People in Naruto, infinite evolution

Chapter 219 The Storm Pauses (Please Subscribe!)

at the same time.

Country of Grass.

Near the border of the Land of Earth.

Baishi stood at the place where he fought Lao Zi before, with the [Super Vision·Perspective] ability activated, carefully observe the direction of the magma flow below, and find a suitable position.

After a long time, he finally found a lava cave similar to that under Moon Island under a short mountain not far away.

'Earth Dungeon · Diving in the Earth~'

Shiraishi quickly completed the seal, injected chakra into the ground through the soles of his feet, and performed this C-level ninjutsu.

Immediately, the soil under his feet turned into quicksand, enveloping him.

Holding his breath, Baishi went all the way down, the surrounding temperature was getting higher and higher, but to Baishi, it was nothing.

After about ten breaths, his feet were empty, and he had already reached his destination.

Looking around, this space is much smaller than the cave below Moon Island, with an area of ​​only seventy or eighty square meters and a height of only three or four meters.

But it's good enough.

Letting go of his grip on the rock wall, Shiraishi fell straight into the magma below.

If it was before, he still needs to cast ice escape first to protect himself, but now...

After more than half a month of adaptation, he no longer needs any protection.

It was seen that the moment the two sides touched, the clothes on his body turned into fly ash, but his skin was only slightly red.

At this moment, to him, the 1,000-degree lava around him was just the dry heat that ordinary people feel.

Without wasting time, after his whole body was engulfed by magma, Shiraishi immediately called out the system and started the evolution of [Absolute Adaptation].

Looking at the steady growth of the progress bar on the panel, Shiraishi nodded in satisfaction.

The speed of evolution is the same as that on Moon Island.

It was also thinking of this place that Baishi was willing to leave Moon Island temporarily.

It now appears that he is on the right track.

Next, as long as you keep a low profile, who would have thought that he would be here?

And without people disturbing him, with his current 'quad-core drive' evolution rate, it won't be long before his strength will increase a lot.

"Hey~, I'm so happy!"


And during the period of Shiraishi's dormant evolution, a major event happened in the ninja world.

That is, Akatsuki, a well-known mercenary organization in the ninja world, attacked Wuyin Village, one of the Five Great Ninja Villages, and forcibly took Sanwei and Liuwei away.

As the three-tailed Jinchuriki, the fourth Mizukage Kutachi Yakura desperately resisted, but still failed to stop Akatsuki's actions, and even fell into it himself.

For a time, the whole ninja world was in a state of turmoil, and everyone was in danger, especially Yunyin Village, which was on a state of first-level alert.

Shiraishi can also understand this.

After all, there are a total of nine tailed beasts in the ninja world, of which four, five, seven and nine tails are with him, and one, two, three and six tails are captured by the Akatsuki organization.

Now, there is only one eight tails left in Yunyin Village.

So, how could Yunyin Village not feel anxious?

In fact, not only Yunyin Village, but other villages as well?

Especially Konoha, after Namikaze Minato learned from him the purpose of Akatsuki's organization to capture tailed beasts, he immediately launched an investigation.

Zilai lived up to expectations, and soon found Orochimaru.

I don't know if Orochimaru leaked it on purpose, or what, anyway, they confirmed Shiraishi's words from the other party.

Therefore, at this time of crisis, Namikaze Minato held the Five Kages Conference.


"Five Shadows Conference?"

"Yes, my lord, this news has spread throughout the ninja world." Yinghuo replied.

"Is that so?"

After pondering, Baishi put on his clothes, and then asked: "Do you know when it will be held?"

"One month later, my lord!"

"Where is the location?"

"The Land of Iron, the General's Mansion."

"Is it really the country of iron?"

Apart from Iron Country, a neutral place where the five major ninja villages competed and compromised with each other, he couldn't think of any other place in the ninja world that was suitable for holding the Five Kages Conference.

As for why so much fanfare?

Shiraishi estimated that, firstly, it was to deter some restless factors in the ninja world, and secondly, it should be to show the confidence of the five great ninja villages.

If even something like the Five Kages Conference is going to be sneaky, then it's better to stay away.

"Hehe~, I'm really confident!"

Baishi chuckled, and muttered, "If you knew how deep the water is, would you be so optimistic?"

On the side, Yinghuo heard Baishi's words and asked, "My lord, what are we going to do?"

Hearing this, Baishi fell into deep thought.

Before, he planned to use Konoha's hand to restrain the energy of Akatsuki's organization, and by the way, delay their progress in capturing the tailed beast.

Unexpectedly, Nagato's decisiveness was beyond his expectation, he shot directly, forcibly broke into Wuyin Village, and kidnapped Sanwei and Liuwei.

According to the calculation of time, the opponent probably just sealed the first and second tails, and immediately attacked the third and sixth tails. The efficiency was unprecedented.

In this way, their next target is only Eight Tails and the four tailed beasts on him.

Shiraishi wasn't too worried about the tailed beast on his body, but the eight-tailed beast

To be honest, even though Kirabi is a perfect Jinchuriki and has a good ability to escape, Shiraishi still doesn't think that the other party can break free from the shackles of fate.

If possible, he would like to catch Eight Tails first.

In this way, it can not only further accelerate his own evolution, but also prevent the Akatsuki organization from mastering more tailed beasts.

As for attracting Xiao's attention.

Could it be that if he didn't do anything to Yao, the Akatsuki organization wouldn't bother him?

You know, he still has four tailed beasts on his body, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to hand over these tailed beasts, the two sides will conflict sooner or later.

Since we have to face each other anyway, why not seize the initiative as soon as possible?

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, Shiraishi replied: "No, just pay close attention to the movements of Hachio, and don't worry about the others."

Hearing this, Yinghuo responded, "Yes, my lord!"

"Okay, you go down."

"The subordinate will leave."

After answering, Yinghuo disappeared with a blink of an eye.

Immediately, Baishi was left alone.

Until then, he turned his attention to himself.

Looking at the skin gradually changing from red to fair, Shiraishi opened the panel, and saw that the progress bar behind [Absolute Adaptation] on it had already reached the end, and was only one step away from being promoted.

Without wasting any time, Shiraishi immediately sat cross-legged, and began to draw the chakras of the four tailed beasts to supplement the consumption just now.

After Chakra recovers, he enters the space ring again, absorbs the natural energy inside, and transforms the Chakra in his body into higher-level Immortal Chakra.

After everything was ready, he took off his clothes, locked on the Flying Thunder God mark in the magma below, and activated the Flying Thunder God technique.

In an instant, others appeared in the magma.

Compared with half a month ago, the magma can cause less damage to him.

Correspondingly, its effect of promoting the evolution of [Absolute Adaptation] is also weaker.

Still, a little is better than nothing, and something is better than nothing, isn't it?

In this way, Baishi immersed himself in the practice again, as if everything just now was just an episode.

The operation went well, resume update!

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