People in Naruto, infinite evolution

Chapter 194 Destruction (two in one) (please subscribe!)

Thousands of kilometers away.

The country of craftsmen.

central land.

in a valley.

The craftsman ninja village, which is famous for its forging skills throughout the ninja world, is located here.

Different from ordinary Ninja Villages, Craftsman Ninja Village obviously has a richer flavor of life, and the village is also very distinctive. Almost every house has a chimney erected in the courtyard.

In Ninja Village, even if they cannot become ninjas, most residents will choose to become blacksmiths. This is their survival rule.

Therefore, in normal times, the sound of blacksmithing in Jiangxi Village will hardly stop.

But today is different. The continuous sound of hammering iron in the past has disappeared.

The village was terribly quiet, giving people an extremely depressing feeling, as if something bad was about to happen.

In fact it is true.

Not long ago, a group of ninjas headed by the Four Heavenly Elephants spread the news that the leader was behaving strangely and disregarding the interests of the village, and asked him to give an explanation.

It's just that they wanted an explanation, but what they said was that Fukuoka had betrayed the village.

In this regard, Fukuoka will certainly not admit it.

He even beat back, bluntly saying that the Four Heavens Elephants colluded with external forces in an attempt to rebel, and called on everyone to quell the rebellion.

However, very few people listened to him.

Without it, Fukuoka's recent behavior is really incomprehensible-spending such a high price, buying chakra conductive metal all over the world, but not explaining the purpose.

This not only puzzled the ninjas in the village, but also made other ninja villages look over.

Being so high-profile is really not in line with the way of life of Oguni Ninja Village, nor is it in line with Fukuoka's previous style of doing things.

Therefore, many ninjas chose to wait and see.

As a result, the people headed by the Four Heavenly Elephants and the people under Fukuoka confronted each other like this.

It is precisely because of this that Jiangren Village seems deserted than before. The villagers dare not go out of the house at all, and life has become a problem, let alone blacksmithing.

However, with the passage of time, the balance of victory is slowly tilting toward the Four-Sky Elephants, and more and more ninjas are persuaded by them to join the resistance team.

Without Shiraishi's participation, Craftsman Ninja Village might change from now on.

But who let them block Baishi's way?

So, in any case, they are unlikely to succeed.


Craftsman Ninja Village.

Residence in Fukuoka.

With a few guards implanted with the "spiritual seed" by Shiraishi as the core, dozens of craftsmen are guarding here.

Although many ninjas in the village chose to wait and see, some still remained loyal to Fukuoka.

Therefore, he did not end up alone.

"Shanmu, how's the situation outside?"

Hearing Fukuoka's inquiry, Yamaki shook his head, and replied with an ugly face: "My lord, the situation is not good. They seem to be preparing to attack."

"Is that so?"

Hearing the words, Fukuoka pondered for a while, then closed his mouth and stopped speaking.

Seeing this, Shan Mu wanted to ask something, but hesitated for a moment, and still didn't speak.

Just now, Fukuoka has already said, let them not act rashly, just wait quietly.

‘Just, what are you waiting for? '

'foreign aid? '

‘Is there really any foreign aid now? '

Shan Mu's thoughts turned sharply, and suddenly, from the corner of his eye, he saw a figure behind Fukuoka, a very strange figure.

Yamaki was startled, without any hesitation, he threw out the kunai in his hand, hit Shiraishi's eyes, and shouted at Fukuoka: "My lord, be careful!"

Shiraishi looked at Kunai who was rushing towards him, and glanced at Shan Mu with interest, then raised his right hand, put his index finger and middle finger together, and gently clamped Kunai in front of him.

That's right, the person who suddenly appeared was Shiraishi.

Hearing Yamaki's reminder, Fukuoka reacted, but the moment he saw Shiraishi, he immediately bowed and said, "My lord, you are here!"

As soon as these words came out, the other people who were about to make a move were all stunned on the spot.

'what's the situation? '

‘What did the leader call that man? '

'grown ups? ! '

In an instant, everyone's faces became extremely ugly. They believed that Fukuoka had no problems, so they were willing to stand by his side.


Fukuoka actually betrayed the village as Shitian Xiangren said.

At this moment, everyone was angry.

As the saying goes, the depth of love is the depth of hatred.

It turned out that how much they respected Fukuoka, how much they hated him now.


Yamaki let out a roar, his legs were strong, and he crushed the ground with one foot. His whole body was shot out like a cannonball, and he crossed a distance of several meters in an instant, and came to Fukuoka.

His eyes were red, and he punched out, as if he wanted to vent his anger on Fukuoka.

Fukuoka's strength is only at the level of Chunin, plus he has not fought all year round, so he doesn't know where his real strength has fallen.

At this time, he couldn't react to the angry blow of Shan Mu, a jounin.

However, just because he couldn't react, it didn't mean that Shiraishi couldn't react either.

Although Shan Mu's speed is fast, under Shiraishi's [Super Vision·Dynamic Vision], it is no different from crawling like a snail.

He glanced at Shan Mu, and then a burst of spiritual energy came out of his body, and the improved 'Heart Turning Clone Technique' was activated, instantly controlling his body and stopping him on the way.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the craftsmen stopped immediately, their expressions fluctuating

Tread Tread~

Shiraishi walked a few steps lightly, and came to Fukuoka, looked at the mountain trees that were close at hand, and pointed his index finger between his eyebrows.

Then, with a flash of silver light, he implanted the latest version of the 'spiritual seed' into his body.

At the same time, Baishi said leisurely: "He is still useful, but I can't let you kill him."

Shiraishi's voice was flat, as if he was talking about something trivial.

Hearing this, the rest of the craftsmen looked at each other and chose to run away almost at the same time.

Fight head-on?

Do not make jokes.

I didn't see that the most powerful mountain trees among them were planted, and they were planted in such a way that they had no resistance. How could they have the slightest thought of confronting them head-on?

This is also a common problem of most ninjas in Xiaonin Village.

Once encountering a danger that is difficult to fight, the first thought is to protect oneself, and there is no thought of sacrificing one's life for righteousness.

Just like now, these craftsmen immediately gave up the idea of ​​confrontation after confirming that Shiraishi could not win, and chose to escape one after another.

However, Baishi came here to solve the problem, how could he let them leave so easily?

Immediately, everyone only heard a cold snort, and then their brains seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer, their consciousness was in a trance for a while, and they fell to the ground.

"What ninjutsu is this?"

Looking at the group of ninjas who fell to the ground "Putong, putong", Fukuoka's eyes widened and he murmured.


Baishi explained casually, and then said to the guards who had already been controlled by the 'spiritual seed': "Go and move them here."

Hearing this, several guards quickly and respectfully responded as if waking up from a dream: "Obey, my lord!"

After saying that, he went straight to those Takumi who fell to the ground.

A few minutes later.

Baishi implanted 'spiritual seeds' for these people, and left a package of 'flying thunder god formula + self-karma curse seal + tongue curse eradication seal' package.

Looking away from these unconscious people, Shiraishi looked at Fukuoka again and asked, "Tell me about the situation here in detail."

"Yes, my lord!"

After Fukuoka responded, he described the difficulties he was facing now in detail.

After listening to what he said, Baishi touched his chin and pondered, "Is that so?"

The situation in Craftsman Ninja Village was much more serious than he expected.

Before, he only thought that the Four Heavenly Elephants were causing trouble, but according to Fukuoka, there seemed to be shadows of other ninja villages behind it.

As for who it was, he didn't know too well, but he had this feeling vaguely.

This reminded Shiraishi of the conflict with Yanyin Village a few months ago. The battle broke out in the country of Craftsman, not too far from Craftsman Ninja Village.

In that battle, Yanyin Village suffered a terrible loss and took over a mess - hundreds of Yanren who had been implanted with the "spiritual seed".

Through the connection of the spiritual imprint, Baishi knew that Yanyin Village had been trying to crack the 'spiritual seed', but it had never been successful.

Therefore, until now, these people have not been freed.

And with Onogi's character, after suffering such a big loss, he will definitely not let it go, and will definitely investigate his whereabouts.

In this way, it is not impossible to find Craftsman Ninja Village here.

Although there is no evidence, his intuition tells Baishi that the driving force behind this incident is Yanyin Village.

Without it, although Onoki is not as insidious as Danzo, he is still very good at playing black hands.

Think back a few years ago, when Konoha and Yunyin Village fought again.

In order to contain Konoha and achieve the goal of weakening the strength of both sides, he sent Anbu ninjas to gather a group of robbers to plunder the small towns in the Land of Fire and create chaos. It is unknown how many civilians suffered as a result.

If he hadn't happened to pass by Linhai Town at that time, I'm afraid it would have become a purgatory on earth.

From this, it is not difficult to see Onogi's character.

Then, after the other party determined that Takumi Ninja Village had a connection with him, it would not be a surprise to make Takumi Ninja Village break out in civil strife.

Thinking of this, Shiraishi laughed lightly, then made a seal with both hands, and performed ninjutsu—the technique of wood escape and wood clone.

I saw his shoulders squirmed, and in the blink of an eye, four identical wooden clones rushed out.

Bai Shi turned around, nodded to Sidaomu's clone, and said, "You guys go out now and directly form the 'Four Spirit Sealing Formation'."

"no problem."

The Sidaomu clone responded, and then disappeared in place with an instant body technique.

Seeing their leaving backs, Shiraishi murmured: "Whoever is behind you, wait until I turn all the ninjas into my own, and see what else you can do."

That's right, Shiraishi intends to implant "spiritual seeds" for the ninjas in the entire Craftsman Ninja Village.

Although this kind of method does not seem to be the right way, he can't control so much, the big deal is to just ignore them in normal times.

"I'm here." ×4

About two minutes later, the voices of Sidaomu clones rang in Baishi's mind one after another.

Hearing this, Baishi went straight to the outside of the house, ignoring the peeping gazes, and used the 'art of communication' to reply: "Let's start!"

The next moment, four cyan barriers rose from the southeast, northwest, and four directions of Jiang Ren Village, like a sky, covering the entire Jiang Ren Village.

Especially when it was capped, a commotion erupted in the village.

At this moment, four craftsmen, three men and one woman, appeared not far away.

From Fukuoka's narration, he already knew what Shitian Xiangren looked like.

Therefore, they recognized their identities at a glance, and they were the four celestial elephants.

Look at their weapons again.

The woman with short dark green hair held a long sword inlaid with green gemstones in her hand.

'This should be the two peacock swords that can be combined or separated. '

Muttering to himself, Shiraishi looked at the other three. One of them was wearing a tiger-head armor, which should be an infinite hole armor that can absorb chakra.

As for the remaining two, they only held ordinary Kunai.

Seeing this, Baishi understood that the Longyan retractable sword and the lightsaber had not yet been forged.

Seeing Baishi looking at himself and the others, Peacock took a step forward and asked in a stern voice: "Who are you? You made the barrier outside?"

However, the expected answer did not come.

Bai Shi just glanced at her indifferently, and without seeing any movement from him, a light blue long gown condensed on his body, and a pair of translucent wings grew out from his back.

Obviously, it is 'Wind Escape · Wings of Wind' and 'Chakra Feathers'.

When he was ready, the wings on Baishi's back trembled slightly, and his body turned into a blue light, appearing high above the sky.

Sweeping his eyes over the people below, looking at the trembling civilians in the room, Baishi narrowed his eyes slightly, sighed secretly, and activated the phantom ring worn on the middle finger of his right hand.

With the input of Chakra, the A-level ninjutsu recorded in it - the technique of Nirvana Abode was released.

The next moment, the pure white feathers appeared in everyone's field of vision, as if shining from a dream into reality.

In the blink of an eye, all civilians and most of the ninjas fell into a coma.

At the same time, the expressions of Peacock and others changed suddenly, and they all said, "Be careful, everyone, it's an illusion!"

Then I saw that those middle-aged ninjas either made seals to disturb the chakra in their bodies to release the illusion, or they were helped by other people to release the illusion. In short, they were very busy.

Seeing this, Baishi said leisurely: "Okay, it's your turn!"

After saying that, the chakra in his body erupted, and a great power emanated from him, making the people below unable to raise their heads.

Some ninjas even fell to the ground in fear.

Among the crowd, only the peacock, the water tiger in the infinite hole armor, and a few other people could keep relatively calm.

Feeling the increasing coercion from Baishi, Peacock couldn't stand it anymore, and said sharply, "Let's fight together!"

While speaking, he waved the long sword in his hand, and a series of wind blades shot out from the tip of the sword, attacking Baishi like sharp blades.

Seeing this, the others also reacted, gritted their teeth and launched attacks.

However, Baishi was standing high in the sky, and their attacks seemed extremely weak.

Among them, the most powerful one is the wind blade issued by the peacock, but in front of 'Chakra Feathercoat', it is not much different from other attacks, and it cannot break through his defense at all.

His eyes swept over these people, Shiraishi formed a seal again, and performed infrasonic ninjutsu with all his strength.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the air in front of him rippled, and the infrasound waves were precisely sent into the bodies of those ninjas by him, resonating with their brains.

The next moment, there was a sound of falling to the ground one after another.

In just a few breaths of time, everyone fell into a coma.

Shiraishi dealt with everyone in a devastating manner.

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