People in Naruto, infinite evolution

Chapter 142 Do whatever you want (please subscribe!)

‘Dust Escape·Boundary Stripping Art~’

Swish Swish Swish~

A few more flashes of white light flashed, and Baishi actually directly disintegrated the deserted island below.

Looking at the gradually gathering sea water, Baishi's wings trembled slightly, and then his whole body turned into a blue light and flew into the distance.

Sensing the flying Thor mark hundreds of kilometers away, Shiraishi adjusted his flight direction and increased his flight speed.


Accompanied by a deafening explosion, Shiraishi's speed finally broke through the speed of sound.

Although it was weakened by the 'Chakra Feathercoat', the sound of the sonic boom still reached Baishi's ears, which made him frown slightly.

It's okay to say that at sea, no one pays attention to it. If it is in a crowded place, Baishi doesn't want to be noticed every time he goes supersonic.

'Got to find a way to cover it up.'

After a moment of pondering, Baishi continued to study while flying. He sometimes slowed down and sometimes increased his speed, always hovering near the speed of sound.

Because of this, there are sonic booms in the sky from time to time.

However, as time went by, the sound became smaller and smaller until it disappeared completely.

In his previous life, it would be wishful thinking for an ordinary person like him to solve this problem.

But here, with the extraordinary power of Chakra, Shiraishi solved this problem without much effort.

The process is simple and rough, that is, to adjust the structure of the 'Chakra Feathercoat' to completely absorb the sound directly.

Now, Shiraishi flies in the air, even at supersonic speeds from time to time, it will not produce any sound, the whole person is like a ghost, silent.

However, Baishi's brows did not relax because of the solution of this problem, and he seemed to be still thinking about something.

After a long time, Baishi opened his mouth and let out a long howl. The howling sound was harsh at first, then gradually became deeper, and finally disappeared completely.

But the strange thing is that Shiraishi didn't close his mouth because of the disappearance of the voice, and seemed to continue to speak.

After a while, Baishi closed his lips, then shook his head and said to himself, "It really isn't that easy."

Just now, after solving the sonic boom problem, Shiraishi suddenly thought of whether sound could be used as a weapon.

Vaguely, he remembered that the vibration frequency of human organs was very close to certain frequencies of infrasound waves. If resonance occurred, these organs could be harmed silently.

So, with the interest together, I made a try.

Unfortunately, he failed to emit infrasound.

However, Baishi was not discouraged. Anyway, he had plenty of time, so he could explore slowly.


The country of waves.

Northwest Seas.

At this time, the two parties are dealing with each other here.

One of them is the notorious Cardo Corporation, whose president, Cardo, is one of the few millionaires in the world.

On the surface, Cardo Company is engaged in shipping business, but in fact it is doing illegal business.

For example, now, Kado's men are driving several warships, chasing and intercepting the other party, and the besieged party is an ordinary cargo ship from the Kingdom of Waves.

It seems that Kado wants to rob these cargo ships, but it is not the case. He is actually targeting the entire country of Bo.

Currently, he is gradually controlling the lifeline of sea traffic in the Kingdom of Waves.

For a small island country like the Kingdom of Waves, once the maritime traffic is controlled, it means that the country's wealth, politics, and everything else is controlled.

The Kingdom of Waves is naturally unwilling, so the two sides are fighting wits and courage.

What is happening here now is just a microcosm.

Seeing that the cargo ship of the Kingdom of Waves was about to be picked up, a long howl suddenly came from a distance.

When everyone looked up, they saw a blue light flying out of the red clouds and heading straight for them.

"What's this?"

On the battleship, one of Kado's men murmured.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, that blue light came to him.

At this time, everyone could see clearly that there was a figure in the blue light, and that blue light was just the light emitted by the opponent's 'clothes'.

Standing high in the sky, Baishi took a glance and understood the situation below.

Seeing the vicious guys on the warship, Baishi frowned, then flapped his wings slightly, and dozens of wind blades flew out.


Some knowledgeable gangsters shouted when they saw the flying wind blades.

But before they could react, the wind blade had already passed through the warship.

After that, with a creaking sound, several warships all disintegrated.

Ignoring the gangsters who fell into the water, Shiraishi activated the 'Wind Wing' again, turned into a blue light, and flew towards the hinterland of the land of waves.

What happened just now, if you were another ninja, even if you saw it, you might not care about it, because the rules of the ninja world are like this - without missions, ninjas will basically not interfere with ordinary people's affairs.

But Baishi was different. He didn't have this concept at all. Since he didn't like it and was capable, he didn't mind making a move.

He is such a person, although he is not merciful, but he is still willing to extend his hands to the weak when he can.


A few minutes later.

Shiraishi came to the land of waves.

He chose a town at random, and after landing, he found a hotel. After ordering a table of good food, Shiraishi returned to the guest room.

While waiting for the food, Shiraishi checked his own status.

"Chakra consumed more than 200 points, well, it's acceptable"

This time, he flew for nearly an hour, covering a distance of more than a thousand kilometers, with the Wind Escape·Wind Wings and Chakra Feather Coat fully opened.

In this way, it only consumed more than two hundred chakra points, which is not bad.

Of course, this consumption cannot be compared with Ohnoki's Earth Escape·Ultra-Light Heavy Rock Technique.

If Ohnoki's consumption was so high, he would have been exhausted long ago, and the Earth Dungeon Super Light Heavy Rock Technique would have no practical significance.

You can't rush to the front line in a hurry, and then there is not much chakra left in your body, so why do you need this flying technique?

Therefore, the two ninjutsu are not comparable at all.

What is suitable for Baishi may not be suitable for other people. Even if he announces Fengdun·Wing of the Wind now, few people may be able to afford such consumption.

"Boom boom boom~"

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

Before he opened the door, Baishi could smell the aroma of food, which made his index finger twitch.

Although he occasionally came out to make tooth-beating sacrifices when he was cultivating on a deserted island, most of the time he used dry food to satisfy his hunger.

Because of this, after completing the goal of practice, he can't wait to leave.

If he hadn't wanted to test the long-distance flying effect of Wind Escape·Wing of Wind, Baishi would have rushed here a long time ago.

Swallowing secretly, Baishi said, "Come in!"


The door was pushed open, and a few guys walked in with a bunch of delicacies.

"Guest, here is what you ordered."


Baishi nodded, pointed to the table beside him and said, "Let's put it here!"

The guys quickly arranged the meals, then took their leave and left.

After they left, Baishi immediately began to feast.

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