[Thousands of hands: What's the situation? Why does Madara want to protect Danzo? 】

[Tachibana Yakura: I don’t know. Didn’t he still say that he would go out and kill Danzo before? 】

[Three generations of Raikage: Yes, the old man also heard what he said just now. If he doesn't kill Danzo, his surname is Uchiha Madara and Danzo! 】

[Goji Tachibana Yakura: With Danzang's last name? Then, are we going to call him Tuan Zangban from now on? 】

[Three generations of Raikage: You fool, Danzo belongs to the Shimura clan, if you really want to be called, it should be called Shimura Madara! 】

[Goji Tachibana Yakura: Shimura Madara? Why does it sound like hemorrhoid spots...]

[Three generations of Raikage:...]

The same as Uchiha Fire Core and others.

The reverse operation of Uchiha Madara!

It also shocked the dead ghosts in the live broadcast room!

No one thought of it.

Just now, he was still clamoring that he was going out to kill Dan Zang!

After arriving at Yangshi.

Turns out to be Danzo's bodyguard directly!

"Is this pupil power aura controlled by another god?"

Looking at Uchiha Madara who suddenly attacked Uchiha Shisui.

Jiang Cheng's pupils also shrank slightly.

After awakening the Six Immortals!

In Chakra's perception, he already possesses an ability that is not weaker than that of Kagura's heart.

Just now Danzo was mobilizing other gods against Uchiha Madara!

He felt a rather strange aura of pupil power from Danzo's right pupil!

From the perspective of Uchiha Madara's abnormal situation at the moment.

no doubt.

Danzo should have exerted the strongest illusion in the Ninja world on him, don't be a god!

of course.

Among all the people present.

Knowing that Uchiha Madara was controlled by another god.

In addition to Jiangcheng.

There is one more person.

That is the true owner of the other gods.

Uchiha Stops the Water!

"Damn, I didn't expect that Lord Ban would be controlled by Danzo..."

Uchiha Shisui was constantly thinking about countermeasures in his mind while carrying the Susao attack from Uchiha Madara!

And at this moment.

Bo Feng Shuimen, who sensed that something was wrong, also shouted loudly, "Shishui, Master Ban, what are you two doing?"

Hearing this, Uchiha Shisui quickly responded: "Four generations of adults, Lord Madara has been controlled by Danzo with another god, I will hold him, you quickly kill Danzo..."

The words came out.

Everyone's expressions froze.

Will Uchiha Madara be controlled by Danzo's other gods?

how can that be!

That's the legendary super shadow ninja!

"Junior Zhishui, how do you know Master Ban is controlled by another god?"

"Yes, the patriarch is a super shadow-level ninja who has opened an eternal kaleidoscope. He is different from the gods. How can he get him?"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Uchiha Fire Core and Uchiha Setsuna looked at Uchiha Shisui in disbelief, and asked.

While dealing with Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Shisui explained: "Two seniors, Danzo’s kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes were taken from me. How could I not know?"

"The other gods are the strongest illusion in the Ninja world. It can forcibly change a person's will, even if Madara is stronger..."


The words are not finished.

Uchiha Madara caught the gap between Uchiha Shimizu God, and cut off half of the opponent's body with a single knife!

Together with the huge Suzano!

Directly turned into the sky's crystal energy!

But soon.

The broken half of his body turned into crystal energy and flew back to Uchiha Shisui.

The soul body is immortal!

Its recovery speed!

Even rebirth on the dirty soil!

"This undead birth technique is far more powerful than the rebirth of the foul soil, and it can achieve the speed of instantaneous extinction."

Seeing Uchiha Shisui's recovery so quickly, Uchiha Madara was also slightly surprised.

But at the moment.

There was more in his heart, but it was excited.

I have been quiet in the Pure Land world for so many years.


He can finally give it a go!

It's a great battle!

At the same time the voice fell.

Susano outside of Uchiha Madara also swelled in the wind.

in a blink.

A complete body with a height of more than a hundred meters, Zonenghu, opened the world and appeared in everyone's field of vision.

The huge blue body suddenly penetrated the entire root base and the dark base!

The Hokage Building that stood directly above the two bases collapsed!


The moment when Susanoh's upper body flew up to the Hokage Building and appeared on the ground.

Violent tremors occurred in the entire Konoha Village.

For a time.

The eyes of countless people all looked towards the Hokage Building!

"What's the matter? Why did the Hokage Building suddenly collapse?"

"What is that blue giant chakra?"

"Oops, it must have been done by the guys in Shayin Village and Otonin Village, hurry over and have a look..."

"What about the situation in Konoha Forest?"

"The movement in the forest is already much smaller than before. It should be Hokage-sama and they repelled the enemy. The village is important. Let's go to the Hokage Building and talk about it first..."

"Yes, go to the Hokage Building first!"


The crowd flocked.

Among them, there were several ninja troops preparing to go to Konoha Forest to support. Before they could leave the village, they saw the collapsed Hokage Building!

As a result, they immediately switched directions!

Drove towards the Hokage Building!

this moment.

Everyone’s attention!

They all gathered to the Hokage Building!


at the same time.

The periphery of Konoha Forest.

It was when the Hokage Building collapsed.

Dashewan, who was evacuating with the lower part of his hand, suddenly stopped.

"Master Oshemaru, why did you stop suddenly?"

The pharmacist asked curiously.

Da She Maru slowly turned around, a pair of golden pupils couldn't help looking towards the direction of Konoha Village, and said: "What a terrible Chakra breath... Could it be that Jiangcheng kid did it?"

Although Dashewan doesn't know how to perceive it.

But he who is Yaqi Orochi!

In terms of perception!

But it is more powerful than the average perception ninja.

When Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Shisui were fighting at the root base!

He may not be able to sense it yet.


When Uchiha Madara's complete body was broken out of the ground, after he was born.

With breath induction, he quickly caught the unprecedented chakra.

too frightening.

Even if it's that long distance!

Dashewan can feel the majestic and vast feeling! !

Seeing Dashemaru looking solemnly towards Konoha Village.

The pharmacist pocket also stretched out his hand pretentiously and pushed the pair of 24K titanium alloy glasses hung on the bridge of his nose.

Then he couldn't help sighing: "Jiangjo used a secret technique to let Uchiha, who came with hatred, descend on Konoha. It seems that the village is about to change soon...".

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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