People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 50 The Sealing Technique is Obtained

To treat wounds, you don’t have to be a medical ninja, can ordinary people do it?

Just need to know sewing?

This sentence sounds incredible at first, but it seems reasonable when you think about it carefully!

Yes, since wounds can be healed without palm magic, then what difference does it make whether a medical ninja knows palm magic or not?

What is the biggest problem that makes the medical ninja system difficult to popularize? Isn’t it that the number of medical ninjas can’t keep up?

Why can’t the number of medical ninjas keep up?

First, most ninjas don’t like to learn medical ninjutsu.

Second, among the ninjas who like medical ninjutsu, a considerable number of them do not have the qualifications for medical ninjutsu.

In this way, there are only a few people who can learn medical ninjutsu every year, so it is certainly difficult to establish a medical system.

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But if ordinary people can become medical ninjas.

Medical ninjas are the worst choice for ninjas, but the best choice for ordinary people!

After all, no matter how low the status of doctors is, it is higher than farming and raising pigs!

"But if there is no palm fairy technique, ordinary people will be doctors, and the healing speed of ninjas will be very slow..." Tsunade thought of this problem sharply, which is too late on the battlefield!

"Did all the medical ninjas go to the front line during the war, or did they go part of them?" Hinata Ningyuan asked back.

"Of course it's part of them. How can they all go to the front line? I understand!" Tsunade was stunned and understood.

Yes, the value of ordinary people is not in wartime rescue, but in making up for the insufficient number of medical ninjas during the war.

For example, there are 100 medical ninjas in Konoha Hospital. Only 70 of them can go to the frontline during wartime, and 30 of them have to stay in the village to treat villagers.

But if I have 300 ordinary doctors, then I can send 90 medical ninjas to the frontline during wartime.

In this way, won’t the medical speed on the frontline be improved?

Moreover, ordinary doctors may not be unable to go to the frontline.

Because the war in the ninja world is different from the war on Earth.

In the ninja world, there are less than 10,000 people on both sides of the war, and they can fight for three to five years.

On Earth, 10,000 people may finish the war in less than two hours.

The frontline in the ninja world is not always fighting. It is normal for a team to perform a mission and then rest for three to five days. The intensity of the war is only a few days.

This means that when the intensity of the war is not strong, minor injuries and minor illnesses can be handed over to ordinary doctors, so that the chakra saved by medical ninjas can be left to ninjas with serious illnesses.

Tsunade is not a mediocre person. Hyuga Ningyuan just proposed an idea, and she quickly figured out what ordinary people can do, and how to build the medical system if ordinary people join.

Then she found that, not to mention 99%, at least 90% of the things in Konoha Hospital can be done by ordinary people after a certain amount of learning and training.

In other words, the future Konoha Hospital can be divided into two parts: ordinary doctors and ninja doctors.

Ordinary doctors specialize in ordinary diseases, ninja doctors treat serious diseases, and use the convenience of chakra to study the treatment methods of more diseases.

The same is true on the battlefield. Ordinary doctors treat minor diseases and minor injuries, while ninja doctors treat major diseases and major injuries.

When the battle is fierce, ordinary doctors can also assist ninja doctors in performing surgery, which can also greatly improve the efficiency of medical ninjas.

Moreover, to put it bluntly, ninja doctors run faster than ordinary people, so if there are ordinary doctors in the hospital, and then encounter the enemy's sneak attack on the rear hospital, the probability of ninja doctors surviving is also greatly increased.

"Hinata Ningyuan, you." Looking at the child in front of her who was not even as tall as her thigh, Tsunade had a complicated expression. He said he had new technology, and he really had it!

Then what was my previous doubt?

Seeing Hinata Ningyuan's smiling face, Tsunade clenched her fists instantly: "Did you have an idea in your mind a long time ago, and are you deliberately joking with me?"

"Uh" Hinata Ningyuan was speechless instantly.

"Okay, it really is!" Tsunade stretched out her hand directly, and the next second, Hinata Ningyuan was lying in her arms again.

This time it was not on the leg. After all, although this child is very annoying, his wisdom is real.

Can't hit, what if it hurts.

But even if you can't hit, it's okay to rub it hard!

"Fuck." Obviously he was taking advantage, his hands were pressed on the hill, but Ningyuan just felt that he was at a disadvantage.

Yes, because I was passive, she was active!

So, now it's not me who is taking advantage of her, it's her who is taking advantage of me!

Police, are there any police? Where are the Uchiha Guards? Someone is bullying children here, and no one is doing anything about it?

"Don't you want to recruit some ordinary students?" Hinata Ningyuan finally couldn't stand being rubbed anymore and asked, "It's the beginning of the school year, and the enrollment can just catch up!"

"What does it have to do with me? I haven't been responsible for these trivial matters for a long time!" Tsunade said lightly, "Let the old man of the third generation and his wife take care of it!"

You make a lot of sense, and I'm speechless!

"By the way, do you really not want to worship me as your master?" Tsunade finally stopped what she was doing and asked, "Or do you not know the meaning of the seal of the bird in the cage?"

"Of course I know, and I want to remove it too!" Tsunade said she wanted to help me remove it, so there was no need to hide it from her.

And there is nothing to hide. Everyone knows the intentions of the Hyuga branch. Who doesn't want to remove the seal of the bird in the cage?

"But it is really not possible to worship you as a master!"

Tsunade's eyebrows were raised: "Stinky boy, am I so unattractive to you?"

As if she thought of something, Tsunade became even more angry: "Am I also the dwarf you mentioned?"

"That's definitely not the case. The dwarf I mentioned only refers to men." Hyuga Ningyuan immediately denied: "I don't look down on you, but it is really not possible to worship you as a master!"

"Okay, okay!" Tsunade waved her hand: "If you don't want to worship, then don't worship. I don't want it."

Hyuga Ningyuan nodded, and whispered: "By the way, I heard that your family has that, the sealing technique, can you lend it to me for research?"

Tsunade sneered: "You don't want to worship me as a master, so what do you want my family's sealing technique for?"

"Although you are not my teacher, you are my sister!" Hyuga Ningyuan defended.

It is not a shame to be born in a humble family. Only a husband who can bend and stretch can be a husband!

"Hmph, even if I'm your sister, what's your reason to come to my house to learn the sealing technique?" Tsunade asked with a smile, "Or do you want to take the scroll of the sealing technique back to the Hyuga family?"


That's definitely not okay. If you bring the scroll of the sealing technique back to the Hyuga family, what will the Hyuga clan think? Your intentions are more obvious than the lice on the monk's head!

However, how can such a small matter be difficult for the smart Hyuga Ningyuan!

"I'm a disciple of Master Biwako, right? You can take the sealing technique to the Konoha Hospital, and then ask me to take a look. I have a good memory. No matter how many books, I can remember them after reading them once!" Hyuga Ningyuan said.

Tsunade and the third generation are no longer on the same page. After two years, she even left the village directly, so there is no need to hide such a good brain from her.

By the way, two years later, Hatake Sakumo was harmed by rumors and committed suicide.

I don't know if Tsunade's departure from the village has anything to do with this incident. Maybe it's because of this incident that she saw the darkness of the village clearly?

"You still have this memory?" Tsunade was stunned, and suddenly thought of something.

If he had such a good memory, then he should have memorized all the books on learning medical ninjutsu.

But he said that he would study with Sarutobi Biwako in the future.

This is hiding his incompetence.

Then I thought of Hyuga Ningyuan wanting to learn the seal technique to break the caged bird.

The answer is obvious, he is hiding his incompetence because of the Hyuga clan.

However, she will not tell the Hyuga clan, after all, the Hyuga clan has nothing to do with her.

Instead, she is very curious, if Hyuga Ningyuan really finds a way to solve the seal of the caged bird, how will the Hyuga clan respond!

To be honest, there are still many people in the village who have opinions about the Hyuga clan branch and the caged bird system, especially the first and second generations and Tsunade's line.

It's like our Konoha is very backward and supports slavery.

And because of the existence of the caged bird seal, it is difficult for the village to win over the children of the Hyuga family, and this situation is even more serious than the Uchiha clan.

You know, there are doves and hawks among the Uchiha clan, but the Hyuga clan only listens to the main family because of the seal of the caged bird.

But this is an internal matter of the Hyuga clan, and they have never been able to say anything.

But if someone in your Hyuga clan wants to break through this system, then don't blame us.

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