People In Naruto World: Drinking Makes You Stronger

People in Naruto: Drinking makes you stronger Chapter 938

Kai's eyes became extremely determined.

Now, it is time for him, Metkai, like his father, to give his heart to Master Youyu! ! !

"Are you kidding? Uchiha Madara's expression became extremely gloomy, staring at Kai and both of them.

Qi Mu Youyu is so charming? Let these people be willing to die for them?

Just to satisfy his pleasure in watching the theater, he was able to open the door of death of the Eight Gate Dunjia without hesitation, regardless of life and death. No one in the Yu Zhiye clan was willing to follow him.

This reminded Uchiha Madara of the time when he left Konoha, and at this time, the Uchiha clan and Se Sue were completely loyal to Saiki Yuji.

, rule everything, wipe out everything - Lang Ming, Qi Mu Youyu followed the same path as him, Yi Lilan, but why, in the final result, things were completely out of control? !

-I'm going to beat every bone in your body to shame! "The furious Yujin Haban picked up the Tao-seeking jade scepter in his hand and let out a roar. Kai's figure turned into a blood-red afterimage, like an ancient giant beast, carrying a monstrous air wave and heading towards Uchiha Madara sped away.

"Spoon Rabbit-Ji!

, punched her fiercely.

Kai roared angrily, "S-Dear!!"

, completely filled the air with anger, turned into a terrifying air cannon, and violently fucked Madara Uchiha's fist with terrifying pressure? 1000 moves?

The fierce air made Uchiha Madara's face full of disbelief. He was unable to move amid this violent air bomb.

-Hook Xiang-2! ! !

"Strong; strong;

Kai still wanted to pursue the victory, but the terrifying load of Yuxiang's second speed caused Kai's bones to begin to break. Kai fell from the air with a look of pain on his face, "Ha!!!" Uchiha Madara saw Kai falling, dodged, and rushed forward. High in the sky. . "The eight gates are so strong.

Madara Uchiha wiped the scars on his face, with anger in his eyes. It hurt more than I imagined.

"It turns out that this is how Kai gasped, with a look of pain in his eyes. The Eight Gates of Dunjia are originally forbidden techniques that put a heavy load on the body, and the last one, after being opened, is said to have power beyond that of Hokage, but After using it, the burden of death's door to the body is even more terrible. But Kai did not expect that just using Xixiang's second speed would be such a terrible burden to the body. "However, This is nothing compared to my determination to fight for Lord Youyu! close! ! !

Kai let out a roar, and the chakra acupuncture point at his heart suddenly welded.

, wrapping it up, the air began to be filled with a strong smell of blood.

There are too many things to do and the color is steamy.

"This time, I will never give you another chance!

"Like! Bang! Bang!"

Kai dodged and rushed towards Lao Zhi Yu Pin Kai in the sky. He actually stepped on sonic booms in the air and turned into an afterimage, facing Uchi Ye Madara and galloping away, "Gouyu- Lock!!!

A faster and more terrifying punch was thrown out than before.

The terrifying fist pressure once again enveloped Madara Uchiha's body

Even if Madara Uchiha had put up the protection of the seeking jade in advance, it would have no effect. Kai's speed was too fast. "Yi Xiangcha!"


"damn it!

Uchiha Madara, who was constantly being beaten, was completely angry, controlled the Qiu Daodama, and galloped towards Kai.

"Kai! Just rush over!

Kakashi looked at this scene and said loudly after getting Yuyu's permission.

Kai's figure, without the slightest hesitation, rushed towards Uchiha Madara, "Kamui!!!" Kakashi's Sharingan shrank suddenly, and a line of blood and tears slowly flowed down. Zhao Qu’s space was swallowed up violently.


Under Madara Uchiha's unbelievable gaze, Kai punched him hard on the face.

"Todoroki!!!!" Uchiha Madara's body turned into an afterimage, and a deep ditch was drawn on the ground. Kai squatted on the ground, his body full of pain. There was a harsh cracking sound from the bones, which made Kai feel extremely painful.

"Is it over?" Kai looked into the distance and thought to himself.

There was a loud noise, and some wolves and foxes, Uchiha Madara, who was covered in dust, rose into the sky, "Sleep-Kanmon, is this not just pregnant?"

Can you still dance? Can it make me more happy? "Uchiha Madara looked at Kai with a face full of pain, opened his arms, and said with a somewhat painful smile, "That's right, great.

, but Uchiha Madara, whose breath was not weak at all, breathed a long sigh of relief. Although Kai Kanruo was a wolf fox, "Nani?" The door to death is opened with a sudden frown. Are you stupid?

"In this case, I can completely dedicate my heart to Mr. Youzi.

"Eight Gate Dunjia Formation - Open!!!

It was so terrifying that the red steam was thrown, the body was completely intact, and bloody grooves appeared on the body.

That deep fish is Kai's fresh fish, burning! ! !

"One after another, Qi Mu Youyu, Uchiha Madara, at this time, no longer knew whether it was anger or jealousy, staring at Kai. "Then, I will completely destroy your loyalty and your flesh and blood. ! "Character

Chapter 494 Ye Kai! The bloody color of Zongfang!

"!! 1 Kai let out a roar, and the acupuncture point in his heart contracted suddenly. "Gupai-guha-" Endless bloody steam roared out from the pores of Kai's body, wrapping Kai's whole body.

"Judging from the acupuncture points, this blow should be the final attack.

Uchiha Madara's samsara eyes suddenly focused, looking at the chakra at the acupuncture point in Kai's heart, he said secretly.


Kai screamed angrily, placed his hands on both sides of his body, and his forehead was full of muscles - covered! !


The blood-colored steam surrounding Kai seemed to have substance, condensed into a roar that could lift its head to the sky, and let out a deafening roar.

This is the sound of blood boiling all over Kai's body!

Okay, what a terrible chakra, is this the door to death?

Minato looked at the bloody Nohsou and said in disbelief.

Although the Eight Gates Xunjia is a forbidden art in Konoha, it is because the burden on the body is extremely terrible and the physical art has always been at a disadvantage compared to illusion and ninjutsu.

Not many people value this physical skill.

Moreover, if you want to use the Eight Gate Dunjia, you need to carry out extremely rigorous training, which can even be called self-harm.

This condition alone has kept countless people at arm's length. The only person who can connect the eight gates of armor to seven or more, except for the deceased Matt, is Kai, who has a backup, and is known as the "Hokage". The extremely powerful Death Gate is even more of a legend.

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