People In Naruto World: Drinking Makes You Stronger

People in Naruto: Drinking makes you stronger Chapter 629

But it was impossible for him and Koharu, who had moved to bed, to return to Konoha.

Don't look at it, he and Xiaochun, who is sleeping in the dormitory, are now guests of the Daming Mansion of the Land of Fire.

That's because they still carry the title of Konoha's Senior Advisor!

And although they "escaped" to the capital of Fire Country, they still have considerable influence in Konoha.

But these are just for now.

As time goes by, their influence and direct lineage in Konoha, which they have been in the capital of the Land of Fire for a long time, will definitely be cleared away bit by bit.

By that time, they will really only have the title of Senior Advisor of Konoha, and all their foundation in Konoha will be lost!

And without the foundation of Konoha, the situation between him and Koharu, who was transferred to another dormitory, in the capital of the Country of Fire would be very embarrassing, even very dangerous!

Even if the Fire Country daimyo takes them in, the aides in the daimyo's mansion cannot tolerate their existence.

After all, the cake of power in the Fire Country is only so big. If he and Koharu take another bite, others will take less.

If he and Koharu, who is sleeping in the dormitory, really join the political situation of the Fire Country, they will take food from other people's mouths!

Are the aides in the Daming Mansion and the important ministers of the Fire Country willing to spit out what they have eaten?

Mito Menyan is sure that it is absolutely impossible!

Because even he could never spit out the power he had gained in Konoha.

He also dreamed of still holding the power until the last moment of his life.

What's more, these Daming Palace aides and important ministers of the Fire Country have already formed families.

By that time, the best outcome for him and Xiaochun would be to become a rich man with no rights.

Although the wealth accumulated by his family and the wealth acquired over the years are enough to ensure that he lives a luxurious and even luxurious life.

But can Mito Menyan give up?

Of course he is not willing to give in!

No matter how much wealth you have, how can you feel good about having great power?

Mito Monobu, who was used to being in great power and aloof, turned him into an ordinary rich man. That kind of life is simply unimaginable!

And Mito Gate Yan is almost certain that if they don't do something, such an ending is already doomed.

After all, as long as Qi Mu Youyu is still in Konoha, they will not dare to step into Konoha.

As for Qi Mu Youyu, he was still so young and already invincible in the ninja world, so there was no chance of any accident happening.

Even if they all die of old age, Qi Mu Youyu will still be in his prime.

How could Mito Menyan be reconciled to this?

"The only way we can return to Konoha is to let Qi Mu Youyu die! Only if he dies can we return to Konoha.

When Qi Mu Youyu dies and we return to Konoha, we will not only be able to regain power, but our power will be even further than before. "

Seeing Mito Kadoba's expression changing constantly, Koharu became more angry when he went to bed.

"Okay, Koharu, but can Danzo really develop the poison to deal with Yuu Saiki?"

Hearing this, Mito Kadoyan gritted his teeth and said, but at the same time he also asked the doubts in his heart.

"There is definitely no problem. Danzo's experimental system has already matured. No matter how strong Yuyu Saiki is, he is just a human being!

We don't need to kill him all at once. As long as we weaken him and secretly take away the black sword Qiushui from his hand, then Qi Mu Youyu won't have anything to worry about. "

Xiaochun said confidently before going to bed.

Up to now, the black sword Shusui in Saiki Yuu's hand has already surpassed the "White Fang Short Blade" once worn by Hatake Sakumo and the "Thunder God's Sword" worn by the second-generation Hokage Senju Tobirama, and has become the history of the ninja world. The first sword in the world!

Judging from the fact that Qiu Shui never leaves his body, many people in the ninja world have inferred that a large part of Qi Mu Yuu's power comes from this black sword with a mysterious origin.

However, because Qi Mu Youyu is too strong and possesses extremely terrifying sensory abilities, those who have a peep at Qiushui have no choice but to stop thinking about it.

But once Qi Mu Youyu was poisoned, even if he couldn't be killed directly, as long as he weakened, it would be a simple matter to steal the black sword Qiu Shui.

And Qi Mu Youyu, who has lost his black sword and Qiu Shui, is no different from a tiger who has lost his claws and teeth. !

When she went to bed, Xiaochun talked about her plan eloquently, her eyes were bright and excited, as if she had seen Youyu die in front of her.

And Mito Menyan also feels that this matter has great potential.

To take a step back, even if this thing fails, there will be no loss for them.

What was lost was just some money invested in research.


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Just when Koharu and Mito Kaden were talking, the door of the house was suddenly knocked open, and then a burst of rapid footsteps came, making Koharu and Mito's expressions change.

"Surround this place, no one can escape!"

I saw countless torches and armored warriors, surrounding the courtyard.

The chilling atmosphere caused Koharu and Mito Kadoba's expressions to change drastically.

"What happened?! Who are you? We are the senior advisors of the Fire Nation! How dare you act so arrogantly here!"

Xiaochun screamed angrily when he went to bed.


"Senior Advisor? What a pity. This title will no longer belong to you in the future."

At this time, several middle-aged men, dressed obviously differently from others, descended from the sky and said sarcastically.

"You, you are...?!"

Seeing these people, the faces of Koharu and Mito Kadoyan who went to bed were as pale as paper, sweat flowed down their cheeks, and their eyes were filled with fear.

"Guard, guard the 650 Ninja Twelve!"

Mito Kadoyan's face turned pale as he looked at the waists with the word "fire" on the waists of several people.

Protect the Twelve Ninja Warriors! They are the twelve elite ninjas who protect the Daimyo of the Land of Fire.

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