People in Naruto, infinite evolution

Chapter 181 Plan (2 in 1) (please subscribe!)

Outside the ghost roar cave.

somewhere underground.

In a wooden house, Baishi sat cross-legged, his eyes were closed tightly, his breathing was long, as if he had fallen asleep, and his whole body exuded a peaceful atmosphere.

Suddenly, at a certain moment, a breeze blew around.

This wind, carrying wisps of natural energy, invaded Baishi's body, forming a not-so-big cyclone.

The cyclone lasted for a few breaths, then stopped suddenly, and then spread outward at a faster speed.

What left with it was the natural energy that invaded Shiraishi's body.

However, not all natural energy can be excreted in time.

Baishi opened his eyes suddenly, his right hand melted into a knife, the wind escaped chakra condensed, and he slashed straight at his left arm, only to hear a "stab", and his left arm snapped off.

The next moment, the severed arm fell to the ground, but there was no blood left.

Looking carefully, it turned out that the severed arm had already been petrified.

This is Baishi's way to solve the problem. Since the natural energy cannot be discharged in time, then gather them in one place, and then survive with broken arms.

The method is simple and crude.

No way, who told him not to be assisted by things like toad oil?

Naruto also began to try to absorb natural energy directly with his body in the second stage.

For this, two great immortals are needed to assist him to release the natural energy in his body in time.

But Baishi now skipped the first stage directly, and directly started the second stage of practice without any insurance measures.

Therefore, this method can only be used to ensure that it will not be assimilated by natural energy.

However, most people can't learn his method, after all, other people don't have the ability to regenerate limbs.

With this in mind, Baishi activated the [Rebirth] ability, and then the flesh and blood on the severed arm squirmed, and in the blink of an eye, a brand new arm grew.

After a little movement of the newly grown left arm, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, Shiraishi sighed, "It still doesn't work~"

At this time, more than half a month has passed since he came here.

Thanks to the rich natural energy here, it was just as he thought at the beginning, and with the ability of [Mind Eye], his perception of natural energy quickly entered the room.

The problem, however, lies in the back.

Originally, he thought that with the huge chakra in his body, he should be careful, control the absorbed natural energy, and then increase it bit by bit, and he should be able to find a balance soon.

In this way, there is basically no risk of losing control.

He never thought that the affinity of natural energy to the human body is beyond his imagination, it seems that human beings should learn and master this ability.

The reason why it can't be absorbed usually is because the perception ability has not reached the threshold.

The perception ability here specifically refers to the perception of natural energy, which Shiraishi calls natural energy sensitivity.

The higher a person's natural energy sensitivity, the easier it is to absorb natural energy.

Just like Zhongwu, he is born with a high sensitivity to natural energy, so he will unconsciously become a fairy in places where natural energy is rich.

Another example is the experimental subjects of Orochimaru. After Shiraishi's research, the curse marks on their bodies caused the chakra in their bodies to increase sharply.

And the potential of the human body, one of the most important is the natural energy sensitivity.

Once this potential is tapped, the experimental subject will be able to activate the spell seal state, thereby absorbing natural energy and displaying an ability similar to immortalization.

From this, it is easy to draw a conclusion that everyone in the ninja world has the potential to practice the sage mode, it just depends on how to discover it.

Long story short, let's bring the topic back.

It is precisely because natural energy has an extraordinary affinity for the human body that Baishi easily absorbed a large amount of natural energy as soon as he broke the threshold of perception.

That is to say, the Chakra in his body is far superior to that of ordinary ninjas, and can temporarily resist the invasion of natural energy.

In addition, his [Cellular Adaptability] has been promoted to level IX, which can resist the erosion of the body by natural energy to a certain extent.

Otherwise, without protection, I am afraid that it will be swallowed by natural energy in an instant.

It was this encounter that allowed Baishi to truly understand why the prerequisite for practicing the immortal mode is to have a large amount of chakra.

If there is too little chakra in the body, I am afraid that the moment the natural energy pours in, the body will be swallowed.

At that time, the toad statues in Mount Miaomu will be the last way back for practitioners.

However, the huge chakra also brought him trouble.

Cultivating the immortal mode requires a balance of natural energy, mental energy and physical energy, and his mental energy and physical energy are too large, so he needs to absorb more natural energy than ordinary people.

In this way, the risk of losing control naturally increases.

After these days of tests and experiments, Baishi has already determined that with his current conditions, it is difficult to cultivate into immortal mode by himself in a short period of time.

'I need a sharper perception and a more precise way of absorbing natural energy'

With this in mind, Shiraishi opened the panel.

Immediately, a familiar translucent panel emerged:

[Host: Shiraishi

Age: 16/254→310↑

--Basic Attributes--

Strength: 302→330↑

Agility: 305→332↑

Constitution: 290→317↑

Intelligence: 360→393↑

Chakra: 2052→2190↑

--Special Enhancement--

Rebirth: Cell (0.1%)

Energy absorption: Ⅰ (44.2%)→Ⅰ (70.8%)↑

Spiritual Wall: Ⅰ (43.5%) → Ⅰ (70%) ↑

Super Vision: Dynamic Vision (33.2%)→(62.7%)↑

Eyes of mind: Ⅰ (34.1%) → Ⅰ (61.5%) ↑

Sense of time and space: Ⅰ (25.4%) → Ⅰ (50.2%) ↑

*Copper skin and iron bone: Ⅰ (0.1%)↑

Cell fitness: VII (20.5%)→IX (10.1%)↑

Wood escape: Ⅸ (0.1%)

High temperature resistance: Ⅷ (88.5%)

Chakra Affinity: Water: Ⅷ (36.5%) → Ⅸ (0.1%) ↑ Soil: Ⅷ (37.4%) → Ⅸ (0.1%) ↑ Lightning: Ⅶ (0.1%) Fire: Ⅷ (1.5%) Wind: Ⅷ (2.2%)

Dust escape: Ⅷ (0.1%)

Toxin resistance: VII (81.5%)

*Natural Energy Affinity: Ⅴ (30.2%)↑

Low temperature resistance: IV (43.2%)

--Abnormal state--】

It has been more than three months and nearly four months since his [Rebirth] ability was advanced for the second time. Although he was running around during this time, his evolution did not fall behind.

First of all, [Strength], [Agility] and [Physique] almost all increased by 27 or 8 points, slightly lower than expected.

There are two main reasons for this. One is that after the attribute breaks through the 300-point barrier, it becomes more difficult to upgrade, and the other is that too much energy has been spent on cultivating the immortal mode during this period.

However, the [intelligence] attribute, as expected, increased by more than 30 points.

As for [life].

[Physique] After the attribute broke through 300 points, it directly increased by 50 years, and then broke through 310 points, which increased again for 6 years.

Calculated in this way, it has reached three hundred and ten years.

The second is [Skin Strengthening].

More than three months ago, after the second advancement of [Rebirth], he devoted this part of his time and energy to [Skin Strengthening].

Now, it has crossed the bottleneck of IX, broke through the boundary of level X, and transformed into a brand new ability - [Copper Skin and Iron Bone].

However, the so-called [copper skin and iron bone] does not mean that his skin and bones have really turned into copper skin and iron bones.

No matter how much Shiraishi activates this ability, his skin and bones will not change significantly, but his inner defense will be greatly improved.

Although the name [Copper Skin and Iron Bone] sounds ordinary, its actual effect is very powerful.

At this stage, it can only improve the defense of the skin and bones, but as the level increases, it will strengthen the defense of the body in all directions.

In this way, it is enough to be called the future.

Withdrawing his gaze, Shiraishi looked at another new ability at the bottom of the panel - [Natural Energy Affinity].

Just like [Chakra Affinity], [Natural Energy Affinity] represents his body's affinity for natural energy.

When his perception broke through the threshold and absorbed natural energy into his body for the first time, the 'system' measured his affinity for natural energy, and displayed it on the panel according to his wishes.

Don't look at only level V, this is actually beyond 99% of human beings.

What's more, he can also take the initiative to improve this ability.

Therefore, the initial level doesn't mean much to him at all.

So what is the use of 【Natural Energy Affinity】?

To put it simply, the higher its level, the easier it is for him to control natural energy, and under the same conditions, he can perform more refined operations.

However, cultivating the immortal mode requires the integration of natural energy, mental energy and physical energy. Obviously, a high level of [Natural Energy Affinity] can make it easier for him to complete this step.

However, these are things for later, what he needs to do now is to grasp the balance between the three energies.

If he can't complete this step, no matter how high his affinity for natural energy is, it's useless.

To achieve the balance of these three, the most direct way is to precisely control the intake of natural energy.

In this way, the balance problem is very simple, just increase the intake step by step.

So how to control the intake of natural energy?

Shiraishi shifted his gaze to [Energy Absorption] in the 'Special Enhancement' column.

After more than three months of evolution, its level has reached I (70.8%), and it won't be long before it can advance.

And a long time ago, he was constantly guiding it to evolve in the direction of absorbing multiple energies, and this promotion can completely determine the second energy as natural energy.

According to past experience, at this time, he can control the intake of natural energy to a certain extent.

Moreover, the closer the progress bar is to 100%, the stronger the ability to control.

In this way, he can completely adjust the amount of natural energy he takes in through [Energy Absorption], so as to realize the balance of the three kinds of energy step by step as originally envisioned.

There is also perception ability, and similarly, he can also enhance it by increasing the level of [mind eye].

In this way, it seems that becoming an immortal is no longer an unattainable goal.

However, according to the current evolution rate, an advanced ability like [Energy Absorption] can basically increase by about seven percent every month.

Well, it will take at least four more months to realize his idea.

Undoubtedly, this time is still a bit long.

'It seems that we can't go hand in hand, we have to make a little trade-off'

Thinking this way in his heart, Baishi swept his eyes over the various abilities on the panel one by one.

After contemplating for a long time, he decided to give up the evolution of abilities such as [Spiritual Wall], [Super Vision], [Sense of Time and Space] for the time being.

The special strengthening ability only retains the three abilities of [energy absorption], [mind eye] and [cell adaptability]. The former is the core of the plan, and the latter can help him resist the erosion of natural energy.

As for 【Eyes of Mind】.

This is a way to increase the sensitivity of natural energy, and the improvement of its level will allow him to 'observe' natural energy more conveniently.

In this case, in about a month and a half, his [Energy Absorption] will be able to advance.

At that time, we will know whether the plan will be realized or not.

If it doesn't work, he can adjust the plan in time, so that he won't waste several months in vain.

Of course, there is another factor why he values ​​time so much, and that is Longdidong's attitude.

In the past half a month, although he hadn't seen the so-called 'Lord Immortal Fairy', he could occasionally feel prying eyes.

He also tried to find the peeping person, but no matter what method he used, he couldn't see the other person, which made him think of a kind of magic technique that the upper echelons of Longdi Cave would know - invisibility.

In this state, let alone a human figure, even Chakra, others cannot perceive it.

Baishi was extremely suspicious that the person who spied on him used this ability, otherwise he couldn't have failed to find out.

It's not that he is arrogant, but with his current ability, ordinary means can't hide from his detection at all, only the "immortal art · invisibility" is possible.

Baishi was not sure when the other party would come out and what attitude he would have, so he had to complete the practice as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams.

With this in mind, Baishi didn't waste any more time, turned around and left this underground secret room.

Now that there is a clear plan, there is no point in staying here any longer. On the contrary, you have to bear the risk of being spied on.

That being the case, it is better to leave quickly.

And not long after Baishi left, a girl in white shirt appeared here. She looked around, and when she found that Baishi was not there, her face darkened, and she seemed a little unhappy.

Then, with a wave of his hand, the person disappeared in place.


at the same time.

The country of birds.

In the same courtyard, Bai Shi's figure quietly appeared.

After nearly a month, when he came back here again, Baishi couldn't help feeling a little nostalgic in his heart. Only here would he relax his tense mind a little.

However, it didn't take long to relax.

Soon, he entered into intense practice and evolution.

In the morning, it was still unshakable 'body training' to improve various 'basic attributes'.

In the afternoon, I will devote all my energy to the evolution of [Energy Absorption], [Mind Eyes] and [Cell Adaptability].

At night, if he still has the energy, he will study the experimental data left by Orochimaru, compare the states of those experimental subjects, and study the various characteristics of natural energy from the side, so as to prepare for the creation of immortal arts in the future.

In this way, time passed day by day, and Shiraishi's life was busy and fulfilling.

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