People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 40: Conversation with Tsunade and start learning

Chapter 40 Conversation with Tsunade·Start studying


Tsunade's face has clear lines, her skin is white, and she has a pair of bright and intelligent eyes. She has long golden hair, with a princess cut at the front, and the long and flowing part at the back is tied back.

Her body proportions are perfect, with her slender waist and slender legs making her look graceful. The plump and straight breasts added a touch of feminine softness to her temperament.

Her temperament is noble and elegant, which is the temperament that can only be born after years of family training. It's a pity that because her lover and brother died in battle one after another, coupled with her doubts about the Will of Fire, her originally strong heart was stained with some hesitation and confusion.

But this does not affect her charm, but makes her more endearing.

Tsunade leaned on the test table filled with various glassware. Although her eyes were drunk, her mind was sober. When she spoke, she went straight to the center: "Why are you here, and you brought a little pervert with you?"

Hinata Ningyuan silently gave a thumbs up in his heart: He is really good at judging people!

"This is my new disciple, let me show it to you!" Sarutobi Biwako automatically ignored Tsunade's evaluation of Hinata Ningyuan. Who is not a pervert in your mouth? My old man is the same.

"Hyuga Neiyuan, his talent is quite amazing, maybe he can surpass you in the future!"

Tsunade is already suffering from hemophobia, and Sarutobi Biwako may not have used Hinata Neiyuan to stimulate her to get up, although she also knows that this will most likely be in vain.

"Tch, it's just him?" Tsunade shook her head disdainfully. There are so many people who say they want to surpass her these days, but how many of them have succeeded?

not a single one!

As for genius?

No matter how talented he is, can he be more talented than Orochimaru?

That's it!

"A hero does not lie in his youth, and his ambition does not lie in his age!" Hyuga Ningyuan said softly: "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and each wave is stronger than the last. As long as history is still moving forward and mankind is still progressing, the latecomers will always surpass their predecessors."

“If we can’t do that, doesn’t that mean we are treading water, or even moving backwards?”

"You little brat, you keep talking the same way!" Tsunade said amusedly: "If you could restrain your eyes and stop looking at my chest, your words would have some credibility!"

Hinata Ningyuan doesn't blush at all, I'm lustful, I'm greedy for your body, I'm magnanimous, I deserve praise!

"Facts speak louder than words!" Hinata Ningyuan said: "And in my opinion, it is not difficult to surpass you. I believe that you at the age of five are definitely not as good as me at the age of five, so I only need to surpass you at the age of 6. , when I was 7 years old, I surpassed you when I was 7 years old, and when I was 8 years old, I surpassed you when I was 8 years old. If each age group is one point better than you, then I will naturally surpass you! "

After thinking about it, Hinata Ningyuan added: "Of course I'm talking about medical ninjutsu!"

After all, it's a bit more bullying than others, I'm a cultivator.

Tsunade was suddenly speechless.

Because she was already 8 years old when she came into contact with medical ninjutsu. Not to mention, at the age of 5678, this kid's medical ninjutsu is indeed better than hers!

"I don't know if your disciple is a genius, but I do feel that he is sharp-tongued and sharp-tongued!" Tsunade said, "I feel that you will have the hard work to take care of him in the future!"

"Doesn't this mean that he is smart? He is better than those children who can't even fart for a long time!" Biwako has long recognized Hinata Ningyuan, so much so that she only sees Hinata Ningyuan's advantages, and her shortcomings are also advantages.

What good words, how easy to communicate!

"Whenever I'm away from now on, you can come to her if you have any questions!" Hinata Ningyuan's best teacher is actually Tsunade, but Sarutobi Biwako knows that Tsunade will definitely not accept a disciple.

So she accepts a disciple, and then comes to Tsunade if she has any problems, and the effect is the same!

"Don't bother me with questions that are too simple!" Tsunade waved her hand. She didn't like her teacher very much, but she still had no problem with her master's wife.

And within three to five years, this child should not have any problems that the teacher's wife cannot solve.

When there is a real problem, she will no longer be in the village!

Returning to Sarutobi Biwako's office, Sarutobi Biwako took out a few books and asked, "Are you literate?"


"That's good!" Biwako nodded: "Medical ninjas don't just know the healing arts. They need to have a clear understanding of the human body structure, meridians, bones, and internal organs. In addition, there are many diseases. In addition to medical ninjutsu, we must use herbal medicine at this time. When we ninjas fight, we will also encounter enemies who use poison. For example, Chiyo of Sunagakure Village and Hanzo of Amegakure Village are good at using poison, so they can identify poisons and detoxify them. It’s also a required course for medical ninjas!”

"Take these books back and memorize them all. After you memorize them, we will move on to the next stage of study!"

"Oh!" Hinata Ningyuan picked up these books: "Human Structure", "Human Skeleton", "Cognition of the Five Internal Organs", "Chakra Meridians", "Fire Country Herbal Classic", "Ninja World Herbal Classic", "Poison Identification and Detoxification" .

I looked at the author and found that the author of five of the seven books was Tsunade.

There are also two books on herbal medicine, written by Shen Nong.

This is a bit awesome. Tsunade is not only the number one medical ninja, she has directly established several medical subject systems by herself!

"I heard that you go to Yuhi's house every afternoon to learn genjutsu?" Sarutobi Biwako asked again.

"Yes!" Hinata nodded.

"I'll tell Yuhi Shinku later that you should learn illusion on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, come to my house on Tuesday and Thursday, learn and recite these books in person, and be my assistant on Saturday and Sunday to watch me treat illnesses and perform operations!"

"Yes!" Hyuga Ningyuan nodded. Although the schedule was very tight, it was just right.

As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place. All my actions are under your eyes, even under the eyes of the Hokage. Naturally, no one will suspect that I have something else besides illusion and medical ninjutsu.

This is called, darkness under the lamp!

After all, in the common people's cognition, human energy is limited. No matter how smart you are, you can't think that I have a plug-in!

What, didn't you say you wanted to lie down and start?

Don't forget the original intention of lying down, which is to refuse capital exploitation and oppression PUA, seize every opportunity to study and exercise, improve personal abilities, and control your own destiny.

If you really don't get up and do nothing, it's not called lying down, it's called a waste house.

"Don't go back today. Read here now. If there are any words you don't know, just ask me. We can have lunch here, too."

Sarutobi Biwako also wants to check on Hinata Ningyuan's learning progress. He has a talent for healing, but he's a fool. It's useless if he can't memorize a book.

But I heard that he can understand illusions as soon as he hears them, and can use them as soon as he gets started. He shouldn't have this kind of problem, right?

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