People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 55: New ideas for precise control of objects and invisibility

Chapter 55 Precision Control·New Invisibility Ideas

In 1945, four lovely Soviet Young Pioneers gave the American ambassador an American national standard. No one expected that this gift would become a great shame for the United States seven years later.

Because this wooden national standard was a high-tech eavesdropping device specially customized by the Soviet Union, it monitored four American ambassadors in succession and was not discovered by the United States until seven years later.

Because this incident was so legendary, a large number of marketing accounts made it into a video and posted it online.

Some popular science UP hosts also released videos, explaining the principle of eavesdropping in detail.

The principle is that sound will cause the eardrum in the eavesdropping equipment to vibrate, and this vibration will be emitted by the metal conductor and eventually be monitored by the vehicle with a decoder inside parked on the street outside.

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When making paper airplanes, Hyuga Ningyuan spent a long time studying the imaging principle, but basically spent no time on sound.

Because monitoring sound is so simple, he only needs to send a piece of paper over, and the paper will vibrate with the person's speech, and then make a piece of paper and the monitoring paper vibrate at the same frequency, so that the sound monitored by the paper can be restored!

Of course, this is not something that ordinary people can do, but Hyuga Ningyuan is not an ordinary person.

He has chakra and the art of controlling objects to complete all these operations.

"There are no fools in this world. But think about it. Even if this clan leader is stupid, he has the experience of the Hyuga family for thousands of years. He should become smarter after being the clan leader for decades and experiencing the great changes of the times!"

However, no matter how cunning you are, you can't think that I am cheating!

Scattering the paper under the table, he was a little glad that these two people didn't have the hobby of opening the white eyes at home, otherwise the paper containing the true energy would be discovered.

Although in order to prevent being discovered, the paper was made very small, it would be easy to ignore it with the white eyes.

But the small size of the paper means that only very simple sounds can be monitored, such as two people chatting.

If the sound is more complicated, it cannot be monitored.

Ning Yuan needs a larger monitoring device, but the larger monitoring device will contain more true energy, which will be discovered by the white eyes.

Unless, the white eyes can't see the true energy!

"It seems that this invisible idea needs to be changed!" In order to protect the true energy in the dantian, Hyuga Ning Yuan used a method of directly covering the body with a layer of chakra to completely block the flow of true energy inside.

But now this idea is no longer feasible. What Hyuga Ningyuan wants to protect is not the flow of Qi in the body, but the objects outside the body that contain [Yuwu] Qi.

So the question is, how can the Qi not be discovered by the Byakugan?

The first thing Hyuga Ningyuan thought of was to turn the Qi into a grid full of holes, so that the Byakugan's sight can pass through the grid through the Qi and then pass back, and feedback to the Byakugan, that is, there is no obstruction here.

However, the first step of turning the Qi into a grid is difficult for Hyuga Ningyuan.

Because he simply cannot control the Qi on such a large scale and in a refined manner.

This is almost a fundamental change in the nature of the Qi, which is no longer something that can be done with the mind, and requires a technique.

For example, "Phoenix Genealogy Diagram·Black Bird" focuses on concealment, and perhaps there is a way to make the Qi invisible.

"This method doesn't work, then try another one!"

Throughout the entire Naruto comics, the Byakugan is not invincible.

There is a kind of blood limit that is the natural enemy of the Byakugan.

Belonging to Ranmaru, the red eyes!

The red eye can forge a chakra image and send it to the white eye to interfere with the sight of the white eye.

Since the white eye can both transmit and receive, is it possible that my white eye can transmit an image to another white eye to interfere with his sight?

Or the electromagnetic waves I transmit do not return to my eyes, but enter other people's eyes.

Theoretically, this is completely feasible.

But the problem is that Hyuga Ningyuan needs to open the white eye all the time, and mislead others' sight when he finds someone opening the white eye.

Too tiring, and too much chakra consumption!

He can't stay away from the items he put down, otherwise once it exceeds the observation distance of the white eye, it will be discovered if it is not interfered with once.

So interference and deceiving vision can be developed, but they cannot be used as the main means.

What is really useful is the invisibility of true qi.

"It seems that I have to use the plug-in!" Hyuga Ningyuan sighed, then controlled the true qi, forming a large piece of chakra with a grid of gaps visible to the naked eye in his palm.

[Ding, you have performed a true qi gridding, true qi gridding experience +1, general experience +1, current current level LV1 (1/100)]

"Huh?" Hyuga Ningyuan was stunned, what is true qi gridding?

Click on the skill description and take a closer look.

[True qi gridding]: A technique for accurately quantifying the use of true qi. Through true qi gridding, the amount, size, and even shape of true qi used each time can be accurately controlled.

Hyuga Ningyuan understood that this true qi gridding is a bit like true qi digitization, which is to change the true qi unit from a ball, a fist, a circle to a piece, a grid.

As the level increases, the grid will become smaller and smaller, and the division of true qi will become more and more precise.

One day, he will reach the point where the Qi cannot be divided, and by then he may have really completed the Qi particleization and Qi dataization.

This is also a way to improve the Qi control ability, but it has nothing to do with the Qi invisibility he wants.

Since it is to improve the Qi control, it can be integrated with the control of objects.

[Qi gridding] + [Control] = [Precise Control]

[Precise Control]: Blue skill, level LV3 (0/10000)

Sure enough, it can be integrated!

Hyuga Ningyuan tried it. After covering an item with Qi, he could accurately sense the length, width, height, weight, and even vaguely feel the material of the item!

If the level is raised a little bit, it should be possible to accurately control the material of the substance.

[Control] can completely control the item, but it cannot change the properties of the item, such as turning wood into water.

But if it becomes [Precise Control], and the level is raised a little bit, can it even change the properties of the substance?

Hyuga Ningyuan imagined the future for a while, and then shook his head.

I won't waste time on what I've already got. I'll study invisibility first.

"If gridding doesn't work, then I'll attribute the true qi, such as turning it into paper, the same as the item it possesses." Integrating into the material of the item it possesses is also a way to become invisible, hiding in the city!

If it's integrated into water, it will become water, and if it's integrated into gold, it will become gold. In this way, it will only be water and gold when you look at it with your bare eyes, and you will never find the true qi.

It just so happens that Hyuga Ningyuan is studying paper escape, killing two birds with one stone, right!

"Integrate into paper, feel paper, become paper!" Hyuga Ningyuan didn't know how to cultivate a new attribute, so he could only use a stupid method.

Then, believe in the true qi, you are the power brought by Kaguya Otsutsuki, how can it be so difficult to learn a new attribute!

What's more, I still have a system!

As long as there is a little sign of paperization, I can record it in the system and then add some points!

Well, I'll sleep with a book tonight!

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