People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 349 Is rebellion justified?

"After you get on the boat, don't run around, don't look around, and don't go into places that are not allowed!" Flying Squirrel told Ning Yuan seriously.

Hancock didn't need to tell him, he had heard this kind of rules many times.

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Ning Yuan nodded casually, but Hancock was unhappy: "How did you say that? Do you know that if it hadn't been for Ning Yuan's request, I would not have responded to the Qiwuhai summoning order!"

"It's okay, it's okay, he also listens to other people's orders!" Ning Yuan hurriedly grabbed Hancock, and then smiled at the flying squirrel: "I can also understand you. How can this ship of your navy enter and exit the windless zone normally? It’s a secret, right?”

"It's good to know!" Flying Squirrel snorted coldly, with a look of pride on his face.

Hancock was not angry after hearing this, because she knew that Ningyuan's country had some kind of hydrogen energy propeller, and it had long been possible to sail in the windless zone, and it was faster and could even fly at low altitude!

Compared with Alabasta's technology, what does the Navy's technology mean?

It's a shame that the navy still acts like he's hiding it, he's really stingy!

"Why are you so polite to him!" As soon as Flying Squirrel turned around, Hancock said angrily. It was one thing to think that the navy was petty, but it was another thing to say that my Ningyuan family was naughty.

Flying Squirrel turned around and was about to refute, but heard Ning Yuan laugh and say: "He is a navy, a navy that protects the country and protects peace. If you think about it, without the navy, how rampant would be the pirates in this world? Aren’t civilians suffering from it? I used to be a civilian, but I received a lot of protection from the navy!”

The flying squirrel nodded with satisfaction, yes, this is the attitude that normal people should have when facing the navy!

We fight against pirates and protect the peace of our country. Aren’t we worthy of respect?

He originally regarded Ning Yuan as a fellow pirate because he was in love with Hancock, but now he has a good impression of Ning Yuan.

"Then I used to be a pirate!" Hancock muttered, "So are you blaming me?"

"You are different from that kind of pirate!" Ning Yuan said quickly: "In our Alabasta, this kind of behavior is called emergency evacuation!"

"Emergency evacuation?" Hancock was stunned for a moment.

The flying squirrel next to him was also a little curious: "What is emergency evacuation?"

Ning Yuan asked: "Is it illegal to steal other people's things?"

"Of course it's against the law!" Flying Squirrel nodded.

"You are walking in the woods and have not eaten for three days. Suddenly an orange grove appears in front of you. There is also a sign hanging next to the orange grove, which says that the oranges belong to the owner. The trees are full of oranges, and they are yellow. Yes, normal people can't bear it, and then you picked a big bag and ate it all, is it illegal? "

"Uh!" The flying squirrel scratched his head: "It should be considered illegal!"

"He's going to starve to death. Is it illegal to pick an orange and eat it?" Hancock's eyes widened: "What's the truth?"

"Even if he is going to starve to death, those oranges belong to others, and you can't eat them without their permission!" the flying squirrel said in a somewhat unsteady tone.

This is the kind of education he has received since he was a child, but due to his own sense of justice, he feels that this behavior may not be very good.

After thinking for a while, he added: "If that orange grove belonged to my family, I certainly wouldn't blame him!"

"I don't know how this kind of behavior is punished in your country, but in Alabasta, it is definitely not illegal. You are going to starve to death. What's wrong with eating an orange? If the orange is not ripe, you tie the orange tree It’s okay for the dog to eat it!” Ning Yuan said calmly: “This kind of behavior is called emergency avoidance!”

The flying squirrel was silent. On the other side, Hancock's eyes looked at Ning Yuan, but his eyes were more moist, even a little stringy.

Ning Yuan continued: "Hancock also went to sea to plunder, but her people were so poor that they couldn't buy daily necessities at all. If they didn't plunder, they would starve to death. So her plundering behavior is understandable!"

"Nonsense!" The Flying Squirrel was immediately unhappy: "What are you talking about? Do you know how many people Hancock would kill every time he went to sea to plunder? She condensed people into stone statues ship after ship. of!"

"Is there such a thing?" Ning Yuan turned around and asked.

Hancock was a little shy and didn't answer directly.

Ning Yuan immediately understood that she had really done this.

If it had been before, Hancock would have just nodded and said: "So what, no matter what I did, I will be forgiven, because I am so beautiful!"

But having been with Ning Yuan for two days, Hancock probably understood a little bit of Ning Yuan's thoughts, and she could no longer say such things.

At least he couldn't say it in front of Ning Yuan.

"How's it going? Do you have nothing to say?" Flying Squirrel looked at Hancock who looked embarrassed and said proudly.

Ning Yuan picked his nose: "She did kill a lot of people!"

"Yeah!" The flying squirrel nodded.

"And killed many civilians!"

"Yeah!" The flying squirrel said happily.

"Her behavior is indeed wrong!" Ning Yuan continued.

The flying squirrel looked at Hancock proudly, but saw that Hancock's face was gray and his eyes were full of disbelief: "Ning Yuan?"

But Ning Yuan continued: "Hancock's correct approach should be to sail the ship directly to a certain World Government member country, then attack the royal city and kill all the princes and nobles. The money for such a robbery would be enough for Nine Snakes It’s been a hundred years, and it’s really inefficient to rob merchant ships on the road!”

"Hmm, hm?" Nodding his head, the flying squirrel suddenly felt something was wrong: "Wait, what are you talking about?"

"I said Hancock is still too kind!" Ning Yuan sighed, then hugged Hancock's waist: "Hancock, do you know what I did in Alabasta? I killed all the nobles in Alabasta, and now the only nobles in the whole country are Vivi and his father!"

The flying squirrel took a breath of cold air: "You, how can you say that?"

"As the king, I also presided over the construction of the port and the exchange in Alabasta. I know better than you who does business on the great route!" Ning Yuan said lightly: " These people are either the white gloves of the nobles, the white gloves of the navy, or the white gloves of the pirates. There is no ordinary person! "

"These people's capital is obtained by exploiting and oppressing the people. The first bucket, or even all the money, is bloody. What's wrong with killing such people? I don't think Hancock did anything wrong. I just think that killing these people dirty Hancock's hands!"

"You, you, you?" The flying squirrel clenched his fists directly: "What do you mean? Pirates deserve to die, but nobles and navy also deserve to die? Even if they deserve to die, the sailors working on the ship are all ordinary people, they also deserve to die?"

"Are you sure you want to debate with me?" Ning Yuan asked with a smile.

"Are you still right?" The flying squirrel asked back.

He is not a reasonable person in his daily life, but Hancock's martial arts value is higher than his, so he doesn't mind talking about reason.

Moreover, the flying squirrel thinks that he is standing on the position of justice. It can't be a crime to do business well!

"If you want to hear reason, I will tell you the truth!" Ning Yuan waved his hand, and two chairs appeared behind him and the flying squirrel.

Ning Yuan sat down casually, then chuckled and said, "The first truth I will tell you is that exploitation is a sin, and rebellion is justified!!"

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