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Chapter 302: The new king ascends the throne and kills all the ministers

Chapter 302 The new king ascends the throne and kills all the ministers

"Piao-Piao fruit, Sasha fruit, Cat-Cat fruit, Tabby cat form, Dog-Dog fruit, Black fox form!"

Ning Yuan remembered that Kaku and Kalifa in CP9 were rewarded with devil fruits after they made great contributions in catching Robin.

This means that Hai Beaver and Ichinomiya's status in the CP agency is not low, and they should have made contributions.

Ning Yuan picked up the Den Den Mushi that Hai Beaver had just taken out but had not had time to call, and put it in the room.

He certainly couldn't take the initiative to call, because theoretically, he shouldn't know the phone number of the CP agency.

So he could only wait for the call from there to inform them of Hai Beaver and Ichinomiya's death.

๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—๐ฌ๐ก๐ฎ๐ฑ.๐ง๐ž๐ญ

If they had no intention of contacting Hai Li and Yi Gong today, they would have seen the news of their death tomorrow, because Ning Yuan had already started writing on the table.

"Ning Yuan?" The door of the room was gently pushed open, and Wei Wei walked in quietly. She thought Ning Yuan was sleeping, but she didn't expect him to be writing at his desk?

"Aren't you drunk?" Wei Wei was a little surprised.

"Just pretending to be drunk!" Ning Yuan laughed, "By the way, why are you here too? I remember the banquet was going to be held until very late!"

"That was in the past!" Weiwei shook her head, then sat down next to Ning Yuan: "Alabasta is in financial difficulties now, so we didn't buy much food and wine, and now it's all consumed!"

"Really!" Ning Yuan nodded, and asked again: "I've heard your father talk about financial difficulties before, and now you say so too, how difficult is Alabasta's finances?"

"Alabasta is full of deserts, so it's not good at planting, you know?" Weiwei asked.

"Yeah!" Ning Yuan nodded, Alabasta did need to import a lot of food in the past.

"Alabasta has almost no agricultural tax revenue, all tax revenue comes from commercial tax!" Weiwei said, "But because of the continuous drought in recent years, many factories have stopped working and a large number of people have lost their jobs. Now everyone has no money in their hands. Not only can we not collect commercial tax, but we also have to support 600,000 soldiers and pay high amounts of Tianshangjin!"

"I don't know the specific situation now, but the current situation of the country is indeed not good. I heard from my father that the soldiers have not been paid for several months!"

Ningyuan only felt that the people in this world still had a good spirit of resistance.

They rebelled after not paying wages for only a few months. The Ming army next door not only did not pay wages for several years or even decades, but soldiers also had to farm and raise children for the generals. Didn't they still not rebel?

Of course, the soldiers in Alabasta would rebel not only because of the lack of wages, but also because they were too concentrated.

When 600,000 people were placed in the same place, the news spread very quickly. If someone above wanted to rebel, the people below would respond collectively.

If you evenly distribute these 600,000 people to five or six places, it wouldn't be like this!

Naive, Ning Yuan can only say that the military and political ecology of Alabasta is actually quite naive.

Such a country can actually last for five thousand years, and we really have to thank the World Government.

"Do you think our Alabasta can get better?" Weiwei asked with a worried look on her face.

"Crocodile is dead, and the rainfall in Alabasta will return to the past. When there is rain, industrial production will naturally recover, and the finances will gradually improve. At that time, Alabasta will naturally get better!" Ning Yuan comforted.

Weiwei nodded, I hope so!

"By the way!" Ning Yuan stopped writing: "Today is our big day, let's not talk about these, shouldn't we?"

Weiwei blushed, of course she knew what she was going to experience later.

She just nodded lightly, and then the whole person was picked up by Ning Yuan.

"Wait, it's not dark yet!"

"It's okay, you will forget the time later!"

"Ah, be gentle, it hurts."

The spring night is short and the sun rises high, and the king will not go to court early from now on.

This is impossible, because it was only five o'clock in the morning, and a palace lady came to wake them up.

"No, do we have to get up so early every day in the future?" Ning Yuan was a little speechless. He felt that he had only slept for two hours?

"Today is your coronation day, of course you have to get up early!" The lady said: "When you become king in the future, you don't need to get up so early!"

"That's okay!" Ning Yuan nodded. Although his body is good, getting up at five o'clock every day is indeed a bit anti-human.

At six o'clock, Ning Yuan and Weiwei finished washing, and then they were changed into uniforms.

At seven o'clock, Ning Yuan and Weiwei came to the gate of the palace, and the ceremony officially began.

There are two ceremonies today, one is Cobra's abdication ceremony, and the other is Ning Yuan's coronation ceremony.

Cobra's desire for power is not very strong, from the fact that he only married one wife, and was regarded as a hero by Crocodile, and gained such a great reputation.

But he was still very unhappy with Ning Yuan's succession to the throne, because he felt that this child was not very smart.

Moreover, Ning Yuan was promoted to the position by the people of the World Government. Cobra suspected that Ning Yuan was a member of the World Government.

"By the way, where are those two CP agents!" Cobra looked at the ministers organizing the ceremony with an unhappy face, and suddenly found something wrong.

Those two men in black suits didn't seem to attend the ceremony?

But he didn't think much about it. These CP agents always move around in secret. Who knows where they are hiding now!

After a series of complicated ceremonies, at nine o'clock in the morning, Cobra took off his crown.

After another series of complicated ceremonies, at eleven o'clock in the morning, Ning Yuan put on the crown.

So far, Alabasta has come to Ning Yuan's era.

In the main hall of the Alabasta Palace, Ning Yuan sat on the throne. The throne of Alabasta is a bit small and can only accommodate one person. It is not like the dragon throne of the Chinese Dynasty, which is wide and large and can be laid on.

Weiwei sat next to him, and in front of him were the ministers of various departments of Alabasta.

There are the Minister of Economy, the Minister of Agriculture, the Minister of Environment, the Minister of Cities, the Minister of Shipping, etc.

Generally, this kind of meeting is just for everyone to get to know each other, and no one expects the new king to do anything.

There is no concept of reform in the world of One Piece. After the king takes office, he will continue the policies of the old king.

Of course, the ministers must have something to say, mainly to report the various data of Alabasta, so that the king can have a basic concept, and by the way, understand what kind of person the new king is through dialogue.

Anyway, just chat and reminisce, and this process can be passed.

But that was in the past. Now it is Ning Yuan who is in power, and the original process is no longer applicable.

The main reason is that Ning Yuan started to do things before he came to power, and the ministers had to ask what was going on.

The military minister stood up first: "King Bing, since the rebels have stopped their actions, why don't they repatriate them? I heard someone report that some people took your order and stationed the soldiers near the Saint Ding River. May I ask what you are going to do, my king?"

Ning Yuan frowned and asked: "Military Minister, what do you do?"

"I am responsible for all military affairs in Alabasta, including fighting pirates externally and clearing out sand bandits internally!" The military minister said proudly: "I am responsible for the domestic army, navy, and city guards!"

His position can be said to be powerful. If he has a little ambition, it would be easy for him to be Dong Zhuo or Cao Cao.

So much so that Cobra respected him very much.

The king's respect was naturally exchanged for the military minister's arrogance, and this arrogance naturally continued to his attitude towards Ning Yuan.

You are a little kid, don't do anything on your own, you should listen to our opinions on everything!

Ning Yuan thought about it and asked: "Since you are responsible for fighting pirates, why is Crocodile famous for fighting pirates?"

The military minister was stunned, and then heard Ning Yuan continue: "Obviously, this is all because of your ineffective fight against pirates!"

"How can this be, King, I am wronged!" The military minister hurriedly shouted: "Then Crocodile is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, how can I restrain his behavior?"

"Then can't you kill the pirates before him?" Ning Yuan questioned.

"We in Alabasta are mostly land forces, and we can only fight pirates after the pirates go ashore!" The military minister hurriedly said: "In this way, how can we fight pirates before Crocodile?"

"Then why not form a navy?" Ning Yuan asked.

"Alabasta is not rich. A ship costs tens of millions of berries. We can't afford it!" the military minister advised.

"You are the military minister. Do you need to worry about money?" Ning Yuan asked back: "Don't you have to do everything you can to improve Alabasta's military strength? If you don't have enough money, ask the king for it. Whether he gives it or not is another matter. So do you want it?"

The military minister was speechless.

Did he want it?

What the hell!

His father's father's father was the military minister in this way. This is a position that has been passed down from generation to generation. He has formed a fixed way of doing things.

With fixed thinking, how could he think of increasing military spending?

"Obviously, you are not qualified as a military minister!" Ning Yuan said indifferently: "You failed to fight against pirates, which led to Crocodile's rise and his ambition to usurp the country!"

"As a military minister, you did nothing when your 600,000 troops rebelled. It was the princess who risked her life to persuade the soldiers to come down!"

"Have you ever thought about what would happen if Crocodile succeeded in usurping the country?"

"Have you ever thought about what would happen if the princess failed?"

The military minister bowed down directly. He had no way to refute, but he was not nervous at all.

After all, apart from the position of military minister, he was still a nobleman.

Nobles do not kill nobles. The worst thing is to give up the position of military minister.

As for who will inherit?

That is naturally his own son.

This is the unspoken rule of the nobles' rule of governing the country. No matter how big a mistake a person makes, he will not die, nor will he lose his status and wealth.

Just like the literati in the Song Dynasty.

No, just like the princes in the Ming Dynasty, as long as they do not rebel, they can enjoy endless wealth and glory.

Ning Yuan saw through his thoughts, and then sneered, saying: "You are a figurehead, a disaster to the country and the people, and you are doing nothing. Heaven will not tolerate this. Come on, take him down!"

At the command, two soldiers with excited faces rushed out and directly pressed the military minister to the ground.

The military minister did not panic until he heard Ning Yuan say again: "Take him away, confiscate his property, and execute all nine clans!"

This is an old nobleman. The goddess of wisdom has already figured out his relatives, and it can't be Weiwei and Cobra.

And how can we describe this nobleman's style of doing things?

Tianlong people know that this nobleman and his family are almost Tianlong people without fish tanks.

In terms of power, they are a little bit inferior, but in terms of enjoyment and sin, they are not less!

"Ah?" The military minister raised his head, looking confused.

The criminal law minister next to him hurriedly stood up: "King, no, and what is the nine clans?"

Ning Yuan shouted: "Take this criminal law minister away, and the nine clans will be killed as well!"

The military minister can enjoy so much, what good can the criminal law minister be?

Two more soldiers with excited faces came in, directly held down the criminal law minister, and then dragged him out the door.

After dragging two people away in a row, the remaining ministers finally felt something was wrong.

The Minister of Environment stood up tremblingly: "Your Majesty!"

"Oh, and you too!" Ning Yuan looked at the white-haired Minister of Environment: "Alabasta's desertification is so serious, you have to bear the primary responsibility, drag him down, kill all nine clans, this old man will be executed by slow slicing in a larger square!"

Two more soldiers came in and dragged the old man away.

The rest of the ministers were confused, what was going on, how could a king kill people as soon as he came to power?

Weiwei also widened her eyes: "Ningyuan?"

Of course she knew that Ningyuan was a revolutionary, but didn't they agree not to reveal their identities for the time being and to build Alabasta first?

"Don't worry!" Ning Yuan patted Weiwei's hand: "Believe me!"

Weiwei blinked: "But!"

Among those who were dragged down, there were many of her uncles, uncles and grandfathers, all of whom had watched her grow up since she was a child!

"Then you think so!" Ning Yuan said: "When Crocodile was about to usurp the country, when the rebels were heading towards the capital, where were these nobles and what were they doing?"

Weiwei was speechless.

When the rebels attacked the city, these nobles couldn't think of a countermeasure, and they didn't even go out, just hiding at home and spending money.

When the rebels retreated and Ning Yuan came to power, these ministers jumped out one by one to help Ning Yuan govern the country.

"Your Majesty!" Another minister, after rigorous thinking, finally stood up resolutely.

He was the Minister of Finance, and he felt that Ning Yuan would not kill him.

After all, he should have done a good job?

Although Alabasta's finances collapsed, it was not his fault. It was because it didn't rain. What could he, a mortal, do?

"What's the matter?" Ning Yuan asked.

"It's August now, and we have to prepare the heavenly gold to send to Mary Geoise before February next year!" The Minister of Finance said with a stiff upper lip: "But Alabasta's finances are extremely difficult now, and it won't recover in the remaining time. I would like to ask what should we do with this heavenly gold?"

"What are your plans?" Ning Yuan asked.

"We can first intercept the money and food that should be given to the rebels, and pay the gold from the sky first!" The Minister of Finance thought for a while and said.

"Your suggestion is very good, don't suggest it next time!" Ning Yuan waved his hand: "Come on, chop this guy up for me, and take their families with you!"

"Ah?" The Minister of Finance was directly confused: "No, why, King, what did I do wrong? I just made a suggestion?"

"First, explain the source of the full gold in your basement, and then ask me why I want to kill you!" Ning Yuan said lightly.

In order to raise money to build a canal, Ning Yuan planned to let the people of Baroque Works disguise themselves as pirates to kill noble officials.

But with the goddess of wisdom, this plan changed.

The goddess of wisdom scans Alabasta and can clearly record the crimes committed by each noble.

Before, they pretended to be pirates because they knew they were guilty, but there was no evidence, so they could only turn over the chessboard.

This can certainly achieve the goal, but it is very unpleasant.

And because they were attacked by pirates, pirates are negative characters, so these nobles have become positive characters, right?

Maybe ten or a hundred years later, their stories will be made into novels, operas, and TV dramas. Ning Yuan has thought of the subject matter, such as the Orphan of Zhao, where the pirates did not kill all the people and left an orphan.

But how can this be possible!

The evil people will be nailed to the pillar of shame forever!

Now I have your evidence in my hand, so of course I will confiscate your property!

Not only will I confiscate your property, I will also hold a public trial so that the people can witness your crimes!

Not only will I hold a public trial, but I will also copy your crimes all over the country and even create files for storage!

Electronic files!

I will make them infamous for thousands of years!

"And you!" Ning Yuan looked at the remaining ministers. Can you believe it? None of these ministers are clean!

It can only be said that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. The Tianlong people are like that. How can the nobles below follow suit? It's possible that it's good.

Only Cobra and his daughter are a bit weird. White lotus grows in the cesspool.

Ning Yuan clapped his hands gently, and teams of soldiers entered the palace, then grabbed the ministers' arms and pulled them down.

In a moment, all the ministers were arrested, and the palace was empty!

"Ning, Ning Yuan?" Wei Wei looked at the ministers who were still crying in shock, and asked hesitantly: "These ministers have been arrested, how can we govern the country!"

"It doesn't matter, we have another team!" Ning Yuan clapped his hands, and a group of people filed in from outside the palace.

The leader was Nico Robin.

Behind Robin were the members of Baroque Works.

Mr.1 Daz Bonis: A superhuman Fast Cut Fruit user

Miss. Two-Finger Pola: A superhuman Thorn Fruit user.

Mr.2 Von Clay: A superhuman Imitation Fruit user.

Mr.3 Gardino: A superhuman Wax Wax Fruit user.

Miss. Golden Week Mariannu: A non-powered person.

Mr.4 Beb: A non-powered person.

Miss. Christmas Dorophy: An animal-type Mole Fruit user.

Mr.5 Jem: A superhuman Explosion Fruit user.

Miss. Valentine Michita: A superhuman Light and Heavy Fruit user.

"In addition to these people, we also have 200 billionaire elders, 1,800 millionaire elders, 30,000 reserve elders, and 18,000 Baroque Workshop peripheral members!"

Weiwei looked at the majestic and lovely people in front of her with a complicated expression.

"I admit that they are all very powerful, but governing a country is not a battle, right?"

Ning Yuan smiled and said, "It's enough to have power. As for governing a country, let me introduce you to the goddess of wisdom!"

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