People in Naruto, infinite evolution

Chapter 208 The first step is completed (please subscribe!)

In an illusory spherical space.

The gases of black, white and yellow are mixed and intertwined, sometimes fused and sometimes separated, always maintaining a dynamic balance.

Suddenly, at a certain moment, the snow-white King Mu appeared in it.

Needless to say, it was pulled in by the ternary chain.

Its body looks huge, but after entering this space, it immediately becomes pocket-sized.

At this time, the surrounding three-color gas is like a shark that smells fishy, ​​instantly surrounding it tightly, and it is still squeezed continuously.

The severe pain made King Mu roar from time to time, and Bai Shi's name could be vaguely heard in his voice.

Unfortunately, Shiraishi completely ignored it.

After a while, King Mu finally stopped struggling, and his entire body lost its original shape. The fusion of a dolphin and a horse turned into a small white ball the size of a fist.

If it wasn't for being able to sense the aura of five tails on it, Shiraishi probably thought it was completely crushed to death.

With a thought, countless three-color silk threads shot out from the void, like a spider's web, hanging the white ball in mid-air.

From then on, the Chakra of Five Tails will be at his disposal.

Moreover, due to the suppression of the mental chains, it has basically lost consciousness, so it will no longer have any life activities.

In this way, there is no additional chakra consumption.

In this way, Shiraishi can make the most of its chakra.

Although he also said that Wuwei is a power bank before, but from now on, it can be regarded as a power bank in the true sense.

From then on, whenever he needs it, he can extract the other party's chakra in a moment of thought.

Even, because of the continuous upgrade of [Energy Absorption], the process of energy transformation does not need to go through the step of exhalation by the body.

In the future, during the extraction process, the tailed beast chakra can be transformed into his own chakra, and the gap can be imagined.

It can be said that the three-element sealing technique is the most suitable sealing technique created by him based on his own existing conditions.


Consciousness withdrawn from the sealed space, Shiraishi raised his head to look at Nine Tails.

At this time, the opponent hadn't run far.

What happened just now sounds long, but in fact it is just a few short breaths.

Seeing Nine Tails running wildly, Shiraishi murmured, "Isn't it too late to run now?"

His voice was not loud, but it was clearly heard in Nine Tails' ears.

Hearing his words, Nine-Tails Revenant froze.

Compared with Wuwei who was just captured, Kyuubi undoubtedly knows Shiraishi better, but it is also because of this that it is more afraid of Shiraishi.

In its view, Shiraishi's methods are not weaker than Senju Bashirama, who almost crushed him to death, and even more cruel than Senju Bashirama.

Qianshou Zhujian grasped it, but only used it as a tool to check and balance all parties.

But Baishi was different. In the hands of the opponent, it was only oppressed, not even a slave. There was a fundamental difference between the two.

‘No, it must never fall into that kid’s hands again.’

Kyuubi's thoughts turned, and he wanted to do something, but at this moment, a great sense of crisis came to his heart.

Kyuubi, who was running away, looked back, and saw three black, white and yellow chains flying towards him at a very fast speed.

Although it has not approached yet, it has already sensed a great danger on it, as if these three chains can restrain it by nature.

Immediately, it thought of what happened to Wuwei just now, it seemed that it lost its freedom the moment it touched the chain.

As the saying goes, the lesson from the past is the teacher of the past.

With Five-Tails' encounter ahead, Nine-Tails didn't dare to be careless at all, it jumped and dodged to the side.

However, this chain seems to have only three, but its flexibility is far beyond its expectation.

They seemed to have their own will, not only interspersed with attacks, but also coordinated with each other.

Therefore, in just a short while, its movement space was compressed to a very dangerous situation.


Nine Tails was anxious, and couldn't help but let out a roar.

Then, the chakra gathered rapidly, and a large number of small chakra balls emerged in the surrounding space, about eight of them were blue, and two were purple-black.

Among them, the blue chakra ball is the yang attribute, and the purple-black chakra ball is the yin attribute.

Seeing this scene, Shiraishi immediately understood that Kyuubi wanted to use the ultimate move.

"Hehe~, Tailed Beast Jade?"

"Don't think about it!"

With a low cry, Baishi injected a large amount of celestial chakra into the phantom ring, activating the hypnotic ability recorded in it.

Although he was not afraid of the Tailed Beast Jade, after all, during the Nine-Tails Rebellion, he used the 'Wooden Man Technique' to overcome this move.

However, in order to save time, he decided to interrupt the process.

Then he saw that the three pitch-black jadeites in the ring of illusion were spinning rapidly, forming a windmill-like pattern in a short while.

Upon closer inspection, it can be found that it is almost the same as the kaleidoscope of Uchiha Obito.

Obviously, Baishi has pushed the limit of the ability of the phantom ring.

Accompanied by a burst of spiritual energy gushing out, Nine-Tails unconsciously fell into a trance state.

At this time, not to mention condensing the tailed beast jade, it can't even maintain the surrounding chakra balls.

After it broke free from the influence of hypnosis, a yellow chain ran through its body, binding it tightly.

Nine-Tails wanted to struggle, but was suppressed so hard to move, so it could only roar to express the anger in its heart.

However, this is of no use.

When the pitch-black spiritual chains were placed on top of its head, it lost its last chance to resist.

Just before the consciousness fell into a deep sleep, it murmured: "Baishi. Damn it"

Baishi's hearing is so keen, he naturally heard this murmur, but he didn't pay attention to it, he still doesn't know when the other party woke up again?

At that time, even if the other party has great resentment towards him, what can he do?


With Shiraishi's soft drink, the white transparent chains condensed by natural energy turned into a huge net, covering the entire Nine Tails in it.

Then, the three chains were retracted at the same time, and Nine Tails trapped in them were also pulled back.

Soon, there was another crimson ball in the sealed space. Like Wuwei, Jiuwei also became a real power bank this time.


After finishing all this, Baishi let out a long sigh of relief, and said to himself, "It's finally finished."

Then, he opened the panel and checked the loss through the data on it.

That's right, a loss.

Although in the long run, switching the sealing method will be beneficial to him, but for now, the separation of the tailed beast still caused him a lot of damage.

It is mainly manifested in two aspects, one is the basic attributes, and the other is the lifespan.

For the former, his [Strength], [Agility], [Physique], and [Intelligence] almost all dropped by more than ten points.

And this needs a month and a half of meditation to make up for it.

In the latter case, his lifespan was shortened by more than ten years.

However, the upper limit of his lifespan is more than three hundred years old, and it will continue to increase in the foreseeable future, so this consumption is nothing.

So, generally speaking, the damage this time is still within the acceptable range.

Sorry, working overtime today is too late, just an update.

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