People in Naruto, infinite evolution

Chapter 259: Two Heavens of Ice and Fire

Shisui Uchiha didn't refute what the patriarch said, but just quietly looked at Minakaze Minato, waiting for his decision.

Although it is not clear what Shiraishi wants to do, there is no doubt that he is a growing threat to the ninja world.

Therefore, after thinking for a long time, Minato Namikaze said slowly: "Shisui, I will send two Anbu teams to assist you."

Hearing this, Uchiha Shisui looked happy.

Just as he was about to speak, he heard Namikaze Minato warn in a serious tone: "But you have to remember, don't rush in."

After thinking about it, in order to avoid Uchiha Shimizu's superiority, Namikaze Minato still decided to reveal some news to the other party.

"Shisui, Mr. Jiraiya already has some clues, so this time your mission is to protect yourself first, understand?"

Uchiha Shisui hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said: "I see, Fourth Master!"

On the side, Uchiha Fugaku sighed helplessly when he heard the conversation between the two.

However, the bottom of my heart is a little more relaxed.

After all, he was still very worried about Uchiha Itachi's safety.

‘Since Uchiha Shisui can’t be prevented from taking risks, why not send some more manpower! '

At this point, Uchiha Fugaku said: "The Uchiha clan will also have two Jonin teams."

"Zhishui, these people are all entrusted to you. How to use them is up to you."

"Okay, let's act together!"

Namikaze Minato did not reject Uchiha Fugaku's proposal.

For one thing, the ninja world is really not peaceful now, and there are many places that need manpower. The extra manpower of the Uchiha clan will indeed help to improve the success rate of the mission.

Second, performing tasks together can cultivate the relationship between the two parties, and then promote the integration of the village and the Uchiha clan.

Why does Namikaze Minato object to killing two birds with one stone?

As for Uchiha Shisui, he will not object even more.

From the beginning, his goal was to eliminate the barrier between the village and the Uchiha clan, and he would not object to anything that was in favor of this.

Just when Namikaze Minato and others were discussing how to find him, Shiraishi had already returned to the place of practice.


In hot lava.

A circular ice platform with a diameter of about three meters is located in its center.

This ice platform exudes a strong cold air, which is incompatible with the surrounding environment, but it is here.

At a certain moment, a tree-shaped imprint shimmered on it.

Then, a figure appeared on the ice platform.

If the person is not Baishi, who else could it be?

Touching the ice platform under him, Shiraishi nodded in satisfaction.

Then he said, "That's right, it hasn't melted yet."

Although he did a lot of things this time, he didn't spend much time.

Therefore, the ice platform created by the ice escape has not melted yet.

Without wasting time, Baishi used Ice Escape again, and after strengthening the ice platform, he started the evolution of [Absolute Adaptation] again.

As for Kurama Yakumo and Uchiha Itachi...

This is not in a hurry.

Anyway, the study of Yin Dun is not a matter of a day or two, it is better to consume all the chakra in the body first.

Originally, according to the plan, today's [Absolute Adaptation] has completed the evolution.

But since the chakra has been replenished, it cannot be wasted.

With this in mind, Shiraishi poured a large amount of chakra into the ice platform, activating the surrounding sealing array.

That's right, it's the sealing array.

A sealing formation based on the surrounding magma.

Initially, he was using the high temperature of natural magma to promote [Absolute Adaptation] evolution.

But with the improvement of the [Absolute Adaptation] level, the high temperature brought by natural magma is no longer enough to maintain the accelerated evolution.

Therefore, he changed to use [Ice Escape] to create a low-temperature environment, and then promote [Absolute Adaptation] to accelerate evolution.

It's just that compared to the high temperature, the low temperature produced by [Ice Escape] is really limited.

So, it didn't take long for it to fail.

Fortunately, Shiraishi was well prepared and developed [Melting Escape] Blood Successor Limit in advance.

So, after [Ice Escape] failed, he used [Melting Escape] to complete the seamless connection.

However, creating a high-temperature environment out of thin air consumes too much Chakra.

Even if he has a lot of chakra, he can't stand such consumption.

So in the end, this sealing array was arranged.

This array can use the favorable location to create a high enough temperature with four or two moves.

This not only uses the relevant knowledge of the sealing technique, but also requires the performer to have a clear understanding of natural energy.

That is, Baishi. If it were someone else, even if they had a detailed formation plan, it would be impossible to arrange this sealing formation.

Taking a step back, even if someone arranges this sealing formation, it will not be able to fully make it effective.

Just like now, after activating the sealing formation, Shiraishi still needs to mobilize the celestial chakra in his body to pry the surrounding natural energy into the sealing formation.

Until this moment, the sealing formation was not fully activated.

I saw that densely packed black sealing techniques appeared in the surrounding magma.

Immediately afterwards, waves of heat surged towards Baishi, and the surrounding temperature rose by tens of degrees in a short while, and continued to rise.

In contrast, the temperature of the surrounding magma is gradually decreasing.

Although this decline is not large, it is real.

And as long as the sealing formation is still in operation, then this trend will not change in any way.

In this way, the temperature of the surrounding magma will inevitably drop significantly under the accumulation of small amounts.

The whole process seems to be extracting heat from the surrounding magma.

In fact, it was similar. In order to reduce the chakra needed to maintain the sealing formation, he transferred a large part of the pressure to these magmas.

Therefore, such a transformation will have an irreversible impact on the environment.

Similarly, it was for this reason that Shiraishi asked Yueguang Galefeng and others to find areas where magma was active.

These are his spare practice places.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and soon, a quarter of an hour passed.

At this time, the surrounding temperature has risen to more than two thousand degrees Celsius.

Taking a deep breath, feeling the burning sensation from his lungs, Shiraishi stopped the increase in temperature.

Then, he injected a large amount of ice escape chakra into the ice platform below him.

Immediately, a gust of cold air gushed out from the ice platform and went straight into his body.

In an instant, Baishi felt the stimulation of the two heavens of ice and fire.

Amid this stimulation, Shiraishi closed his eyes and started a new round of evolution.

At this moment, his [Absolute Adaptation] began to evolve faster than expected.

The reason for this is because of the two heavens of ice and fire.

This is a little trick Shiraishi discovered by accident—the combination of low temperature and high temperature can make the evolution of [Absolute Adaptation] faster.

Such repeated changes in high and low temperatures, even metals can't stand it, let alone people.

But it is precisely because of this that his body can be forced to adapt at a faster speed.

And this happens to meet the evolutionary conditions of [absolute adaptation].

Therefore, it can evolve faster than expected.

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