Orochimaru looked at Tsunade who looked calm in front of him, and his mind was full of admiration.

Is Tsunade smart? Of course she is smart. How can an unintelligent person become the first medical ninja in the ninja world?

But research wisdom, combat wisdom, and calculation and conspiracy are completely different.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many scientists and generals who were controlled by civil officials.

But now, Tsunade has shown a completely different wisdom, and this wisdom even makes Orochimaru a little disappointed!

"I'm curious about who that person is, and how he can teach you like this?" Orochimaru was a little surprised. It is impossible for a person to suddenly have a big change. There must be a reason.

For example, he didn't suddenly want to study longevity, but experienced the death of his parents and disciples, and then began to think about the meaning of life.

He was very curious about how a person could make Tsunade, who was somewhat simple in politics, suddenly become like this.

He was also sure that this person was definitely not a spy, because spies would like a person to be as dumb as possible, and the dumber the person, the easier it is to control.

This person is not only not a fool, but also a smart person!

Moreover, he is a smart man who thinks about Tsunade wholeheartedly.

Tsunade did not answer, but said seriously: "I advise you to stop the experiment!"

"I did restart the Wood Release experiment, but it was all for Konoha!" Orochimaru said seriously: "You should understand the significance of Wood Release to the village!"

"Of course I know the significance of Wood Release to the village. If possible, I also hope to awaken Wood Release!" Tsunade stared at Orochimaru's eyes and said firmly: "But I tell you, the Wood Release experiment is impossible to succeed!"

"Hehe" Orochimaru shook his head, really, I don't believe it!

Scientists never believe in what is impossible!

"I know you are very confident and believe in your research talent, but do you know that the second grandfather started the Wood Release experiment with the support of the great grandfather and the entire Senju clan!" Tsunade asked: "How do you think your research talent is better than the second grandfather?"

Orochimaru was silent. No matter how confident he was, he couldn't say that he was stronger than the second generation.

Because the second generation is not just ordinary strong, it is strong that ordinary people can't understand.

Just like ordinary people cannot understand why Hashirama is so strong, the research ability of the second generation is also incomprehensible to ordinary people.

"I am not belittling you. I just think that you have the same research talent as my second grandfather. So, do you have the resources that my second grandfather had back then?"

Orochimaru was silent.

"Do you have a Wood Release Ninja around you who personally participated in the experiment?"

Orochimaru was silent.

"Do you have the support of the family to which this Wood Release Ninja belongs?"

Orochimaru continued to be silent.

"Then why do you think you can complete the research that even my second grandfather could not complete?" Tsunade asked.

If it was Ning Yuan, he could answer: Science is not something that can only be achieved by someone with talent. It is also possible that someone accidentally came up with something good.

Especially in the materials industry, it really depends on luck.

The second generation is not good, so it makes no sense that Orochimaru can't do it either.

But Orochimaru really can't say such a thing.

Because he has seen the second generation, felt the second generation's talent, and the unfathomable knowledge.

He really doesn't have the confidence to say that he wants to surpass the second generation.


"I just want to try." Orochimaru said.

The road of scientific research has always been full of disasters and difficulties. How can we escape just because there are difficulties?

"Huh!" Tsunade leaned back and leaned on the back of the chair.

She understood the third generation's plan for Orochimaru, which was to let him plunge into the bottomless pit of the Wood Release Experiment and study for ten or eight years until no one in the whole village remembered him anymore.

She was powerless against this kind of plan because it was an open conspiracy.

Even if you know that this is his plan, so what.

The Wood Release Experiment is so tempting, and Orochimaru just likes to do research so much.

"If it were him, what would he do?" Tsunade thought of that cute little face inexplicably.

If it were him, there must be a way to make Orochimaru give up, but unfortunately I can't.

Even if I have tried hard to learn from him, there is still a gap after all!

"I roughly understand the purpose of your visit to me this time!" Orochimaru picked up a piece of roasted meat. In fact, the barbecue restaurant is not suitable for talking about things. The meat is very chewy and takes up space in the mouth.

So although Orochimaru picked up the meat, he didn't eat it, but put it in the bowl next to him.

"Did anyone tell you that the death of Danhe Nawaki was not an accident, but that our good teacher, or someone who wanted to be Hokage, was excluding dissidents?" Orochimaru thought of Danzo, and it seemed that this person could really do such a thing.

Tsunade ignored Orochimaru and was still angry at her own incompetence.

Orochimaru smiled and continued: "I don't know what this person's purpose is to approach you, but it's not a bad thing to use your brain more!"

Tsunade was silent.

Orochimaru continued: "I don't know what you are going to do, but we are comrades fighting side by side and good friends. No matter what choice you make, I support you!"

After that, Orochimaru picked up the barbecue. As a ninja, of course he had to play the whole play.

Otherwise, come to a barbecue restaurant, and there is no oil on your body?

When the meat was at his mouth, Orochimaru remembered something again and said: "Although the second generation has many resources, he does not have a friend who is the first medical ninja in the ninja world, so do you want to cooperate with me to replicate Wood Release?"

Tsunade glanced at Orochimaru with sidelong eyes, you are dreaming!

Orochimaru shrugged helplessly, it was really a pity.

With Tsunade's research ability and medical ninjutsu, the progress of the experiment can definitely be pushed forward quickly.

"By the way, I joined an organization, you come too!" Tsunade also stood up and started eating meat, and invited Orochimaru by the way.

Orochimaru was speechless, what organization, who is the founder, what does this organization do, you invited me without saying anything!

However, Tsunade, it's like this!

"Who founded the organization?" Orochimaru asked with a smile.

"Yeah!" Tsunade nodded while eating.

"Since you invited me, of course I am willing to join, but I don't want to cooperate with someone who hides his head and shows his tail!" Orochimaru said lightly: "So, can I meet him?"

Snake is very curious about the person who can teach Tsunade, who has a simple mind, to start thinking.

"He's not a coward!" Tsunade said unhappily, "As for meeting him, inviting you is his intention, so he will meet you!"

"Really!" Orochimaru nodded. In the ninja language, she and he are not pronounced the same.

So the founder is a man.

There are not many men in the village who can teach Tsunade.

Hatake Sakumo? Mito Kado En?

"I'm looking forward to it!" Orochimaru nodded, "So, when?"

"Weekends!" Tsunade thought for a while and said.

"He works in the Hokage's office?" Orochimaru asked.

After all, ninjas on missions outside don't care whether it's weekends or not. Only ninjas in the Hokage's office have weekends off.

"No, he has to go to class!" Tsunade curled her lips, as if she thought of something interesting.

"Go to class!" Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue: "Teacher of the Ninja School."

I didn't expect that after decades of not noticing, the Ninja School has talents?

"Yes, yes, yes" Tsunade smiled perfunctorily, looking forward to it. If he found out that the founder of the organization was only five years old, what kind of expression would he have?

"If it's not the teacher, could it be the principal?" Seeing Tsunade's expression, Orochimaru knew he had guessed wrong.

But who is the principal, isn't it the Third Hokage?

As the Hokage, does he need to create an organization to do things?

Then what do you mean by asking me those questions just now? Testing me?

No, it can't be the Third Hokage. If it was the Third Hokage, Tsunade wouldn't have to laugh.

Besides teachers and principals, what else is there in a ninja school? It can't be a ninja student, right?

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