People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 330 Bad news comes one after another

"Twenty thousand guns? Two hundred cannons?" Looking at the data on the paper, Cyborg was a little confused: "The procurement department of the World Government, don't you know that I have 380,000 soldiers?"

"But the officials of the World Government said that the World Government has no money now and can only purchase so many!" The Minister of Logistics of the Army was also angry: "They also said that because of our war, the price of weapons on the black market is soaring, and they can't do anything!"

"The soaring price of weapons on the black market has nothing to do with them!" Cyborg slammed the table and roared: "As a World Government official, do you still need to go to the black market to purchase weapons?"

The Minister of Logistics curled his lips, that's right?

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Where do you think the weapons on the black market come from?

Isn't it from the military factories of the World Government?

All the weapons have gone to the black market, where else can they buy them if not on the black market?

Moreover, the profit from procurement is also huge!

If the guns are sent directly from the military factory to the army, only the people in the military factory can make money.

But if they go around the black market, then the military factory and official purchases will make money together.

Moreover, who opened the black market?

You said it was Doflamingo?

Then did you know that Doflamingo is the king of a member country of the World Government and has to pay the World Government a fortune?

In fact, the Minister of Logistics does not object to this kind of transaction, after all, he also has something to earn.

As for whether this behavior is digging into the World Government?

That is definitely the case, but who cares!

Besides, the World Government is a big family, it’s just digging some money, it’s not a big problem.

Cyborg gritted his teeth and cursed a few words, and then he could only sit down helplessly.

Although he is the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, he can’t do anything about military factories, government procurement, and even the black market.

He can’t even control his own Minister of Logistics.

He is only the head of the military, not the head of the military and political affairs.

Even if he is the head of the military and political affairs, he has no way to deal with this level of corruption.

The World Government has been established for 800 years. The transfer of interests over the past 800 years has formed a network of interests within the World Government.

This kind of network is not something you can tear apart with your strength.

Let alone the long-term, they will use procedural justice to block you, and you will have no way to deal with it.

For example, this time, the World Government said that it had no money. Even if you killed all the people and went to the warehouse to look for money, you would never find the money.

Arrest the person in charge and torture him?

They just push someone to you, and then ask you nothing, what can you do?

Unless Cyborg also has a goddess of wisdom, he can only admit his defeat!

Cyborg has no choice, at least there are 20,000 new guns, so just use them.

However, the problem of withholding military pay still needs to be solved, otherwise the war cannot be fought!

But he is a traditional soldier, and there is really no good way to deal with the problem of withholding military pay.

And he is a member of the World Government, so it is not easy to interfere in the internal affairs of the member countries.

After thinking about it, Cyborg still called Smoker to hear the young man's ideas.

"Solve the problem of withholding military pay?" Smoker thought for a moment and said, "There is a solution that is not a solution!!"

"What is a solution that is not a solution?" Cyborg asked.

"Since everyone is withholding military pay, why don't you do it yourself!" Smoker said.

Cyborg's face suddenly darkened: "I already hate those who withhold military pay, and now you want me to withhold it?"

"But didn't you just teach your students that if you want to go further, it is inevitable to go along with the crowd?" Smoker said in astonishment: "Besides, I didn't say what you withheld the money for!"

"Huh?" Cyborg was stunned, as if he had an idea.

"Go on!"

"Others withheld money, and that was used for drinking and partying, but the money you withheld was all given to the soldiers. Can it be the same?"

Cyborg nodded, he understood what Smoker meant.

In other words, he also wanted to be greedy, but the money he got from being greedy had to be used to support the army. This not only achieved the goal of colluding with those corrupt criminals, but also successfully cultivated a force that was not short of military pay and had combat effectiveness!

"As expected of a young man, his brain is flexible!" Cyborg patted Smoker on the shoulder: "You go to the whole army and select those combat-capable soldiers to come over. We need 20,000 people. When the new guns arrive, we will give them all!"

"After the troops are formed, you will lead part of them!"

Zefa is his subordinate, and Smoker is Zefa's disciple.

In other words, Smoker is his grandson.

There is already a kinship bonus of the next generation, and Smoker is very much in line with his mind in terms of strength, ability, and thought.

He doesn't mind promoting this young man!

"Yes!" Smoker saluted solemnly.

When Smoker went down to select people, Cyborg quickly found a way to make money.

He is the commander-in-chief of the three armies after all. He didn't make money before because it was unnecessary, not because he didn't know how to do it.

For this war, the World Government allocated a large amount of money to him for the purchase of military supplies, post-war pensions, and awards to meritorious soldiers.

This part of the funds must have been passed around, but in the end, it was still a huge amount in Cyborg's hands.

Giant decisively misappropriated the funds for purchasing military supplies and awards. Anyway, he lost 100,000 people in two battles. With more deaths, the consumption of goods naturally decreased. Wouldn't the money for purchasing military supplies be saved?

As for the funds for awards, this is even simpler. They have never won a battle, so how can there be any bonus?

Someone has money, and a brand new unit directly under Ganggu was born.

Ganggu named it Ganggu Unit. This unit not only has 18,000 army troops, but also 2,000 navy troops with a total of four warships.

This unit is the elite of the elite selected from 380,000 people, and is equipped with the latest rifles, such as the 98K, which can fire a bullet by pulling the bolt. The grassroots officers are all equipped with revolvers.

Don't think that revolvers are backward, but in this era, this is already the most advanced pistol.

Because the military pay is sufficient, the fighting will of each soldier in this unit is also very strong. At least there will be no situation where they are attacked by others and then the camp is directly blown up and collapsed.

Of course, it is unrealistic to pull them to the battlefield as soon as the army is formed. They need to train for at least half a month and practice cooperation.

But just when the situation on the Steel Bone side was getting better, bad news came one after another.

First of all, the Revolutionary Army, perhaps because of the experience of using small boats to blow up large ships before, sent out many self-destructing small boats.

These boats are more than one meter long, filled with gunpowder, and only need one person to drive. They sail along the river that goes out to sea from the Kingdom of Goa at a very fast speed. The naval ships wandering at the estuary had difficulty turning around, and three of them were blown up directly when they were caught off guard.

As a last resort, the navy could only make way for the river to go out to the sea.

Fortunately, the sailing distance of this kind of flat boat is not far, and the warships only need to keep a distance to avoid being blown up.

But the warships are far away from the Kingdom of Goa, and several more were blown up, so that the gap between them is large.

Then there are transport ships that secretly cross the transport line at night to deliver supplies to the Revolutionary Army.

It was Smoker who was patrolling on the sea that discovered this scene, and hurriedly intercepted the transport ship and contacted Steel Bone at the same time.

Cyborg thought he had captured the logistics network of the Revolutionary Army, and was overjoyed, but after the interrogation, he found something wrong.

This is indeed a good logistics network of the Revolutionary Army, but it does not belong to the Revolutionary Army, but to the world nobles.

In order to purchase supplies, the Revolutionary Army offered a very high price. Anyway, they spent the money of the royal family of the Kingdom of Goa, so they didn't feel bad.

The purchase price was high, so there would naturally be businessmen who took risks. As mentioned earlier, there are very few pure businessmen in this context, and most of them are white gloves of the nobles.

Look, Cyborg has caught the white gloves of the world nobles.

He only caught the person for three hours, and the interrogation was not over yet, and the world nobles had already called to let them release him.

It is worth noting that the Celestial Dragons are world nobles, but the world nobles are not Celestial Dragons. The nobles who depend on the Celestial Dragons are also world nobles, such as Spandam, the chief of CP9, who is a world noble.

These world nobles are like a pug in front of the Celestial Dragons, but outside of Marijoa, they are equivalent to Celestial Dragons.

Except for the fact that no general will come forward when they are beaten, their other welfare benefits are no different from those of the Celestial Dragons.

After all, they work for the Celestial Dragons, and you don't know whether what they do is ordered by the Celestial Dragons or they act on their own initiative.

Cyborg wanted to be tough, I won't let them go, I will kill them all, what can you do?

But he was only angry for a while.

He couldn't do that.

He is not only a marshal, he is also a husband, a father, and a grandfather.

He is already very old, and he can't stay in this position for a few years.

But his son and grandson are not as capable as him.

With his son's ability, it's hard for him to be a branch colonel, and Cyborg is not happy to have a son who is a branch colonel.

In order to preserve the family's wealth and status, Cyborg chose another way: to become a world aristocrat!

In fact, his position as the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces is a world aristocrat in a sense, but this status is not long-lasting. As soon as he leaves office, everything will disappear.

He didn't want his family's identity to disappear, so he had to go along with other world nobles.

Offending is absolutely impossible!

Steel Bone released the merchant who was transporting supplies to the Kingdom of Goa, and then things started to get out of control.

This merchant was only transporting supplies at night at first, but when he found that Steel Bone couldn't do anything to him, he became more and more aggressive, and later simply drove the ship to the dock of the Kingdom of Goa in broad daylight.

Seeing this, other merchants simply followed suit. The Navy also checked in the early stage, and found that these people were all white gloves of the world nobles.

What's the point of checking, let them go!

The blockade that Steel Bone had painstakingly established was drilled into a sieve by the merchants in just a few days, becoming a joke.

There were more bad things.

In order to transport shells to the Demon Slayer Fleet, the Navy Headquarters established a transportation unit.

But the Navy's intelligence network was not tight, and the matter soon spread on the black market.

Then the pirates on the Grand Line suddenly became excited, after all, the Demon Slayer's shells were valuable.

In addition, the World Government and the Revolutionary Army are currently at war, and both sides are purchasing artillery shells at high prices. The current price of artillery shells is comparable to gold. As long as you can grab it, you don’t have to worry about selling it!

Not to mention that there is a force that is quietly buying cannonballs. This is the Whitebeard Pirates who heard that Ace was captured.

Their addition made the shells more valuable.

Are the naval headquarters transporting artillery shells?

No, those are ships of gold!

As a result, the first batch of transport ships were hijacked just half a day after leaving Malinford due to insufficient preparation by the navy.

The two escort warships were all sunk, three transport ships disappeared, and all the artillery shells that the navy headquarters arsenal had worked hard to produce for a month were snatched away.

The most uncomfortable thing is that I don’t know who did it!

The Navy paid more attention and sent a vice-admiral to escort for the second time. The number of battleships was increased to five, but the number of transport ships was reduced to two.

It used to be 2 to protect 3, but now it is 5 to protect 2. There is no reason for you to rob again, right?

But it's a pity that more than one company is interested in this batch of cannonballs, and when the last batch of cannonballs entered the black market, the extremely high price directly made the pirate group who grabbed the cannonballs a lot of money.

This caused the pirate groups who were still in a wait-and-see state to start taking action. Not to mention the pirate groups in the Grand Line, they also headed to the East China Sea. Even some pirate groups in the New World also wanted to go to the East China Sea.

The navy's ships traveled for three days, two battleships were sunk, and the lieutenant general was also injured.

As a last resort, the transport team had to return halfway, and then another transport ship was sunk and another transport ship was robbed on the way.

The guns arrived, the soldiers arrived, but the cannons did not arrive. Cyborg's whole body was numb.

No matter how elite the soldiers under his command are, no matter how fearless the rain is with the rifles in their hands, they would not dare to land without the cover of artillery!

Otherwise, if there is a cannon on the opposite side but you don't, wouldn't your death be in vain?

In desperation, Cyborg could only let the demon-slaying fleet return and no longer used transport ships to replenish artillery shells.

But the pirate group patrolling the East China Sea has gone crazy. They don't care if you are a demon-slaying order fleet or a transport ship. As long as you are a navy passing by, they will attack you without fail.

The Demon-Slaying Order fleet had run out of artillery shells and could only fight hand-to-hand with the pirates. Although there was a lieutenant-general on command, the pirates had cannons and guns but no eyesight, so some of the navy was still injured.

Due to the continuous pirate attacks, the schedule was also delayed.

The original three-day journey ended up taking five days for the Demon-Slaying Order fleet, and everyone was injured when they returned. Even the lieutenant general had several bullet holes in his body!

After the demon-slaying fleet returned, Seng Guo's whole body was numb!

In the meeting room of the Navy Headquarters, Sengoku threw the document in front of General He: "Look, our Navy has suffered more losses this month than in the past year!"

Four ships were robbed of shells, more than 50 battleships were sunk, and nearly 20,000 soldiers were injured!

Although most of the losses come from the naval branch, the ships are small and the soldiers are weak, but these are the grassroots forces of the navy!

The navy is not like the armies of those countries that join the world government. When people die, they die.

They want pensions from their side!

Moreover, the four ships of lost artillery shells were better off in the hands of the Revolutionary Army, since they were attacking the Army anyway.

I'm afraid that if it ends up in the hands of pirates, this will be used to fight the navy!

And the worst possibility is that these cannonballs get into the hands of a pirate group with scientists, and then the technology of the cannonballs is cracked.

By then, the Demon-Slaying Order fleet will no longer be exclusive to the navy!

When the time comes when the pirates drive the Demon-Slaying Order fleet to bomb the navy branch, who can withstand it?

"As a navy, we should be relatively independent!" He looked at the document and said, "We have no obligation to support the commander-in-chief!"

As the commander-in-chief of the entire army, Cyborg controls the Navy, CP (CIPHER POL), King Shichibukai, Knights of God, Naval Science Force, Navy Titan Force, SWORD (Navy Secret Special Forces), SSG (Navy Special Science Class) ), Naval Criminal Investigative Service, Navy Photography Department, Marine Corps, Judiciary Island Dog Team, Judiciary Island Guilty Jury, Judiciary Island Giant Guards, Impel Down Prison Guards, Pacifists, Police and other armies of the world government.

But this is only in name.

In fact, each part of the army is either directly under the Five Old Stars, or has its own leaders. If these leaders give Cyborg face, then he can command it, but if he doesn't give Cyborg face, what kind of shit is Cyborg?

Just like the Knights of God, would you like to command one?

If the command fails, you, the mighty commander-in-chief of the entire army, can't go to Wulaoxing to complain!

Even if you go to complain, I can still find a way to prevaricate you, just say that we have other tasks and don't have time.

Your mission is important, but ours is not?

Suppressing bandits is important, but suppressing pirates is not important?

Crane's meaning is simple, withdraw support for Cyborg, let the navy in the East China Sea return to its own branch, and the Demon-Slaying Order will no longer support Cyborg.

When they first supported Cyborg, they thought that this war would end quickly like before. Then I would send some people there. Isn't this to gain military exploits?

Who could have imagined that this battle would end like this?

If you continue to support us, we may drag our navy into trouble!

"Then the revolutionary army won't suppress it?" Warring States was somewhat moved.

After all, their navy is really in trouble. They have captured Ace and are waiting to start a war with Whitebeard.

Now that we are putting so much effort into supporting Cyborg, what if something goes wrong then?

However, although he was moved, he still couldn't lose face and refuse. After all, Cyborg was his senior and teacher, so it would not be good to refuse directly.

"Of course the revolutionary army must be suppressed, but suppressing the revolutionary army is not our business!" He spread his hands and said, "Shouldn't this be a matter for the countries that join the World Government?"

"A country joining the World Government?" Warring States shook his head: "What fighting capacity do they have?"

There are only a few big countries with armies, and none of them have navies.

Oh no, Alabasta has newly formed its own navy and hired a naval colonel as marshal!

Sengoku thought it was funny when he saw the news. Hina was only averagely outstanding in the navy, but such a person could be a treasure in a big country like Alabasta!

And how many ships does such a navy have?

The answer is 2 ships!

That’s right, two ships!

Such strength is inferior to that of an ordinary naval branch, let alone a naval fortress or base.

These two warships were given by the navy because of Zefa's hard work and meritorious service in the navy!

How can the World Government member countries suppress bandits with such strength?

"We don't need to worry about whether they have combat effectiveness!" He spread his hands: "Besides, do the revolutionary army really need to be suppressed?"

Warring States suddenly fell silent.

Yes, the revolutionary army said it had been wreaking havoc for so many years, but in fact it had little impact on the situation on the sea.

There are even cases where countries that were once revolutionized by the revolutionary army rejoined the world government.

The reason why the World Government reacted so strongly this time was mainly because the revolutionary army killed too many nobles in the Kingdom of Goa.

But he had also heard a little about the aristocratic style of Goa Kingdom.

Mainly, Garp's hometown is in the Kingdom of Goa, and he can't help but want to know.

Frankly speaking, these nobles did not die unjustly, but according to the revolutionary army's past behavior, they would have left after changing the king.

Then just let them go. Why do you have to stop them?

But he tried to stop him but failed to do so, and the battle continued like this. It was not just embarrassing, it was simply embarrassing!

"We cannot stop supporting teachers!" Warring States patted the table and said in a deep voice.

He's lips moved, and he was about to say something when Warring States continued: "However, our warships have suffered heavy losses and need to be replenished. As for when the replenishment will be available, I don't know!"

He curled his lips and understood.

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