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Chapter 296 The Rebirth of the Dade Dynasty

Since the Giant Kingdom is arranged as D's will, then Wano Country is just a small life. Even the cultural traditions are the same, and there is no need for too much decoration.

What's more coincidental is that Pluto is buried in Wano Country!

As we all know, the Great German Dynasty also has a mindless teammate, Idali, so who plays the role of Idali?

The first release of this book provides you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

Don't run away, it's you, Shandora! !

Many people may not know that Shandora was destroyed to protect the historical text, that is, Shandora is indeed a teammate of the Giant Kingdom.

In addition, there are still so many treasures when Shandora was destroyed.

The war is over, and there is still so much money at home that has not been used up. It is equivalent to the opponent starting to push the crystal, and you see that your teammates still have 8,000 gold coins and have not updated their equipment.

You can tell whether this teammate is a pit or not!

"The Great Virtue Dynasty, Wano Country, and Shandora are all here, so their opponents must be the Americans, right?"

Ning Yuan turned his head and looked again. The World Government is responsible for printing money, building naval bases everywhere, making trouble and waging wars everywhere, striking hard at non-member countries of the World Government, and charging high amounts of heavenly gold to its own member countries.

I don't believe you if you say this is not the Americans!

The Americans are here, where are the Su?

Lunaria, that's you!

You fought against the Great Virtue and risked your life. You had nothing to do with the distribution of benefits after the war, and ended up with your death and the extinction of your clan. You can't say that you are completely similar to the Su, but at least they are exactly the same.

The Americans, the Su, and the Chinese, we have everything we need to live our lives, but we can't live without the Chinese!

Where is the Chinese?

The Chinese are right beside us!

With a history of 5,000 years, it is obviously a victorious country, but it did not join the World Government to rule the world in the form of an evil dragon. It has a strong army, and the king and princess are kind and loving. Compared with the kings of other countries, it is simply a breath of fresh air.

There is also a mother river in the country that floods all year round and is silted up with yellow sand!

Can't Alabasta and Laozhong be said to be completely similar? At least they are exactly the same.

The only difference is the population, but the population of the One Piece world is small. Even if Alabasta has a population of tens of millions, it is already the largest in the world.

"Right!" Ning Yuan looked through his system. The upper limit of the number of people in the popularity column is one billion! ,

That is to say, there are only more than 1 billion people on the entire One Piece planet.

And the Earth is 8 billion.

1:8, then Alabasta's 50 million population converted to Earth is exactly 400 million!

"Can it be so similar?" Ning Yuan was a little surprised after making such an analogy. Did One Piece copy World War II, or did World War II copy One Piece?

But after thinking about it, it is normal for such a similar situation to occur.

It's nothing more than two forces fighting, and one side is defeated. There are many such examples on Earth.

For example, you can also compare the World Government to the Jin Dynasty, then the huge kingdom is the Han Dynasty, Joy Boy is Zhang Jiao, Shandora is Shu Han, Alabasta is Sun Wu, and Lunaliya is Cao Wei. If you make a far-fetched connection, they can also correspond.

So, will Ning Yuan adopt the American version?

Or the Jin Dynasty version?

After thinking about it, Ning Yuan felt that it was not necessary to make a choice, and it was completely possible to integrate them.

"Do you have an idea?" Robin saw Ning Yuan showing a satisfied smile and asked hurriedly.

She knew Ning Yuan's writing style and Ning Yuan's level of storytelling, so she was really curious about how Ning Yuan would write this blank 100 years of history.

Ning Yuan nodded and smiled: "Now, let me tell you about history, how about it?"

"That's a hundred years of history!" Robin was a little surprised: "In such a short time, you have thought of everything?"

"Of course!" Ning Yuan nodded, just put the ready-made template on it, of course it was fast.

"Then I'll listen!" Robin also took out a pen and paper to record.

"In the 300th year of the Haiyuan calendar, the Kingdom of Dura invaded the Kingdom of Dade and directly attacked the gate of the capital of the Kingdom of Dade. The King of the Dade Dynasty sent envoys to seek peace, but the Kingdom of Dura refused and ordered soldiers to attack the city. The King of the Kingdom of Dade changed the conditions again, saying that he was willing to surrender to the Kingdom of Dura and lead the horse for the King of the Kingdom of Dura. This time the King of the Kingdom of Dura agreed!"

"Wait, which country is this Kingdom of Dura, and which country is this Kingdom of Dade?" Robin raised his hand and asked: "There are no such two countries in the history I just talked about!"

"You will know if you listen to it!" Ning Yuan smiled.

Robin nodded. Although he didn't understand, he still wrote down this history honestly.

"The king of the Great Kingdom is called De Gou. After he arrived in the Dura Kingdom, he respected the Dura King Du Cha very much. He not only led his horse for him, but also tested for poison for him. That is, he would taste Du Cha's food before he ate to prevent poison in the food! Once Du Cha was sick, De Gou actually tasted Du Cha's feces!"

"This!" Robin looked embarrassed: "Isn't this a bit..."

"Just write it as it is!" Ning Yuan said.

After all, this is all recorded in history books, and Gou Jian really tasted it!

Robin was speechless, but she could only record it as it was.

Of course, she could write like this mainly because the previous history was vague.

Ning Yuan originally thought that the history of the One Piece world was the same as that of China, with all kinds of chronicles and annals, and every major event of each year was recorded!

Who knows that it is not true at all. There is no such professional historian in the One Piece world.

Just look at the historical texts and you will know. More than a hundred years of history are written down in just 31 historical texts, which is equivalent to 31 pages of paper.

What can be recorded on 31 pages of paper?

History is extremely vague, which is certainly difficult for historians, but it is convenient for historical writers.

For example, Ning Yuan originally thought that he could only write a hundred years of history, but he didn't expect that he could write many years back.

"Du Cha saw that De Gou was so respectful to him, so he completely let go of his guard against him. On the other hand, there was a minister in the Kingdom of Dade named Fan Xian. He heard that Du Cha liked beautiful women and gold, so he sold everything he had to collect 3,000 kilograms of gold, and found a peerless beauty named Dong Shi among the people, and gave them to Du Cha!"

"Dong Shi is indeed a beauty. Du Cha fell in love with her at first sight and kept her with him day and night. Dong Shi took the opportunity to speak well of De Gou, saying that since he even ate the king's shit, he must be extremely loyal to the king, so it would be better to let him go back, and he would not dare to betray. Du Cha was confused by money and beauty, and agreed in a daze! So De Gou was finally able to return home after staying with Du Cha for three years!"

Robin no longer asked, as long as the story sounded really interesting, she really wanted to know the follow-up.

"When Du Cha's army broke into the palace, they had already looted it. Later, Fan Xian collected another 3,000 kilograms of gold to redeem the king. So when De Gou returned to his country, he found that the whole country was impoverished, from the nobles to the common people, everyone was poor!"

"Fan Xian told De Gou that although the country was poor, there was still money to build a palace. I can gather civilians to build a luxurious palace for you!"

"But De Gou refused. He said: How can I have a home if Dula is not destroyed? What he meant was that Dula had not been destroyed, and the hatred of Da De had not been avenged. How could I have the nerve to build a house for myself!"

"After that, he slept on a straw mat with a bitter gall hanging on the beam. He handled government affairs like this. Whenever he couldn't bear the pain, he licked the bitter gall and asked himself: De Gou, have you forgotten the hatred of Da De's destruction?"

"Inspired by hatred, De Gou finally persevered!"

"Oh, by the way, an idiom was born here, called sleeping on straw and tasting gall!" Ning Yuan marked it for Robin on the side.

"Sleeping on straw and tasting gall!" Robin was thoughtful.

Is this really the history made up by Ning Yuan, not the real history?

Why don't I believe it?

The main thing is that it is too detailed. Even reading these words, Robin can generate corresponding pictures in his mind!

Without asking, Robin clenched the pen and continued to record.

"If you want revenge, you can't be without strength. Unfortunately, Dade's strength is far inferior to Dura, so Fan Xian is looking for talents everywhere!"

"Just outside Dade, there is a grassland where many herdsmen are grazing sheep. Among them is a shepherdess named Aqing. Aqing mistakenly entered a valley while grazing sheep, and then saw a white ape. The white ape liked her very much and often played with her with branches. She also fought back with branches. As she fought, Aqing actually practiced a set of peerless swordsmanship!"

"She used this set of swordsmanship to drive away the wild wolves chasing the sheep. Over time, the nearby herdsmen knew that there was a powerful swordsman named Aqing here, and Fan Xian, who was looking for talents everywhere, naturally heard her name, so he came to ask She came out of the mountain!"

"As a shepherdess, Ah Qing lived a carefree life and naturally did not want to be a high official. The first time Fan Xian asked ordinary soldiers to invite Ah Qing, Ah Qing drove her away. The second time Fan Xian asked the palace guards to invite Ah Qing, Ah Qing drove her away again!"

"Fan Xian then realized that Ah Qing was a truly talented person, so he personally went to Ah Qing's house and invited him to come out of the mountain."

"Ah Qing was not interested in state affairs, so she had always been reluctant to come out of the mountain, but when Fan Xian personally came to invite her, she agreed!"

Ning Yuan paused here and asked, "Why do you think Ah Qing, who had always refused the invitation, agreed?"

"Because Fan Xian's eloquence was very good, Ah Qing was moved?" Robin asked curiously.

Ning Yuan shook his head.

"That is, Fan Xian treated her very well?" Robin asked again.

"Dade was penniless at this time, where could he get money to give her?" Ning Yuan smiled.

"Why is that?" Robin blinked, looking at the handsome face in front of her, and suddenly had an idea: "It can't be because Fan Xian is beautiful!"

"That's it!" Ning Yuan nodded: "Fan Xian is a great doctor. Not only is his talent the best choice, but his appearance is also the best in the country. Although Ah Qing is powerful, she is a girl after all, and naturally she has a period of love. She is not interested in state affairs, but because Fan Xian is beautiful, she is willing to come out to help!"

Robin was speechless, but after thinking about it, she felt it was very reasonable.

Crocodile was dead, but she was reluctant to leave. Was it because of Ning Yuan's appearance?

She couldn't tell.

"With the help of Ah Qing, De Gou successfully trained 3,000 swordsmen. He relied on these 3,000 swordsmen to successfully destroy Dura, and he did it more thoroughly than Du Cha back then. He killed all the nobles of Dura, annexed all the land and people, and finally the two countries merged into one country, and there was no Dura in the world!"

Robin probably knew which country this Dade was.

"The first merit of Dade's destruction of Dula should go to Fan Xian, and the second merit to Ah Qing. However, Fan Xian knew that Degou was a man who could only share adversity, not wealth, so he persuaded Ah Qing to leave, but Ah Qing asked him if he was willing to leave with her."

"Did he agree?" Robin's eyes suddenly lit up and asked curiously.

Even historians like to watch romantic dramas!

Ning Yuan curled his lips and smiled, "Fan Xian didn't answer, but just looked in the direction of the palace!"

"Ah Qing is a swordsman, with such sharp eyes, she naturally understands that Fan Xian already has someone else in his heart!"

"Others?" Robin was stunned. Are there any other female characters in the whole story? How come there is suddenly a third party!

Wait, it seems that there is someone else!

That beautiful woman Dong Shi!

Dade destroyed Dula, didn't Dong Shi come back?

"Yes, Fan Xian fell in love with Dong Shi!" Ning Yuan nodded.

"How could it be!" Robin frowned.

"In fact, there is a hint in the previous text!" Ning Yuan said with a smile: "The woman Fan Xian gave to Du Cha was the most beautiful woman in his heart!"

"If you don't like her, how can you say she is beautiful?"

Robin was silent.

"Ah Qing also knew who Fan Xian loved, but she didn't believe that there was such a beautiful woman in the world, so she turned and entered the palace to see clearly!"

Robin became nervous because she remembered something!

"Yes, there are three thousand swordsmen trained by her in the palace!" Ning Yuan said with a smile: "These three thousand people are wearing armor and holding swords, but Ah Qing only has a bamboo stick in her hand. Fan Xian was worried about Ah Qing's safety and hurriedly followed behind, but was stopped by the guards of the palace!"

"He only heard the sound of long swords falling to the ground, and soon, he saw Ah Qing walking out in a daze!"

Robin understood that Dong Shi was indeed extremely beautiful.

She was so beautiful that even Ah Qing, who was so powerful, felt ashamed after seeing her.

"A Qing left, and Fan Xian entered the palace, only to see long swords and swordsmen everywhere. And Dong Shi was standing at the end of the road, looking at him pretentiously!"

"After that, A Qing disappeared, and Fan Xian and Dong Shi went boating on the sea and disappeared. The Great German Dynasty, which annexed Dura, surged in strength and ushered in its own new life!"

"This piece can be named the New Life of the Great German Dynasty!" Ning Yuan watched Robin finish writing, and then said: "After polishing the manuscript, you can submit it!"

"Submit it?" Robin was stunned.

"Of course I have to submit it. What's the point of not submitting the unofficial history to others?" Ning Yuan said: "After polishing it, it should be exactly 5,000 words, which can occupy a section.".

"But will the World Economic News publish such things?" Robin frowned and asked: "After all, this is false history!"

Speaking of this, Robin was a little murmured, is it really false?

"Just look at this paragraph, who knows this is real history?" Ning Yuan laughed and said, "Just tell Morgans that this is a serialized novel. When he finds out something is wrong, the popularity of the serialization has already risen, and it will be too late for him to regret it!"

"It's still possible!" Robin widened his eyes, and felt that his brain was rigid in studying history.

The young people of the new era really dare to think and do!

"It's still early!" Ning Yuan looked at the time, it was only half past six in the evening: "I'll ask someone to send a meal up, and then work overtime, and write two more manuscripts. The subsequent ones will be posted slowly one day a day!"

"No problem for me!" Robin nodded heavily: "Why don't we not sleep tonight, and just complete the entire history?"

When he raised his head, he saw that Ning Yuan's eyes were a little strange.

"Overtime is fine, but all night is fine!" Ning Yuan looked at Robin with a teasing look: "You don't have a nightlife, but I do!"

Robin was stunned at first, and then he gritted his teeth!

What do you mean, you are mocking me for being a 28-year-old woman who has no boyfriend, right!

If it weren't for my sensitive identity, I would have been married long ago and hidden from people all these years!

With my looks, temperament and knowledge, the people chasing me can line up from here to Mary Geoise!

Looking at Ning Yuan who went out to arrange food, Robin clenched his fists.

No, this ridicule can't just be ignored.

But Robin is not happy to just find a boyfriend to mess around. If you have someone like Ning Yuan by your side, your standards will also be raised!

After going around in circles, it seems to be back to Ning Yuan.

"Huh, do you think I don't know what you are thinking?" After being angry for a long time, Robin suddenly laughed again.

"Damn kid, you are quite thoughtful. If you like someone, you can just say it openly. Why are you still hiding it?"

"Could it be that you are waiting for me to speak first?"

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