People In Naruto World: Drinking Makes You Stronger

Human in Naruto: Drinking makes you stronger Chapter 361


Huang Tu trembled all over, with grief and resentment in his eyes.

This place is Yanyin Village!

But they were cornered by a monster, and everyone took refuge in the shelter.

Hidden Rock Village has never been so embarrassed!

Huang Tu quickly sorted out his mood and scanned for a week.

There are hundreds of rock ninjas around.

These are Iwain's Jonin and Special Jnin.

There are relatively few Junin, only dozens of them, even in Yanyin Village, Junin is an extremely valuable powerhouse.

And the rest are special forbearance.

As for why the Chunin were not allowed to gather here to resist Qi Muyouyu?

On the battlefield, thousands of rock ninjas have proved it with blood.

Human sea tactics are useless against that monster!

In front of him, the Chunin is a group of ants!

And after the defeat, Yanyin's research team also came to a terrifying conclusion.

That is, Qi Mu Youyu was able to use the breath of the dead corpse to cut out terrifying swordsmanship!

That terrifying slash that severely wounded Lord Tukage and cut the Five-Tails until he was left breathless, was formed in this way!

. . . Ask for flowers. .. . . . .

Therefore, Chunin are not only useless, but they will become nourishment for Qi Mu Youyu's swordsmanship!

This conclusion also made the rock ninjas feel cold all over.

"Everyone! Behind us is Yanyin Village! There are countless villagers!

That monster is coming soon, even if he dies, I have to block him! "

Huangtu let out a roar.


There was a will to die in the eyes of Zhong Yanren, and he let out a roar with a little trembling.

"Continue to send letters to the Daming Mansion, and let the Fire Nation Daming Mansion put pressure on Konoha!"

Huangtu led Zhong Yanyin out of the gate of Yanyin Village, and said to the Yanren who was in charge of intelligence beside him.

"Understood, the Daming Mansion of the Land of Earth is also a little flustered, I believe they will continue to put pressure on the Daming Mansion of the Land of Fire."


The rock ninja nodded and responded.

Yanyin Village, after all, belongs to the Land of Earth.

It is the most powerful military force in the Land of Earth!

Moreover, Onoki has a close relationship with the Daming of the Land of Earth, and I believe that the Daming Mansion will continue to put pressure on the Daming Mansion of the Land of Fire.

Just hold on! There must be a turning point!


Huang Tu led the Shangren to the outside of Yanyin Village, looking at the few boulders and mountain peaks left, his face was pale.

This kind of thing is no longer something human can explain!

After an unknown amount of time, the black-purple light and roar dissipated.

However, Huang Tu and others did not show the slightest joy.


Under everyone's horrified gaze, a somewhat wobbly figure slowly emerged from the dust in the sky.


"Qimu, Youyu...!"

The sound of swallowing saliva sounded.

The rock ninjas looked at this figure with death in their eyes.

Even if it is death! Hold this monster too!

Waiting for the transfer from Daming Mansion!

"Bastards of Yanyin Village, you are hiding comfortably.

Hand over the wine to me! ! ! "

Youyu looked at the Iwagakushi Jōnin who lined up, and squeezed his sore arm.

Then there was a drunken roar.


The faces of everyone in Yanyin Village froze immediately.

A big "?" appeared in their minds. enter.

Chapter 221

"Bastards of Yanyin Village, hand over the wine to me! Otherwise, I'll cut you off!"

Youyu held Qiushui in his hand, and with a drunken face, he pointed at the people in Yanyin Village and shouted angrily.


Everyone in Yanyin Village, who was about to say a few harsh words and then fight Youyu to the death, was stunned.

Huang Tu looked at Youyu whose face was full of drunkenness and his eyes were blurred, and the corner of his mouth twitched fiercely.

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