People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 320 The Revolutionary Army is ready to take action

A new day begins with a series of phone calls.

Ning Yuan answered the phone in a daze without using his strength to drive away sleepiness.


"It's me, Dorag!"

"Oh!" Ning Yuan shook his head and looked around.

This is of course not Hina's room, but Nami's.

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Although Nami was assigned a job by Ning Yuan, she has not officially taken office after all, so she is still sleeping now.

After kissing Nami gently, Ning Yuan got up quietly and went to the next room: "Why did you think of calling me?"

"The core forces of the Revolutionary Army have been transferred to the East China Sea. Several countries here have also been deployed by us. Everyone has studied for a long time. Now the enthusiasm is very high. I want to find a country to practice!" Dorag said.

Ning Yuan nodded. Dorag said a lot, but the meaning was very simple. Our Revolutionary Army wants to take action. What is your attitude?

"If you want to take action, I will definitely support you, but are you sure you are ready?" Ning Yuan asked.

"Ready!" Dorag nodded: "I have already printed your words, and the eleven points of discipline have been popularized to the soldiers. It's just that the more detailed content has not been learned in too short a time!"

"That's not what I'm talking about!" Ning Yuan said: "Do you know how much money a kingdom has?"

"I know a little!" Dorag nodded: "We have occupied some kingdoms before!"

"Then what?" Ning Yuan smiled: "You didn't completely liquidate the nobles. Even if you took a part of the property, it was only the part that belonged to the king. In fact, the king's property is only a tiny part for a kingdom!"

"Is there such a thing?" Dorag was stunned: "This is not right, it stands to reason that the king should be the richest person, right? ! "

"I may not be right, but this is the situation in Alabasta. The king is poor and the nobles are rich!" Ning Yuan smiled and said, "But no matter which situation it is, as long as you plan to completely liquidate the nobles, you will get a lot of assets!"

Drager asked thoughtfully, "You mean, you want it?"

Ning Yuan's face darkened: "Why do I need your money? I mean, the Revolutionary Army is very strong and united internally. Even opponents like the World Government cannot defeat you, but it may not be the case with money!"

"Faced with huge wealth, magnificent palaces, and beauties everywhere, can you and your team keep your original intention?"

"Ah this!" Dragu was stunned, and then fell into silence.

He can guarantee that he can keep his original intention. After all, he gave up his bright future and came to the revolution. If he didn't do these, he would have a place in the Navy Admiral.

But his subordinates may not have this motivation.

"Then what should we do?" Draguer asked.

When you are undecided, ask Ning Yuan, there will be no problem.

"Before attacking the kingdom, arrange the follow-up matters first, such as setting up a bank in advance to handle the property of these old nobles. Declare military discipline in advance, warn all soldiers not to rob, kill, or rape after entering the city, and all officers not to marry, accept bribes, or celebrate birthdays after entering the city. And it's not enough to just declare, we must also have a good inspection mechanism, such as establishing a military discipline inspection team!"

"There is a military discipline inspection team, but aren't the others included in the previous eleven points of discipline?" Dorag asked.

"It's not enough for military discipline to exist. We must repeat it again and again so that all soldiers remember it. The purpose of our military discipline is not to wait for soldiers to make mistakes and then punish them, but to prevent them from violating them!" Ning Yuan said: "And the eleven points are just the most basic disciplines. More detailed disciplines need to be formulated for specific situations!"

Drag nodded: "Do I understand? I'll arrange it now!!"

Ning Yuan hummed and asked: "By the way, what was the reaction of the World Government after you saved some countries before?"

"In the early years, it was very tense. The navy and the army were sent to jointly encircle and suppress. The demon-killing order was issued more than once, but it has not been done in recent years. Sometimes there is no reaction!"

Speaking of this, Dragu blushed a little.

The World Government did not respond to the actions of the Revolutionary Army. It was obvious that they realized that the Revolutionary Army was not a threat at all.

That is, they were shocked in the first two years when they first emerged. They thought that someone really wanted to overthrow the World Government. Who would have thought that the revolutionary method of this Revolutionary Army was just to change the king?

What kind of revolution is this? Once the Revolutionary Army leaves and the Navy threatens, won't these kingdoms have to pay us the sky gold?

Knowing this, Ning Yuan did not stop Dragon's action, but just hoped that he could prepare more perfectly.

Although the war will start in a few months, that is the best time to make trouble, but it doesn't matter if it is a few months in advance.

The World Government will not react much until it realizes that the Revolutionary Army has changed its style of doing things.

Ning Yuan nodded: "In this case, let's give the World Government a surprise. Where do you plan to start?"

"Goa Kingdom!" Dragon said.

Don't ask why the Goa Kingdom was chosen, because the Goa Kingdom is not a human being, and a fire has made the people here lose their hearts.

Moreover, there is a clear distinction between nobles and civilians in the Kingdom of Goa. If an uprising is launched here, the impact on ordinary people will be minimal.

Ning Yuan looked at the map. The area of ​​the Kingdom of Goa is definitely not as large as Alabasta, but it is not small either, about a quarter of the size of Alabasta.

However, because there is no decent arable land and there is garbage everywhere, the total population is not large, only more than three million.

"The Kingdom of Goa is a good place. Not only is it easy to take it down, but even if the navy comes to encircle and suppress it, it can rely on the garbage mountain and the navy to fight guerrilla warfare!" Ning Yuan agreed.

Because it has been burned once, the navy can't do anything if it wants to burn it again.

As for the Demon Killing Order.

Only the locals who have little knowledge will be afraid of this, but Ning Yuan is not afraid.

Learn about trenches and ditches, and learn about cat ear holes.

No matter how powerful the shells of the Age of Discovery were, could they be stronger than the American cannons of the Shangganling period? Didn't they defend against it anyway?

"I'm glad you agree!" Dorag breathed a sigh of relief. Although it had been successful many times before, this time it was a new method after all.

The founder of the new method didn't nod, he always felt unsure.

"When you are ready, start. After taking over the Kingdom of Goa, start uniting the people to develop the economy and summarize experience. After getting familiar with it for half a year, you can summarize the methods and then transplant it to other places!" Ning Yuan said: "With this method, we may not move as fast as before, but it is definitely more stable than before!"

"I understand!" Dorag nodded: "I will prepare it now!"

"Then I wish you a smooth career!"

"You too, protect yourself!" Dorag knew that Ning Yuan had many wives, but he didn't envy them at all.

Everyone has his own mission.

Moreover, Ning Yuan married a wife to paralyze the world government. It was for the cause of revolution, wasn't it!

Otherwise, a king would be clean, not corrupt, thrifty, and have only one wife.

Is this reasonable?

The world government would feel something was wrong at a glance!

After hanging up the phone, Ning Yuan saw Nami beside him, looking at him nervously.

"I heard everything!" Nami whispered, "Is there going to be a war?"

"There is going to be a war!" Ning Yuan nodded, "But not in Alabasta!"

"I know!" Nami nodded, "I'm just a little worried about my sister!"

"Don't worry!" Ning Yuan gently stroked Nami's soft short hair: "Your sister is much stronger than you now, and she also has the goddess of wisdom with her. As long as she doesn't run into any long-established vice admiral or general, she won't be in danger!"

After all, Nokiko is holding a legendary inheritance, and she also has a sword that has eaten the Floating Fruit!

In addition to the goddess of wisdom, this is equivalent to two legendary items and a diamond-level item.

This kind of equipment can even run rampant in the first half of the Grand Line, let alone a mere East China Sea!

"Yeah!" Nami nodded heavily, as long as she is safe.

She has even left the Straw Hat Pirates.

In other words, her family now only has Ning Yuan and Nokiko.

She doesn't want her sister to be in danger.

"By the way, there are clothes I prepared for you in the closet!" Ning Yuan said, "Change them later, and then we'll go to the capital!"

"What are you going to do in the capital?" Nami was inexplicably nervous. Is she going to see the princess?

"Have you forgotten that you are the president of the Royal Bank?" Ning Yuan was speechless.

"Oh, yes, yes, yes!" Nami suddenly realized that I almost forgot that I am also a powerful person now!

Nami immediately returned to the bedroom and changed clothes.

Ning Yuan controlled the goddess of wisdom and called up a video.

Don't get me wrong, Ning Yuan is not so perverted as to watch Nami change clothes.

He is monitoring Blackbeard and Luffy Pirates.

Blackbeard is still in a dormant stage. He was in Alabasta a few days ago and didn't do anything. He even knew to pay for meals normally.

Then today, the Straw Hat Pirates arrived at Gaya Island first, and Blackbeard followed closely and also boarded Gaya Island.

Now the two pirate groups gathered in a restaurant on Gaya Island. Luffy said he wanted to go to the Sky Island, and then attracted the ridicule of all the pirates.

But Luffy will not be discouraged, because now he has a wisdom map to guide the way, and he clearly knows that there is indeed an island in the sky.

It stands to reason that with the wisdom map, he can continue to move forward without going to the Sky Island, but this is the thinking of a normal person, and Luffy is obviously not a normal person.

He also wants to see what scenery there is on the Sky Island, how can he give up halfway.

But to be honest, not only Luffy wants to see the Sky Island, Ning Yuan also wants to see it!

He has never seen an island floating in the air since he grew up!

Not to mention the sky-high current that can push the ship to more than 7,000 meters.

"Nami!" Ning Yuan suddenly shouted.

"Ah?" Nami's voice came from the bedroom.

"Do you want to see the sky-high current?" Ning Yuan asked.

"Hate it!" Nami said in a gruff voice, "It's daytime now!"

Ning Yuan held his forehead with his hand, "Girl, why are you as yellow as your hair? I'm talking about the real sky current that can reach the Sky Island!"

"Sky Island?" Nami poked her head out of the bedroom, "Is it the legendary Sky Island?"

"That's it, but that's not the legendary island, this island really exists!" Ning Yuan said: "Luffy's ship has arrived at the Chongtian Sea Flow now. If you want to see it, I'll take you with me!"

"But, don't I have to go to work?" Nami's face was clearly moved.

After all, being a navigator is her dream!

But when she thought of a bank waiting for her to take over, Nami was a little entangled.

"You don't have to be on site to work, you can work remotely!" Ning Yuan smiled and said: "You can talk to the goddess of wisdom and let her arrange a meeting between you and your subordinates online!"

"That's okay?" Nami was surprised.

Ning Yuan nodded: "It's OK!"

If people in this world were not used to this way of working, Ning Yuan would have done online work long ago.

No, he might have done it in one step and done unmanned work.

"Great!" Nami clenched her fists directly: "When do we leave? I've changed my clothes!"

You can experience the Chongtian Sea Flow and take over the Royal Bank at the same time, which is the best of both worlds.

"Don't worry!" Ning Yuan said with a smile: "It will probably be tomorrow!"

Luffy has just landed on Gaya Island. He will have to meet the Saruyama Alliance Army and reinforce the Golden Merry, which will also take time.

"It will be tomorrow!" Nami's high spirits suddenly dropped.

"But it's not impossible for us to go to Gaya Island for a visit!" Ning Yuan said again.

He also wanted to try whether the cherry pie that Luffy and Blackbeard gave completely opposite comments was delicious or not.

"Ah!" Nami rushed out and grabbed Ning Yuan's neck: "It makes my heart go up and down, is this fun?"

"Ah, spare me, spare me!"

"Will you dare to do this again in the future?"

"Yes, I will dare to do it next time!"


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