People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 48: Hyuga Ningyuan on tall people

"Wuwuwu" It would have been fine if she hadn't been comforted. Once she was comforted, Tsunade collapsed, stretched out her hand and held Hyuga Ningyuan in her arms, and then cried bitterly.

Her brother died first, and her lover died again. If it weren't for the village to rely on, she would have collapsed long ago!

Even so, her heart was already broken!

But she is a Sannin, Tsunade, countless people are watching her, and countless people regard her as an idol.

She can only be strong, how can she cry!

It wasn't until today that Tsunade realized that she had a chance to save herself?

It turned out that there was only one process missing to close the wound?

So, all this suffering and despair, all came from my own incompetence?

Patting Tsunade's shoulder gently, Ningyuan also sighed.


History has no happy ending. Behind countless unwillingness, there are countless ifs.

Stirrups and saddles are so simple that any blacksmith can make them at a glance, but they were not invented until the Eastern Han Dynasty.

If the Qin Dynasty had these things, the territory could be expanded a little more!

Liu Bei revived the Han Dynasty three times and rebuilt China. But Lu Meng crossed the river in white clothes, Mi Fang sat on the sidelines, Fan Jiang and Zhang Da killed Zhang Fei, and there was a fire in Yiling.

The Yuan Dynasty attacked Japan several times, but they were defeated by the divine wind, which led to the Ming Dynasty absorbing the experience of the Yuan Dynasty and listing Japan as a country not to be conquered.

But it was obviously just a matter of the wrong season. If Japan was conquered, the Iwami Silver Mine would be enough to extend the life of the Ming Dynasty for a hundred years. How could there be the three days of Yangzhou, the ten massacres in Jiading, and the hundred years of humiliation?

"Do you think it's all your fault? If you had discovered such a simple technology earlier, you could have saved many people, and perhaps many people would not have died, and the current situation would be completely different?" Hinata Ningyuan said softly.

"Huh?" Tsunade, who was crying, choked.

"But how can this be blamed on you? You didn't start the war, and you didn't kill anyone. You've been desperately trying to save everyone, right? Your mind is full of suffering day after day and the wounded everywhere, so where is the time to think?"

"What do you know!" Tsunade said unhappily: "You're still educating me!"

She stopped crying, but didn't push Hinata Ningyuan away. She thought it was an illusion before, but after hugging him again, she realized that it was not an illusion.

This child has a very good smell and a calming temperament, which will make people unconsciously let go of their guard, and the whole person will instantly relax.

[Autumn Water Bright Eyes]

[Clear Mirror Still Water]

[Wings of Truth]

[Heart of Benevolence]

These characteristics not only have effect blessings, but also temperament bonuses.

Especially [Benevolent Doctor]: Patient and Family Affinity +30%.

Coincidentally, Tsunade is also a patient with hemophobia.

Tsunade soothed her emotions and wiped the tears from her eyes.

At this time, she felt embarrassed when she thought of her situation.

He wouldn't think I was a fragile person, a crybaby, would he?

Then how could I stand up straight in front of him in the future?

I have to talk to him and tell him some of my deeds to let him know how powerful I am!

"I've heard of you, marry a wife like Yuhi Kurenai, and be a ninja like the second generation?"

Hyuga Ningyuan nodded. Tsunade knew that this was not surprising. There are countless examples in modern society that prove that saying dirty words is the easiest way to make people remember a person.

For example: Giao.

For example: Xiao Feigun is coming.

For example: Zhuo!

For example: Rebuilding the glory of LCK is our obligation.

Many people, who have been live streaming for ten years, are not as good as others' dirty words.

Marrying a wife should marry Yuhi Kurenai, and being a ninja should be like the second generation is also a swear word, and it is a swear word that has been proven by history.

Many people don’t know Liu Xiu or the Great Magician, but they know that marrying a wife should marry Yin Lihua, and he definitely knows it.

β€œDo you admire the second generation very much?” Tsunade asked again.

The second generation is a good entry point. If the second generation is his idol, then I only need to show my identity, and he will not immediately prostrate himself and worship me?

"I don't like it!" Hyuga Ningyuan shook his head without hesitation: "It's just that there are not many choices, so pick a tall one among the short ones!"

"Well, you really are, eh?" Tsunade was about to reveal her identity, but suddenly felt something was wrong: "Wait, what do you mean, what do you mean by picking a tall one among the short ones? You said the Sandaime is a shorty? Or the Shodaime is a shorty?"

While speaking, Tsunade also showed her fist: "I advise you to be careful with your words, otherwise I will beat you up!"

Hyuga Ningyuan nodded and said: "I'm not targeting anyone?"

"Yeah yeah!"

"I just think that the five major ninja villages, plus the Hidden Rain Village, the Hidden Grass Village, and the Hidden Sky Village, all the village chiefs"

"Yeah yeah!"

"They are all shorty!"

"Huh?" Tsunade's eyes widened instantly: "Hey, you little brat!"

It's fine to say that Konoha has three shortys, but you even mocked the village chiefs of the entire ninja world!

Who do you think you are!

She was so angry that she laughed directly, and she didn't want to drop her raised fist.

"Okay, okay!" Tsunade nodded: "You said that all the village chiefs are dwarfs, right? Then tell me, who is not a dwarf?"

As if she had thought of something, Tsunade asked, "You wouldn't say it's one of your Hyuga family's ancestors, or Uchiha Madara!"

The only person who is not the village chief and is awesome seems to be Uchiha Madara.

"Among the ancestors of the Hyuga family, there are only bones in the grave. Uchiha Madara has a heart higher than the sky but a thin life, but he is at least a man with ideals and ambitions, so he is a little better than a dwarf..." Hyuga Ningyuan shrugged.

"Uchiha Madara has a heart higher than the sky but a life thinner than paper?" Tsunade was immediately amused. If Uchiha Madara knew that someone evaluated him like this, I don't know if he would still laugh.

"So, in your heart, who is the tall one?" Tsunade asked.

"The second generation is half, Orochimaru is one, and the others?" Hyuga Ningyuan shook his hands, not worth mentioning.

In fact, there is also Yahiko Nagato who is also a figure, but he has no reason to know these two people now, otherwise he should also be nominated!

"I can understand if you say that the second generation is half, but why can Orochimaru be considered one?" Tsunade said with a smile: "In your eyes, the second generation is not as good as Orochimaru?"

As soon as Hyuga Ningyuan said this, she understood. This child probably doesn't understand the greatness of the second generation at all. Instead, she heard some stories about Orochimaru from somewhere, so she regarded Orochimaru as an idol.

But who is more powerful between the second generation and Orochimaru, doesn't Tsunade know it?

"The second generation is indeed not as good as Orochimaru!" Hyuga Ningyuan nodded seriously: "In terms of talent in studying ninjutsu, the second generation may be stronger than Orochimaru, but in other aspects, whether it is scientific research concepts, village governance level, or mind and pattern, Orochimaru is far superior to the second generation!"

"Haha." Tsunade completely thought that Hyuga Ningyuan was joking.

What village governance level does Orochimaru have?

Looking at Tsunade who was laughing foolishly, Hyuga Ningyuan sighed. This is the sadness of the time traveler.

Standing on the timeline and looking at the overall situation, he certainly knows the greatness of Orochimaru.

Orochimaru did scientific research for immortality, and the second generation did scientific research to deal with the Uchiha clan.

This pattern fell into decline in an instant.

Moreover, even after becoming Hokage, the second generation did not let go of his prejudice against the Uchiha clan. Orochimaru not only let go of his hatred for the Uchiha clan, but even let go of his gender prejudice.

Who would not praise him for being awesome?

As for the management level of the village, this can be seen from the Chunin Exam in later generations.

Sarutobi Hiruzen suppressed family ninjas day after day and supported civilian ninjas. Suppressing the family was implemented, but supporting civilians was only verbal.

It may also be that he dared not support the civilians after Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and Minato, who were perverts, appeared among the civilians.

In short, the Chunin Exam still relied on family ninjas to conquer the world. There were ten family ninjas among the Twelve Little Strongmen of Konoha.

And what about the students of Orochimaru's Otogakure?

Except for Kimimaro, all the others were civilian children!

You know, Konoha is a village that was established 60 years ago, and it is a village with a very strong foundation, but the talent has declined to this extent.

The Sound Village has only been established for less than ten years!

Patting Tsunade's thigh, Hyuga Ningyuan said in a mature tone: "You may not understand now, but time will prove everything!"

"Hey, you little brat, you just found a medical skill by luck, why are you pretending!" Tsunade grabbed Hyuga Ningyuan and laid him across her thigh: "If you have the ability, invent another medical skill for me to see!"

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