People In Naruto World: Drinking Makes You Stronger

People in Hokage: Drinking Makes You Stronger Chapter 200

Luo Sha growled angrily, tearing the battle damage table in his hand to 497 pieces.

"Lord Fengying, I want to go back to Shayin Village, and I want to take the medical ninja back!"

Hai Laozang said something, and then walked out of the tent regardless of Luo Sha's reaction.

Chiyo is seriously injured and dying, and he must rush back to Sandyin Village immediately.

Bring Sain's best medical ninja to rescue his sister.


Luo Sha's eyes were red, and she gritted her teeth.

The loss of Shayin Village this time is too great!

To this day, he still can't believe it.

Shayin Village was able to suffer such a heavy loss because of one person!

"Lord Fengying, let's go back to Shayin Village!"

One Sand Hidden Joinin's eyes were bloodshot.

Sandyin Village was beaten to rubble by the invaders, with more than 3,000 casualties.

At this time, he had no intention of fighting Konoha again.

The old nest has been taken over by someone, so what else?

Now, he just wants to hurry back to Shayin Village.


Luo Sha looked around and found that everyone had lost the will to fight.

Everyone is eager to return to Sandyin Village.

His fists were clenched, Luo Sha's eyes were full of unwillingness.

How could this war started by him come to such an end?

Sand Hidden Village, has it failed miserably?

Even if it fails miserably, it is too miserable!

Shayin Village, one of the five hidden villages, was defeated by one person?

Although there are too many unwillingness, Luo Sha understands.

Failure is inevitable.

"Orderly retreat to Shayin Village to prevent Konoha's sneak attack.

Send this news to Yun Yin and Yan Yin!

I don't believe that the two old guys, Tsuchikage and Raikage, can tolerate such a strong man from Konoha!

Konoha! Konoha! "

Luo Sha's eyes were red and she kept roaring.



Konoha Frontline Camp.

Jiraiya sat in the main seat.

Tsunade sat next to him, his expression also a little dull.

"Ho, ho ho."

Suddenly, Jiraiya laughed nervously.

"Hey Jiraiya, can you stop laughing like that?"

Tsunade came back to his senses and shuddered when he saw the nervous smile on Jiraiya's face.

"Yu Yu alone killed Shayin Village? I must be dreaming."

Zilai also patted his face vigorously.


Tsunade looked at Jiraiya's appearance and didn't know what to say.

In fact, she felt like she was dreaming.

After getting the news that Youyu has entered Sandyin Village.

Tsunade's best plan was to rescue Yuyu from Minato.

As long as he returns to Konoha Camp, no matter how badly injured, Tsunade will rescue Youyu.

Tsunade, has prepared for the worst.

As a result, Watergate sent information.

Youyu alone killed Shayin Village!

By the time he reached Sandyin Village, the battle was over.

Yuyu, unscathed!

Shayin Village was cut into ruins by Youyu!

This made Tsunade messy.


"Lord Jiraiya, there is definite information about Shayin Village!"

At this time, a Konoha's Jōnin broke into the big tent with a look of shock on his face.

"Oh? Is there any definite information? Is the information sent back by Minato is wrong?"

Zilai also came back to his senses and asked quickly.

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