When the three generations of Raikage and Kotachio Yakura fell into the cesspool together!

And the moment when Yuri was really red.

The entire live room!

Suddenly there was a sound of cold breath!

[Thousands of Hands: Fuck! These three guys... fell directly into it! 】

[Uchiha Tomitake: What a disgusting picture...]

[Hinata Risara: Poor Real Red, who was standing on that wooden board well, unexpectedly was hit by the third generation Raikage and the fourth generation Shuiying! 】

[Uchiha Shisui: Yes, I thought Uncle Real Red would stick to it forever. 】

[Bo Feng Shui Men: This is really a disaster! 】

[Bobby: Uncle... Fortunately, my aunt is not in this live broadcast room! 】

[Ye Yue Cyan: Who said that I am not here, I just don't want to pay attention to the old immortal!

When I died, I was a lot of age, and I was still letting myself go here!

I don't know which eye I was blinded back then, so I would marry that rough old man! 】

[Bobby: Uncle... Aunt? When were you here? 】

[Ye Yue Cyan: I've been here long ago, but I saw that the old immortal Ai has been talking nonsense here, I just don't want to talk to him! 】

[Bobby: That's it! 】

[Ye Yue Cyan: If the old immortal comes back, don't you say that I am here, I don't want to see him! 】

[Bobby: Okay... Okay, don’t worry, aunt, I won’t say it! 】

Seeing the three generations of Raiking who have always played connotative idioms, there will be daughters in this live broadcast room unexpectedly.

Some people who have nothing to do in their idle time suddenly became interested.

[Kondo Muzuo: I didn't expect that the old Raikage of the third generation also has a wife! 】

[Ghost Lantern Huanyue: Are you nonsense? People are the number one clan in the Thunder Country, and Yeyue clan, how could it not be able to marry a wife! 】

[Kondo Muzuo: It seems to be right, but I seemed to hear his wife say that the third generation Raikage is a rough old man.

I don’t know what the word ‘thick’ specifically refers to! 】

[Ghost Lantern Huan Yue: I wipe the bandage old ghost, do you want to go to that restricted space too? 】

[Kondo Muzuo: Go away, I don’t want to...]

[Ghost Lantern Huanyue: But you were involved in pornography just now! 】

[Kondo Muzuo: Do ​​you have it? 】

[Ghost Lantern Huanyue: Nonsense, that's the word ‘crude’. Isn’t this a metaphor for pornography? 】

[Kondo Muzuo: Damn it! I almost forgot, I quickly withdrew the barrage first...]

[Yueyue Cyan:? ? ? 】

【Bobby: ...】


Block space.

After being hit by three generations of Raikage and Goku Tachibana Yakura into the cesspool!

Yuri Zhenhong quickly jumped out of the dung pond.

But at the moment.

His body has been soaked in the yellow water.

Even the hair is no exception.


Because the three generations of Raikage and Kotachi Yakura fell too suddenly.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

When falling into a cesspool.

He accidentally poured several mouthfuls of yellow soup!

That sour and refreshing taste!

After making Yuri Zhenhong jump up, she vomited on the spot!

If it is not the soul body!

It is estimated that he has already vomited so much!



It was not long after Yuri Zhenhong jumped up from the bottom of the cesspool.

The third generation of Raikage and the fourth generation of Shuiying jumped up from under the pool just like fleeing for their lives.

The same as Yuri Zhenhong.

After jumping on the surface of the pool!

Kotachi Tachibana Yakura also retched on the spot!

Among the three.

Only three generations of Raikage stood on the surface of the pool nonchalantly!

Yuri Zhenhong looked up.

However, it was discovered that a layer of light blue Chakra's coat appeared on the opponent's body at this moment.

This chakra coat was all around his body.

Covered his entire body.

There is still a trace of shocking current faintly lingering on the top of it!

Somewhat similar to Renzhuli's tail beast coat!

But at the moment!

It wasn't the current that shocked Yuri Zhenhong!

It's the chakra coat that actually cut off the feces around it!

To know.

The three of them fell into the cesspool together just now.

But after coming out.

But only he and Kochi Tachibana Yakura were filled with dung liquid.

Looking back at the three generations of Raikage!

He didn't even get any fecal fluid on his body!

This is incredible!

[Thousands of Hands: What a powerful Lei Dun Chakra, is this the Lei Dun Chakra mode that the three generations of Raikage talked about before? 】

[Uchiha Senna: It seems that this old boy still has a hand, leaving the rest aside for the time being, this Lei Dun Chakra is estimated to be comparable to the top of the shadow class, right? 】

[Bobby: Two people, it's true that my uncle's strength is actually the pinnacle of the movie class. 】

[Thousands of hands: Really? He can be at the same height as the old man. It seems that the old man underestimated him before! 】

[Uchiha Izuna: Yes, in our era, there are many ninjas who can reach the level of movie power!

But there are only a handful of people who can cultivate the strength of the Shadow Level to the peak!

This third-generation Raikage usually looks faceless and skinless, but he did not expect to be a hidden guy! 】

[Bobby: Ha ha! Without that kind of strength, how could my uncle stand alone against more than 10,000 Iwanin for three days and three nights during the third Ninja war! 】

[Hinata Nissara: But didn’t Mr. Madara say last time that the record of the last loss is not worth mentioning? 】

[Bobby: Um... Although my uncle died in that war, the opposite side Iwa Shinobu also lost thousands!

Moreover, he successfully completed the cover task, and speaking of it, he did not lose!

As for Lord Madara’s words, you just have to hear it. ......

Anyway, in his eyes, there is always only the first generation of Hokage as an opponent!

Everyone else is rubbish! 】

[Hinata Nissara: Although what you said is very heartwarming, it seems to make sense too! 】

[Bobby: I'm just stating a fact, after all, my uncle died of exhaustion only after three days and nights of war!

Ordinary shadow level, can this be done? 】

[Bo Feng Shui Men: This eight-tailed man Zhuli is right, the Yeyue clan's thunder-dance ninjutsu is really powerful!

When I was fighting with Brother Abby, I also felt it myself! 】

[Thousands of Hands: The old man doesn't know how powerful this thunder-dance ninjutsu is.

But now, the best effect of this technique is to help the guy from the third generation of Raikage to isolate those feces!

This is the most important thing! 】

[Hinata Nikkei: Yes, 0.9 has the Thunder Dancing Ninjutsu, and the three generations of Raikage can fully enter and exit in the cesspool! 】

[Uchiha Shisui: I guess ten in and ten out are fine too! 】

[Yasha pill: Why do you add more times to eat, wouldn’t it be better to go in and out directly? 】

[Hyuga Nissara: Stupid, go in and out, be careful of pornography! 】

[Yasha pill: ...]

[Bo Feng Shui Men: Is this the legendary dung pond, and the film does not touch the body? 】

[Kondo Muji: Huh! Unexpectedly, the four generations of Hokage also began to learn this connotative proverb, it's amazing! 】

[Bo Feng Shui Men: Ha ha~ I've been rewarded, I'm also on a whim, so I just made a few sentences! 】

[Ghost Lantern Huan Yue: The fourth generation of Hokage, the bandage old ghost said that is the irony, you actually take it seriously?

You are also being dragged into the banned space by the live room system! 】

[Kondo Muzuo: That's right, don't withdraw it quickly! 】

【Bofeng Water Gate: ...】.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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