People in Naruto, infinite evolution

Chapter 184 Not My Race (Two in One) (Please Subscribe!)

The loss of control of natural energy caused Baishi's whole body to petrify quickly.

First the limbs, then the torso, and finally the head, all these places are transformed from flesh and blood to cold stone.

At the same time, all kinds of crazy thoughts were also impacting his spirit, making him unable to bear the urge to destroy everything.

Bai Shi opened his eyes, and the bloodshot eyes were clearly visible.

At this moment, he is no different from Zhongwu who has been eroded by natural energy, and his mind is full of killing.

Obviously, this time the crisis is worse than ever.

In the past, no matter how much natural energy he absorbed, even if he petrified himself, it didn't affect his spirit.

But this time, even the mind was affected.

There is only one reason for this, and that is that he spreads natural energy all over his body, including his mind and spiritual space.

In this way, after losing control, it will naturally affect the mind.

Fortunately, his spirit is not as fragile as Chongwu's. With the protection of the [Spiritual Wall], the bloodthirsty impulse in his mind only lasted for a short time and then disappeared.

And thanks to the huge chakra and X-level [cellular adaptability], his body has not been completely petrified during this period of time.

At the moment, his condition looks bad, but it is not.

Although most of his body has been petrified, it is basically only the surface skin, and the flesh and blood in his body still maintains its vitality.

After dispelling the bloodthirsty impulse in his mind, Shiraishi did not delay at all, and immediately began to mobilize chakras, and started the mode of chasing and intercepting the out-of-control natural energy in his body.

While dispelling them out of the body, guide them towards the lower body.

This went on for several breaths of time, and seeing that his body was about to be completely petrified, Bai Shi suddenly turned his palm into a knife and slashed at his abdomen.

The sharp wind escape chakra was like cutting tofu, easily piercing through the petrified skin, and then only heard Shiraishi's muffled groan, and his upper body flew off the ground.

Looking at the separated body, Shiraishi couldn't help thinking of Orochimaru, which he once cut in half, and thought to himself: "Is there really such a thing as karma and reincarnation?"

This thought flashed through his mind, but was quickly thrown away by Baishi, and the most important thing now was to recover.

With this in mind, Baishi immediately activated the [Rebirth] ability.

With the massive consumption of Chakra, his lower body grew out in the blink of an eye.

Not only that, even the petrified upper body seemed to have shed its skin, shedding the petrified shell and regrowing a layer of flesh and blood.

When the body landed, he had already returned to the appearance before the cultivation of the immortal mode, with a full beard and a full tail. The only difference may be the amount of chakra.

But at this time, he has been continuously extracting the chakras of Nine-Tails and Five-Tails, and then transformed through [Energy Absorption] to supplement his own Chakra.

It is foreseeable that his chakra will also return to full state before long.

In this way, a crisis that was extremely fatal to others caused by the loss of control of natural energy was silently resolved by him.

'The next thing is to deal with the culprit of this crisis'

With this in mind, Baishi activated the [Mind Eye] ability.

In the past half a month, he has only been improving [Natural Energy Affinity], and he has not left behind [Mind Eyes].

Now, it has been promoted from I (89.8%) to II (0.1%).

Two months ago, its level was only I (34.1%), and even if [Mind Eye] was activated, no prying person could be seen.

But now, with its level promotion, its 'observation' ability has reached a higher level, and after being activated again, Baishi immediately identified the culprit.

Turning his body slightly, Baishi looked towards a certain part of the room expressionlessly, and said in a cold voice: "Your Excellency, are you still not coming out?"

"Can you see me?"

As soon as Baishi's words fell, a cold voice with some doubts rang out.

Then, a girl in white shirt appeared in the house.

She is slender, fair-skinned, with long green hair, and looks a bit like the girl next door.

However, Shiraishi knew very well that the person in front of him was not a real human being.

The moment the other party appeared, he could smell the fishy smell unique to snakes. This smell was very weak, and ordinary people might not be able to smell it, but he could smell it clearly with his evolved sense of smell.

At this moment, Baishi was absolutely convinced that the other party was one of the high-level officials of Longdi Cave.

After confirming this point, Baishi didn't have the slightest intention to pretend to be a snake, and said directly: "Your Excellency is the elder of Longdi Cave, right? I don't know why you want to spy on me?"

Hearing this, the girl immediately changed her face, and the teasing meaning disappeared from her voice, and she asked seriously, "How did you know my identity?"

When the other party spoke, Shiraishi clearly saw the sharp teeth and blue tongue, and combined with the other party's attire, he had already guessed the other party's identity—Tian Xin Shen Ji, one of the three elders of Longdi Cave.

However, this is not important, no matter which high-level people in Longdidong, their attitude towards human beings is the same.

Sure enough, seeing that Baishi didn't answer for a long time, Tian Xin Shenji changed her routine, and with a wave of her hand, the fairy art · barter change was performed.

Immediately, everything around suddenly changed, from an ordinary wooden house to a castle in Ryūji Cave.

However, Baishi clearly felt the taste of illusion, and a wave of spiritual energy rushed into his mind when the other party waved his hand, changing his cognition.

Baishi tried to break through this layer of illusion, without any accidents, just a thought, the things in the field of vision changed slightly, and there were faint signs of collapse.

It can be seen that he can easily break this technique.

‘Sure enough, the spiritual power endowed by [Spiritual Wall] and super high [Intelligence] attribute is not vegetarian. In addition, there is [Mind Eye].’

The thought came up again, and in an instant, his vision was divided into two. What he saw was the castle, but what he 'seeed' in his heart was still the secret room.

After confirming that the other party's immortal technique could not trap him, Baishi immediately felt relieved, and he became more relaxed.

As the saying goes, strength is confidence.

With extraordinary strength, no matter what the other party's intentions are, he has a way to deal with it, and the worst is to turn his face.

Of course, it’s better not to lose face at this stage. After all, it’s not easy to find another place with rich natural energy like Ghost Roar Cave.

Moreover, the White Snake Immortal is also a big trouble. Although the opponent has never fought in the ninja war, it is his ability to live for a thousand years.

Baishi didn't believe that the other party was a person of mediocre strength. He was born in a place like Longdi Cave where the weak preyed on the strong and sat in the position of ruler. How could his strength be weak?

While Baishi was thinking, a large table of fragrant delicacies appeared in front of him.

Tian Xin Shen Ji withdrew her palm, pointed to the food on the table and said, "In your human words, let's chat while eating."

As he spoke, he sat down at the table, picked up his chopsticks and said, "Since you know my identity, you should know that I can help you."

While speaking, he picked up a piece of meat from an unknown animal and put it into his mouth.

Her voice is soft, her movements are casual, and she seems to be completely harmless.

If it wasn't for Baishi's involuntary desire to taste it, I'm afraid he would really think so.

‘Uh, no, even without this hint, I wouldn’t be able to taste it, after all, I’ve already known the other party’s urination. '

The food in front of him was transformed by the opponent's magic chakra. Once he ate it, his own flesh and chakra would be swallowed by the opponent immediately.

Thinking of this, Baishi glanced at the food on the table, and said in a strange way: "Master Shenji's delicious food, I will not be blessed to enjoy it."

After all, with a cold snort, majestic spiritual energy came out through his body, instantly breaking the illusion in front of him.


Seeing that her illusion was broken through so easily, Tian Xinshenji suddenly stood up and looked at Baishi in surprise.

At first, she only thought that Shiraishi, like those ninjas who pursued strength, was going to wait until he was powerless, and then come out to devour him in the name of helping him in cultivation.

That's right, devouring.

After all, for thousands of years, there are only a handful of people who have the ability to practice their Longdi Cave Immortal Art, and most of the time, they just serve them as extra meals.

Taking a step back, even if the opponent has the ability to cultivate, she can use other means to seize the opponent's flesh and chakra, such as the table full of food just now.

But as time went by, she suddenly discovered that Baishi didn't seem to have any intention of going into Ghost Roaring Cave and asking for help from Longdi Cave.

Moreover, its cognition of natural energy is far better than that of previous humans.

Based on this, the other party seems to intend to practice immortality on his own.

During this process, the other party also encountered some dangers, but they were all resolved by the other party's strange means.

Only then did she realize the difference in Shiraishi.

Not only is his physical body strong, but he also has plenty of chakra. This is not the point. The point is that Shiraishi seems to have the ability to regenerate flesh and blood.

This made her even more itchy.

So, after observing for more than half a month, she planned to act.

But unexpectedly, Baishi suddenly left without warning.

And this walk is one and a half months.

Just when she was regretting that she hadn't done it earlier, Bai Shi unexpectedly appeared again.

However, when she found out, it was already half a month later.

But at this time, the other party's cultivation of immortality actually crossed the threshold.

However, the good news is that her appearance seems to have disturbed the other party, making it fall short.

Fortunately, the other party was not assimilated by natural energy because of this, otherwise such delicious food would have been lost.

Just as she was considering whether to observe, the other party directly revealed her existence.

So, she stepped down from the donkey and showed her figure.

According to her idea, as long as she reveals her identity and uses some tricks, Baishi can be controlled to death.

Unexpectedly, just as she appeared, Baishi revealed her identity, which made her have no room to display her ideas.

So, she simply kept doing nothing, trying to induce Baishi to eat that table of delicacies, so as to directly devour his flesh and chakra.

However, what shocked her even more was that Shiraishi actually saw her tricks, and bluntly said something that would not be good for her.

It made her feel like she was being teased, so she wanted to get mad.

Seeing Tian Xin Shen Ji whose face changed rapidly, as if she was about to reveal her real body, Shiraishi's complexion sank, and the chakra in his body exploded instantly.

Immediately, an invisible coercion spread.

Captured by this power, Tian Xinshenji's expression froze, and she slowly changed back to the appearance of a girl, regaining her senses.

"Human, you are fine!"

After Tian Xin Shenji said this in a cold voice, she disappeared into the secret room.

Bai Shi let go of his senses and confirmed that the other party had left, then he withdrew his breath with a gloomy face.

Fortunately, he thought that the high-level officials of Longdi Cave were well-behaved, but now it seems that people who have seen them unruly have entered their stomachs.

Think about it too, how can a race that treats humans as food talk to humans?

"Hmph! Sooner or later, you will be destroyed."

After muttering to himself, Baishi began to think about the next arrangement.

It is impossible to leave, this is currently the best cultivation environment, and it is impossible for him to leave without cultivating into immortal mode.

As for Tian Xin Shenji and a group of high-level officials in Longdi Cave

Baishi didn't think the problem was that big, as long as he was well prepared, with his current strength, even if he lost, he couldn't possibly suffer any harm.

The only thing to pay attention to is not to be attacked by the opponent.

And if he wanted to sneak attack him, there seemed to be no other chance except to launch it when he was practicing immortal mode and could not be distracted.

"In this case."

With a thought, Baishi's consciousness came to the spiritual space.

Looking at the dense star imprints above his head, Baishi distinguished the hands of people who were separated from various forces, and conveyed his own meaning - gather.

That's right, he intends to gather some people to act as guards.

The strength of these people may be mediocre, but they are loyal.

As for why not separate

Before cultivating into the immortal mode, the most taboo thing is distraction, which will not only increase the risk of losing control of natural energy, but also easily interfere with each other.

However, after the cultivation is completed, there are not so many restrictions.

At that time, like Naruto, he can also use his avatar to absorb natural energy, and then fit together to perform the fairy mode.

Of course, his pursuit cannot be like this. If possible, he would like to turn on the fairy mode anytime and anywhere like Qianshou Zhujian.

Shaking his head, he didn't think about it anymore, his consciousness returned to his body, Baishi directly locked on a mark dozens of kilometers away, and activated the Flying Thunder God Technique.

Next, wait for those men to come over.

During this period, he will not be idle, taking advantage of this opportunity, he is going to improve [Natural Energy Affinity].

Although I haven't cultivated into the immortal mode today, I have gained a lot. At least the steps before the fusion of immortal chakra have been completed.

In this way, then he only needs to focus on fusing the celestial chakra.

But based on today's experience, he feels that his control over natural energy is still a bit weak.

If it weren't for this, he wouldn't be so reluctant to lose control just because of a little trouble.

At that time, Tianxin Shenji was just spying. If he had enough control over the natural energy, he could pretend that he didn't know anything, and then successfully merged into the fairy chakra.

In that case, nothing will happen next.

However, it doesn't matter, it's only about ten days and half a month, he can afford to wait.

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