle, and then attract the attention of all forces on the sea.

If this person is to be the husband of the Princess of Alabasta, the future prince or king, even the World Government will have to ask about it.

But if this person holds a gun and relies on Crocodile's indifference to shoot him to death with a seastone bullet, that's another matter.

No one will think that this person is powerful, they will only think that he is lucky, and laugh at Crocodile's unjust death.

Look at Robin's expression now. She is only shocked that Crocodile died of a gunshot, but she is not afraid of Ning Yuan who killed Crocodile.

"You are right!" Robin nodded. Although she still felt a little unreal, Crocodile's body was already here, and she couldn't help but accept it.

After all, novels need to talk about logic, and reality will only be more absurd.

"Crocodile is dead, what should we do next?" Weiwei asked.

She used to be a person who liked to think, but after following Ning Yuan, she gradually became less fond of thinking.

There is no way. When there is always someone around you who gives you advice and always gets it right, you will also become less fond of thinking.

Look at Liu Bei. After having Zhuge Liang, did he become stupider?

"Divide the troops into two groups!" Ning Yuan said: "We will go back to Arubana to stop the rebels. Baroque Works will mobilize manpower to solve the problem of the empty port defense of Alabasta after Crocodile left!"

As he said, Ning Yuan looked at Robin: "This requires your help!"

"Are you going to recruit me?" Robin asked with a smile.

"Yes, so what do you mean?" Ning Yuan asked.

Robin shook her head: "Sorry, the Alabasta royal family can't protect me!"

"Because of your identity as the son of the devil and a historian?" Ning Yuan asked back.

Robin was stunned and stood up suddenly.

After checking around and making sure that there were only three of them in the hall, I immediately asked in a serious tone: "Do you know me?"

If I remember correctly, from the time they met until now, I have never actively revealed my identity!

In other words, he knew me from the beginning?

"You are running for your life anyway, why don't you know how to dye your hair and wear contact lenses?" Ning Yuan asked with a smile: "Or do you think there is a big difference in appearance between the 7-year-old you and the current you?"

Robin blushed, not because of shyness, but because of Ning Yuan's words, she was immediately stunned.

Yeah, why didn’t I think of dying my hair?

Hair dyeing is not a cutting-edge technology, you can just find it at a roadside barber shop!

As for colored contact lenses, although they are more technical, you can still find them in larger cities.

The rest of the manicure, skirt, and hairstyle are all the same.

It is said that a woman has undergone a transformation. After such a transformation, who can still recognize her?

But she is a scholar and historian, and she has no such things in her mind!

"Moreover, even if you don't dye your hair or wear contact lenses, Alabasta can still protect you!" Ning Yuan continued: "Isn't it because the world government wants you because you studied that blank hundred years of history?"

"You want me to give up studying history?" Robin immediately shook his head: "That's impossible. Pursuing real history is my lifelong wish!"

It’s also my mother’s last wish!

"I'm not asking you to give up studying history, I'm just asking you to pause for a while, for example, for three years or something like that!" Ning Yuan said.

"Three years, is there anything special about this time?" Robin asked.

"In three years, the world government will have almost collapsed!" Ning Yuan said with a smile: "By then, you can study whatever you want, let alone study the blank 100 years of history. Even if you want to study the secret history of the Tianlong court, there will be no one. Stop you!"

"Ah?" Robin's eyes widened: "The world government has collapsed? Are you?"

Weiwei also widened her eyes and looked nervous. She had attended the World Government Conference with her father back then. The topic of the conference was how to deal with the intensifying revolutionary army actions!

If anyone in this world can bring down the world government, it must be the revolutionary army!

So, Ning Yuan is a revolutionary army?

What should I do if he is?

He wouldn't want to start a revolution in Alabasta too, would he?

But, I have already agreed to marry him, there is no need to do this again!

"What if I am?" Ning Yuan looked at the two of them: "What are you going to do?"

Robin's eyes flashed with emotion, but he still shook his head: "I have also studied the actions of the Revolutionary Army over the years, but overall, I am not optimistic about their future!"

Dorag has been active for ten years. Not to mention achieving nothing, at least the results are not very great.

You say you can overthrow the world government in three more years?

I do not believe!

"The revolutionary army in the past was indeed not very good, but that was because they lacked a leader with strategic vision and strategic thinking!" Ning Yuan pointed to himself: "But now, they have it now!"

Weiwei was even more shocked. He was not only a revolutionary army, but also a leader?

Robin mused.

The revolutionary army in the past was indeed not very good, but as a force that could confront the World Government, it certainly had strength.

Although she had not seen Ning Yuan's wisdom, at least she had seen his grasp of human nature.

Crocodile lying on the ground is the evidence.

If the two are combined, even if the world government cannot be overthrown, it is not trivial to protect her as a historian!

"So, what are you going to do with me and my father?" Weiwei, who was standing next to her, suddenly spoke and asked nervously: "You won't kill me, will you?"

"Aren't we husband and wife? Why should I kill you!" Ning Yuan gently hugged Weiwei and kissed her lips: "And I know what you are nervous about. Don't worry, I didn't plan to meet you. Your love is not fake!”

Weiwei breathed a sigh of relief, okay, okay.

She doesn't really understand the meaning of country yet, but she already has a longing for love.

This is the first time in her life that she has fallen in love with someone. It would be terrible if this person approached her just to usurp her country!

"Everyone, sit down!" Ning Yuan flicked his sleeves, and Crocodile's body flew to the corner, and a soft carpet appeared on the ground: "I will tell you our next actions!"

"Do I want to listen too?" Robin asked, "I didn't agree to join you!"

"Do you still have a choice?" Ning Yuan asked.

Robin's face darkened, which was fine.

The revolutionary army is different from the pirates. The pirate is afraid that others will not know his reputation, but the revolutionary army hides it as secretly as possible.

So just seeing Ning Yuan's appearance made it difficult for her to leave.

Moreover, she was really curious about what the Revolutionary Army planned to do to have the confidence to say that they would overthrow the world government in three years.

"Previously, the development of the revolutionary army could be basically regarded as a hammer here and there, completely unsystematic. But now that I'm here, this situation has changed!" Ning Yuan waved his sleeves again, and a picture appeared among the three of them. world map.

Of course, this is just a rough world map.

"From now on, the Revolutionary Army will mainly develop in the East China Sea. The Rogge Town in the East China Sea will be guarded. Navy Captain Smoker has become one of our people. With his cooperation, we will take down all the naval branches in the East China Sea!"

Vivi didn't know what this meant, but Robin took a deep breath.

The tentacles of their Baroque Company extend far, and they have even gone to the East China Sea to recruit Sauron, so Robin is no stranger to the East China Sea. Of course she knows how serious it is for the World Government to lose the East China Sea.

"The East China Sea seems to be the weakest sea area, but it is the weakest in terms of pirate force. As we all know, if bandits and bandits are not violent in a place, the economy will definitely get better. Therefore, in terms of strength, the East China Sea is the weakest. Weak, but economically, the East China Sea is unquestionably the first and strongest among the four oceans! Whether it is food, people's livelihood, or light industrial production, the East China Sea ranks first in the world. "

"Only in terms of technology and heavy industry, Donghai is weaker. This is because these things need a strong and stable regime to promote. Obviously Donghai does not have such a regime, but that was before. Now isn't the revolutionary army coming? Donghai Economy Strong but weak, the revolutionary army is strong but the economy is weak. The combination of the two is a strong alliance!"

The two women nodded one after another, their expressions already much more cautious.

Fortunately, one of the two girls is a princess, and the other is a historian. The former hears these things are related to vital interests and even life, while the latter is academic related.

If you tell Nami Noki this, they may not be willing to listen.

The audience was attentive, and Ning Yuan was even more energetic in governing.

"In addition, the East China Sea has another advantage, that is, it is far away from the world government's military center. Because the East China Sea is too weak, there is no large number of troops deployed here. Whether it is Marie Joa or Marin Ford, they are all on the other side of the East China Sea. . This kind of troop arrangement makes it easy for the revolutionary army to capture the East China Sea, and it is also very simple to defend it. "

"If the navy and the World Government want to conquer the East China Sea, they will need to travel long distances. Anyone who has fought in the Battle of Guandu and the Defense of Moscow should know how deadly long supply lines are."

"Besides, the Revolutionary Army seems to be isolated, but in fact there is no shortage of friendly forces. The Four Emperors and the major pirate groups are all friendly forces of the Revolutionary Army. If you dare to mobilize a large number of troops to encircle and suppress the Revolutionary Army, then the New World Navy The thieves dare to gather forces to attack the navy headquarters."

"Even if the worst happens and the revolutionary army entrenched in the East China Sea is defeated, don't forget that the East China Sea is the strongest economic zone. After years of war, this economic zone will inevitably be destroyed. The revolutionary army is already You have nothing, so if you destroy the East China Sea, what you will lose is the power of the World Government. The rule of the World Government will still be shaken."

"In short, if the World Government wins, half of its life will be lost; if it loses, it will lose a whole life!"

Anyone who has watched "Five Thousand Years of China" should know that an uprising that affects a wide range of areas, even if it ultimately fails, will kill a dynasty.

"If it loses, it goes without saying that the World Government will collapse and the Celestial Dragons will be finished!" Ningyuan clicked on Alabasta on the map: "If it wins, can the World Government still survive?"

Robin shook his head: "No way!"

"Why not?" Weiwei asked: "With the elimination of the revolutionary army, wouldn't the World Government's prestige be greatly increased?"

"The world government's opponents are not only the revolutionary army, but also pirates, and other aggressive powers?" Robin pointed to Alabasta on the map: "At least Alabasta, where Ning Yuan is the king, will not just This is how the world government rises again!”

Ning Yuan nodded: "That's right!"

He pointed to the Upside Down Mountain and the Windless Zone, which were very close at hand: "Since ancient times, war wealth has been the wealth that can most easily make a country rich. Alabasta is adjacent to the Upside Down Mountain on one side and the Windless Zone on the other. When the time comes, the war will If we fight, Alabasta will definitely be able to exchange a lot of wealth through logistics, transportation and trade!”

"If you have money and arm the army, who will care about the world government?"

"Hiss!" Weiwei gasped.

"And other countries are not fools. They will definitely follow suit. Anyway, Alabasta is at the forefront!"

"Then the world government won't come to attack us?" Weiwei asked.

"Of course the World Government can fight, but don't forget it!" Ning Yuan pointed to the Upside Down Mountain and the Windless Zone: "We provide the logistics for their wars, so when they fight us, who will provide the logistics?"

"The East China Sea has been destroyed. There is no big country like us in the great sea route. Only the Seven Waters can provide some warships, but do wars only require warships? Do you need money to eat, drink, and have sex? Do you need money for guns and guns? ?”

"Moreover, although we in Alabasta are now a sea-power country, after our construction, we will gradually transform into a land-power country. Warships are completely useless against land-power countries, at least they have little effect."

"To destroy Alabasta, the World Government must form a large army!"

"Our current standing army is 600,000. When a war breaks out, it will be more than 600,000, and it may be 6 million! If we want to fight against an army of 6 million, should the World Government build an army of 8 million?"

"Then the question is, how will the logistics be provided for an eight million army?"

"This!" Weiwei looked at the map. Alabasta was the largest on the great sea route, and there were all small countries next to it. No country could support the logistics of an eight million army.

At this time, Donghai is broken again. Where can the logistics come from?

"Western Sea, South China Sea, North Sea!" Weiwei thought about it and replied.

"Then the question is, people are needed to fight the war, and people are also needed to mobilize supplies. How many people from the World Government are spending in these three places, and the East China Sea is still left alone?" Ning Yuan asked again.

"Donghai, hasn't the revolutionary army been wiped out?" Weiwei asked.

"Dorag can fly, and it's of the natural type!" Ning Yuan reminded: "So the revolutionary army will be wiped out, but people will not necessarily die!"

"And!" Robin next to him reminded: "The East China Sea has become a ruin. There are orphans and adults who have lost their jobs everywhere. These are all potential soldiers of the revolutionary army!"

"Ah this!" Weiwei was shocked.

"And!" Robin continued: "The soldiers under the World Government are not very disciplined. The longer they stay in one place, the deeper the hatred they accumulate! Even if they defeated the revolutionary army in the East China Sea, as long as they give the revolution After a while, a more powerful revolutionary army will be born from the corpse of the past!"

Weiwei was completely silent.

"Actually, in our previous deductions, we have tried our best to strengthen the world government!" Ning Yuan pointed to the New World side: "In the previous deductions, the New World side was completely motionless, but these pirates can really Can you bear it?”

"To be honest, I don't understand why the world government has been able to survive for so many years!" Ning Yuan touched his chin and continued: "If you want to say two or three hundred years, I can understand it, but eight hundred years!"

Shaking his head, he didn't quite understand, he could only express his shock.

Robin and Weiwei looked at each other, then looked at the map, digesting what Ning Yuan had just explained.

If Ning Yuan's deduction is followed, this world government really looks like it is about to collapse!

The premise is that the revolutionary army can capture the East China Sea.

So can the revolutionary army take over the East China Sea?

you still need to ask?

The East China Sea is the weakest sea!

"What will happen to us in Alabasta in the future?" Weiwei thought for a while and asked.

This deduction only said that the world government would die, but not the outcome of Alabasta.

"There are two possibilities for the future of Alabasta!" Ning Yuan pointed to the East China Sea: "If the revolutionary army defeats the world government and unifies the world, we will surrender directly. Someone will manage such a large island. When the time comes, Nefertari The family is still the king of this area, it just changed its name, maybe called governor or something!"

"If the revolutionary army is defeated, then the stronger Alabasta will take over the banner of the revolutionary army, first seize the East China Sea, and then fight against the weakened world government. Then Alabasta will dominate the world!"

"Do we have to fight?" Weiwei asked pitifully, "Isn't peace bad?"

"Now there are people dying of hunger all over the world, pirates are everywhere, revolutions are emerging one after another, and the world government is expropriating heavenly gold everywhere. Is the world peaceful??" Ning Yuan asked rhetorically.

"But at least Alabasta, eh?" Weiwei wanted to say that she was at home, but then she remembered that Alabasta was not at peace either.

"You want to say that Alabasta was an accident and Crocodile just happened?" Ning Yuan asked.

Weiwei nodded. Actually, she didn't think so, but when Ning Yuan asked, she really did.

"The world is in such chaos, it's impossible for Alabasta to stay out of it!" Ning Yuan said calmly: "Today a Crocodile will come, tomorrow there will be a Gaara, and the day after tomorrow it may be some other strong man! Do you want to be safe? For a moment, others may not agree!”

Weiwei was silent.

"As long as we are strong, the future will be war or peace, and the initiative will be in our hands! But if someone else is strong!" Ning Yuan shook his head: "Then we can only rely on others and let others slaughter us!"

Weiwei continued to be silent, but her mind was in chaos.

How did this world become like this?

It has become so strange and scary!

I originally thought that I would have a good life after defeating Crocodile, but I didn't expect that there would be more terrible things waiting for me in the future?

After thinking about it, Weiwei suddenly pursed her lips and smiled.

If I were the only one to face all this, it would naturally be a very scary future.

But I have Ningyuan!

Gently grabbing Ning Yuan's arm: "I understand, where this country should go from now on depends entirely on you!"

Ning Yuan nodded lightly. Although he had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, he was really calm.

It’s just to unify the world, and this isn’t the first time.


By the way, I’m not here to enjoy life, so why do I start doing this again?

Touching his chin, Ning Yuan shook his head.

There was no way, he had seen so many injustices along the way that he couldn't stand it at all.

If you don't have the strength, forget it, you can only endure it.

I have strength and brains, why do I have to endure it? Wouldn’t it be a waste of time?

Damn it!

Ning Yuan looked at Robin: "What about you, what do you think?"

"Do I still have a choice?" Robin raised the corner of his mouth and chuckled: "I wonder how the future king will arrange for me?"

"Well, first come to be my secretary and assist me in governing this country!" Ning Yuan said: "In addition, the Balog Work Agency was merged into Alabasta and renamed the Kingdom Intelligence Agency. It will be up to you to lead it. After picking them out, I will go back and set up an officer academy to train them all into officers. In the future, Alabasta will have its own three generals, and we can no longer let the world government choke our necks!"

Robin covered his mouth and smiled. It was quite interesting to say that it was stuck in his neck.

"Oh, by the way!" Ning Yuan suddenly took out a Devil Fruit and handed it to Weiwei: "This is Crocodile's Shasha Fruit. Eat it!"

"Eh?" Both women were surprised.

"How did this fruit end up in your hands?" Vivi's reaction was not bad, because Alabasta also had family-inherited fruit technology.

Robin was shocked: "Isn't it said that after the devil fruit user dies, the fruit will be randomly reborn?"

"Well, then I'll give you some more confidence!" Ning Yuan smiled and said: "I have the technology to recycle devil fruits, 100% recycling!"


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