People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 32: Civilization Progress and Shadow Clone Technique

โ€œI collectively refer to our human existence, life, production, culture, creation, war, love and all other life activities as human civilization!โ€

Yuhi Zhenhong nodded. He had never heard of this word, but it was not difficult to understand.

"The progress of human production and lifestyle is the progress of human civilization!"

Yuhi Zhenhong blinked, and he noticed that at some point Yuhi Zhenhong finished her dance, took a shower, changed her clothes, and came to the backyard.

He waved to Yuhi Kurenai to sit next to him, and then together they listened to Hinata Ningyuan's story about the greatness of the Second Hokage.

Although the second generation has not appeared yet.

"In ancient times, human beings hunted with spears in hand and ate without finishing their meal. When winter came and they couldn't catch prey, the people in the tribe would freeze to death in droves and starve to death!"

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โ€œUntil later, I donโ€™t know who discovered rice and wheat. Human beings began to plant them, and they had stable harvests. They no longer had to rely on the sky for food. Since then, human beings have entered the agricultural era from the nomadic era, and they no longer live in caves, but start to live in houses. This is the progress of civilization!โ€

Yuhi Zhenhong nodded and began to deeply understand the weight of the word civilization.

"Later, there were more and more people, and the villages became bigger and bigger, so city-states appeared and countries appeared!"

"As the country expands and begins to border other countries, wars begin for various reasons such as territory, water sources, food, etc."

Yuhi Zhenhong touched his chin. He had never thought about it. Did the war start like this?

So what Hyuga Ningyuan said is the history recorded by the Hyuga clan?

"Later, the goddess of Mao ended the war, and the Sage of Six Paths passed down the chakra again, hoping that people could understand each other and calm the war forever, but unfortunately, he failed!"

Yuhi Zhenhong nodded. This is a well-known history in the ninja world, and he also knows it.

"Although there have been frequent wars since then, there is no doubt that human civilization has progressed, because in the past it was impossible for one person to dig a well, but people with chakra can do it all by themselves!"

"It may take a long time for a person to chop down a tree, but a person with chakra only needs one ninjutsu to chop down a tree!"

Yuhi Zhenhong blinked. After hearing this, it seemed that the emergence of chakra was indeed an improvement.

"While ninjas were studying ninjutsu, the world of ordinary people was also changing. They discovered gravity, electromagnetism, physics, chemistry, and the periodic table of elements."

There were questions on chemical reactions in the Chuunin Exams, as well as parabolas.

The antennas all over the street also prove that electromagnetic mechanics exists in the ninja world.

Yuhi Zhenhong continued to nod. He often went out to do tasks, and he did know that the world of ordinary people was developing very quickly.

"I have no doubt that if this rate of development continues, soon there will be cars in the mortal world that can travel thousands of miles a day, machines that can fly into the sky, and machines that can land on the moon."

I can't imagine how red this sunset is. What kind of car can run so fast?

But we have all said that in the future, the mortal world is developing so fast, maybe these things will really exist in the future.

"However, although this knowledge is good, there is a problem!" Hinata Ningyuan said.

"What's the problem?" Xihihong asked curiously.

She is young and accepts new things quickly. In addition to learning ninjutsu knowledge, they also have to learn natural science knowledge that mortals do in class, so she is very receptive to what Hinata Ningyuan says.

"It's too difficult to learn!" Hyuga Ningyuan said: "We ninjas are assisted by chakra and our brains work very fast. It is very difficult for us to learn the knowledge of ordinary people. After five or six years of learning, we can only learn a superficial amount. If itโ€™s an ordinary person, it might take eight or nine years!โ€

"With the development of civilization, there is more and more basic knowledge, and ordinary people need to learn more and more things, so that their study time is getting longer and longer!"

"A person's most powerful years should be between the ages of 18 and 28. But during this period, they are all studying. The most brilliant time in life is spent studying. How can there be time to invent and create!"

Yuhi Zhenhong scratched her head: "You mean, the shadow clone technique can help them?"

"Of course!" Hinata Ningyuan nodded: "The shadow clone technique can not only record body memory, but also soul memory. If you use two shadow clones, the learning speed is doubled, and four times is four times!"

"Originally, you need to learn to create new things until you are 30 years old. With the shadow clone technique, you can shorten it to 20 years old, or even 10 years old. Doesn't it mean that it takes a long time for him to invent and create?"

In fact, there is a technique that is more useful than this, that is, the method of Ninja!

Completely transmit one person's memory to another person through chakra!

What's this?

Knowledge transfer technology!

As long as this technique is popularized, children in the ninja world can have a lifetime of scientific research memories from an old scientist, and these scientific research techniques can be passed down and accumulated from generation to generation!

If this technology becomes popular, the ninja world will be filled with scientists and engineers!

Hinata Ningyuan couldn't even imagine how fast this development would be!

It took three years to go to space, five years to land on the moon, a hundred years of water droplets, and a thousand years of two-way foil!

The Otsutsuki clan is nothing. How many Star Destroyer cannons can the Otsutsuki clan withstand? ?

However, the ninja method is still too far away, and it is meaningless to talk about it, so now we can only use the shadow clone technique first.

"Shadow Clone Technique" Yuhi Zhenhong thought for a while, and he seemed to be unable to refute.

Because the shadow clone technique really has this potential!


"The shadow clone technique has great sequelae. Although it retains the memory of the soul, it also retains the fatigue from the soul. If too many clones are created at once, when the clones return, the huge amount of fatigue may even shock a person. You're a fool!" Yuhi Zhenhong said.

"Then improve it!" Hinata Ningyuan said: "Any technique will have some problems when it is first invented, but as the successors improve it from generation to generation, the disadvantages will become less and less, and the advantages will become more and more. more!"

You see, the reincarnation of Uncle Snake was changed by Uncle Snake.

"I believe that one day, these shortcomings of the shadow clone technique will be optimized!"

Yuhi Zhenhong heard something strange. He felt that Hinata Ningyuan was good at everything, but he admired science and technology too much.

A bit like someone he knew: Orochimaru.

Oh, the Second Hokage is also such a person, and he is his idol!

Thatโ€™s okay!

Orochimaru has not yet defected, and the reputation of the Second Hokage has always been very good, so although what Hinata Ningyuan said made Yuhi Mahong feel a little wrong, he still couldn't think of going to the mad scientist.

On the contrary, I feel that if he really aims at the Second Hokage, not to mention reaching the level of the Sannin or the Second Hokage, even if it is only one-tenth of their achievements, it would be good!

"Do you like the shadow clone technique very much?" Yuhi Zhenhong asked.

"Yes!" Hinata nodded.

"But this technique is a B-level ninjutsu, you can't learn it yet!" Yuhi Zhenhong said with a smile, just listening to this little kid's nonsense, I think I finally got frustrated this time!

"Ah?" Hinata Ningyuan was stunned and instantly understood that this was the foreshadowing left by Zang Zhuo before.

To hide my clumsiness, I said I couldn't learn B-level illusions, but now I'm hit by the boomerang!

"Hahahaha." Yuhi Mahong smiled and patted the chess board: "You also lost at shogi!"

"Really!" Hinata Ningyuan chuckled: "One more set!"

"You will lose in another round!"

"Ho, is it true!"


A moment later, looking at the scattered chess pieces that she had killed, Yuhi Zhenhong looked confused: "Didn't you say you can't play?"

"Didn't you teach me just now?"

Shogi LV1(0/10)

Not even upgraded, but he has an Arcane Pen Palace LV5.

With this brain's computing power, I am a chess master!

It would be strange if he could lose. Even if Shikamaru comes, he may not be able to beat me!

As I was writing it, I was thinking whether it would be a bit exaggerated for a 5-year-old to say this.

But then I thought about myself. When I was in elementary school, didnโ€™t I talk about the United States, Japan, and Zhu Maoโ€™s Three Kingdoms all day long? It should be normal.

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