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Chapter 367 A New Era Arrives

The Battle of Marineford, later textbooks called it the Battle of Marinford, was a special battle initiated by pirates, which eventually evolved into an anti-feudal and anti-oppression war under the leadership of the Emperor.

The battle began at 9:00 am on October 17 and ended at 10:13 am on October 17. In this battle, 14,769 people died on the side of the righteous army, most of whom died on warships in the open sea.

On the side of the navy, 42,795 people died, 6 people were missing, and more than 70,000 people were captured, including the former chief of staff of the Navy Headquarters, Tsuru, the Navy Reserve Admiral Gion, the Navy Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel, Fire Mountain, Ghost Spider, Dalmesia, and Stoloberry.

Not only did the navy suffer heavy losses in this battle, but because the navy soldiers came from all over the world, the navy, which lacked grassroots officers, was unable to suppress the uprising after it broke out. In addition, the navy's warships were either completely lost or the remaining few were taken away by the rebels, so that the new navy had no warships available for half a year, which led to another disastrous defeat on the side of the World Government.

But that's all for later.

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On January 18, on an island in the Calm Belt on the Great Route, Ning Yuan began to reorganize the Whitebeard Pirates and 70,000 naval prisoners.

Among them, the navy pirates who committed heinous crimes and killed countless people were eliminated, and the pirates who were unwilling to be rebels also left. The remaining good pirates and the navy with justice in their hearts were reorganized into the newly formed Fifth Army of the Revolutionary Army.

The commander of the Fifth Army is Whitebeard, the chief of staff is Reilly, and the deputy chief of staff is Crane. It has 5 divisions under its jurisdiction, namely the 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 25th, and a guard division. Each division has 20,000 troops, with a total of 130,000 troops.

Among them, the commander of the 21st Division is Marco, and the chief of staff is Dalmesia

The commander of the 22nd Division is George, and the chief of staff is Huoshaoshan

The commander of the 23rd Division is Flying Squirrel, and the chief of staff is Bista

The commander of the 24th Division is Stoloberi, and the chief of staff is Bramanda

The commander of the 25th Division is Gion, and the chief of staff is Waibedi.

In addition, the Fifth Army also has a military guard division, with Ace as the commander and Hawkins as the staff.

Although Ning Yuan promised to let Hawkins serve as the chief of staff, he could not convince the public after all, so he served as a division staff officer for the transition.

That's right, in addition to the flying squirrel, the navy of Crane, Gion, Huoshaoshan, Dalmesia, and Stoloberg also surrendered.

They had no choice but to surrender, as there were 70,000 naval prisoners here. They had to surrender even if they didn't want to.

In addition, Ning Yuan had been doing ideological work nearby. All the naval soldiers from all over the world told about the oppression and exploitation from all over the world. It only took a week to correct everyone's thoughts.

But Garp, the old stubborn, turned over again and was unwilling to surrender. Ning Yuan simply threw him on an island next door and let him fend for himself.

Garp would definitely not be defeated by the environment, but with his appetite, he might not be able to eat enough without the support of the navy, and he would regret it at that time.

After correcting his thoughts, Ning Yuan was not idle. While training the soldiers, he used the sacred knowledge base to teach nearly 120,000 soldiers to learn characters, military knowledge, various types of firearms knowledge, basic principles of cannons, post-war economic recovery, urban security management and other contents.

The work that might have taken 5 to 10 years to complete, with the help of the sacred knowledge base, not only did it take 2 days to complete the literacy work for everyone, but after 3 days, their academic level even reached the level of high school students in their previous lives, and some talented people even reached the level of graduate students and doctoral students in college.

So far, these 130,000 people have completed a transformation like a reborn. They are no longer pirates, nor are they navy, but a new era revolutionary army with new culture and new ideas!

They and the World Government no longer have the possibility of merging, because the language they speak is different.

The Fifth Army has now begun to speak Chinese and write Chinese characters!

On October 23, all the reorganization work was completed, and then everyone boarded the battleship and sailed towards the East China Sea along the Calm Belt!

It is worth mentioning that the battleship originally intended for the navy was also picked up by Ning Yuan, and now it has become Whitebeard's flagship.

No one doesn't like big guns and big ships, and Whitebeard is no exception.

What Moby Dick, I'm not familiar with it!

While reorganizing the army, Ning Yuan was not idle on the Internet. He drafted a "Code of Conduct for Rebels" to distinguish pirates from rebels.

Although he shouted in Marinford that pirates had become rebels, most pirates committed murder and arson, and Ning Yuan did not want these people to be rebels.

The "Code of Conduct for Rebels" is used to restrain these pirates. If they are willing to turn over a new leaf and follow this code of conduct from now on, they will have a chance to survive in the future.

But if they still do their own thing and are unwilling to repent, they will definitely have to eat peanuts in the future.

The rebels are developing vigorously, but the navy and even the world government are in big trouble.

Ning Yuan specially marked the ships of the world government in the smart map. Whether they are transporting food, money, or people, they are all marked with golden light. If you want to see the ships of the world government, you don’t need to buy VIP. Anyone can see it.

Moreover, the icon not only has ships, but also the defensive forces on the ships, how many guns, how many masters, and how fast they sail are marked.

This is obvious, let people go and rob!

The World Government has too many opponents, pirates, non-World Government member countries, and even some merchant ships are not stingy to play the role of pirates.

Even some World Government member countries and even the navy are willing to rob. Anyway, I will turn off the Den Den Mushi and not reply to the message. What can you do to me?

Now the Navy Headquarters has been destroyed, and two of the three admirals have died. The Navy is simply unable to suppress the sea, nor does it have the ability to support the World Government ships, let alone the ability to discipline the Navy's sub-bases. Some naval bases are still thinking about rebuilding the navy, and more naval bases have begun to protect themselves and develop on their own.

Ning Yuan's actions were extremely effective. On October 20 alone, 24 ships related to the World Government were sunk or robbed. By October 21, this number reached 32!

The Five Elders were first worried about the destruction of the Navy Headquarters, and then began to worry about the smoke of war all over the world, and anti-World Government everywhere.

After October 21, the Five Elders' worries became more down-to-earth.

Marijoa's food is not enough!

This sentence sounds a bit funny. Marijoa is so rich, how can there be no food?

This is the fact. Although the number of ships robbed is only more than 50, the deterrent effect is so great that the subsequent 500 or 5,000 ships dare not go to Marijoa.

Marijoa itself does not produce food. Don't look at the fertile land above, it is all grass planted by the Tianlong people for entertainment.

All the food, vegetables and fruits of the Tianlong people are transported from the outside world. If they are not transported for one day, there is a danger of running out of food.

If you save money at this time, you can hold on for a while.

But how can the Tianlong people have the concept of saving? The faucet for watering the lawn in their house is not turned off all year round, and the food waste is even worse than that of Cixi. A meal has a thousand dishes, and one dish is eaten, and the rest is thrown away.

Usually Marijoa gathers the essence of the world, and it doesn't matter how much waste.

But now, the food supply is cut off!

"Marijoa's food is only enough for 5 days?" The God of Finance was dumbfounded when he saw the report.

He always cared about which member country paid how much Tianshangjin, which country did not pay, and when the Celestial Dragons had no food to eat. How could such a report come to him?

But this kind of thing really happened!

But it is not okay to ignore this kind of thing. He is also a Celestial Dragon and needs to eat.

"Look, what should we do now!" The Five Elders, who faced the vast sea of ​​people for the first time, seemed extremely uncomfortable and could only throw the problem to others.

There were not only the Five Elders in the hall, but also the Navy Marshal Sengoku and the Navy Admiral Kizaru.

They should be punished, but as the situation around the world is getting worse, the punishment is unnecessary. They urgently need the reconstruction of the navy to suppress the war and maintain order.

"We can kill all the slaves!" said the God of Environment.

The number of Celestial Dragons in Marijoa is only 5,000, but there are hundreds of thousands of slaves.

Even if the Celestial Dragons are wasteful, they don't eat as much as the slaves.

So as long as all the slaves are killed, the remaining food can be sustained for a long time.

"But can this order be carried out?" asked the God of Science and Defense.

The God of Environment was silent.

It is difficult to cut meat, and it is even more difficult to cut meat from yourself.

Slaves are also an asset, the assets of the Celestial Dragons. If you want to kill slaves, it is equivalent to depriving them of their assets. There is no way the Celestial Dragons will agree.

As for saying that the current situation is difficult and we need to work together to overcome the difficulties?

Don't be ridiculous, what does the difficult situation have to do with us? Aren't you five leading the World Government? You have governed the world like this, and you want us to take the blame when something goes wrong?

"I think it is more important to rebuild the navy!" The God of Agriculture, who had been silent, said: "The fundamental reason for the food shortage is nothing more than the obstruction of the waterway. Someone is attacking the route. We don't need to eliminate all the pirates, we just need to maintain the stability of some routes!"

Even if only one route is restored, the problem of food shortage in Marijoa can be alleviated.

"That's the truth!" The other five elders nodded. No matter how useless the navy is, it can't be without it.

"Where should we rebuild it?"

"The South China Sea!"

The West Sea is full of mafia, and the North Sea has a large number of member countries of the World Government. They are all places with the most serious exploitation and oppression, so the rebels here are the most violent.

The navy can certainly suppress the rebels, but what if Ning Yuan appears again and destroys the navy headquarters again?

It's not time to go to war with Ning Yuan yet, so it's best to find a calm area and stabilize the situation first.

"Zhan Guo?" The five elders looked at Zhan Guo: "The reconstruction of the navy is up to you!"

"Me?" Zhan Guo shook his head: "Forget it!"

Because of a defeat, Zhan Guo was completely discouraged.

The five elders nodded. They didn't want to use Zhan Guo again. After all, the difference between Zhan Guo and Ning Yuan during the war was too obvious.

"Kizaru, from now on, you will be the admiral of the navy!" The five elders slapped the table and settled the matter.

Kizaru was shocked. Everything was developing according to Ning Yuan's idea. Have I really become a navy marshal?

On October 26, Kizaru led 500 people drawn from the CP agency by the Five Elders, plus 8,000 strong men drawn from various naval bases, and went down the Mary Geoise waterway to the relatively calm South China Sea.

A place called Gu Mingtai was selected, and the Navy Headquarters was re-established.

After the reconstruction of the Navy Headquarters, Marshal Kizaru issued the first order to the world: World Recruitment!

Unlike the World Recruitment in the previous life, this time because of the defeat of the Navy and the heavy losses, and the fact that the Rebel Army was also competing with the World Government for people, the standards of the World Recruitment were lowered again and again.

Now there is even no moral requirement. As long as you have the strength and are willing to fight against the Rebel Army, you can become a member of the Navy.

As a result, a large number of pirates who did not meet the "Rebel Code of Conduct" went ashore, took off their tattered clothes and hats, put on navy uniforms, and became a glorious navy.

The Five Elders had no objection to this. At this critical moment, they naturally had to be flexible in employing people.

Although they had a long history, they had not experienced enough things, and they had no idea what kind of big things this navy similar to the Homecoming Corps could do.

So far, with the promulgation of the "World Conscription Order" and the "Code of Conduct for the Rebels", the world was completely divided into two forces: the World Government and the Rebels!

The pirates who were once the protagonists of the Age of Discovery, as well as the member countries and non-member countries of the World Government, have all become supporting roles at this moment!

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