People in Naruto, infinite evolution

Chapter 131 One Year (Please Subscribe!)

Time flies quickly when you have a clear goal.

Before I knew it, a year had passed.

It's noon this day.

After completing the routine "body training" at the bottom of the sea, Shiraishi returned to the deserted island.

Uh, no, it shouldn't be called a desert island now.

In the past year, Shiraishi took the time to go out several times. In addition to purchasing some daily necessities, he also brought a lot of seeds of flowers and trees from the outside world.

After that, it was born with the power of Mu Dun.

Today, this deserted island has become lush and green.

However, after all, it is not suitable for animals and plants to survive, and Baishi needs to use wooden shelters to maintain it every once in a while.

It was foreseeable that once he left, it would not be long before this place would become a deserted island again.

But this is not important, and he has no intention of completely remodeling this place. The reason why he is doing this now is just to live more comfortably.

Walking into a wooden house, Shiraishi sat cross-legged, and then habitually opened the panel.

[Host: Shiraishi

Age: 13→14↑/90→98↑

--Basic Attributes--

Strength: 156→202↑

Agility: 159→207↑

Constitution: 150→192↑

Intelligence: 185→240↑

Chakra: 844→1195↑

--Special Enhancement--

Rebirth: Severed limb (0.1%) → (25.5%)↑

Energy-absorbing skin: Ⅸ (0.2%)→Ⅹ (13.5%)↑

Spirit resistance: Ⅸ (0.1%)→Ⅹ (13.1%)↑

Strengthening of the five senses: Ⅷ (48.2%)→Ⅸ (91.5%)↑

Skin enhancement: Ⅷ (7.5%)→Ⅸ (62.5%)↑

Enhanced spatial perception: Ⅸ (0.5%) → Ⅸ (50.5%) ↑

High temperature resistance: Ⅷ (88.5%)

Wooden escape: Ⅷ (0.2%)

Toxin resistance: VII (65.8%)→VII (81.5%)↑

Chakra Affinity: Water: Ⅶ (0.1%) → Ⅶ (25.1%) ↑ Soil: Ⅶ (0.1%) → Ⅶ (26.5%) ↑ Thunder: Ⅴ (0.1%) → Ⅶ (0.1%) ↑ Fire: Ⅴ (0.1%)→Ⅶ(0.1%)↑ Wind:Ⅴ(0.1%)→Ⅶ(0.1%)↑

Cell suitability: Ⅴ (0.1%)

Low temperature resistance: IV (43.2%)

--Abnormal state--】

In one year, Shiraishi was one year older, and his body had also entered a stage of steady development, so Chakra did not show explosive growth as before.

Even so, his [Chakra] also broke through the thousand-point mark.

In the current ninja world, there is almost no one who surpasses him in terms of chakra.

However, just increasing the upper limit of chakra is not enough. In order to give full play to this advantage, he has to find a way to increase the output of chakra per unit time.

What limits this is the 361 acupuncture points in the chakra meridian system that are densely distributed in the human body.

These acupuncture points are like valves that control the flow of chakra in the meridians.

In this way, the Hyuga clan can cut off the flow of chakra in the target's body through the method of "acupuncture".

There is also the eight-door Dunjia. The eight doors it opens are actually the most critical eight of the 361 acupuncture points, so as to achieve the goal of completely liberating the chakra flow.

Therefore, after Maitekai opens the eighth door, he can burst out Chakra that surprised Uchiha Madara for a short time.

In this way, it is obvious that in order to increase the output of chakra per unit time, these acupoints must be opened.

But this is by no means an easy task.

The existence of these acupuncture points is both restriction and protection.

If it is opened rashly, the body's self-protection mechanism will fail, and at that time, it will not hurt the enemy, but the self first.

Fortunately, this can be overcome by improving physical fitness.

And this is precisely the last thing Shiraishi needs to worry about.

There are two reasons. First, his physical fitness is far beyond ordinary people, and it is still getting stronger, enough to withstand greater pressure.

Second, he has [Rebirth], as an ability promoted from [Self-Healing], it still retains all the effects of [Self-Healing].

Therefore, some injuries are nothing to him.

In this way, he has enough capital to slowly explore and try.

Baishi's purpose is not limited to opening the 'eight gates' when necessary, he wants to realize the normal opening of all acupoints.

It is conceivable that once he really does it, the power he can explode with every gesture will be dozens or even hundreds of times what it is now.

At that time, will anyone really be his opponent?


Baishi wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, regained his wandering mind, and put his gaze back on the panel.

The above thoughts are only on paper, and he doesn't want to waste too much time until he understands the meridian system in his body.

And to figure this out, the white eyes of the Hyuga clan is definitely the best tool to use.

"However, there is no rush for this."

Looking at the [Five Senses Strengthening] on the panel whose level IX is close to level X, Shiraishi thought to himself.

He was going to wait until [Five Senses Strengthening] breaks through level X, and after a qualitative change occurs, he will decide whether to attack the white eyes of the Hyuga clan.

Moving his eyes, Baishi looked at the "basic attributes" again. After nearly a year of stagnation, his four attributes of strength, intelligence, body, and sensitivity ushered in a wave of growth again.

Among them, the [Physical] attribute has the smallest increase, only 42 points, the rest of the attributes have been improved by more than 45 points, and the [Intelligence] attribute has reached a terrifying 55 points.

Shiraishi estimated that at this stage, after opening the 'Strongest Lightning Dungeon Armor', the power of the fourth Raikage would be around 200 points, which is almost the same as him.

As for the speed, it should be faster than him. If it is converted to [Agility], it is about 250 points.

However, this does not mean a head-on confrontation, he is not the opponent of the Fourth Raikage.

On the contrary, Shiraishi is confident that even if he doesn't use Wooden Ninjutsu and Flying Thunder God Jutsu this time, he can defeat the opponent based on his physical fitness alone.

Without it, in terms of stamina, the Fourth Raikage is definitely not as good as him. Even if the opponent can persist for a long time, he must be the one who has the last laugh.

Of course, if he really wants to fight, he can't give up the wood escape ninjutsu and the flying thunder god art. This is his ability, how can he abandon it?

Shaking his head and withdrawing his thoughts, Baishi finally turned his attention to the column of 'special enhancement'.

It can be seen that his [Energy Absorbing Skin], [Spiritual Resistance], and [Enhancement of Five Senses] have all been upgraded by one level, which can be regarded as fulfilling the goals set a year ago.

The X-level [energy-absorbing skin] allowed him to absorb, decompose, and transform the Nine-Tails Chakra faster.

Thanks to this, he has the energy to improve [Chakra Affinity], and also take into account [Skin Enhancement], [Spatial Perception Enhancement] and [Toxin Enhancement], which are currently not important abilities.

As for [Rebirth·Severe Limb].

This is a life-saving skill, so naturally it cannot be left behind.

However, as an ability that has broken through the boundaries, it is really too difficult to improve. In a full year, it has only increased by more than 20 percentage points.

Of course, this is also the result of not putting all his energy into it.

If only this ability is improved, Baishi estimates that one year should be just enough.

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