People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 305 Sending You a Fleet


"I think I understand what you want to ask!" After a heart-to-heart talk, He finally understood what Rina was struggling with: "You like Ning Yuan and want to marry him, but you are afraid that you will be forced to resign after marrying him?"

"That's it!" Rina nodded.

"This is indeed a problem!" He nodded and said, "But whether you resign or not is not up to you, but up to Ning Yuan. If he supports you, you can choose not to resign!"

"But." Rina fell into deep thought. Will Ning Yuan support her?

She didn't know either.


Rina thought of another question and hurriedly asked, "Ning Yuan also said that he is the king of a member country of the World Government, and the World Government will not let the navy marry a member country king!"

He was stunned, and his face immediately showed admiration.

This child is really smart!

She didn't even think of this, but this child did!

"If that's the case, you have to retire!" He sighed: "The World Government will not allow a serving navy to marry a king of a member country of the World Government!"

Hina was silent.

He was also a little curious when he saw Hina's entanglement.

She had seen Ning Yuan's wisdom and courage, but this was not enough for Hina to let go.

So how good is this child?

Is he more handsome than Cavendish?

He sighed. It's really not easy to be the chief of staff of the navy. Not only does he have to worry about all kinds of things in the navy, but he also has to worry about the love problems of his subordinates.

She took out a newspaper from the table and handed it to Hina.

"By the way, look at this!"

Hina took the newspaper casually and saw the front page headline, which was a huge photo composed of two photos.

Two photos, one of which was a lover hugging each other affectionately, and the other was a back view of a man wearing a royal robe and a crown.

Hina was stunned.

Although the man in the photo only had the back of his head, she still recognized the title!

"From Journalist to King: The Rise of Commoner Ning Yuan"

The person on the screen is Ning Yuan?

Hina's heart skipped a beat.

Although she knew that this day would come, she didn't expect it to come so soon!

Calculating the time, she had just left Alabasta, and then Ning Yuan married the princess?

"The King of Alabasta is not in good health. He held the wedding so hastily. I guess there is no other way!" Hina asked with a bitter face.

He was a little speechless. She said softly: "I'm not trying to persuade you to let go. After all, he is the king now. It's normal to marry more wives. But are you really willing to share a man with other women?"

"And you are not an ordinary person. You are the flower of our navy. People chasing you can line up from the navy headquarters to Alabasta. Why do you hold on to him!"

"I remember that Smoker in Rogue Town. He is strong and righteous. Isn't he your classmate? It happens that he is not married yet. How about I ask for you?"

Hina's face suddenly darkened: "That Smoker, I can smell the smoke on him from 800 meters away. I don't want to marry him!"

He was speechless: "Don't you smoke too?"

"I only smoke one occasionally, and I smoke ladies' cigarettes, which don't have much smell!" Hina said unhappily: "He smokes cigars, and he smokes three at a time!"

He was silent, mainly because Smoker's level was too low, and she really didn't know this.

"Then, Brannu?" Crane finished speaking, then shook his head: "No, his rank is not as high as yours!"

Hina also shook her head: "Not only is his rank not as high as mine, but his strength is not as strong as mine!"

"Don't you like weak people?" Crane asked in surprise.

Hina's face darkened: "He is also ugly!"

While talking, Major Brannu of the headquarters just walked in. When he saw Hina was there, his eyes immediately lit up, and then his body stood up straight: "Vice Admiral Crane, I'm here to deliver a report on the Straw Hat Pirates!"

"Put it there!" Crane glanced at Brannu, then lowered his head again.

This kid is really not good-looking.

Brannu didn't know that he had been eliminated, and wanted to say hello to Hina: "Um, Colonel Hina, you are here too!"

"Hmm!" Hina snorted with a nasal tone.

Brannu could see that Hina didn't want to pay attention to him, so he could only touch his nose and leave the office.

"I see, you don't like weak but brave people, you just want to see them look good!" He took the newspaper from Hina and looked at Ning Yuan's photo: "I don't know what's wrong with this reporter. He can take clear photos of pirates, but why can't he take photos of the king without even showing his face?"

"He probably doesn't want to show his face!" Hina said: "After all, he is also a reporter for the World Economic News. If he doesn't want to show his face, they probably won't publish it!"

"So, he has a lot of say in the World Economic News?" He was a little surprised.

Morgans, this guy, didn't even give face to the World Government, but he didn't expect him to listen to Ning Yuan?

Of course, this is also related to Ning Yuan's identity as a reporter for the World Economic News. After all, he is one of us, so it's normal to give him face.

But she didn't notice that Hina's originally stiff face smiled again.

Ning Yuan is so handsome. If he shows his face, he will definitely be more popular than Cavendish. Maybe by then this newspaper will be like Cavendish's wanted poster, and will be snatched up by the enthusiastic girls.

And with the exposure, Ningyuan will naturally no longer be short of women.

Especially since he is still a king, no one can limit how many wives he can marry.

But he didn't choose to show his face. Why?

It's very simple. He is not the kind of person who is lustful and loves everyone he meets!

As a king, having such a trait is enough to say: dedicated!

Naturally, Hina was even more unwilling to let go.

After all, she knew Ning Yuan after Ning Yuan killed Crocodile.

Hina knew that Ning Yuan would get married, but didn't she still fall in love with her?

How could he give up just because Ning Yuan got married?

"Alas!" Looking at Hina's demented eyes, He finally determined that this girl was hopeless.

She really didn't want her excellent navy to be ruined by a man like this!

But it is obviously impossible to change things from Hina. Maybe if I say more, this girl will hate me.

After much thought, He felt that he could start from Ningyuan.

If Ning Yuan really likes Hina, he should choose to give up because his existence will affect Hina's ideal of executing justice.

If Ning Yuan would rather stay with Rina than retire, it proves that Ning Yuan's feelings for Rina are only possessiveness, not true love!

No matter what, the advantage is mine!

Just do it!

Crane immediately picked up the phone and then thought of a question.

How to contact Ning Yuan.

"Do you have contact information with Ning Yuan?" He asked.

"Yes, yes!" Hina quickly took out a small piece of paper, and then asked: "By the way, what do you want his contact information for? You can't bully him on the basis of your status as Navy Chief of Staff!"

"I won't!" He suddenly had a black line on his face. Before they were even together, his elbows began to turn outwards.

She suddenly thought of the reason for a high-ranking female navy captain.

This love brain is too deadly.

Fortunately, you like the king of a country that joins the World Government. If you like a pirate, why don't you sell all the secrets of the navy?

"Aren't you encountering difficulties here and don't know how to make a decision?" He said angrily: "Since you said Ning Yuan is so wise, why don't we listen to his opinions?"

"You can't leave all the problems to us!"

"Eh?" Hina was stunned. This was indeed a solution.

But she had just deliberately avoided it because she was afraid that Ning Yuan would choose Weiwei and give up on her.

Moreover, she really didn't want to leave the problem to Ning Yuan.

But Hedu had already started calling, so she had no choice but to watch from the sidelines.

And she is really looking forward to it. What if Ning Yuan really has a way?

"Hello?" As the call was connected, the call bug immediately transformed into a young man with sharp eyebrows, deep features, and a handsome face, like a fairy boy from heaven descending to earth.

"Huh?" He was a little surprised. This was a face simulated by a phone bug. It looked so delicate and delicate. What if it was a real person?

I finally understand why Hina is so fascinated. If I were forty years younger, I would be confused too!

"Are you Ning Yuan, the new king of Alabasta?" After all, it was He who calmed down in an instant.

"It's me!" Ning Yuan nodded: "Are you Lieutenant General He, Chief of Staff of the Navy?"

He was stunned for a moment: "You kid, do you recognize me?"

"Of course I do. How can I, a reporter, carry out my work if I don't know anyone?" Ning Yuan smiled and said, "I'm just a little surprised. The general staff has so many things to do, how could he have time to contact me! Oh, did Rina hand in the investigation report? ?”

He looked up at Hina, who blushed and quickly took out a report and handed it to He.

We were so busy talking about love that we almost forgot about the real thing.

"The report has indeed been handed in, but that's not why I'm looking for you!" He faced Ning Yuan, but he was no longer as gentle as before. Instead, he had a business-like attitude: "Do you know that our family lives every day? Nai has fallen in love with you since I met you? "

Hina's eyes suddenly widened and she waved her hands quickly.

However, He glared at Hina sideways, I am such a busy person, do I still need to test it out before getting to the point? You must ask directly!

"Uh!" Ning Yuan was stunned. He didn't expect He to be like this.

He nodded: "I know!"

"It's good that you know!" He nodded and asked: "Then let me ask you, do you like our Hina?"

"Colonel Hina is heroic, beautiful, brave and courageous. Of course I like him!" Ning Yuan nodded heavily.

He was a little surprised. As expected of a pen-wielding person, this way of complimenting others seemed to be higher than my literary level.

"As long as you like it!" He nodded and asked again: "However, you are also a smart person, and you must know that there is no possibility of anything between you and Hina!"

"After all, she is the navy under the World Government, and you are the king of the country that joins the World Government. If you want to get married, Hinako must retire!"

"But fighting pirates and enforcing justice is Hina's dream. Are you willing to let Hina give up her dream in order to marry you?"

"Of course not!" Ning Yuan shook his head: "I'm not such a selfish person!"

"Oh?" He curled his lips, glanced at Hina, who was looking anxious next to him, and then asked expectantly: "So, what are you going to do? Let go of this relationship?"

"Rina is with you, right?" Ning Yuan asked.

Crane was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

It's not hard to guess, not to mention that He glances at Hina from time to time.

"Let me tell Hina directly! The solution to this problem is actually very simple!" Ning Yuan said with a smile: "I didn't tell you two days ago because I just might become the king, and there are still many variables in the middle! "

"Now that I am the king of Alabasta, I can make many decisions on my own, so I can tell you the answer I couldn't give you two days ago!"

Hina's eyes lit up, and she immediately grabbed the phone bug and turned it in another direction: "What can I do?"

"I will build a navy for you!" Ning Yuan said seriously: "Then, I will leave it to you to lead it!"

"Ah?" Hina's eyes widened: "Wait, what did you say?"

"I said, let me form a navy! You will be the marshal of the navy!" Ning Yuan said seriously: "I have seen your fleet before, with a total of three ships and 1,200 people, right? I am going to give you 30 warships , each battleship has 500 people, a total of 15,000 people!"

Hina was dumbfounded, and Heru next to him was also confused.

Is this how a king pursues girls? Because she is a navy, why don't you just send her a fleet?

"Since the navy of the direct government cannot marry the king of Alabasta, wouldn't it be no problem to become the navy of Alabasta?" Ning Yuan said with a smile: "Our navy of Alabasta can also enforce justice!"

Hina's eyes moved slightly, she was tempted, she was really tempted!

Not only can he be with his beloved, but he can also continue to carry out justice.

The only problem was, having to leave the Navy.

But this problem is actually not a problem, because her previous Black Throne Force has been sailing independently all year round. Most of her familiar friends in the navy are on her ship. At worst, she will take them all with her when she retires.

Those who cannot be taken away, such as Lieutenant General He, don't have many opportunities to meet each other on weekdays. In the future, the phone calls will be the same!

"And!" Ning Yuan continued: "I saw your ship before. It's so small, and there are only a few cannons on it. The cannonballs only hit a few rounds and you have to fight in close quarters. This is too dangerous!"

"I designed a sail battleship, which I named the Hina Battleship. This battleship can be equipped with 120 guns. It can sink the opponent's ship in one salvo. It does not require close combat at all and can maximize Guarantee your safety! ”

Hina directly covered her lips. For my safety, a new battleship was specially designed?

He was also stunned for a moment while listening.

Is it a bit exaggerated to install 120 guns on a ship?

There are five ships like this that can rival the Demon Slaying Order!

Not to mention that Ning Yuan also said that he would equip Rina with thirty ships!

Five ships are equivalent to the Demon-Slaying Order, and the Demon-Slaying Order is the authority of the general.

Doesn't 30 ships equal six generals?

Hina is just a colonel in the navy, but when he arrives in Alabasta, he has the firepower of six generals. Does this power directly chase the marshal of the navy?

And He also thought of another benefit.

If the marshal of the navy was a woman, would the navy still dare to bully a female navy like this?

The situation of female soldiers in the Alabasta Navy will definitely be much better than that in their World Government Navy!

One thing to say, if He hadn't been in the World Government Navy since he was a child, she might actually be tempted!

"How's it going, Rina, is this a good idea?" Ning Yuan asked with a smile.

"Stop joking!" Although Hina's face was smiling, she still said angrily: "How can it be so easy to build a navy? There are thirty warships, I'm afraid you can't even gather the people! And I I can only lead troops in war, but I can’t be a naval marshal or anything like that!”

"It's okay, I've figured it out for you!" Ning Yuan said: "Isn't your teacher General Zefa? I heard that he has retired. We can definitely ask him to come over and help us guide the navy! What will happen then? If you don’t understand, just ask him!”

"Ah this!" Hina's eyes lit up, it seemed like a good idea!

The teacher lost his family a few years ago, and then lost an arm and a large number of students due to an accident.

Now he drinks alcohol every day to relieve his sorrows, and his life is very painful.

Although Hina saw it, there was nothing she could do. She was a threshold fruit user and not a healing fruit user, so she couldn't help at all.

As for revenge for the teacher.

There were only two of them, Edward II, who was always elusive and could not be found at all.

Besides, even if she found it, she might not be able to defeat it.

He couldn't help, and he couldn't take revenge. Hina saw what happened to Zefa and was anxious in her heart, but there was nothing she could do.

If you can find something for the teacher to do, such as rebuilding a navy from scratch or something, maybe the teacher can really get back on his feet?

"Lieutenant General?" Although Hina was very tempted, she couldn't make the decision on this kind of thing. A retired general was also a general.

"This is indeed a good road!" He thought for a while, then nodded.

After all, Zefa has been an old friend for decades. Now that he is like this, He also feels a little uncomfortable.

If you are unhappy in the navy, it is good to go out and change your mood.

As for whether the Alabasta Navy will affect the World Government Navy?

Crane does not care at all, and the World Government will not care either.

The World Government has not prohibited member states from raising their own armies.

Look at Germa 66, which has been roaming the North Sea for many years without anyone caring about it. It was not until Germa 66 began to attack the member states of the World Government and cut off the heads of four kings that the World Government sent the navy to fight against Germa 66.

Even so, Germa 66 did not collapse. After bowing its head, it was let go by the World Government and is still active on the sea.

In the later period, Zefa also formed the NEO Navy to fight against pirates. Do you think the World Government cared?

It was not until Zefa began to look for explosive rocks and tried to destroy the New World that the World Government knew to take action.

Many small countries, such as the Kingdom of Goa, did not raise an army. It was not because the World Government did not allow it, but because they did not want to do it.

It is very expensive to raise an army. Military pay, weapons, uniforms, and training consumption are all extremely huge expenses.

This money is not enough for the nobles to enjoy, how can it be given to those soldiers?

Let alone those kingdoms that are protected by the World Government and have no worries about national destruction, even the Ming Dynasty, which is surrounded by enemies and has peasant uprisings everywhere, still dislikes soldiers.

Many time travelers are like those who have persecution paranoia, thinking all day long that the World Government regards me as a thorn in their eyes and wants to kill me.

In fact, the threshold of the World Government is still very high.

As long as you don't touch the historical text and don't raise the flag of rebellion, he won't bother to pay attention to you.

Even if you have a D in your name, as long as you don't get to the level of the Four Emperors, the World Government won't bother to pay attention to you.

The reason is that the World Government has been dominating the world for 800 years. In the past 800 years, it has experienced too many things, so that the top leaders of the World Government have already become inertial and don't think there is anything that can bring down the World Government.

Hearing the voices of Hina and Tsuru, Ning Yuan asked excitedly: "So, Vice Admiral Tsuru and Hina, do you agree?"

"I agree!" Hina said immediately: "I will go through the retirement procedures now!"

Ning Yuan reminded: "Bring more people from your ship with you. We really don't have a single marine in Alabasta, and we even have to buy ships now!"

"Yeah!" Hina nodded heavily: "Then I will go find my crew later, but the treatment can't be worse than the navy!"

"Come here, your rank will be upgraded on the spot, and your treatment will be the same as the navy. I will give you the same as the navy, and I will never let your people down!" Ning Yuan immediately made a guarantee.

Hina nodded with satisfaction: "Then I will go and get people later!"

He's face darkened, but he still said: "I can help persuade Zefa, but Ningyuan, I want to persuade you that the navy cannot be established on a whim. It requires long-term and uninterrupted investment. You can't invest in a wave of excitement, and then deduct the navy's money when you see that the expenses are too high!"

"Don't worry!" Ningyuan patted his chest: "If I don't pay, Hina will directly take the fleet to your navy!"

"We don't want your ship!" Having said that, He was really a little tempted, after all, she had never seen a ship that could carry 120 guns!

"By the way!" He said again: "I have to remind you that you can't say that you will give Hina a fleet for her during publicity. Not only will it be unpleasant to spread, but your people will not support you! You, the king, have just taken office, and everything should be stable!"

"I won't!" Ningyuan shook his head: "While we are chatting, I have already sent out the manuscript!"

He was speechless. This young man has a really fast hand speed!

However, do whatever you want, it's your country anyway, you can mess around with it.

If the people who mess around with you can't tolerate you, I can just send a ship to pick you up.

He doesn't know if this child is suitable to be a king, but he is very suitable to be a staff officer, maybe he can take over her job in the future!

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