People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 356: The Acedon Pirates are Garp's fault

"Fire Fist Ace, is the son of One Piece?"

"Big news!"

"It's going to be a special edition!"

"Is the blood of One Piece still alive?"

"This is simply a miracle!"

In front of the screen, in the square, the reactions of the audience, the marines, the Seven Warlords of the Sea were projected in front of Ning Yuan, and then summarized into a trapezoidal table.


Shock, fear, excitement, surprise, curiosity, all kinds of emotions, endless.

However, Ning Yuan found that everyone's attention was on One Piece and Ace, but no one paid attention to what happened on the island, and how miserable the poor mother died.

"A world where human life is worthless!"

Ning Yuan is quite familiar with such a world. Wasn't it like this before in the Naruto world?

And the concept of the earth, human life is at stake, is only in recent decades. How could there be such a thing in the war decades ago?

For the blood of a Pirate King, killing pregnant women on an island, no one seems to think there is anything wrong.

Even Ace himself doesn't think there is anything wrong, as if this kind of thing is normal in this world.

But, is normal right?

"I want to end it all in advance!" Ning Yuan said softly.

"You can end it, why ask me!" I said unhappily.

My clones have the same thoughts, just like the left and right hands of a person. There is no such situation that the long sword clone is unwilling to return to the original and wants to betray.

So chatting with the original is completely talking to myself.

Ning Yuan was a little speechless. It's rare that I want to do something, but I am so unpopular!

This world is really boring, I want to travel through time.

I don't know what the next world will be like. It's better to come to an everyday world, without disputes, no fighting, and many girls.

"Hey!" Ning Yuan shouted, interrupting Zhan Guo's chattering.

"Huh?" Zhan Guo turned his head in astonishment, and the camera was also adjusted. Then everyone realized that there was a person standing on the tower.

"Who is he!"

"It's a young man!"

"He's so handsome!"

"Is he a big shot? Otherwise, why would he stand in such a place?"

"What are you doing? Just be a spectator and don't disturb things!" Zhan Guo said unhappily.

Ning Yuan nodded: "I just have a question to ask, his father is a pirate, what does it have to do with his son? As for chasing him since he was a baby?"

"His father is not an ordinary pirate, he is the Pirate King!" Zhan Guo said coldly.

"Then what?" Ning Yuan spread his hands: "Should the son of One Piece die?"

"The son of One Piece is the blood of sin, what is there to question?" Zhan Guo said coldly: "And he also embarked on the road of pirates as he wished, proving that our original decision was not wrong, isn't it?"

"But, how come I heard that this child was raised by an old navy?" Ning Yuan asked with a smile: "Roger entrusted his son to a navy, and the navy raised his son into a pirate. Is Roger's problem bigger or the navy's problem bigger? Are you sure you don't check whether there is a problem with this old navy first?"

"Nonsense!" Zhan Guo knew that Ning Yuan had been on Luffy's ship and abducted a navigator, so he was not surprised that Ning Yuan knew about this.

But how could this be said in front of the camera?

"Is this nonsense?" Ning Yuan chuckled: "That navy hero, what about you, am I talking nonsense?"

This camera Den Den Mushi is really intelligent, and no one is controlling it. It directly follows Ning Yuan's gaze and points the lens at Garp.

Garp moved his lips and looked at Ace, tears streaming down his eyes: "Yes, Roger entrusted the children to me, but I don't know why you chose this path, Ace?"

"Why else?" Ning Yuan smiled and said, "It's because your education method is not good. You have three children in total. Excluding the missing one, the remaining two have become pirates, which is enough to prove the education level of you as a naval hero!"

Garp was stunned, and then heard Ning Yuan continue to say: "I can't accept it either. The Navy Headquarters can't afford to raise two children or something, so you threw these two people to the bandits to raise. The bandits know how to cook for the children, and they are fierce and kind to the children. You, a navy, are fierce and evil every day like a demon. Who do you think these children like more and who do they want to be when they grow up?"

Garp's crying face froze, and Sengoku was also confused, then turned his head to look at Garp, there is such a thing?

He only knew that Garp adopted Ace, and he really didn't know how Garp raised the children.

No wonder Ace went out to sea as a pirate, it was all because of you?

"Ace's becoming a pirate must have something to do with Roger, but Roger is only 10% responsible, the remaining 70% is on Garp!" Ning Yuan turned his head and looked at Sengoku again: "If you want to execute Ace, please take Garp with you. Without him, Ace might have become a navy!"

"What are you talking about!" Sengoku just remembered that he was still live streaming, mainly because what he just heard was so new that he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Sengoku's first reaction after coming to his senses was to continue covering it up!

"He is the son of the Pirate King. He has sinful blood in his body, so he is destined to become a pirate. This is inevitable, whether there is Garp or not!"

"According to you, your father is also a Marine Admiral?" Ning Yuan asked back.


"Without the blood of the Marine Admiral, how did you become a Marine Admiral?"

Zhan Guo was stunned.

"Puff!" A low laugh sounded beside Zhan Guo. Zhan Guo turned his head angrily and saw that it was Ace.

"What are you laughing at? Didn't you choose your own path? Or is it because of the influence of your sinful father?"

"No, no, no!" Ning Yuan spoke again: "I think it was Garp's poor education!"

As he said, Ning Yuan looked at Ace again: "You are always suffering because your father is the Pirate King!"

Ace was silent.

"Old men like Garp only know how to throw children into the den of bandits and let them fend for themselves. By the way, you will become a navy when you grow up, and then you abandon your educational responsibilities. A mature educator would say this!"

"Since you feel pain because of the great pirate era opened by your father, why don't you try to become the navy king to end the great pirate era created by your father?"

"Eh?" Ace's eyes lit up, as if it was possible!

Don't blame him for his weak will. In fact, he has always been a confused person. He wanted to become the Pirate King when he first went out to sea to find an answer.

Therefore, after being defeated by Whitebeard, he quickly changed his dream and wanted to support Whitebeard to become the Pirate King.

If it were Luffy, he would not change his dream even if you beat him to death.

Since he could change his dream on Whitebeard's ship, he could change it again later!

And Ning Yuan's proposal really touched his heart, because he had always been confused about his origin, and this dream could completely solve his identity recognition problem.

But soon, his eyes dimmed again: "I don't want to be the king of the navy. I have only one dream, that is to make my father Whitebeard become the Pirate King!"

"Look at it!" Ning Yuan looked at Garp again: "This is the result of not letting children go to school. It makes people stupid!"

"What do you mean?" Aston was unhappy: "Are you denying my dream?"

"I don't want to deny it, but this dream is unrealistic!" Ning Yuan spread his hands: "Whitebeard eats the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, not the Turtle Fruit. He is not long-lived, and you are his son. You should also understand his physical condition. Maybe he will be gone in two or three years. How can a person who is dying of old age become the Pirate King?"

Ace was stunned, and then fell silent.

Zhan Guo was very happy and smiled: "Did you hear it, Ace, Whitebeard can't become the Pirate King, and your dream can't be realized!"

"Marshal Zhan Guo, I have something to report!" A navy ran over.

"What?" Zhan Guo turned his head immediately.

"The Gate of Justice was opened without anyone giving instructions!"

"Also, we can't get in touch with the power room!"

Zhan Guo was shocked, sweat broke out on his forehead: "Where did it come from?"

Ning Yuan was speechless. Why was he so shocked? Did you expect the marines in the power room to stop Marco?

Isn't this a matter of course?

"It's the Whitebeard Pirates' fleet!" a naval observer shouted.

The execution platform was quite high. Zhan Guo looked up and saw that the pirate ships had successfully entered the Gate of Justice and were heading towards the Navy Headquarters!

"Everyone enters combat mode!" Zhan Guo immediately waved his hand, then turned his head and looked at He: "Where is Gion? Let her watch Ning Yuan!"

Originally, Zhan Guo didn't intend to take care of Ning Yuan. After all, he had Hancock. Although Hancock was downstairs, who could take care of her if a fight really broke out.

But now he couldn't help but watch it. Ning Yuan's attitude towards Ace always felt a little wrong. He didn't seem to be here to watch the show.

Moreover, although Ning Yuan looked powerless, he killed Crocodile first and then Gekko Moria. One was luck, and the other was also luck?

Even if they were all luck, what if he got lucky for the third time?

Anyway, there was no combat position for Gion, and assigning him to Ning Yuan would not affect the navy's combat effectiveness!

"Yes!" He nodded, and then immediately asked the marines to pass the order.

Before the marines ran to Gion, another situation appeared.

Several black shadows appeared under the bay!

"There are ships under the bay!" The observer's voice had just fallen, accompanied by the gurgling sound of water vapor and the exclamations of the navy, three large ships came directly from the bottom of the water to the surface of the water!

Whitebeard's vehicle, the ship that looks like a white whale, the Moby Dick!

The arrival of the Moby Dick naturally means that Whitebeard has also arrived!

"My beloved son, are you okay?" On the leading ship, the Moby Dick, a seven-meter-tall white-bearded giant holding a naginata laughed loudly: "Gulala, be patient for a while, Ace!"


It was not the UP host who was shouting, but Whitebeard clenched his fists and began to accumulate power.


Whitebeard slammed the hammer hard, and the grand muffled sound resounded throughout Marinford!

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