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Chapter 332 Filling the historical gap with Gouzi literature

The Revolutionary Army was making a big fuss in the East China Sea. They lost two consecutive battles against bandits and lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers.

The Navy Headquarters captured Roger's son, Portgas D. Ace, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' Second Division, and it was about to start a war between the Navy Headquarters and the Whitebeard Pirates.

But in the eyes of the World Government, these things are trivial.

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The World Government has been standing for 800 years. During this period, there were countless opposition organizations and pirate groups that grew up, but weren't they all defeated?

As for the Revolutionary Army, it was indeed a little bit new, but that was all.

When the Revolutionary Army first appeared, it did scare the World Government, but after more than ten years, the World Government gradually calmed down.

Because they found that the Revolutionary Army was not a threat to the World Government at all, but at least it had little impact.

What they have done in the past ten years may not be as much as what a pirate group has done.

That's right, the Five Elders are talking about Big Mom.

This pirate who made her fortune by giving birth to children has actually occupied a large piece of land, established a country, and has tens of millions of people under her command.

However, something happened recently that really disgusted the World Government, that is, the novel "Da De Dynasty" published in the "World Economic News".

At the beginning, when this novel began to be serialized, none of the Five Elders cared about it. It was just a serialized novel, and the World Economic News never lacked this kind of thing. For example, the most popular "Cavendish Adventure" in the past two years was adapted from the adventures of the pirate nobleman Cavendish.

Although "Da De Dynasty" is a history, the World Government is still very tolerant as long as you don't involve the blank 100 years.

Moreover, this novel has many characters and rich plots, and even vaguely hides some principles of governing the country, which makes the Five Elders like it a little.

However, as "Da De Dynasty" was written, the Five Elders felt something was wrong.

The story of the rise seemed quite exciting at first, but how come they started to develop technology while rising?

And the technology they developed was bloodline factor, devil fruit technology?

When they read further, they found that two great families were born in the Great German Dynasty, one with D in the name and the other with V in the name. The Five Elders completely understood that this was not the "Great German Dynasty" at all, but the history of the once huge kingdom!

Then, the more they read, the more worried the Five Elders became.

The rule of the Great German Dynasty was extremely tyrannical, and they were very hostile to other countries. The rulers among them claimed to be the best race, and they could no longer be called human beings, so they called themselves the Protoss. Because they lived on the Lunaliya Plateau, they were also called the Lunaliya Protoss.

If they just called themselves gods, it would be fine, but because they hated humans so much, they actually had an organization and took the opportunity to launch a plan to exterminate humans.

Including but not limited to studying human genes, making corresponding poisons, differentiating human genes, creating fish people, long-handed people, short-handed people, and small people in the human group, these branches of human races, intending to start a war within the human race.

Fortunately, their intentions were discovered by the wise man among humans, so humans began to fight back under his leadership.

So far, the entire human world is full of red flags, and the flames of liberation are burning!

The wise man's thoughts have infected countless people, and even the two major DV families in "Da De Dynasty" have begun to resist the gods and joined the wise man.

Oh, yes, this wise man is the liberation fighter nine hundred years ago, Joey Boy!

Everyone understands here that this is not a historical novel. It is clear that someone is writing the history of nine hundred years ago in the name of "Da De"!

If the novel only wrote here, it would be fine, but this novel is still going on!

To this day, the novel has been updated to 20 kingdoms joining the rebels to resist the gods together!

Then, then, the operation that made the five elders cerebral congestion came.

Maybe because of the lack of historical data, the previous "Da De Dynasty" was still well written, and the various people were good and bad, but generally they all had vivid images and their own charms.

But when it comes to the twenty kingdoms, he started to make up nonsense.

The author didn't know the names of the twenty kingdoms, so he made up names by himself, and the names he made up were rustic and ugly.

And the author must have never seen the life of the court, and he actually wrote that these kings all held golden rice bowls and squatted on golden steps to eat golden cakes!

If it was just that, it would be fine, and we could still say that the common people were ignorant and wrote it for fun.

He even wrote later that the kings of these twenty countries actually sold ditches to the D clan in order to join the rebels!

Oh no, it's the nineteenth country, and the last one who didn't sell ditches was the ancestor of Alabasta.

This author even wrote the reason seriously.

Why did the world government cover up the history of those 100 years?

Because it was not glorious for their ancestors to sell ditches.

Why do they hate the D clan so much? Because the ancestors of the D clan were the ones who bought ditches.

Why did they hunt down the Lunaliya clan?

Because they were witnesses of the history of that year!

Why do the Celestial Dragons live on such a high red soil continent?

Because they are afraid of seeing acquaintances at the foot of the mountain?

Why do you say that the ancestors of Alabasta were not sold?

Because he didn't become a celestial dragon, it's obvious that his ancestors were upright and not afraid of meeting acquaintances.

It's well-reasoned and makes people vomit blood!

You know, the kings of the twenty countries back then were their ancestors now!

Now that their ancestors are insulted, how can the Five Elders not be angry?

But they can't find out who this Si Qian is!

The main reason is that they didn't react at first. Who knew that your previous history books were so vast and suddenly became ditch literature?

When they reacted and called Morgans to ask him to stop publishing, Morgans could no longer be contacted!

Although Morgans ran away, the daily newspapers are still being published, and the daily novels are still being updated.

Then, all kinds of detailed and outrageous ditch history came again.

The Five Elders really want to vomit blood. You wrote nearly 400 years of history in just two weeks. How come the stories written in the next week are not more than one day?

Moreover, it's all shit, and it's written in such detail. Morgans, you don't review the newspapers you publish. Can you let children read this?

Throwing down today's newspaper, the Five Elders are really exhausted by such a newspaper. Now sometimes they don't dare to answer the phone calls from their subordinates, and they always feel that there is some smile in their tone.

They are still a little afraid to go out, and they feel that the eyes of passers-by are also strange.

As for killing all these people?

This is really not possible. Those who can go to Mary Geoise are all nobles who rely on the existence of the Celestial Dragons. If you kill them all, who will work?

And the Five Elders also know that these people may not be laughing at them, but they may be too sensitive.

Just now, I thought that Cyborg was also here to laugh at them, and it made them worried for a while.

Fortunately, Cyborg was busy fighting and seemed to have no time to read the newspaper.

"We can't go on like this!" The God of Agriculture said angrily, "If we continue like this, we will lose face as Tianlong people!"

The latest chapters have begun to clearly mention the word Tianlong people, without any disguise, saying that the descendants of these kings are Tianlong people.

Let these newspapers circulate for a few more days, and the whole world will know that the ancestors of the Tianlong people were peddlers. Who will still think they are descendants of gods by then?

"But what should we do?" The God of Science Defense asked, "Refuting the rumor in the newspaper?"

"Refuting the rumor, is it useful?" The God of Agriculture said angrily, "Also, how to refute the rumor that our ancestors never peddled the ditch? Do you have evidence?"

The God of Science Defense was speechless.

Evidence, where can I get evidence? History has been destroyed by us, what evidence is there?

"And now we can't contact Morgans at all, where can we go to dispel the rumors?"

He didn't know, let alone history was destroyed, even if it wasn't destroyed, even if all the big and small things were recorded clearly, as long as there was something that was not written down, then the selling of ditches would definitely be stuck, and there was no way to escape.

Ditch history can end the war between Ming and Qing fans and make both sides speechless. How can it be so easy to crack the ultimate deconstruction of history?

What's more, the Celestial Dragons did an extremely stupid thing: destroying history.

The official history may not be correct, but the unofficial history is definitely quite wild.

If you don't destroy history, with the official history, everyone can be more restrained. Even if you do a big bad thing, at least you have rebuilt the order, and everyone can help you explain it.

But if you destroy history, doesn't that give the unofficial history writers room to play freely?

Thanks to the high illiteracy rate in the One Piece world, and the literate nobles are not interested in history, the world government escaped this disaster.

But unfortunately, the time traveler came.

In this wave, the World Government made two fatal mistakes.

Or actually one: the propaganda outlet was not in their own hands.

The only newspaper in the world that can be spread around the world is not in the hands of the World Government.

Any Earthling would find it outrageous!

And because of the long-term cooperation with the Navy and the issuance of a bounty order, the World Economic News has established sufficient government credibility.

A newspaper with credibility published an article saying that the ancestors of the Celestial Dragons sold ditches. Do you think people will believe it?

Now the World Government has realized the problem, but it is too late.

Morgans has surrendered to Alabasta. Although he will not openly rebel against the World Government, he still has the courage to refuse to answer the phone.

Without Morgans' cooperation, the World Government cannot quickly stop the continued spread of ditches history, and cannot dispel rumors in time.

Even if they want to use the real history to correct the impression in people's minds, they can't do it now.

After all, it's still the same problem. If you can't contact Morgans, there is no place to publish!

"Ding-ling-ling!" The Den Den Mushi rang.

The Five Elders looked at each other, and then the Environment God of War answered the phone.

"This is the Five Elders!"

"Hello, Five Elders, this is Marinford, I'm Sengoku!"

Although it was a normal tone, the Five Elders always felt that they vaguely heard a smile.

"What's the matter?" asked the Environment God of War.

"Uh, it's like this!" Sengoku said: "Do you know the new king of Alabasta, Ningyuan?"

"Yes!" The Environment God of War said unhappily: "He's just a lecher, we just talked to him on the phone!"

"Oh, I'm glad to know!" Zhan Guo breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "This Ning Yuan is a Devil Fruit user, did you know that?"

"He has Devil Fruit ability?" The Environment God of War was stunned and looked at the other four Five Elders.

The four Five Elders shook their heads.

"He hid it from us?" The Environment God of War's face suddenly sank, feeling that he was deceived.

"It shouldn't be concealed!" Zhan Guo said quickly: "You didn't ask!"

The Environment God of War blinked, as if, he didn't ask?

But think about it, we are too lazy to chat with that kid, so how could we ask him if he ate the Devil Fruit.

"Is it important whether he is a Devil Fruit user?" The Environment God of War said unhappily: "He is just a Devil Fruit user!"

"But his Devil Fruit is not ordinary!" Zhan Guo said: "The fruit he ate is called the Information Fruit, which can establish an information network!"

"Information network, what is that?" The Environment God of War frowned.

"This is a network connected by information, which allows people to communicate with each other through information!" Zhan Guo said: "Ning Yuan named this network the Goddess of Wisdom. You can call the Goddess of Wisdom softly, start it, and you can enter the Goddess of Wisdom network. I have already asked for permission for you!"

"What is the use of this thing?" The God of Environment was not in a hurry to start the network. He was more curious about what kind of thing could make the dignified Navy Marshal come to advertise in person?

"This network is for everyone in the world!" Zhan Guo said: "Even those who can't read. I heard that there are some bad rumors about the Celestial Dragons recently?"

"Pah!" The God of Environment hung up the phone expressionlessly.

The other four Five Elders looked at each other, and then sighed together. Even the Navy Marshal knew it!

This is normal. The Navy Marshal must have subscribed to newspapers every day.

However, the God of Environment knew what Zhan Guo meant. Now Morgans couldn't be contacted, but they contacted Morgans, didn't they just need a platform to publish information?

Now this wisdom network also has the function of publishing information.

Although I don't know if it can replace the World Economic News, I can try it at least.

"Do you want to connect?" asked the God of Environment.

"Let's find someone to try it first!" said the God of Science Defense.

After all, this is someone else's devil fruit ability. They are in a high position, so how can they try it casually?

A moment later, a knight of God was called in.

This knight is a user of the Mythical Beast Devil Fruit ability, and is proficient in the King's Haki, Armament Haki, and Observation Haki. Once he encounters any problems in the network, he can immediately exit.

"Goddess of Wisdom, start!" The knight shouted, and then rolled his eyes and entered the wisdom network.

A moment later, he exited in a trance again.

"How is it?" The God of Environment asked hurriedly: "What kind of place is it? Have you encountered any danger?"

"No danger!" The knight shook his head hurriedly.

"No danger, why do you look like you have lost your soul?" asked the God of Environment.

"I just saw something so magical that I was a little shocked!"

When he said this, the Five Elders were also shocked: "You were born in Mary Geoise, is there anything in this world that you haven't seen?"

"That thing is a little different from the common things we see, I don't know how to describe it!" The knight scratched his head and said, "Why don't you go in and find out!"

"Are you sure there is no danger?" The Five Elders frowned: "After all, this is someone else's devil fruit ability!"

"Don't worry, there is no danger!" The knight said: "This fruit only provides the ability to exchange information, and has no other functions, not even combat capabilities. Correspondingly, it has also achieved the ultimate in information exchange, and can even cover the entire planet!"

Covering the entire planet sounds scary, but the Five Elders are not afraid of this.

There are also devil fruits that can affect the entire world, such as the Song Song Fruit, which can directly pull people from all over the world into a world.

They are just curious about what the knight saw that made him so surprised.

"Describe it to me in detail!" The Five Elders are still worried. The main reason why they can live so long is that they are stable and don't take risks!

The knight had no choice but to tell them little by little about the functions of the smart network, including chat, map, office, and information release.

Of course, this office refers to some office software, and Ning Yuan will not open up the use rights of artificial intelligence to them.

Even so, this function is very powerful, which is equivalent to bringing them into the information age in one step.

After sufficient in-depth research, the Five Elders finally let down their guard.

But they still did not enter together, but let the Environment Martial God enter alone first.

"Goddess of Wisdom, start!"

The next second, the Environment Martial God felt that the world in front of him suddenly changed, and a box appeared.

Then a stream of information appeared in his mind.

This is the usage and function introduction of the smart network.

With this information flow, the box that was originally a little unfamiliar suddenly became familiar.

And the Environment Martial God also knew what the information release that Zhan Guo said meant.

There is a software called Smart Weibo in the smart network, on which you can register an account, identify your identity, and authenticate your account.

As long as the identity of the Five Elders is verified, the information he publishes can be seen by everyone in the world.

Moreover, because the wisdom network connects people's thinking and transmits direct information, even illiterate people can understand the news he spreads.

"I see!" The environmental martial god immediately understood the benefits of this thing.

How many people are there in the World Economic News!

Although there are many people in the world, not many can read.

Are there five million people in the world?

But Weibo, as long as you are a person, or as long as you have thinking, even the fur tribe, can enter.

The news released by the Five Elders can be seen not only by the member countries, but also by non-member countries. Isn't this countless times more convenient than the World Economic News?

And in terms of the timeliness of the news, the wisdom Weibo is faster than the World Economic News. The World Economic News still relies on the newspaper bird to fly. No matter how fast the bird flies, it still takes time.

But what about the wisdom Weibo? It only takes a moment to send it out!

There was no rush to post on Weibo. The environmental martial god remembered the lesson Morgans left them this time.

In the past, this information platform was in the hands of Morgans. When Morgans ran away, the Five Elders were dumbfounded.

Now this information platform is in the hands of Ning Yuan. If Ning Yuan also refuses to use it, won't the Five Elders be dumbfounded?

So Ning Yuan must be controlled!

Is he in the Devil's Triangle Sea now?

The Environmental Martial God exited the intelligent network, then took out the Den Den Mushi, dialed, and called out.

After a moment: "This is the Five Elders, I order you to capture Ning Yuan alive and send him to Mary Joa!"

"By the way, don't hurt him!"

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