People in Naruto, infinite evolution

Chapter 189 Ins and Outs (please subscribe!)

"Summer. Firefly"

Seeing the person coming, Baishi hesitated to speak.

Hearing this, on the cliff, the two looked at each other with a hint of doubt in their eyes.

After shaking their heads at each other, the black-haired man took a careful look at Shiraishi, and after confirming that he hadn't seen him before, he said, "You know us?"

"Know? Of course I do!"

When he said this, Shiraishi looked at the gorgeous peacock wings behind the two of them.

That's right, wings.

Just like his 'Wind Wings', wings made of Chakra.

However, unlike his 'wings of the wind', the wings behind the two of them are particularly agile, and the chakras that make up it seem to have life and are extremely active.

Undoubtedly, this is an ability that can only be possessed by practicing the 'Peacock Magic Technique' to an extremely high level.

In memory, there are only two people in Xingyin Village who meet this requirement—Xia Ri and Yinghuo.

As for the activeness of Chakra.

It was caused by that meteorite.

According to Shiraishi's speculation, the meteorite should be extremely radioactive, and if one practices next to it, the body will naturally mutate due to the radiation.

The mutated body will produce extremely active physical energy, which is then fused with spiritual energy to become a unique chakra.

This kind of chakra is very active, not only extremely plastic, but also has a certain blessing effect on ninjutsu.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages in everything. Although "star training" has strengthened the strength of star ninja, it also makes them suffer from pain.

Just like now, even through the gas mask, Yinghuo's voice is very dull, but Shiraishi can still hear that the other party's condition is not very good.

'Heart eyes~'

With a thought, Baishi activated the ability of [Mind Eyes]. After a little induction, he frowned.

Without it, the other party's state was even worse than he expected.

In his perception, the other party's body had reached the point where it was exhausted.

The cells in the body seem to be cancerous, with uncontrolled differentiation and distortion, constantly squeezing their little vitality.

‘No wonder the other party wants to take the risk of stealing that meteorite? '

Such a dangerous thing, keeping it is a disaster.

'Unfortunately, it was stopped by the third generation, otherwise there would be no such trouble.'

That's right, Shiraishi's goal is also that meteorite.

To others, that meteorite may be a disaster, but to him, it is a sharp weapon to promote the evolution of the body.

The radiation on it not only allows him to possess [Radiation Resistance] earlier and obtain the qualification to set foot in the starry sky, but also promotes the evolution of his body.

Therefore, Shiraishi planned to take the meteorite away before leaving.

With this thought in mind, Baishi didn't waste any more time, jumped forward, and the 'Wind Wings' quietly unfolded, flying towards Xia Ri and Yinghuo at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing this, Xia Ri and Ying Huo's pupils shrank, without any hesitation, while retreating tacitly, they quickly formed seals, trying to attack Baishi.

However, Shiraishi ignored it, and the 'Chakra Feathercoat' instantly condensed into shape.

Then, the speed increased sharply again.

"Be careful! Ahem~"

Seeing Baishi approaching, Yinghuo hurriedly yelled, it seemed that because of being too eager, she even coughed several times, and faint blood spots appeared on the gas mask.

Seeing this, Shiraishi added fire, let out a cold snort, and then performed infrasonic ninjutsu.

Then I saw that the flying firefly trembled, and the peacock's wings couldn't hold on, and the whole person fell down.

Seeing this scene, Xia Ri didn't care about attacking Baishi anymore, and with one flap of his wings, he was going to chase the falling firefly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Baishi sped up again, approaching Xia Ri in an instant, and before the other party could react, he grabbed her by the neck.

Then, the seal of self-karma curse was cast out, ruining her idea of ​​resistance.

However, compared to his own situation, Xia Ri is obviously more concerned about Yinghuo, and his eyes never leave her.

Through the gas mask, Shiraishi saw deep despair in her eyes.

Seeing this, Shiraishi pouted.

Afterwards, the 'Wing of the Wind' vibrated slightly, and the whole body turned into a blue light, dragging Xia Ri to Yinghuo's side.

Then, in his confused eyes, he picked up the falling firefly.

After falling back to the ground, Baishi didn't care what happened, and casually took the set meal imposed on Chi Xing and others, and gave them both one.

Seeing the two people who fell into a coma, Baishi took a step forward, put his hand on the top of Xia Ri's head, and then performed the secret art of the mountain clan - the art of mind reading.

After a long time, he let go of Xia Ri, pondered for a while, and came to Chi Xing's side again, and performed the 'mind reading technique' again.

After a while, Shiraishi opened his eyes and muttered, "Investigate the reason for the change in Hell Valley."

"Sure enough, it's for this"

The so-called mutation naturally refers to the decrease in the concentration of poisonous fog in Hell Valley.

After two months of Shiraishi's puffing and puffing, the balance in Hell Valley has long been broken, and the concentration of poisonous fog here is now many times lower than before.

In the past, this place may have been a hell that the people of the Bear Country feared like a tiger, but with the change of times, although it is still synonymous with danger, it has also become a guardrail to maintain the stability of the Bear Country.

After so many years, it doesn't know how many coveted eyes it has blocked for the country of bears.

Therefore, such a big change in Hell Valley naturally attracted the investigation of Xingyin Village.

But when Baishi deliberately concealed it, they couldn't find out what was going on.

However, the concentration of poisonous smog in Hell Valley is getting lower and lower day by day, even if they can't find anything, they have to bite the bullet and investigate.

This time, Xingyin Village even sent three Junin, Chixing, Yemo and Sibu, to find out the reason behind this.

It has to be said that these three people are quite capable, they even found some traces left by Baishi, and found this place by the way.

But how?

Before, Baishi just didn't want to be interrupted in the rhythm of evolution, so he ignored those investigation teams.

But now, his evolution is coming to an end, so naturally there is no need to avoid it.

In addition, he had thoughts about the meteorite, so he easily controlled the three of them.

As for Xia Ri and Ying Huo.

They received a secret order from the third generation of Xingying, and cooperated with Chi Xing and others to conduct a secret investigation. The reason why they came here was because they were attracted by the movement of his chakra explosion just now.

It's a pity that Baishi's perception is too sharp, and he discovered them immediately. In addition, the strength gap between the two sides is too large, so he wanted to run but failed.

In this way, he became a prisoner.

After sorting out the memories in his mind, Baishi touched his chin, looked at the five people who were unconscious, and murmured: "Maybe I don't need to take action this time."

Xingyin Village is just a small Ninja Village. Although the leader calls himself Shadow, the overall strength of the village is average.

With the strength of Xia Ri and others and their understanding of the village, it is not difficult to steal the meteorite by surprise.

That being the case, what was he doing in the past?

With this skill, it is better to hurry up and practice!

Coincidentally, his [Poison Resistance] was barely reaching the limit, and the timing was just right.

After thinking for a while, Baishi made up his mind, and this time the task will be handed over to these five people.

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