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Chapter 324: Obtain the Door Door Fruit and Reclaim Devil Fruits from All Over the World

Chapter 324: The Door-Door Fruit is Obtained·Recovering Devil Fruits from All Over the World

The failure of the World Government's anti-bandit operation did not cause much waves in the world--because there was no newspaper report at all.

Morgans is still more afraid of the World Government now. If the World Government does not allow it to be reported, he will not report it.

Maybe because Nika is not born, so he thinks that the World Government will not be finished?


However, Ning Yuan did not have any idea of ​​setting up his own media because of this. With his current strength and influence, it is enough to push the world flat, and there is no need for public opinion weapons to add icing on the cake.

Not to mention the distant, if a place is caught in a 24-hour blizzard, Mary Joa can't stand it.

This is the power of weather weapons.

He didn't do this just because he could take the world, but he couldn't rule it.

Even if the goddess of wisdom is very strong, it will eventually be ruled by people, and Ning Yuan doesn't have so many people available.

He can rule Alabasta with Baroque Works, but he can't rule the world with Baroque Works, after all, Baroque Works doesn't have that many people.

However, it will be fine in two years. With the Sacred Knowledge Base, Ning Yuan can save the process of training talents. He only needs to select those who are loyal to him and instill knowledge.

In a small house on the street in the Seven Waters City.

"Your achievements are quite impressive!" Looking at the list in his hand, Ning Yuan was a little surprised. How long have Feng Bulei and Mariannu been here? How can they collect so many names?

"This is not difficult to collect!" Mariannu said: "As long as you know a shipbuilder, he will say a series of people who are not valued!"

Ning Yuan nodded. This is true. These wronged people will also stick together.

"Have you contacted them?" Ning Yuan asked, "Are they willing to go to Alabasta?"

"Many people are willing!" Mariannu said, "Some people are worried that we are scammers, so they still have concerns!"

"Then gather those who are willing to go first, and I will send them away!" Ning Yuan said, "The remaining shipbuilders will naturally be tempted when they see these people living a good life in Alabasta!"

Mariannu nodded, "Then I will go and call people!"

"Well!" Ning Yuan looked at the time and said, "Meet at the dock at 6 o'clock in the evening!"

"Yes!" Mariannu nodded.

Don't ask why Feng Bulei has not spoken all the time. He came up as a "slave" and his tone was very strange, which made Ning Yuan unbearable, so he could only block his mouth first.

After saying goodbye to Feng Bulei and Mariannu, Ning Yuan went downstairs. Nami, who was wearing a white shirt on the upper body and a miniskirt on the lower body, showing her long white legs, was sitting in the lobby on the first floor, leisurely drinking local drinks, and there were also local snacks next to her.

"Is the matter done?" Nami asked.

"There is one more thing left!" Ning Yuan smiled.

"Where is it? I'll go with you!"

"You can't follow me this time!" Ning Yuan shook his head: "But I'll be back soon!"

"Oh!" Nami nodded: "Then I'll continue to eat snacks and watch TV series!"

Although there are no TV series in this world, there are stage plays.

After the Alabasta people came into contact with the goddess of wisdom, they immediately developed the use of wisdom videos and uploaded the stage play videos.

But Nami didn't watch stage plays, but modern TV series uploaded by Ning Yuan, and TV series shot in the Guining world.

They are all the best of the best, such as the "Dream of Red Mansions" that Nami is watching, which was Blu-rayed and high-definition by Ning Yuan using divine means.

Ning Yuan went out, while using his life to return to add special effects to himself.

He was more than 20 centimeters taller, his short hair became long hair, his arms grew ten centimeters longer, and his legs grew ten centimeters longer.

He grew a beard, his originally beautiful peach blossom eyes became phoenix eyes, and his face gradually became whiter as he walked.

The clothes he wore gradually changed from blue to white, like armor, and he also had a weapon more than ten feet long in his hand, which was a Mashuo.

With Mashuo, how could he not have a horse? So after turning a corner, he had another horse under his crotch.

Don't ask where the horse came from. If you ask, it was caught before and kept in the origin space.

"Da, da, da!" In the Seven Waters, people riding horses are too rare, so Ning Yuan attracted the attention of people on the street along the way.

But he didn't care, or he was actually very happy.

After all, he had strength but no fame. Although he had set his own development path, he was still full of youthful spirit and had some desire to show off.

"Go!" The white horse sped up a little, and soon arrived at the door of a tavern.

Ning Yuan didn't stop at all, and rode in directly.

Because of the existence of giants in the world of One Piece, the doorheads are generally very high. Ning Yuan was riding on a horse, which was nearly 2.5 meters high, and he couldn't touch his head.

Maybe it was because it was not time for drinking yet, there were only two groups of customers in the tavern, one was a pirate group, and the other was also.

"What a handsome horse!" One of the pirates heard the sound of horse hooves and immediately turned his head to look over. Seeing the handsome white horse under Ning Yuan's crotch, he immediately drooled and shouted: "Hey, rider, how about giving me your horse!"

Ning Yuan controlled the white horse and took a few steps forward to the pirates.

The pirate was not afraid at all and just stared at Ning Yuan blankly.

Ning Yuan sighed, then pulled the reins, and the white horse jumped up with its front legs, and then stepped down hard.

Chang Shuo in Ning Yuan's hand suddenly thrust out with the weight of the horse's hoof. The pirate quickly raised his hand to block it, but Ma Shuo was so sharp and fell into the hands of a great archer. The penetrating power was naturally improved to a higher level. .

The pirate's arms and chest were directly pierced, and before he could start screaming, his heart was also pierced!

"In the next life, keep your eyes bright and stop provoking people everywhere!" Ning Yuan said calmly.

Seeing the death of his captain, none of the pirates under his command wanted to avenge him, so they all ran away.

Ning Yuan didn't take it seriously, but turned his horse's head to look at the owner behind the tavern.

The hair was tied up in the shape of horns, the face was straight, the expression was serious, and he was wiping the wine glass.

He calmly watched the fight between the two, and after the fight was over, he said: "That guest hasn't paid yet!"

"Sorry!" Riding a white horse, he came to Bruno. The white horse jumped high again!

"Huh?" Bruno was stunned. He didn't think that this person was specifically here to kill him. He just thought that this person was the one who killed the boss. He would kill anyone he saw, and it was just a matter of convenience for him to kill himself.

He has seen this situation too many times. There are too many pirates who don't want to give money after eating or drinking, so they plan to kill the boss and escape for their lives.

When encountering such pirates, you only need to show your absolute strength, and they will naturally run for their lives.

"Iron block!" Bruno did not dodge or dodge, and just stood there in a daze until Chang Shuo came forward and a big hole was opened in his heart.

"How, how is it possible?"

Bruno murmured, I am a solid piece of iron. I can even defend against the attack of the roadbed. How could I not defend against the attack of an unknown pirate?

"How is it impossible?" Ning Yuan laughed.

Killing Bruno is as easy as killing Crocodile because they are both too confident in their abilities.

As the saying goes, a good swimmer drowns in water. A person's strongest point is often his weakest point.

Regret now? late!

Everyone is dead, so we can only pay attention to it in the next life.

Seeing Bruno's body falling behind the counter, Ning Yuan immediately put it into the origin space.

After a while, the power of the Menmen Fruit was released, and Ning Yuan released the body again.

With the tall counter and white horse blocking the view, the customers in the store had no idea that Bruno's body had disappeared.

Riding the white horse, Ning Yuan turned around. When he reached the door, Ning Yuan suddenly stopped, then turned to look at another wave of pirates.

The bodies of this group of pirates immediately tensed up, fearing that Ning Yuan would go on a killing spree.

But Ning Yuan did not take action, and just said calmly: "The murderer, Yanmen Zhang Liao!"

After saying that, he rode away on his white horse!

"Yanmen Zhang Liao?" Several pirates looked at each other and then became speechless.

No, what kind of big pirate are you trying to kill? We can also help you brag about it.

But who are you killing? The pirate in the front had a bounty of 20 million Baileys, and the one in the back was just a tavern owner. He killed two little colorful pens. Why can you pretend like this!

Ning Yuan rode on the road while controlling the fusion of the Gate Fruit in the Origin Space and the signal cone of the Goddess of Wisdom.

After a while, the fusion was completed, and the originally transparent signal cone suddenly took on a light green color.

"The door fruit ability has been obtained, and the usage plan is being calculated!"

"We are tested!"

"Test completed!"

"Is knowledge transfer going on??"


The next second, a small flow of information appeared in Ning Yuan's mind.

This is the use of the Gate Fruit developed by the Goddess of Wisdom.

The door fruit is different from the control of celestial phenomena. This fruit still depends on your imagination.

I don’t know if the goddess of wisdom has a big brain, but she has a huge database from which she can extract all door-related concepts, and then try to develop corresponding functions.

Unlike Bruno who can only open doors on other people, objects, or open space doors, the Goddess of Wisdom can directly play with the door fruit.

Material door: Opening a door on a closed space medium allows access to all severely closed places.

Space Door: Can open a portal to a parallel space.

These two gates are also Bruno's development of gate fruit abilities.

Then there is the development direction of the Goddess of Wisdom.

Portal: A door that can lead to anywhere in the world. The door can be large or small, and can be opened temporarily or permanently.

Gene Gate: Derived from the conceptualization of the Eight Gates, it can liberate physical limitations and temporarily enhance combat effectiveness.

Star Gate: A huge portal can be opened in the starry sky, leading to other star fields.

Gate of Thoughts: You can build a gate full of thoughts to spread thoughts, similar to the low-end version of the sacred knowledge base. Different thoughts are called different gates, such as Buddhism and Taoism.

Department: You can build space houses one after another and let some creatures enter them to "work". If the working hours are set to 007, then the space house is equivalent to a space cage.

Tips: A portal that enlightens wisdom, allowing people to quickly learn a skill. It is also a low-end version of the sacred knowledge base.

Heart Door: Opens a door to other people's hearts. You can see the most unbearable past of others. You can understand a person more deeply. It can also be used to treat mental illness.

Magnifying door: After passing through the door, it will be zoomed in

Shrinking door: It will shrink after passing through the door

Ning Yuan first put away the white horse, and then a colorless and transparent door appeared at the corner in front of him.

He was not like Bruno, who was afraid that others would not know that he was the user of the Door-Door Fruit, so he made the door so obvious.

He walked into the door as if he was diving into the water, and then disappeared silently on the street.

Behind him, two people hurriedly followed, but when they came to the corner of the street, they were shocked to find that the people were gone!

On the other side, with the rippling water, Ning Yuan had returned to the small house rented by Feng Bulei and Mariannu, and appeared just behind Nami.

But Nami is no longer the Nami of the past. With "Weather Control", Nami's skin sensitivity is countless times stronger than before. She can use her body to sense the slightest changes in airflow. As soon as Ning Yuan appeared, Nami sensed it.

So Ning Yuan's plan to sneak attack Nami was shattered, but Nami gave Ning Yuan a hug.

Fortunately, Ning Yuan had changed back to his original appearance when he crossed over, otherwise it would be a big loss!

"Is the matter done?" Nami blinked her eyes, her face full of eagerness.

Ning Yuan nodded: "Well, there is nothing to do in the Seven Water City!"

"Then let's go shopping?"


"Hehe!" Nami nodded with satisfaction, this is called traveling.

It's not like the days when I followed the Straw Hat Pirates before, where we went and fought wherever we went.

I don't know what the Straw Hat Pirates are doing now?

Ning Yuan didn't know what the Straw Hat Pirates were doing, but he was doing something big.

I saw a wave suddenly appear on the beaches, trees, treasure chests, seabeds, and even under, on the sides, or on top of the devil fruits held in people's hands all over the world, and then the whole devil fruit disappeared.

That's right, the goddess of wisdom has long locked on to the devil fruits that have not been eaten by anyone in the world. Now that the portal is in hand, it is natural to catch them all in one net!

Not only will the current devil fruits be caught in one fell swoop, but if a devil fruit user dies in the future, the new devil fruits will be collected by the goddess of wisdom as soon as possible.

From now on, there will be fewer and fewer devil fruits circulating in this world. When the last devil fruit user dies, the devil fruit will really become extinct in this world!

This is what Ning Yuan wants.

Robin has fully interpreted the history of this article. Although there are many reasons for the destruction of the huge kingdom back then, the inability to control the devil fruit is indeed an important reason.

Devil fruits are like firearms, which are completely one of the roots of social instability.

Ning Yuan is determined to build an orderly world, so he will not let devil fruits spread in the world.

Moreover, it is a complete waste to use devil fruits on individuals to improve combat effectiveness.

The best way to use it is to merge with objects like Ning Yuan, and then improve productivity!

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