People In Naruto World: Drinking Makes You Stronger

People in Naruto: Drinking makes you stronger Chapter 619

Even famous mansions and dignitaries in many countries have exposed the old foundations of their mansions!

Many of them are wines that have been handed down from the Warring States Period to this day!

And the dignitaries from various countries in Konoha also issued death orders to their houses to collect the rarest and best wine and transport it to Konoha!

Even larger convoys set off from all corners of the world and converged towards Konoha.

The reason why the dignitaries of various countries are so crazy is because after the duel between the Two-Tailed and the Four-Tailed, a daimyo from a remote country who bet the most on the Four-Tailed gave up all the bets he won in exchange for a close contact with the Four-Tailed. I had the opportunity to take a precious photo with the four-tailed rider!

This immediately made the dignitaries and famous people from all over the world turn purple with envy and completely fall into madness.

This is a tailed beast!

Legendary creature! The most terrifying natural disaster in the ninja world!

In the past, they had never seen it, let alone a close encounter, riding on a tailed beast!

Most of their understanding of tailed beasts still lies in various legends and historical records of their mansions!

Now, although they saw the fight between the tailed beasts, they could enter the Tailed Beast Colosseum by paying a sum of fine wine.

Although the admission fee is a huge amount for ordinary people, for powerful people like them, it is nothing!

Countries all over the world, even dignitaries from small marginal countries that many countries look down upon, and even relatively wealthy ordinary people can enter the Tailed Beast Colosseum and have a glimpse of the tailed beasts.

This is too ordinary for the dignitaries and famous people in big countries.

What they want is the most special treatment!

Take a photo with the tailed beast! Even riding on the tailed beast is the most special treatment!

They actually had the opportunity to ride a tailed beast, a terrifying monster that could destroy a city with just one shot of the tailed beast jade!

Is there anything in this world that can show their noble status more than this?

Is there anything in this world that can make them more proud than riding a tailed beast?

Think about it, in the future, they will take photos of themselves with the tailed beasts, or even photos of them riding the tailed beasts, and throw them in front of the dignitaries of neighboring countries, and the dignitaries of neighboring countries will have their eyes red with envy.

That scene, just thinking about it, makes them intoxicated.

All the nobles in the world are completely crazy about this!

So they are all looking forward to the second opening of the Tailed Beast Colosseum.

The rules of the Tailed Beast Colosseum have been completely announced. Every time the Tailed Beast Colosseum is opened, there will only be two tailed beasts fighting!

From now on, unless it is a special celebration, the Tailed Beast Colosseum will only be opened once a week!

And because the fight between the two tails and the four tails is the first opening of the Tailed Beast Colosseum, the opening battle of the Tailed Beast Colosseum!

Therefore, the spectator who bets the most to win can directly win, and use the winning bet to exchange for the opportunity to take photos with the tailed beast or even ride on it!

But from now on, this good thing will no longer exist.

The person who bets on the tailed beasts and wins has two choices.

The first is to take the bet you won and end this bet.

The second method is to use the winning bets, which will be evaluated by Konoha professionals and converted into points at the Tailed Beast Colosseum!

The effect of Tailed Beast Colosseum Points is very huge and vast! At least for the powerful people in various countries, this is the case.

The points you earn in the Tailed Beast Colosseum can be exchanged for the opportunity to have close contact with the tailed beasts, the opportunity to take photos with the tailed beasts, and even the opportunity to ride the tailed beasts!

There are also some private VIP rooms in the Tailed Beast Colosseum!

These can all be redeemed with Tailed Beast Colosseum points.

Of course, the amount of points required is extremely huge!

Especially the opportunity to ride a tailed beast requires an astronomical amount of points!

And the most important thing is that the points you win in a game can only be used on the tailed beast you bet on to win.

Of course, if you want to redeem those private VIP rooms, Tailed Beast Colosseum points are universal.

Although the dignitaries of various countries were very dissatisfied with this, they had absolutely nothing to say in the face of Konoha's explanation.

Konoha's explanation was, "Do you want to use the points you earned from Shukaku for the opportunity to ride the Nine-Tails? That's a good idea. ˇ!"

Faced with this explanation that left them speechless, the dignitaries of various countries were very dissatisfied, but they still accepted it with gritted teeth.

After all, Tailed Beast Colosseum is just one place!

You are not willing to pay such a price, but there are many people who are willing to pay such a price!

If you go anywhere else, let alone the opportunity to get up close and personal with a tailed beast, you won’t even be able to see a single hair on the tailed beast!

However, although the dignitaries of various countries felt very dissatisfied and unwilling, the explanation given by Konoha made them even crazier!

See what Konoha said? Use the points earned from Shukaku to exchange for the opportunity to ride the Kyuubi!

What does this mean? !

It means that the Kyuubi will also appear in the Tailed Beast Colosseum, and they will also have the opportunity to get close to the Kyuubi, and even have the opportunity to ride the Kyuubi! ! !

This is Kyuubi! The scariest creature in the world! Located at the top of the nine tailed beasts!

The most common and terrifying legends about tailed beasts are those about the Nine Tails.

If we talk about other tailed beasts, some countries may be in remote places and we don’t know much about them.

Then the Kyuubi is a legend known to the whole world!

Regarding the legend of the Nine-Tails, some countries even have a special storage room to store records about the Nine-Tails.

Not only can they see this legendary creature, but they can even have the opportunity to take photos with it and have close contact? !

Although the conditions proposed by Konoha are very harsh, it is not completely hopeless!

If this achievement is achieved, it will be truly the highest enjoyment and glory!

As a result, the dignitaries from various countries went completely crazy. They ordered the people in their mansions to dig three feet into the ground, took out all the fine wine buried deep in the wine storage room, formed a huge convoy, and headed towards Konoha.

At this time, in the living room of Youyu's home.

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