People in Naruto, infinite evolution

Chapter 187 Testing and Planning (Please Subscribe!)

The country of birds.

In that courtyard.

Bai Shi's figure appeared quietly, he quickly checked his surroundings, and after confirming that there was no danger, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"That was Immortal White Snake just now?"

Recalling that killing intent, Baishi couldn't help but shudder, since he came to this world, he had never felt such an alluring aura from anyone.

Combined with where he was just now and what he did, don't think about it, the person who made the move must be Immortal White Snake.

"As expected of a thousand-year-old monster, it's really terrifying!"

Bai Shi couldn't help sighing in his heart.

In comparison, Tian Xin Shen Ji is like a child, not on the same level at all.

If he hadn't had the ability of [Spiritual Fortification], he might have been slaughtered in that murderous aura just now.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and immediately checked himself.

After a long time, after not finding anything like the Chakra mark, I was completely relieved.

With the size of the White Snake Immortal, it is difficult to really come to the ninja world. After avoiding the blow just now, basically there is no need to worry about being in danger again.

As for the other high-rises in Ryuji Cave

To be honest, Shiraishi is not afraid at all.

Just like just now, although Tian Xin Shen Ji was caught off guard by him, so she didn't have much power to resist, but this also explained his combat power from the side.

As for the other high-level officials in Longdi Cave, their strength is on par with Tian Xin Shen Ji.

Therefore, Baishi didn't worry about their revenge at all.

After letting go of his mind, Baishi had a thought, and his consciousness appeared in the mental space, and then connected to the spiritual imprints of those guards, and gave an order to retreat.

Although these people basically didn't come in handy, Baishi didn't think it was unnecessary at the beginning. If he was given another chance, he would still arrange it like this.

After all, who knows if there will be an accident until it happens?

It can only be said that it is better not to use it.

However, now that he is out of danger, these people don't have to stay there anymore.

After giving the order to retreat, Baishi withdrew his thoughts. As for whether they could leave safely, Baishi didn't care.

Walking into the house, Shiraishi sat down cross-legged, and then began to test the effect of the celestial chakra on the speed of evolution according to the plan.

Compared with ordinary Chakra, Immortal Chakra is undoubtedly much more advanced. Regardless of the level of energy, in terms of quantity alone, Immortal Chakra with the same points is 1.5 times that of ordinary Chakra.

After all, Xianju chakra has more natural energy than ordinary chakra.

In this way, including the issue of energy level, Baishi has a hunch that he will definitely gain a lot this time.

Calmly, calling out the 'system', Shiraishi began to make him extract the magic chakra in his body, and then improve various abilities and attributes one by one.

This test lasts for several hours.

As the evening approached, the sky had already darkened, so Baishi stopped the test.

Opening his eyes, a look of joy flashed in his pupils, as he expected, the harvest this time was indeed not small.

After testing, Shiraishi determined that his overall evolution speed should be twice as fast as before.

Reasonably speaking, this improvement is not big, even a little bit small.

According to the huge gap between Xianju chakra and ordinary chakra, the increase rate should be more than three or four times.

However, the actual effect is only doubled.

The reason for this is that one of the very important factors is that it takes time to cast the fairy mode.

Although the difficulty of performing it again after cultivating into the Immortal Mode has been greatly reduced, the natural energy of the outside world is too thin compared to the vicinity of the Ghost Roaring Cave.

In this way, let alone the three holy places.

In addition, the chakra in his body is too majestic. If he wants to make the most of the magic chakra, he needs to absorb more natural energy.

As a result, more time is required.

After testing by Baishi, this time is about two hours.

It was the interval of two hours that slowed down his evolution.

However, despite this, it is more efficient to first fuse the chakra of the celestial arts than to directly use the chakra in the body.

Therefore, if he wants to increase the evolution speed again, he needs to find a way to shorten the time for absorbing natural energy.

To shorten this time, we can start from two aspects.

One is to increase the level of [Energy Absorption] and [Natural Energy Affinity], thereby directly increasing the speed at which the body absorbs natural energy.

The second is to create an area rich in natural energy, aligning it with the Ghost Roaring Cave and the Three Holy Lands, thereby indirectly increasing the speed at which the body absorbs natural energy.

The first method, needless to say, can be improved step by step.

As for the second type.

Baishi raised his right hand, looked at the space ring on his ring finger, and already had an idea in his mind.

Since the three holy places can absorb and gather the natural energy of the ninja world, there is no reason why this ring can't.

In essence, this space ring, like the three holy places, is a different space. As long as you find the right way, it should also be able to absorb the natural energy of the ninja world.

As for the specific method

Shiraishi couldn't help thinking of Orochimaru's curse seal. After his research on those experimental subjects, it was found that part of the natural energy would be absorbed during the opening process of the curse seal.

Only in this way can a change similar to immortalization be carried out.

As long as he grasps the key points and uses this as the foundation, combining his level of sealing technique and spell sealing technique, it is not difficult to create something similar to the 'spirit gathering array'.

At that time, the interspatial ring will be his exclusive 'Cave Heaven and Paradise'.


Baishi wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and calmed down his mood. The horoscope has not been written yet, so don't get too excited.

However, he set the route like this.

Then there is the question of [cell adaptability].

After the transformation of Xianshu Chakra, its level has reached Ⅹ (99.9%), and it is about to advance, but Shiraishi is thinking about whether to advance like this.

Logically speaking, his level is already on the verge of advanced, so he shouldn't stop it.

However, as his level increased, Shiraishi felt more and more that cell adaptability and the evolution of resistance in various aspects of the body were gradually converging.

In this way, he can wait for other abilities such as [toxin resistance], [high temperature resistance], and [low temperature resistance] to improve, and then integrate and advance.

According to his speculation, after advancing in this way, the abilities obtained will not only be more comprehensive, but also have higher growth potential.

However, in this way, [Cell Adaptability] cannot be advanced in a short period of time, and he has to allocate part of his time and energy to [Toxin Resistance] and other abilities.

There is no doubt that this will slow down his evolution.

After contemplating for a long time, Baishi finally decided to integrate and advance.

Without it, his current situation is fairly stable, and there is no urgent need for the improvement of various abilities.

That being the case, it is better to choose a more potential way of evolution.

After clearing his mind, Baishi walked out of the house. He was going to have a big meal before starting to practice and evolve.

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