People in Naruto, infinite evolution

Chapter 149 Opportunity (please subscribe!)

After closing the panel, Shiraishi lay in the hot spring and began to think about the next direction of evolution.

First of all, the 'basic attribute' still cannot be released.

Although his physical fitness is far beyond that of ordinary people, it is the foundation, and it is related to the effects of many abilities. Naturally, it can be improved if it can be improved.

Secondly, [Wood Dun] also needs to be further improved.

Now, its potential has been tapped to the end, if the upper limit is not raised, then it can only do some tinkering work.

For Shiraishi, this is a waste of time.

Therefore, next, he will devote part of his time and energy to the evolution of [Wooden Dun] to enhance its potential.

As for 【Dust Escape】.

Don't worry too much about this for the time being, Baishi can't realize its full potential yet, so we can wait for a while.

Finally, there are advanced abilities such as [Rebirth], [Energy Absorption], [Soul Wall], [Super Vision], and [Eye of Mind].

Although it is very difficult to improve, Baishi will not be stingy in investing time and energy, because these abilities are directly related to the display and improvement of his strength.

In addition, there is another point that needs special attention, that is, the problem of energy supply.

In the beginning, when there was no Nine-Tails, what limited his evolution speed was the lack of energy. After having Nine-Tails, what limited his evolution speed became the conversion efficiency of [Energy-absorbing Skin].

Now, his [Energy Absorbing Skin] has been advanced, and the conversion efficiency of [Energy Absorption] to Nine-Tails Chakra has been greatly increased, so what will limit his evolution speed?

The answer is: Nine tails supply the speed of Chakra.

With the continuous improvement of [Energy Absorption], Shiraishi can already clearly feel that the supply of Nine-Tails Chakra is somewhat insufficient.

And this requires him to further improve the seal on his body so as to increase the speed at which he can extract the Nine-Tails Chakra.

But this is only a palliative.

As long as [Energy Absorption] is still evolving, one day, even if the Kyuubi is completely released, it may not be enough for him to absorb it.

At that time, what will limit his evolution speed is the recovery speed of Nine Tails.

If he doesn't want to be restricted in the future, then he has to plan ahead and find a solution.

To solve this problem, we can generally start from two aspects. One is to capture more tailed beasts to increase the energy source.

The second is to guide [Energy Absorption] to change the type of energy that can be absorbed, so that it is no longer limited to tailed beasts or even Chakra.

In the short term, the first method is undoubtedly the best way to achieve it, but in the long run, the second method is the right way.

After all, there are only nine tailed beasts in total in the ninja world, even if they are all caught, so what, if there is not enough time, there will still be not enough time.

But the source of expansion is different. If nothing else is mentioned, it is just a solar energy. If it can absorb a large amount, then for a long time, there is no need to worry about the problem of insufficient energy.

After thinking about it, Shiraishi decided to proceed simultaneously, that is, to capture more tailed beasts while guiding [Energy Absorption] to evolve.

However, these are not urgent for the time being, Kyuubi can last for a while now, let's improve the seal on his body first.

With this in mind, Shiraishi got up and walked out of the hot spring, washed up, and returned to the hotel room.

In the room.

Baishi called out the 'system', set the evolution conditions and direction, let the 'system' guide the evolution, and took out a sealed scroll by himself.

After opening it, he took out a pen and paper from inside, and Baishi studied the seal on his body.


at the same time.


Root's headquarters base.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Come in!"


The door was pushed open, and a root ninja quickly came to the table, knelt on one knee and said, "My lord, there is news from the Daming Mansion."


"Yes, my lord!"

After the Genbu ninja below responded, he immediately said: "Just now there is news from A, Hema and others have decided to do it in three days."

"Oh, is it so?"

Danzo raised his head, a stern look flashed through his exposed left eye, and he snorted coldly: "A group of guys who don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, looking for death!"

"Send the order, the first team and the second team will prepare immediately and set off in two hours."

"Yes, my lord!"

After answering, the root ninja below left the room.

Suddenly, Danzo was the only one left in the room, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Two hours later.

Outside Konoha Village.

A dozen Genbu ninjas headed by Danzo are sprinting through the forest. Looking at the direction they are heading, it is the Daming Mansion of the Land of Fire.

And in a corner they couldn't see, someone was staring at them.

After it was confirmed that Danzo and others had left, this person returned to Konoha and passed the information to another person. After receiving the information, this person passed it on to the next person according to the plan.

In this way, after layers of transmission, the information finally came to Baishi.


Country of Soup.

In a hotel room.

Shiraishi opened the note in his hand, only to see a line of text written on it: The target has left, or it may be related to the Twelve Guardian Ninja Warriors.

The target here refers to Danzo, of course.

In the past three months or so, Shiraishi didn't do nothing. He looked for opportunities to control many Konoha ninjas.

Shiraishi gave them only one task, and that was to keep an eye on Danzo, and report to him immediately if there was any change in the other party.

Shiraishi doesn't believe that Danzo will stay in Konoha all the time. As Konoha's dark side, the other party has a lot of things to deal with, so sooner or later he has to get out of Konoha.

Sure enough, the opportunity came.

Shiraishi knew about the Twelve Guardian Ninjas mentioned in the intelligence.

This is a troop formed by the fire country daimyo after the third Ninja World War. It has twelve members, all of whom are at the Jōnin level.

Originally, this was just a team of private bodyguards, but under the guidance of some people intentionally or unintentionally, some unnecessary ideas arose, and finally they were divided into two factions due to disagreement of ideas.

Among them, the radical faction headed by Kazuma believes that the daimyo is the "jade" of the land of fire, that there is no need for Hokage to exist, and that the real power of the ninja should be in charge of the daimyo.

The moderate factions such as Sarutobi Hiruzen and Jilu believe that although daimyo is important, Hokage is equally important. The two should perform their respective duties, and the ninja should be led by Hokage.

For this reason, a fierce battle broke out between the two sides, and only three of the last twelve survived, and the Twelve Guardian Ninjas were disbanded.

"Hehe, don't want Hokage, no wonder Danzo will dispatch himself?"

Shiraishi is very aware of Danzo's character, the other party wants to be Hokage in his dreams, but you tell him that the land of fire does not need Hokage, how can Danzo tolerate it?

Although in his memory, Danzo did not participate in the civil strife of the Twelve Guardians, Shiraishi estimated that the other party should be hiding behind the scenes, ready to clean up the mess at any time.

Just like now, the other party rushed over immediately after receiving the news.

If the moderate faction wins, Danzo will most likely return quietly, but if the radical faction gains the upper hand, Danzo may directly intervene.

In another time and space, the high probability is the first situation, so there is no figure of Danzo, and it is hard to say now.

However, Shiraishi didn't want to care about any tricks in it, he just needed to make sure Danzo left Konoha.

With this in mind, Baishi sat down cross-legged, and then performed the spirit transformation technique.

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