People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 60: Facts, Reasons, and Justice

Chapter 60 Facts, Truths, and Justice

Tsunade's story is known to everyone who has watched Naruto.

During World War II, a proposal was made to build a medical ninja system. Among all the senior ninjas, only Kato Dan seconded the proposal, so Tsunade developed a liking for Kato Dan, and the two naturally developed into lovers.

Then, the war had just begun, and Rope Tree died.

After that, Dan also died.

What's more tragic is that both Kato Dan and Rope Tree died in front of Tsunade, and she, who is proficient in medical ninjutsu, was powerless.

Since then, Tsunade has suffered from hemophobia, and not only has her strength lost 80%, but she can't even pick up the scalpel she once loved.

"Do you think I am a disaster?" Tsunade laughed bitterly: "Grandpa and grandma are gone, dad and mom are gone, and even my lover and brother died in front of me."

Many people analyzed that the death of Dan and Rope Tree should be the work of Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo.

The reason is that one lover is Tsunade, and the other sister is Tsunade.


As long as they make some achievements on the battlefield and have the support of the three ninjas, the position of Hokage will basically be stable.

So, they can only die.

In a sense, this is really related to Tsunade, because Tsunade is not only strong and prestigious, but also has Orochimaru and Jiraiya behind her, and her influence is too great.

It is almost equivalent to whoever Tsunade supports, whoever will be the Hokage.

But this is just like the victim-blaming theory, which is a perverse logic.

It was Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo who took action, so the fault is naturally on the two of them, and Tsunade has no problem at all.

What's the point of being strong? Is there anything wrong with having great prestige?

Should good people be pointed at with guns?

Of course, these contents need to be analyzed carefully with Tsunade, but Tsunade is crying like this now, and it is obviously not the right time.

He can only pat Tsunade's shoulder gently and let her calm down.

After a long time, Tsunade finally felt relieved, mainly because she was sober.

When drunk, people do become fragile.

"Oh my God" Rubbing her head, Tsunade recalled what happened just now, and she wanted to die.

This is not the first time!

Why do I always want to cry in front of this child?

Patient and family affinity +30%.

People can't help but expose their inner fragility in front of their closest people.

"Will you feel relieved after crying?" Ning Yuan handed over a cup of tea.

"Let's not talk about this!" As expected of a woman, she throws it away after use, cold and ruthless.

She took out a huge scroll and said, "This is the sealing technique you want. My family's inheritance is all in it. I'll give you an hour. Can you write it all down?"

"There's no rush for this!" Ning Yuan blinked and asked, "What happened to the thing I talked to you about the day before yesterday?"

"What's the matter?" Tsunade asked.

"It's to let ordinary people become medical ninjas." Ning Yuan said.

It would have been better if she hadn't said it. As soon as she said it, Tsunade's eyebrows immediately stood up and she punched the table directly: "Don't think about it, it's hopeless!"

"Why?" Hyuga Ningyuan blinked: "Isn't this a good thing?"

"I don't approve it because it costs too much and the prospects are unclear!" Tsunade said angrily.

At this time, her mood was like this: I finally stood up for Konoha once, but you made me lose so thoroughly!

"Could it be that the report is not detailed enough and the benefits are not clearly written?" Hyuga Ningyuan asked.

"The report is here, take a look for yourself!" Tsunade threw a scroll over, which was really big.

Opening the scroll, what came into view was a row of beautiful fonts.

Tsunade's handwriting is very beautiful!

What about the content.

Hyuga Ningyuan read it from beginning to end, and he found that Tsunade not only talked about the benefits of mortals joining the medical ninja system, but also gave many real examples.

For example, the capital of the Fire Nation and major cities.

There are not many ninjas outside, so are there no diseases outside?

Of course not!

Those patients were all cured by ordinary doctors!

In short, this report is well-reasoned and well-argued, with detailed content, clear goals, and a very promising prospect.

Even the plans made by modern people are no better than this.

But the content is so detailed, why hasn't it been passed yet?

"The reason for the rejection is that the cost is too high and the prospects are unclear?" Ning Yuan asked.

"What else is the pressure of the village? As the Hokage, he shoulders hundreds of thousands of people in the village and can't just reform it casually." Tsunade said unhappily.

Ning Yuan nodded: "In other words, he actually has no good reason to refute you, so he can only rely on justice, right!"

"Justice?" Tsunade was stunned: "What is justice?"

"It's the people, the village, the will of fire, morality, etc., which involve a large number of people, cover a wide range, and are positive!" Ning Yuan explained.

"That's right, he is using justice to pressure me!" Tsunade nodded.

Ning Yuan put the scroll on the table and said with a smile: "I'll tell you a truth!"

"What truth?" Although Tsunade didn't think a five-year-old child could tell a great truth, she still subconsciously replied.

"If a person can't answer your question directly, but instead talks nonsense, it proves that you may have hindered his interests!" Ning Yuan said.

Tsunade was at a loss: "What do you mean?"

"Interests are benefits. Specifically, they are money, power, and sex." Ning Yuan said: "The Third Hokage is not lustful, so his interests are money and power!"

Some people will definitely refute that the third generation is not lustful. Didn't he use a crystal ball to peek at the women's bathhouse all day long?

But it is also true that there was only one wife for three generations, and he did not remarry after his wife died.

Tsunade nodded, what if it were Jiraiya? He didn't like power, and his interests were money and sex?

Benefit, this word is very good, I learned it.

"As for rambling, to sum up, when the facts are good for me, tell the truth; when the truth is good for me, tell the truth; if the facts and truth are not good for me, then tell the truth!"

Tsunade's eyes froze: "Where do you start talking about this?"

"Let me give you an example!" Ning Yuan stretched out a finger: "What is this?"

"Fingers??" Tsunade asked.

Ning Yuan nodded: "This is a finger. You think it is a finger, and I think it is a finger. Everyone thinks it is a finger, so it is a fact that this thing is a finger!"

Tsunade nodded.

"Isn't it a good character to respect the old and love the young, to be helpful to others, to be kind and sincere when picking up money?" Ning Yuan asked again.

Tsunade was stunned for a moment and nodded: "Yes."

"But some people don't respect the old and love the young, don't like to help others, don't pick up money, and are not kind and sincere!" Ning Yuan said: "So these things are just principles, not facts!"

Tsunade nodded, which was not difficult to understand.

"Let's talk about righteousness!" Ning Yuan said: "People should respect the old and love the young, help others, be kind and sincere, is this right?"

Tsunade nodded: "Yes, no problem!"

"Do you think it's right, or does everyone think it's right?"

Tsunade: "Everyone should think it's right!"

No matter how dark a person is, they still have to follow this set of rules!

"Then, people should respect the old and love the young, be willing to help others, be kind and sincere, and be kind and sincere. This is righteousness!" Ning Yuan finished explaining and said: "Since you already understand the concept, let's do a question. You go out for a run. , then a 70-year-old woman suddenly collapses in front of you, what should you do? "

"Hel her up!" Tsunade replied matter-of-factly.

"Then the old lady grabbed you and shouted loudly that you knocked her down and asked you to pay or else she wouldn't let you go!"

Tsunade was speechless: "How could such a thing happen? I am not someone to be trifled with, and if a 70-year-old lady was really hit by me, would she still be alive?"

"That's the situation anyway!" Ning Yuan said: "Now I am the old lady and you are Tsunade. Who do you think the facts are beneficial to?"

"To me!" Tsunade thought for a while and said.

After all, I didn’t hit anyone!

"So, I can't tell the truth, I want to be reasonable!" Ning Yuan asked: "You didn't hit me, why did you help me?"

"Eh?" Tsunade was stunned and at a loss for a moment!

"At this time, a ninja from the Hyuga clan came. He testified for you, saying that he had just peeked into the women's bathhouse with his Byakugan open, and accidentally saw the old lady falling by herself. You are willing to help!" Ning Yuan continued.

Tsunade was speechless. If you testify, you will testify. What's wrong with peeping at a women's bathhouse with your eyes open?

"Isn't this matter settled?" Tsunade asked.

Ning Yuan shook his head: "Where can I solve it? Now the facts and truth are not good for me, so I have to be righteous!"

Tsunade was at a loss. In this situation, how can you still be righteous?

Ning Yuan raised his hand and pointed at Tsunade: "Isn't it the traditional virtue of Konoha to respect the old and love the young? Although you didn't knock me down, can't you show your spirit and pay me some money?"

Tsunade just vomited blood, is this okay?

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