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Chapter 337: Killing the Celestial Dragon Rayleigh and Passing on the Dharma

Chapter 337 Killing Celestial Dragon Rayleigh and Spreading the Dharma

Skurachiman Apu, also known as "Hai Ming", is the captain of the Radio Pirates, born in the "Long-handed Clan" of the Grand Line, and possesses the ability of the Sound-Sound Fruit. His bounty is 198 million berries.

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Unlike other pirate groups that like to travel in groups, Apu also has subordinates, but these subordinates are all tools for driving the ship.

Usually, whether traveling or fighting, he likes to be alone.

The reason is that his devil fruit ability is basically AOE damage, and it is easy to confuse friend and foe in battle.

At this time, Apu was humming a song and walking towards a restaurant.

However, when passing an intersection, he suddenly heard a voice from the side: "Hey!"

Apu turned his head and saw a dirty child standing in the narrow street less than one meter wide.

"Are you calling me?" Apu asked.

"Yes!" The child nodded, then stretched out his hand and said mysteriously: "Come here!"

"Yes?" Apu frowned. What is that!

But he still went over, mainly out of curiosity. Could it be that this child had something valuable that he wanted to sell to him?

As for whether there would be danger or something, I am a supernova with a bounty of nearly 200 million. Would I be afraid of a little kid?

"Little ghost, what's the matter!" Apu came to the corner of the street and asked unhappily.

"Follow me!" The child said, took two steps back, and then went around to the back of the street.

Here, no one can see them at all.

Not only was Apu not afraid, but he was even more excited. It seemed that there was really something?

Following the child to the hidden place behind the house, Apu saw the child lift up his clothes, revealing a very delicate and golden gun under the clothes!

"This is a pistol called Judge that I stole from a king!" The kid picked up the pistol and showed it to Apu: "Give me 200,000 Baileys and I'll sell it to you!"

Apu was a long-armed man, so he reached out and took the gun in his hand, then fiddled with it.

"This gun is not ordinary, and there is this bullet?" Looking at the pointed bullet in his hand, Apu was a little surprised. He had never seen such a pistol or such a bullet.

But you don't need to know this kind of firearms, you can tell with your eyes that the technical level of this gun is extremely high, which is not comparable to ordinary pistols!

"The value of this gun is more than 200,000 Baileys!" Apu smiled and said: "If it is put in the auction house, I guess someone will be willing to buy it for 20 million!" Putting the magazine back in place, Apu looked at the child with a smile on his face: "But why do you think I will give you money?"

"I'm a pirate!"

As he said, Apu pointed the gun directly at the child.



The bullet shot out and hit the center of the eyebrows.

A Pu's eyebrows.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!" The child picked up the pistol on the ground and shook his head.

This is not some weird gun, but a space door opened in the muzzle, reaching A Pu's eyebrows.

After A Pu's body was put away, the child's appearance and clothes began to change rapidly.

Not long after, a young man with a height of eight feet, thick eyebrows, big eyes, broad face and square mouth, and majestic appearance appeared in the alley.

The young man was dressed in white clothes and white armor, wearing a white robe, holding a three-foot-long Ma Shuo, carrying a longbow on his back, with a clear and bright look.

If placed in a historical story, such an image would remind people of Wu'an Jun Bai Qi, Changshan Zhao Zilong, and Nanliang Chen Qingzhi.

So his name is the combination of the three, Bai Longzhi!

With armor, longbow and Ma Shuo, how can there be no horse!

"Ang!" A dragon roar came out of the void, and then a white dragon slowly flew out of the space door and turned into a white horse under Ning Yuan.

Dragon is the White Dragon Fruit transformed by Ning Yuan based on the Pink Dragon Fruit. As for whether the White Dragon can turn into a horse?

Devil Fruits are idealistic abilities. Ning Yuan thinks that the White Dragon can turn into a horse, so it can turn into a horse!

Jumping on the horse, Ning Yuan curled his lips, and he was really handsome and unparalleled in the world.

"From now on, I am the descender, the White Dragon of China!"

Holding the reins in hand, he rode out on the horse, came to the street, and then chose a direction and went straight.

At the end of this street, he came to another street.

This street is a commercial street, which is naturally very prosperous. On weekdays, there are hundreds of tourists playing here.

But at this time, the street was silent, and everyone knelt on both sides of the street, not daring to raise their heads.

Everyone knows that the Celestial Dragons are coming!

"Tap, tap, tap!"

The sound of horse hooves rose.

Many people were shocked. How could there be horse hooves in such a place?

Moreover, it was getting closer and closer!

The Celestial Dragons, it seems, didn't ride horses! They rode slaves!

Everyone could only hear the sound of horse hooves getting closer and closer, and some people even felt that the sound of horse hooves was right behind them!

Even though the Tianlong people were in front of them, they still subconsciously looked back because their lives were at stake. It didn't matter what they saw. A general in white clothes and armor riding a white horse was rushing towards them!

A cavalry charge was a terrifying thing. Even if this person was alone, the impact was unparalleled.

So they didn't care whether there were any Celestial Dragons, and a group of people hurriedly moved aside to make way for General Bai Ma.

But the general didn't want to step on them at all. When approaching the crowd, Bai Ma leaped and surpassed several rows of people and came to the center of the street.

He turned his horse's head and faced the Celestial Dragon Guard.

"Who are you!" The Celestial Dragon guard, CP0 in a suit and sunglasses, immediately became nervous and formed a formation to protect the three Celestial Dragons behind him.

"I am the heroic spirit of Daning, the Order Patrolman Bai Longzhi!" Bai Longzhi looked at the Celestial Dragons in front of him and the slaves under their crotches, and said hatefully: "Daning has promulgated the Constitution for 476 years. The Constitution stipulates that everyone is equal. Who are you? How dare you raise slaves in broad daylight?"

"Huh?" CP0 was stunned, and then heard Bai Longzhi continue to ask: "Also, Daning has long abolished the kneeling ceremony. Except for the heaven and earth teacher, even if you see the monarch, you can't kneel. Who are you three? How dare you let the people on the street kneel to you? Are you going to rebel?"

"I, rebel?" Saint Rozwald was directly confused. What am I rebelling against? Who am I rebelling against?

I am rebelling against myself?

No, what did he say before, Daning? Constitution? Equality for all? Abolition of kneeling ceremony?

What kind of treasonous remarks are these?

Not only was he stunned, but even the people on both sides of the street, pirates, navy, CP0, and even the slaves under the Celestial Dragons were shocked.

You are really brave to shout that everyone is equal in front of the Celestial Dragons!

"Where is this place?" Bai Longzhi saw that no one answered, and he became even more angry. He shouted loudly, and his voice resounded throughout the city: "The Lord of the City Affairs Office, the Order Committee, the Director of the Security Department, the Director of the Education Department, the Director of the Culture Department, come to see me quickly!"

An official from Shambaud raised his head blankly: "Shambaud, are there these official positions he said?"

"What the hell are you yelling about!" Rozwald shouted angrily: "CP0, kill him for me!"

Although there are still many questions that have not been answered, since the Celestial Dragons have given the order, CP0 will not hesitate.

A CP0 directly took out a pistol from his arms and shot at Bai Longzhi.

However, Bai Longzhi just turned his head and dodged it directly. He seemed to be even more angry, and there was a trace of confusion in his anger, and he was shocked: "Dare to attack the inspector? Where are the people from the Security Department?"

CP0 saw that the first shot missed, and fired another shot.

Bai Longzhi seemed to have finally determined the fact that the security personnel here were very slow in action. He grabbed the attacking person and then returned to the original path with a flick of his finger. The CP0 screamed and the pistol fell directly to the ground.

His wrist was actually hit by a big hole by the bullet thrown by Bai Longzhi!

"Dare to attack the patrol envoy, do you know the consequences of doing so?" Bai Longzhi said sternly: "Also, why haven't the security personnel arrived yet! Daning stipulates that if there is an alarm, the city must arrive within five minutes. Even if this place is relatively backward, it should arrive within ten minutes!"

"He, he, he?" Rozwald looked at the fallen CP0 with a shocked face. He was not shocked that CP0 couldn't beat him, but how could this person dare to fight back?

And he kept chattering, what was he talking about!

He didn't know that Bai Longzhi's shouting to the security team was fake, and shouting to the people of the city was real!

It's not easy to take off the mask and play once, how can there be no audience?

At this moment, I don't know how many people are rushing to this street. Many have already arrived. They have appeared on the roofs, trees, and street corners.

If the smart network is not popular yet and the live broadcast function is not enabled, the live broadcast would probably be turned on.

"What's going on? Someone is challenging the Celestial Dragons?"

"It doesn't seem that simple!" A smart person explained: "This person said he is the order inspector of Daning, and said that Daning has at least 400 years of history, but there is no Daning in our world at all!"

"His clothing style doesn't seem to be from this world!"

"What are you still standing there for? Go!" Rozwald didn't care where Bai Longzhi came from. He only knew that his dignity was challenged.

Five CP0s stood out from the crowd, and then came around Bai Longzhi and surrounded him.

This person is obviously not a weakling, and he can't be dealt with by one person firing a gun!

At the same time, another CP0 took out a Den Den Mushi and called the Navy Headquarters.

"An attack occurred in the Sabaody Islands, come to support quickly!"

"What's going on!" Sengoku, who was studying the deployment of troops and logistics issues, cursed. I'm busy fighting Whitebeard here, can I save my trouble?

But he still asked: "Is it serious? Have the Celestial Dragons been beaten?"

As long as the Celestial Dragons are not beaten, they don't need to send generals.

"Not yet!" CP0 said: "But."

"I'm Saint Rozwald, send me generals, as many as you can!" Rozwald snatched the Den Den Mushi and roared angrily.

"This is against the rules!" Sengoku said.

"I don't care about your rules, are you going to wait until I die before sending people to support?" Rozwald said angrily, and then hung up the phone directly.

Sengoku put down the phone speechlessly, and then looked at the three generals in front of him.

Aokiji and Akainu looked at each other, and then reached a consensus on this matter, and neither wanted to go.

Kizaru sighed and stood up lazily: "I'll go!"

"Yeah!" Sengoku nodded, and suddenly thought of something, and said: "Take the Science Defense Force with you!"

The Science Defense Force has created a lot of pacifists. I heard that there are a lot of pirates gathered on Shabaodi Island now, and they are also called supernovas. It's just right to test the effect with them.

Shabaodi Islands, No. 31, Civilian Street.

The commotion caused by Bai Longzhi is still going on.

Looking at the five CP0s around him, the anger on Bai Longzhi's face disappeared at some point, and was replaced by indifference.

"I thought it was just an organized activity of a gangster nature, but I didn't expect that your hands would even reach into government departments?"

He saw the organized troops coming over.

But when the troops approached, Bai Longzhi's face became more and more confused: "Wait, why haven't I seen the clothes you are wearing? And this flag, what unit are you!?"

"We are the navy!" The navy vice admiral Pinos, who rushed over to the Shampoo garrison, saluted the Celestial Dragons first, and then roared: "Who are you? How dare you block the way of the Celestial Dragons!"

"Celestial Dragons?" Bai Longzhi raised his head blankly and thought for a while, then shook his head: "I don't know, but I know the navy, but the military uniform is not the same style as yours!"

While speaking, Bai Longzhi also looked around, and then looked at the sky, the more he looked, the more confused his face became: "Wait, is this Blue Star? The angle of the sun is wrong!"

"What are you talking about!" Pinos roared: "Now you know you are afraid and pretend to be stupid, catch him for me?"

"Lieutenant General Pinos!" A CP0 spoke at the right time: "Our people are already in place!"

The implication is that it is not appropriate to come out and grab the credit now!

Pinos didn't care about that. He waved his hand and dozens of navy soldiers immediately formed a three-layer formation, aiming their guns at Bai Longzhi.

Bai Longzhi nodded thoughtfully: "After encountering the space turbulence, I thought I just traveled to a piece of land in Daning, but I didn't expect to come to another world?"

As he spoke, he looked at the Tianlong people in front of him: "However, even if it is a different world, as an inspector, I have to continue my duties!"

"Since there is no guard team here, the court will judge you, so let me judge you!"

After that, Bai Longzhi quickly took off the longbow behind him, put an arrow on it, and then aimed at Roswald.

"Not good!" Pinos' eyes were bloodshot, and he waved his hand quickly: "Shoot!"

The five CP0s beside Bai Longzhi also shot immediately, but Bai Longzhi was too fast!

The speed at which he bent the bow and shot the arrow was even faster than the speed at which the navy pulled the trigger!

And in the blink of an eye, not one arrow was shot, but three!

The target was Rozwald, his son Saint Charlos, and his daughter Xia Liya Palace!


Three CP0s rushed out instantly and blocked the arrows.

With a dull and aggressive sound, the three CP0s directly caught the three arrows that were coming!

They resolved Bai Longzhi's attack, while the battle on Bai Longzhi's side continued.

"Wall of Sighs!" A magnificent blue wall appeared in front of the navy and Bai Longzhi. The bullets hit it, and the wall didn't even shake.

At the same time, Bai Longzhi's right hand quickly grabbed the spear and swept it horizontally after shooting the sword. My name is CP0 and I only felt a surge of power surging from the spear. The five people had no power to fight back and were swept away directly.

"This guy is a bit dangerous!" Shaoyao, who had just arrived and happened to see this scene of the battle, commented.

After all, if the arrows can be caught by CP0, how strong can this strength be.

The white-haired old man next to her had a different opinion: "I think it's not that easy for these agents to take him down!"

The CP0 attacking Bai Longzhi is no weaker than the one standing next to the Celestial Dragons. Bai Longzhi can shoot away five with one shot, so it doesn't make sense that the arrow shot out can be caught by others.

This situation can only mean one thing: Bai Longzhi held back!

As for why he held back?

The old man looked at the ordinary people kneeling behind the Celestial Dragons, and he had an incredible idea in his mind.

Could it be because Bai Longzhi was afraid that the power he used would be too great and would hurt the people behind the Celestial Dragons?

But how could this be possible!

This is a battle of life and death, who can still care about the lives of ordinary people?

And let alone a battle of life and death, no one would care about this even if it was an ordinary battle!

Not to mention the pirates don't care, even the navy doesn't care. If they are angry, they will even blow up the civilians together!

"What's the name of this person? Is he a pirate?" The old man asked a person kneeling on the ground. Those kneeling were all early comers. They had seen the whole process and should know the whole story.

"Not a pirate!" the man said, "He said he was the Order Inspector of Daning!"

"Daning? Order? Inspector?" The old man looked at Shaoyao, who shook her head, "There is no country called Daning in this world, nor is there a position called Order Inspector!"

Rayleigh frowned and continued to look at the battlefield.

The inspector spoke again.

There was no way, he just loved to talk, and this habit could not be changed even if he changed his body.

"You guys are quite strong, but it's a pity that you followed the wrong master. Do you want to abandon the dark and join me in rebuilding Daning!"

"Assholes, a bunch of trash!" Xia Liya was really scared just now, and felt that she had just brushed past the edge of death.

Now thinking back, her crotch is wet.

Seeing that all five CP0s were lying on the ground, she yelled directly: "Go and hit him, why not kill him!"

The five CP0s looked at each other, then stood up silently and rushed towards Bai Longzhi again.

"It's a dead soldier!" Bai Longzhi sighed. With Daning's ideological and political level, the dead soldiers can be reformed. Unfortunately, the premise of reforming the dead soldiers is to kill the dead soldiers' masters.

"Jade lion, charge!" Bai Longzhi patted the horse's back, and the white horse under his crotch immediately rushed towards the Tianlong people.

"Stop him!" Xia Liya shouted.

Without her shouting, CP0 and the navy also knew what to do, but the guns used by the navy could not fire continuously, and the loading speed was too slow.

In addition, they were too close, and the Jade Lion was not an ordinary horse. It only took 0.2 seconds to accelerate 100 meters. In the blink of an eye, Bai Longzhi had rushed into the navy crowd, and then he pierced through the formation of dozens of people in just one second.

Five CP0s hurriedly chased forward, and three CP0 agents who had just caught Bai Longzhi's arrows also stopped in front of the horse.

They just felt the power of the arrows, which was not strong at all, and they didn't even have domineering power!

So, this man on horseback is not strong at all, and it can even be said that he is very weak!

It's just the level of hundreds of millions of pirates. You are unlucky to meet us today!

Bai Longzhi picked up Ma Shuo and stabbed with a spear. The CP0 who rushed in the front wanted to rush to Bai Longzhi's body with a shaving to pull him off the horse, but for some reason, the tip of the spear was actually in his path of action!

The long spear pierced the throat, and the remaining force did not decrease. It pierced the heart of a jumping CP0. The remaining one had not reacted yet, and was knocked over by Bai Longzhi with a long spear and two bodies!

From the time Bai Longzhi started charging, to the time the navy formation was overturned, to the time when two of the three CP0s died and one was injured, it took only three seconds in total!

But this battle was not over yet, Bai Longzhi had already arrived in front of the three Tianlong people!

The spear that had thrown off the corpse first stabbed Roswald, and then put the spear away and stabbed again, put the spear away and stabbed again!

In just one second, three consecutive shots!

The three Tianlong people had no power to fight back against Ma Shuo, and were directly pierced through the throat!

This time, no CP0 could catch the spear!

"How is it possible!" Even though everyone guessed that this might happen, when it really happened, it still shocked everyone!

The Tianlong people were killed!

Not in a dark auction house, not in a closed palace, and not on a ship!

But on the street, in front of thousands of people!

Moreover, three people died at once!

Aren't the Tianlong people the descendants of God? Aren't they in an extremely respected position?

Why would they die like ordinary people with just one poke?

"Pah, pah, pah!"

It was not the sound of applause, but the sound of glass breaking.

The three Tianlong people fell from the slaves to the ground, and the glass covers on their heads collided with the stone floor, turning into pieces of fragments, and awakened countless people who were still in shock.

"Everyone, you can stand up!" Bai Longzhi said loudly: "These three so-called Tianlong people are dead, no one is worthy of your kneeling!"

As he said, Bai Longzhi turned his spear in the direction, raised his hand and fired five more shots, and the five CP0s who fell behind him fell down.

Bai Longzhi's movements did not stop, and he directly provoked the collars and chains on the slaves with his spear. The spear was like a sharp blade, and the hard chains broke wherever it went!

"You are free!" Bai Longzhi said loudly after cutting off the last chain.

"He killed the Tianlong people and freed the slaves?" someone murmured.

"He killed the Celestial Dragons!" A pirate exclaimed, "The admiral is coming!!"

"Not only the admiral, but he may also be the demon killer!"

"Run!" Everyone panicked when they heard that the admiral was coming, even the civilians who were not pirates.

After all, everyone knew that the abilities of the three admirals were devastating. If they fought in Shampoodi, the civilians would definitely be affected!

Even the slaves liberated by Bai Longzhi ran happily, wishing they had eight legs, and did not even say a word of thanks before leaving.

Bai Longzhi curled his lips, and he felt something was wrong.

Not everyone on the street left, for example, a few brave supernovas did not leave, and an old man and an old lady did not leave.

Vice Admiral Pinos and his navy did not leave.

In addition, one of the slaves did not leave.

Not only did he not leave, he also knelt on the ground.

"Brother, you are free!" Bai Longzhi got off the horse and helped him up.

This man is nearly two meters tall, with a square face and a body full of muscles, but in contrast, his muscles are also covered with wounds, whip marks, and traces of flames.

"Captain!" The man knelt down directly: "You saved me, from today on, you are my captain!"

"What is a captain?" Bai Longyi looked confused: "And I am not from the Organization Department, I can't recruit people casually!"

"He said what you mean!" Not only did he stay where he was, but he also walked out of the corner and said: "In our world, there is a popular organization called the Pirate Group. The leader of the Pirate Group is the captain. He thinks you are a pirate!"

"Pirate?" Bai Longzhi frowned: "It's not a good word when you first hear it. I'm not a pirate! In addition, not just anyone can become an inspector. Even if you graduate from the Chinese University of Science and Technology, you still have to go through three times. After taking the exam and interviewing twice, I would have made a mistake by hiring you privately!”

"Didn't you just try to recruit these five agents?" the old man asked.

"That's a battle. Recruitment can lower the enemy's morale. How can we generalize it!" Bai Longzhi shook his head and said: "Since the battle is over, naturally what should be done will be done!"

"That's it!" The old man nodded. This kid is not a reckless man.

In other words, he is actually very smart!

The old man thought again that this man would shoot one at a time when facing CP0. It looked like he was killing a chicken.

Is CP0 a weakling?

Of course not. They have been trained since childhood. They are proficient in at least the fourth naval style and the sixth style. They have performed various missions and have no shortage of combat experience.

Such strong men, eight of them, were unable to fight back against this young man.

This is by no means CP0's carelessness, it only means that Bailongzhi is too strong!

As for the battle of White Dragon, it is not gorgeous, but even a little simple?

It can only be said that Bai Longzhi's power and skills have reached an extreme level.

Even the old man felt that he had seen the next stage of the great swordsman's path.

That is the ultimate convergence, the ultimate control.

"But!" The old man was already very old. He saw the road ahead and had no energy to move on.

He continued: "The battle is not over yet!"

"Why isn't it over?" Bai Longzhi looked at Pinos in confusion: "Haven't they already started?"

"You may not know the rules here!" The old man pointed to the three Tianlong people on the ground: "Their identity is the ruler of this world. There is a rule for them, which is that whenever they encounter an attack , the navy has to send generals out to protect it, and now they are not only attacked, but they even died here! "

"So the navy's admirals are already on their way, and there may be more than one!"

Bai Longzhi nodded nonchalantly: "Uncle, thank you for telling me so much. You are a good person. Leave the rest of the battle to me. And this brother, please leave too!"

"You may not realize the seriousness of the matter!" the old man advised: "The generals are not comparable to the agents you defeated. Each of them can be called a moving natural disaster!"

"So what!" Bai Longzhi said with a smile: "I believe in the spear in my hand!"

"Although your marksmanship is powerful, the generals have all eaten natural Devil Fruits, so your guns cannot touch them!" the old man said.

"Devil Fruit? What is that?" Bai Longzhi asked curiously: "If you can't touch it with a gun, doesn't that mean you are invincible?"

"Devil fruits are a bit troublesome to explain, but if you are invincible, you can say so!" The old man nodded: "A general means invincible, unless you can learn Armament Haki!"

But he is from a different world, so he doesn’t know if he can learn it yet.

"What is the weapon color? It would be troublesome to explain without knowing it!" Bai Longzhi asked.

"This is not troublesome, I can show it to you now!" the old man said, stretching out his right hand, and then his right hand was covered by a layer of black airflow.

"Domineering is a kind of power that people in our world have deep inside their bodies. You are from a different world. I don't know if you have this kind of power!" The old man said: "If not, I suggest you avoid it temporarily. It’s not a shame to be sharp!”

Bai Longzhi nodded, then stretched out his right hand, which was also covered with black airflow: "Is this what you're talking about? It's not difficult!"

The old man was stunned and his eyes widened: "This, this, this, that's not right. Aren't you from another world? Do other worlds also have domineering power?"

It shouldn't be. If there was, why didn't he use it just now?

"There is no such thing in another world!" Bai Longzhi shook his head and said: "It's just that I learned it immediately after seeing you use it!"

The old man was completely speechless. Is this still possible? ?

"It's good if you learn how to do it. At least you can fight back when facing a general!" The old man said: "But there is more than just this kind of domineering. I have two kinds here. See if you can learn it!"

"Rayleigh!" Pinos, who had been watching, finally couldn't help but speak.

He is not the kind of lieutenant general who can fight, but a bloodline lieutenant general, which means that this position has been passed down from generation to generation.

Such lieutenant generals are usually busy making money and enjoying life.

They are what Smoker calls the darkness and decay of the Navy.

Facing the killing god-like White Dragon, Pinos would naturally choose to survive. Anyway, the general will come later. No matter how powerful this person is, he can't defeat the general.

But now, watching Reilly teach how to fight against the general, can you bear it?

After all, even if the Celestial Dragons died, he would not be held accountable, because his main duty was not to protect the Celestial Dragons.

But if the general is defeated, he will definitely be dismissed from his post just sitting back and watching Rayleigh leak the information!

But as soon as he shouted, he immediately regretted it.

But he saw the old man turned his head sharply, his eyes as sharp as a long sword, piercing directly into his heart: "What's wrong with you?"

"Ah, it's okay!" Pinos waved his hand quickly, I can't afford to offend him, whether it's White Dragon or Rayleigh!

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